
A decarbonization assessment of Canada’s electricity generation sector.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

An integrated assessment framework for the decarbonization of the electricity generation sector

Amit Kumar, Ankit Gupta, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Are Jet Fuel and Diesel Prices Vulnerable to Crude Oil Markets? Implications for Emerging Energy Sources

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Are Jet Fuel and Diesel Prices Vulnerable to Crude Oil Markets? Implications for Emerging Energy Sources

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessing the cost competitiveness of electrolytic hydrogen production from small modular nuclear power plants.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of greenhouse gas mitigation options for the iron, gold, and potash mining sectors

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Bioenergy Feedstock Supply from Wheat Straw: A Farm Level Model with Multiple Markets, Disease Risks and Soil Trade-offs

Grant K Hauer, Curtis John McKnight

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bitumen Froth Cleaning and Upgrading using Hydrothermal Treatment Plus Hot Filtration

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Qiang Chen, Shahrad Booran

Article in professional or trade journals

Canada needs an energy transition policy--for the environment and good jobs

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Clean and Renewable Energy - Taking a Systems Approach to Geothermal Energy

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Communities and Collections Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of / Theses and Dissertations Usage 155 views 178 downloads Isolation and Characterization of Lytic and Lysogenic Phages for Methanotrophic Bacterial Systems

Miranda Darlene Stahn

Master Thesis

Design Optimization of Slotted Liner Completions in Cased and Perforated Wells: A Numerical Skin Model

Alireza Nouri, Arian Velayati

Conference Proceedings

Determining project contingency reserve using a fuzzy arithmetic-based risk analysis method

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Seyed Hamed Fateminia

Conference Proceedings

Environmentally friendly polymer detection – green fluorescence for green planet!

Marina Lazic

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Evaluation of the Scaling Resistance of Different Coating and Material for Thermal Operations

Arian Velayati

Conference Proceedings

Facility siting for a forest residue-based biorefinery considering annual variability in commercial timber harvests in Alberta, Canada

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson, Irene Onyango, Glen Armstrong

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Future Grid-Scale Energy Storage Solutions: Power to X

Mahdi Shahbakhti

Book Chapter

iDoc: Documenting Designs for the Future [Workshop]

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Inter- professional relations and categorization in accounting regulation: The case of Modernizing Oil and Gas Reserve Reporting

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investigating the mechanics of agricultural residue biomass-water mixtures flows while hydro-transporting in vertical pipes

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Invited Lecturer for University of Alberta’s Civil Engineering (CIVE) 221: Environmental Engineering Fundamentals (Winter Term)

Other Event

Invited speaker for the University of Alberta SKIPP (Situated Knowledges: Indigenous Peoples and Place) Community Voices Colloquium Series

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Just Powers: Climate Change and Social Justice.

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Just Powers: Energy. Feminism. Decolonized Futures.

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle analysis of bitumen transportation to refineries by rail and pipeline

Amit Kumar, Hao Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Maintaining Oil and Gas Reserves Accounting: The Limits of Commensuration

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article


Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer, Wanjing (Amy) Xu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Novel Laboratory Methodology for Fines Migration Testing for SAGD Wells

Alireza Nouri, Mahmood Salimi, Rahman Miri

Other Event

Our journey with creative sentencing.

Conference Proceedings

Price Relationships for Ethanol Production in Canada

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Curtis John McKnight

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Role of AI in Humanities and Ethics

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Safety Moment

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sequentially Electrodeposited MnOX/Co-Fe as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Ming Xiong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Symposium for Combustion Control (SCC) 2018

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Systematic Review of Electric Vehicles, Resilience, and Evacuations

Stephen David Wong, Mohammad Hossein Babaei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The long-term relationship between microbial metabolism and greenhouse gases

Lisa Stein

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Messenger Matters — Finding The Right Advocate To Tell The Energy Sector’s Story

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Transient Modeling of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell using an Efficient Deep Learning HY-CNN-NARX Paradigm

Charles Robert Koch, Amir Hanifi, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Mohamadali Tofigh, Zeynab Salehi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Visualizing Nature in Art, Design, and Visual Culture in the Long 19th Century

Other Event

Water-use implications of low-carbon pathways in the oil sands.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Thomas Edward Lamont Patrick

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Wheat Straw Supply for Ethanol Production in Canada

Marty K Luckert, Jay Anthony Anderson, Grant K Hauer, Curtis John McKnight

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Why are Power Prices so Darn High?

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown, Blake Shaffer

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

"(Non-)Reciprocities: Relations of and Against Extraction"

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

"A Vibrant National Preoccupation": Embracing an Energy Conservation Ethic in the 1970s

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article


Mark Simpson

Book Chapter

"Ambivalence and Intensity: The Energy Cultures and Media Materialities of NationBuilder"

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

"Carbon Democracy at ten: an interview with Timothy Mitchell"

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

"Critical Energy Studies: Experiments in Environmental Humanities.”

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

"Digital storytelling going viral: Using empathy education to promote environmental action"

Derek Gladwin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

"Energy Impasse"

Mark Simpson

Book Chapter

"Foreword: On Living with and without Fire"

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

"From Dirty Oil to Ethical Oil: Petroturfing and the Cultural Politics of Canadian Oil after Social Media"

Jordan Kinder

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

"Gaming Extractivism: Indigenous Resurgence, Unjust Infrastructures, and the Politics of Play in Elizabeth LaPensée’s 'Thunderbird Strike'"

Jordan Kinder

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

"How can formal education support global youth climate mobilization through a focus on energy futures?"

Lynette Shultz

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

"Imperfect competition in electricity markets with renewable generation: The role of renewable compensation policies

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

"Investigating the solubility of isoprenoids in switchable solvents "

Tendai Julia Nyakabau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Mark Simpson

Book Chapter

"More Liquid than Liquid: Solid-Phase Bitumen and Its Forms "

Darin Barney

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

"O>C>G>: Oil, Coronavirus and the Promise of Green Futures"

Imre Szeman

Article in professional or trade journals

"Petrodocumentary in the 1940s: The Standard Oil Photography Project, Louisiana Story (1948), and the Domestication of the US Oil Industry"

Book Chapter

"Pumpjacks, Playgrounds and Cheap Lives"

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

"Researchers work with high school students from 18 countries to address energy futures."

Lynette Shultz


"Salvage Relations"

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

"Solar Infrastructure as Media of Resistance, or, Indigenous Solarities against Settler Colonialism"

Jordan Kinder

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

"The Damaging Impact of Unsustainable Expectations"

Article in professional or trade journals

"The Humanities in Canada: A Complex Ecosystem"

Imre Szeman

Research Report

"The Power of a Global Classroom"

Lynette Shultz

Government Publication

"The Tangled Roots of Forest, Family, and Farm"

Eva-Lynn Jagoe

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

"Transforming the Climate Crisis in Global Classrooms: Toxic Futures, Historical Consciousness, and Energy Literacy.”

Derek Gladwin, Lynette Shultz

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

"We could power a new green movement by talking about energy change"

Derek Gladwin

Article in popular media

"What is your energy story?"

Derek Gladwin


"Why climate change education needs more empathy"

Derek Gladwin

Misc: Blog Post

(Co,Fe)3O4 Decorated Nitrogen‐Doped Carbon Nanotubes in Nano‐Composite Gas Diffusion Layers as Highly Stable Bifunctional Catalysts for Rechargeable Zinc‐Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Michael Clark, Drew Aasen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

(Em)powering our Communities: How municipal renewable energy projects could play a role in decarbonising our energy sector

Misc: Video feature

(Joint) Society of Labor Economists and European Association of Labor Economists, Berlin, Germany, 2020-06-26

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

(Re)framing Big Data: ethics of care in social media research

MaryElizabeth Luka

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

(Re)framing Big Data—S2E1

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


. Techno-economic assessment of wet and dry torrefaction of biomass feedstock

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

13th IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2022)

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

2018 Electricity Symposium: The Future of Alberta's Electricity System

Andrew Leach, Tim Weis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

2019 Electricity Symposium: The Future of Alberta's Electricity System

Andrew Leach, Tim Weis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

2022 IEEE PES General Meeting (GM)

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

2022-2023 Progress report for "Uncertainty quantification and optimization for the scale-up of geological carbon storage"

Bo Zhang, Walid Ben Saleh

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

2024 Canadian Hydrogen Convention

Amir Hanifi, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Imre Szeman

Other Event

2D C-N Semiconductors: Graphitic, Earth-Abundant Photocatalysts with Tunable Bandgaps

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Guy Bernard

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

2nd Generation Bioethanol: A Renewable Fuel for Cars

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau, Yueh-Hao Hung

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

3-D and 5-D reconstruction of P receiver functions via singular spectrum analysis

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Mauricio Sacchi, Gonzalo Rubio

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

3-month research stay

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

30th Anniversary of Chemistry of Materials - from 1989 to 2019

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

3D and 5D Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA) and the reconstruction of P receiver functions

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Mauricio Sacchi, Gonzalo Rubio

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

3D Electrical Resistivity of the Crust and Upper Mantle of the Southern Canadian Cordillera from Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data: Linking Geothermal Potential to Regional Scale Crustal Structure

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

3D FWI on a land dataset in the presence of complex topography variations

Mauricio Sacchi, Amsalu Anagaw

Article in professional or trade journals

3D Hierarchical Carbon-Rich Micro-/Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Catalysis

Xiaolei Wang, Wenjing Deng, Zhixiao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

3D Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical Geocellular Modeling and Evaluation of CO2 Plume Geothermal in Southern Saskatchewan

Bo Zhang, Arqam Muqtadir

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

42nd New Zealand Geothermal Workshop

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

5-Level PWM Scheme for a Dual Inverter Drive Using an Open Winding Machine

John Salmon, Greg Kish, Chatumal Perera

Conference Proceedings

6th Nepalese Scholars’ Symposium

Hem Sharma

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A 3-D Magnetotelluric Study of the Slave Craton Lithosphere, NW Canada

Master Thesis

A 3rd Harmonic Power Based Open Conductor Detection Scheme

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Battery-Less Non-Hybrid Six-Port RFID-Based Wireless Sensor Architecture for IoT Applications

Rashid Mirzavand, Ashwin K. Iyer

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Battery-Less RFID Sensor Architecture with Distance Ambiguity Resolution for Smart Home IoT Applications

Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Saghlatoon, Ashwin K. Iyer

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Battery-Less Six-Port RFID-Based Wireless Sensor Architecture for IoT Applications

Rashid Mirzavand, Ashwin K. Iyer

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Behavioural Approach To Success Indicators

Shandra Pandey

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Biorefinery Strategy for Co-producing Fermentable Sugars and Cellulose Nanocrystals from Wood Pulp. Alberta Innovates, Pursuing Added Value for Alberta Biomass

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Carrier-Based Modulation Strategy for Modular Isolated Matrix Rectifiers

Hao Tian, Yuzhuo Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Centralized CB-MPC to Suppress Low-Frequency ZSCC in Modular Parallel Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Changpeng Jiang, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Circular Economy Opportunity for Kraft Pulp Mills: Identification and Quantification of High-Value Sulfur Compounds in Methanol Recovered from Stripper Off Gas

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Co-simulation Platform for Evaluating Cyber Security and Control Applications in the Smart Grid

Omid Ardakanian, Evandro de Souza

Conference Proceedings

A Combined Experimental and DFT Investigation of Selective Hydrodeoxygenation of Guaiacol over Bimetallic Carbides

Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A comparative analysis of hydrogen production from the thermochemical conversion of algal biomass

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A comparative assessment of fast pyrolysis, hydrothermal liquefaction, and intermediate pyrolysis to produce value-added products from municipal solid waste

Wasel-ur Rahman

Master Thesis

A comparative study of reinforcement learning algorithms for distribution network reconfiguration with deep Q-learning-based action sampling

Petr Musilek, Nazli Kazemi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A comparative study on evaluation of carbonaceous and metallic cathode electrodes for electro-methanogenesis

Bipro Dhar

Conference Proceedings

A comparative techno-economic analysis of algal thermochemical conversion technologies for diluent production

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A comparative techno-economic assessment of fast pyrolysis, hydrothermal liquefaction, and intermediate pyrolysis of municipal solid waste for liquid transportation fuels production

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Wasel-ur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A comprehensive assessment of the integration of solvent and steam for the extraction of bitumen through the development of novel process models

Amit Kumar, Mustakimul Hoque

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Comprehensive Earthquake Catalogue for Southwestern Alberta, Canada, Between 2004 and 2015

Yu Jeffrey Gu

Government Publication

A Comprehensive Review of Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms

Petr Musilek, Bahareh Lashkari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A comprehensive review of the application of solar assisted ground source heat pump (SAGSHP) systems in Canada

Lexuan Zhong

Conference Proceedings

A concise review of experimental works on proppant transport and slurry flow

Alireza Nouri, Arian Velayati

Conference Proceedings

A consequential life cycle assessment of biofuel production on transportation sector

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A control oriented diesel engine NOx emission model for on board diagnostics and engine control with sensor feedback

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

A correlation-based model order reduction approach for a diesel engine NOx and brake mean effective pressure dynamic model using machine learning

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A coupled electrocatalytic system with reduced energy input for CO2 reduction and biomass valorization

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Shao-Qing Liu, Yicheng Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Coupled Virtual Impedance for Parallel AC/DC Converter Based Power Electronics System

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Critical Evaluation of Character Relations in Two Canadian Women’s Science Fiction Narrative

Ariel Kroon

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A critical review of conventional and emerging methods for improving process stability in thermophilic anaerobic digestion

Bipro Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Critical Review on the Detection, Occurrence, Fate, Toxicity, and Removal of Cannabinoids in the Water System and the Environment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Zuo Tong How

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A decarbonization assessment of Canada's electricity generation sector.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A deep bi-directional long short-term memory model for automatic rotating speed extraction from raw vibration signals

Ming J. Zuo, Meng Rao, Dongdong Wei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A dependence-based feature vector and its application on planetary gearbox fault classification

Ming J. Zuo, Xihui Liang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Design Methodology to Synthesize First Degree Single-Path Hybrid DC-DC Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Direct Actual-Power Control Scheme for Current-Fed Dual-Active-Bridge DC /DC Converter Based on Virtual Impedance Estimation

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A discounted stochastic multiplayer game approach for vehicle-to-grid voltage regulation

Hao Liang, Yuan Liu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A dopamine modified Li6.4La3Zr1.4Ta0.6O12/PEO solid-state electrolyte: enhanced thermal and electrochemical properties

Zhehui Jin, Wanying Pang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Dual MMC Chain-link Structure for Multi-frequency Power Transfer

Yuan Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Dual-Current-Fed Dual-Active-Bridge DC/DC Converter With High-Frequency Current-Ripple-Friendly Ports

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Dual-Inductor-Connected Isolated DC–DC Converter With Direct Current Control and Low Current Harmonics

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Dual-Input Single-Output DC -DC Converter Topology for Renewable Energy Applications

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Nie Hou

Conference Proceedings

A Dual-Input Single-Output DC-DC Converter Topology for Renewable Energy Applications

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Dynamic Economic Analysis Of Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) Treatment Alternatives In Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Grant K Hauer, Vic Adamowicz, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Dynamic Economic Analysis Of Oil Sands Process-Affected Water (OSPW) Treatment Alternatives In Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Grant K Hauer, Vic Adamowicz, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Zhanji Zhang, Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Dynamic Economic Analysis Of Oil Sands Process-Affected Water (OSPW) Treatment Alternatives In Alberta

Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Dynamic Economic Analysis Of Oil Sands Process-Affected Water (OSPW) Treatment Alternatives In Alberta

Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Dynamic Economic Analysis Of Oil Sands Process-Affected Water (OSPW) Treatment Alternatives In Alberta

Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Dynamic Economic Analysis Of Oil Sands Processed Water Treatment Alternatives In Alberta

Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Dynamic Economic Analysis Of Oils Sands Process-Affected Water (OSPW) Treatment Alternative In Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Grant K Hauer, Vic Adamowicz, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Dynamic Thermal rating of Transmission lines: A review

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A facies- and sequence stratigraphy-based reservoir model for a carbonate reef complex: South Swan Hills oil pool, Alberta

Nicholas B. Harris

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A facile surface chemistry approach to bifunctional excellence for perovskite electrocatalysis

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Fast Dynamic Response Control Method for the Hybrid SRC-PSFB Converter with Partial Power Processing Property

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

A fault diagnosis method for planetary gearboxes under non-stationary working conditions using improved Vold-Kalman filter and multi-scale sample entropy

Ming J. Zuo, Xihui Liang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Fault-tolerant Scheme for Switching Devices in Current-Fed Dual-Active-Bridge Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding, Nie Hou

Conference Proceedings

A Flow-Through Reactor Study To Investigate The Adsorption Capacity Of Different Materials when Exposed To Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Framework for Normalizing Physical Features of Li-ion Batteries to Form a Generic Health Estimation Model

Ali Khajehoddin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A framework to assess the sustainability of technologies under future energy system

Amit Kumar, Evan G R Davies, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Framework To Estimate The Treatment Cost Of The Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) In Alberta

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Grant K Hauer, Vic Adamowicz, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A framework to identify marginal electricity production technologies for consequential life cycle assessment: A case study of the electricity sector

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Game-Theoretic Approach for Charging Demand Management of Electric Vehicles During System Overload

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Gas Diffusion Layer Impregnated with Mn3O4 Decorated, Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes for High Performance Zinc-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Michael Clark, Drew Aasen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A General Constant Switching Frequency Model Predictive Control of Multilevel Converters with Quasi PSPWM/LSPWM Output

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A geomechanically-constrained dynamic fractal wormhole growth model for simulating cold heavy oil production with sand simulation

Juliana Y Leung, Haisheng Yu

Conference Proceedings

A GIS-based optimization model for multi-feedstock biomass supply chain for multi-product generation through integrated biorefineries.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A granular multicriteria group decision making for renewable energy planning problems

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Witold Pedrycz, Hanyu E, Ye Cui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Green Approach for Cohesive Recycling and Regeneration of Spent Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode Active Materials

Xiaolei Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A grey-box machine learning based model of an electrochemical gas sensor

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A High Voltage Gain ZVT Quasi-Z-Source Converter With Reduced Voltage Stress

Ali Khajehoddin, Morteza Esteki

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A High-frequency Compact Zero- Voltage-Transition GaN-based Single-phase Inverter

Ali Khajehoddin, Morteza Esteki

Conference Proceedings

A High-Performance Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite for Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis

Jingli Luo, Jing Xiao, Subiao Liu

Article in professional or trade journals

A High-Resolution Reflective Microwave Planar Sensor for Sensing of Vanadium Electrolyte, Sensors

Petr Musilek, Nazli Kazemi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A High-Voltage-Gain ZVS IPOS Bidirectional Converter

Ali Khajehoddin, Afshin Amoorezaei

Conference Proceedings

A Horizontal Zinc-air Battery with Physically Decoupled Oxygen Evolution/Reduction Reaction Electrodes

Douglas Ivey, Michael Clark, Ming Xiong, Matthew Labbe

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Janus facilitated transport membrane with asymmetric surface wettability and dense/porous structure: enabling high stability and separation efficiency

Qi Liu, Hongbo Zeng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Just Transition - How Community Energy Can Be a Part of Our Future Energy System

Andrea Kristine Miller

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A just transition: Case studies of Indigenous-owned renewable energy in Canada

Andrea Kristine Miller

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Laboratory Protocol to Investigate EOR by Surfactants During Pre-Loading of Parent Wells to Mitigate Fracture Hit

Hassan Dehghanpour, Amin Alinejad

Conference Proceedings

A Laboratory Workflow to Screen Microemulsion Additives for Hydrocarbon Recovery from Tight Resources

Hassan Dehghanpour

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Line in the Sand

Imre Szeman

Other Event

A Load-Current-Estimating Scheme With Delay Compensation for the Dual-Active-Bridge DC \textendashDC Converter

Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Long-Term Integrated Assessment of a Transition to a Low-Carbon Bitumen Extraction and Hydrogen Production and Utilization Pathways

Gustavo Moraes Coraca

Master Thesis

A look into Canada’s future electricity grid greenhouse gas emissions factors

Amit Kumar, Ankit Gupta, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Lossless Passive Snubber Circuit for Three-Port DC-DC Converter

Ali Khajehoddin, Morteza Esteki

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Low-Cost Cell-Level Differential Power Processing CMOS IC for Single Junction Photovoltaic Cells

Afshin Amoorezaei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Medium-Voltage DC Collector Grid for PV Plants Using Multi-string MPPT Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

A metal-organic framework with color-switching and strongly polarized emission

Al Meldrum, Hui Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A method for the fault diagnosis of power transformers based on support vector machine

Zhigang Tian, Hao Xu

Conference Proceedings

A Microbial Platform for the Bioconversion of Methane to Biofuels and Fuel Additives

Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Microwave Stripline Ring Resonator Sensor Exploiting the Thermal Coefficient of Dielectric Constant for High-Temperature Sensing

Brent Leier, Masoud Baghelani, Ashwin K. Iyer

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Mixed Ether Electrolyte for Lithium Metal Anode Protection in Working Lithium–Sulfur Batteries

Zhehui Jin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Model and Measurement Technique for Liquid Permeability of Tight Porous Media Based on the Steady-State Method

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mohammad Yousefi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Modular Battery Voltage Balancing System Using a Series Connected Topology

John Salmon, Ali Khajehoddin, Atrin Tavakoli

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Modular Design Approach to Provide Exhaustive Carrier-Based PWM Patterns for Multilevel ANPC Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian, Yuzhuo Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Modular Multilevel HVDC Buck–Boost Converter Derived From Its Switched-Mode Counterpart

Greg Kish, Sunny Kung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Molecular Dynamics Approach towards the Interfacial Properties of Sulfide- and Clay-Minerals

Monir Hosseini-Anvari

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Effect of Asphaltenes on Toluene/Water Interfacial Tension: Surfactant or Solute?

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Molecular Dynamics Study on the Wettability of Kaolinite Surfaces in Contact with a Water-Cyclohexane Mixture

Phillip YK Choi, Monir Hosseini-Anvari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Molecular Dynamics Study on the Wettability of Kaolinite Surfaces in Contact with a Water-Cyclohexane Mixture

Phillip YK Choi, Monir Hosseini-Anvari

Other Event

A multi-level “-omics” approach to the study of the growth regulation of methanotrophs

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Melissa Lynn Harrison, Phillip Keith Sun, Catherine Tays, Fabini Orata

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A multi-level “-omics” approach to the study of the growth regulation of methanotrophs. Future Energy Systems Research Symposium.

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Melissa Lynn Harrison, Phillip Keith Sun, Catherine Tays, Fabini Orata

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A multi-state k-out-of-n:F balanced system with a rebalancing mechanism.

Ming J. Zuo

Conference Proceedings

A Natural Transient-Behavior-Based Control Theory for DAB-Based Two-Stage DC–DC Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A New 5-Level Current Source Inverter with Inherent Balancing

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Xing Ling

Conference Proceedings

A new appraisal of lithospheric structures of the Cordillera-craton boundary region in western Canada

Yu Jeffrey Gu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A New Approach to Steady-State Modeling, Analysis and Design of Power Converters

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Daryaei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A New Architecture based on Temporal Convolution and Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous for Performance Prediction of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells under Dynamic Operation

Charles Robert Koch, Amir Hanifi, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Mohamadali Tofigh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A New Class of Modular Multilevel Converter for Direct AC-AC Conversion

Greg Kish, Yuan Li, Anjana Wijesekera

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A New Current Source Converter Using AC-type Flying-Capacitor Technique

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A New Modular SPWM Strategy for Parallel Isolated Matrix Rectifiers to Improve Current Quality

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li

Conference Proceedings

A New Power Converter for Current Source Converter-Based Wind Energy System

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Xing Ling

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A new semi-analytical solution addressing varying heat transfer rates for U-shaped vertical borehole heat exchangers in multilayered ground.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A New Space Vector Modulation Strategy to Enhance AC Current Quality of Isolated DC-AC Matrix Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A new strategy for rotating machinery fault diagnosis under varying speed conditions based on deep neural networks and order tracking

Ming J. Zuo, Meng Rao

Conference Proceedings

A new support vector machine based intelligent method for power transformer fault diagnosis

Zhigang Tian, Hao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A new support vector machine based method for power transformer fault diagnosis

Zhigang Tian, Hao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A new support vector machine based method for power transformer fault diagnosis

Zhigang Tian, Hao Xu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A new synthesis process for the mass production of core/shell magnetic beads with tunable and uniform sizes, high magnetic susceptibility, and excellent acid resistance

Qi Liu, Xuyang Liu, Kaipeng Wang


A Niobium Catalyst for Partial Upgrading

Natalia Semagina, Amir Rouhi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Novel Beat Frequency Modulated Single-Stage Soft-Switched Microinverter

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi

Conference Proceedings

A novel miniaturized asymmetric CPW split ring resonator with extended field distribution pattern for sensing applications

Navid Hosseini

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Novel Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Energy Management of a PV Integrated Energy Hub

Yasser Mohamed, Amirhossein Dolatabadi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A novel neural network-based fuzzy ranking method of decision-making in renewable energy

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Simaan AbouRizk, Witold Pedrycz, Hanyu E, Ye Cui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A novel node selection algorithm for collaborative beamforming in wireless sensor networks

Hao Liang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A novel particle-tracking based proxy for capturing SAGD production features under reservoir heterogeneity

Juliana Y Leung

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Novel Seven-Level Hybrid-Clamped (HC) Topology for Medium Voltage Motor Drives

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian, Yuzhuo Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A novel technology-explicit framework for predicting the efficiency of industrial device retrofits in stock turnover models for the pulp and paper sector

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Novel Viscoelastic Model for Predicting the Viscoelastic Behavior of Synthetic Polymers using Direct Extensional Rheological Measurements

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A numerical method for wind farm condition-based maintenance policy assessment

Zhigang Tian, Fang Fang Ding, Han Zhang

Conference Proceedings

A numerical study of bio-inspired wingtip modifications of modern wind turbines

Brian Fleck, Khashayar RahnamayBahambary

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A numerical study on compositional modeling of two-phase fluid flow and heat transfer in vertical wells.

David S. Nobes, Sara Eghbali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Numerical Study on the Impact of Cathode Catalyst Layer Loading on the Open Circuit Voltage in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell

Marc Secanell, Michael Moore

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Numerical Study on the Impact of Low Electronic Conductivity on PEMWE Electrolyser Performance

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal, Michael Moore

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A One-Step Electropolymerization of a Dicyanobenzene-Carbazole-Imidazole Dye for Photoelectrodes, Heterogeneous Photocatalysts, and Sensing Applications

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Jinkun Liu, Loorthuraja Rasu, Dominic Lavergne, Elizabeth Murphy

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A parametric study through the modeling of hydrothermal gasification for hydrogen production from algal biomass

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Partial Power Processing MMC Topology for Direct AC/AC Power Conversion

Yuan Li, Anjana Wijesekera

Conference Proceedings

A Partial Power Processing Structure Embedding Renewable Energy Source and Energy Storage Element for Islanded DC Microgrid

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Li Ding, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Partial-Power-Processed CLLC-Dab DC/DC Transformer with Voltage Self-Balancing Capability for Bipolar LVDC Distribution Systems

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

A Pattern-Oriented Approach to Safety Climate: An Empirical Example.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A People’s Green New Deal

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

A Phase-Noise Reduced Microwave Oscillator Sensor With Enhanced Limit of Detection Using Active Filter

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A planar microwave resonator with odd resonance for calibration in permanent moisture sensing applications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Power Decoupling Technique for High Power-Density Single-Phase Inverters

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi

Conference Proceedings

A Power Sharing Control Scheme with Fast-Dynamic Response for Input-Series Output-Parallel DAB dc-dc Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Li Ding, Nie Hou

Conference Proceedings

A Practical Workflow to Design Inflow Control Devices in Sagd Projects to Increase Production and Lower Fresh Water Usage

Juliana Y Leung, Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Izadi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A PWM Current-Source Converter-Based Wind Energy Conversion System

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Xing Ling

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A quantification and analysis of historical sectoral and regional water withdrawals in Canada

Evan G R Davies, Osama Younis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Rational Design of Cu2O-SnO2 Core-Shell Catalyst for Highly Selective CO2-to-CO Conversion

Karthik Shankar, Jingli Luo, Steven Bergens, Meng Li, Sheng (Shawn) Nian Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A real-time probabilistic risk assessment method for petrochemical industries based on data monitoring

Zhigang Tian, Rui He

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Reduced Methane Pyrolysis Mechanism for Above-Atmospheric Pressure Conditions

Jason Scott Olfert, Marc Secanell, Larry William Kostiuk, Ambuj Punia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Regional Resistivity Model of the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera from 3-D Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A reservoir model for geothermal energy production from the Middle Devonian Slave Point Formation

Nicholas B. Harris

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A review and analysis of the models used to assess the market penetration of energy technologies with a focus on quantity-based models

Amit Kumar, Saeidreza Radpour

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A review of Canadian wood conversion technologies for the production of fuels and chemicals

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Omex Mohan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Review of Fines Migration around Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Wellbores

Alireza Nouri, Rahman Miri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A review of how life cycle assessment has been used to assess the environmental impacts of hydropower energy

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Review of Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Biomass for Biofuels Production with a Special Focus on the Effect of Process Parameters, Co-Solvents, and Extraction Solvents

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Deepak Pudasainee, Ankit Mathanker, Snehlata Das

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A review of the process model and parametric study for the hydrothermal gasification of algal biomass

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A review of the value-added chemicals and materials from bio-based lignin feedstocks.

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Book Chapter

A Review on Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction using Perovskite Oxide Nanomaterials

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Reward Mechanism for Reliability-as-a-Service Usage of Electric Vehicles

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

A rising tide raises all boats: Regional promotion of process safety through joint government/industry management

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A ROOT approach for stochastic energy management in electric bus transit center with PV and ESS

Hao Liang, Yuan Liu

Conference Proceedings

A sand arch constrained dynamic fractal wormhole growth model for simulating cold heavy oil production with sand simulation

Juliana Y Leung, Haisheng Yu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A scalable blockchain-based smart contract model for decentralized voltage stability using sharding technique

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Liang, Scott Dick, James Miller

Conference Proceedings

A semi-supervised GAN method for RUL prediction using failure and suspension histories

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Rui He

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Simple DC-Offset Eliminating Method of the Series-Inductance Current for the DAB DC-DC converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Simple Imidazole Derivative of 1,2,3,5-tetrakis(carbazol-9-yl)-4,6-dicyanobenzene Absorbed on Silica Gel for Photosynthetic Isomerizations of Olefins in Batch and Flow

Steven Bergens, Loorthuraja Rasu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Single-phase Enhanced Grid-forming Controller with Converter Current Limiting

Ali Khajehoddin

Conference Proceedings

A Single-Wire Microwave Sensor for Selective Water and Clay in Bitumen Analysis at High Temperatures

Masoud Baghelani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Sketch of the Anthropocene Concept as Developed and Deployed within Scientific Disciplines

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Soft-Switched Current-Fed Dual-Input Isolated DC–DC Converter Topology

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A spatiotemporal analysis of forestry residues for west-central Alberta

Jay Anthony Anderson, Glen Armstrong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A speed normalized autoencoder for rotating machinery fault detection under varying speed conditions

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Meng Rao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A statistical upscaling workflow for warm solvent injection processes for heterogeneous heavy oil reservoirs

Juliana Y Leung, Elena Andriianova

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Step Towards Sustainable Ecosystems: From Active To Engineered Passive Treatment/Reclamation Approaches For Municipal And Industrial Wastewater

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A stochastic game approach for PEV charging station operation in smart grid

Hao Liang, Yuan Liu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A strategy assessment to decarbonize road transport in Alberta

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Study of Alkaline Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Thuy (Wendy) Nguyen Thanh Tran, Hyun-Joong Chung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Study of the Utility of a Machine-Learning Approach Applied to the Prediction of Site Occupancy and New Members of the Half-Heusler Family

Master Thesis

A Sulfided Homogeneous Iron Precatalyst for Partial Hydrogenation and Hydrodesulfurization of Polycyclic Aromatic Model Asphaltenes

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, William McCaffrey, Benjamin Antwi Peprah, Orain Alberga Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Support Vector Regression based Model Predictive Control for Volt-Var Optimization

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Support Vector Regression based Model Predictive Control for Volt-Var Optimization of Distribution Systems

Article in professional or trade journals

A survey of how practitioners implement sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in life cycle assessments

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Survey on Battery-Less RFID-Based Wireless Sensors

Rashid Mirzavand, Ashwin K. Iyer

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A survey on electric buses - energy storage, power management, and charging scheduling

Hao Liang, Yuan Liu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Tale of Seemingly “Identical” Silicon Quantum Dot Families: Structural Insight into Silicon Quantum Dot Photoluminescence

Jonathan GC Veinot, Anton Oliynyk, Al Meldrum, Haoyang Yu, Alyx Thiessen, Kevin O'Connor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Techno-Economic and Life-cycle Assessment of the Production of Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

A techno-economic assessment of renewable diesel and gasoline production from aspen hardwood

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A techno-economic comparison of centralized and distributed mobile pyrolysis systems for the production of bio-oil from hardwood

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A Theoretical Explanation for Wettability Alteration by Adding Nanoparticles in Oil-Water-Tight Rock Systems

Hassan Dehghanpour, Lin Yuan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Theoretical Framework for Data-driven Artificial Intelligence Decision Making for Enhancing the Asset Integrity Management System in the Oil & Gas Sector

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A three-layer stochastic energy management approach for electric bus transit centers with PV and energy storage systems

Hao Liang, Yuan Liu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Three-Port Zero-Power RFID Sensor Architecture for IoT Applications

Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Saghlatoon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Three-Port Zero-Power RFID Wireless Sensor for IoT Applications

Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Saghlatoon

Conference Proceedings

A transferable neural network method for remaining useful life prediction

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Rui He

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A transformerless DC-DC MMC based on symmetrically interlinked subconverters

Greg Kish

Conference Proceedings

A Tri–Electrode Configuration for Zinc–Air Batteries Using Gel Polymer Electrolytes

Douglas Ivey, Thuy (Wendy) Nguyen Thanh Tran, Michael Clark, Ming Xiong, Hyun-Joong Chung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Tunable Power Sharing Control Scheme for the Output-Series DAB DC–DC System With Independent or Common Input Terminals

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Two-Stage Four-Switch Buck-Boost Integrated Dual-Active-Bridge Converter with Wide Range Soft-Switching and Minimized Backflow Power

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

A Unified Control for the DC-AC Interlinking Converters in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A unified modular multilevel DC/DC converter structure with flexible AC power transfer controls

Greg Kish, Sunny Kung

Conference Proceedings

A Variable-Potential Amperometric Hydrocarbon Sensor

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Virtual SVPWM based Power Control Scheme for Multi-Port DC-AC Converters in PV-Battery Hybrid Systems

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Conference Proceedings

A Voltage Feedback Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Interface Circuits

Ali Khajehoddin, Afshin Amoorezaei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Wheat Straw Feedstock Supply Response Model for Ethanol Production in Canada

Grant K Hauer, Curtis John McKnight

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A Wind Farm Control Strategy Based on Energy Yield

Article in professional or trade journals

A Wind Farm Control Strategy Considering Reliability and Energy Yield

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Millawithanachchige Nayanasiri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A world tour of geothermal resources: Lessons learned as a Hugh C. Morris Fellow

Other Event

A Zero-Sequence Component Injection PWM Scheme for Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Rectifiers With Unbalanced DC-Link Voltages

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Bowei Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A-site deficient perovskite with nano-socketed Ni-Fe alloy particles as highly active and durable catalyst for high-temperature CO 2 electrolysis

Zhehui Jin, Wanying Pang, Meng Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

AAC 2019

Charles Robert Koch

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

ABAQUS Analysis of Polygonal Hub Extension

Carmen Pomp

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

ABBY-Net Summer School

Misc: Summer School

ABBY-Net Summer School: Natural Resource Management and Energy Systems Under Changing Environmental Conditions

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

AC and DC Microgrid Control

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Book Chapter

Accelerated discovery of perovskites and prediction of band gaps using machine-learning methods

Arthur Mar, Alex Gzyl, Anton Oliynyk, Jonathan Trach

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Accelerated Formation of H2 Nanobubbles from a Surface Nanodroplet Reaction

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Accelerated Ripening in Chemically Fueled Emulsions

Juli Gibbs

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Accelerating photoelectric CO2 conversion with a photothermal wavelength-dependent plasmonic local field

Jingli Luo, Chenyu Xu, Mengnan Zhu, Pengfei Sui

Article in professional or trade journals

Accelerating the Discovery of Materials with Machine Learning: Potential Roadblocks and How to Overcome Them

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Accelerating the Discovery of Materials with Machine Learning: Potential Roadblocks and How to Overcome Them

Arthur Mar, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Accelerating the Discovery of Materials: Machine-Learning Approach

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Other Event

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials with Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials: From Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials: From Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Other Event

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials: From Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Other Event

Accelerating the discovery of solid state materials: From traditional to machine- learning approaches

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials: From Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Other Event

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials: From Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials: From Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials: From Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials: From Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials: From Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Accelerating the Discovery of Solid State Materials: From Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Accessible Pedagogies for the “End Times”: Work, Energy, Sustainability

Jessie Beier

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Accumulated Violence, or, the Wars of Exploitation: Notes toward a post- Western Marxism

Sourayan Mookerjea

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in Canada by 2050 what does it mean?

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Luke Sperry

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in Canada by 2050 – what does it mean?

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Luke Sperry

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Acoustic responses of underwater superhydrophobic surfaces subjected to an intense pulse

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Activating Carbon and Oxygen Bonds for Low-Temperature Thermal Decomposition of Spent Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials

Daniel Scott Alessi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Activating p-Blocking Centers in Perovskite for Efficient Water Splitting

Jingli Luo, Zhehui Jin, Wanying Pang, Meng Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Active control of vortex shedding from a blunt trailing edge using oscillating piezoelectric flaps

Charles Robert Koch, Sina Ghaemi, Bradley Gibeau

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Active Damping of VSC-MTDC Grid Equipped with Interline Power Flow Controller

Yasser Mohamed, Hassanien Mohamed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Active Learning for Optimum Experimental Design - Insight into Perovskite Oxides

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Active Power Enhancement Control Strategy of Grid-Forming Inverters Under Asymmetrical Grid Faults

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Active Power Oscillation Cancellation with Peak Current Sharing in Parallel Interfacing Converters under Unbalanced Voltage

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Active, Simple Iridium--Copper Hydrous Oxide Electrocatalysts for Water Oxidation

Steven Bergens, Chao Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Active, Stable, and Abundant Photocatalytic Materials for Hydrogen Fuels: Solar Fuels by Tandem Photocatalysis

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Chao Wang, Mona Amiri, Riley Endean

Other Event

Active, Stable, and Abundant Photocatalytic Materials for Hydrogen Fuels: Solar fuels by tandem photocatalysis

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Chao Wang, Mona Amiri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Actively Looking for a Passive Approach

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Adaptation of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 to growth at low pH

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Marina Lazic, Shelen Ponchielli Thomaz

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Adaptation of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 to growth at low pH

Shelen Ponchielli Thomaz

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Adaptation of Methylomicrobium album BG8 to growth at low pH

Kieran McDonald

Master Thesis

Adapted feeding strategies in fed-batch fermentation improve sugar delivery and ethanol productivity

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau, Yueh-Hao Hung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Adaptive Congestion Control for Electric Vehicle Charging in the Smart Grid

Omid Ardakanian, Moosa Moghimi Haji, Abdullah Al Zishan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Adaptive Control of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging with Reinforcement Learning

Omid Ardakanian, Moosa Moghimi Haji, Abdullah Al Zishan

Conference Proceedings

Adaptive Evolution of Methylomicrobium album BG8 on a low pH medium

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Kieran McDonald

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Adaptive Mode Decomposition Methods and Their Applications in Signal Analysis for Machinery Fault Diagnosis: A Review with Examples

Ming J. Zuo, Dong Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Additive manufacturing ferromagnetic polymers using stereolithography – Materials and process development

Pierre Mertiny, Aman Ullah, Balakrishnan Nagarajan, Muhammad Arshad, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Additive Manufacturing of Magnetically Loaded Polymer Composites: An Experimental Study for Process Development

Pierre Mertiny, Balakrishnan Nagarajan

Conference Proceedings

Addressing the gap in sub-national sectoral water use data in Canada

Evan G R Davies, Osama Younis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Addressing the Paris Climate Accord Goals (Keynote), Government of Japan

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Adhesion and Surface Layers on Silicon Anodes Suppress Formation of c-Li3.75Si and Solid Electrolyte Interphase

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Article in professional or trade journals

Adhesion force measurement of the solid-liquid interface

Palak Jain

Master Thesis

Adsorbent Agnostic Machine-Assisted Adsorption Process Learning and Emulation (MAPLE) Framework

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Kasturi Nagesh Pai

Conference Proceedings

Adsorbents For The Removal Of Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process Water: Investigation Of Reclamation Materials From Surface Mining Of Soil Sands And Development Of Biochars From Biological Sludge And Peat

Deborah Crominski da Silva Medeiros

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Adsorption Kinetics And Modeling For Removal Of Heavy Metals From Wastewater By Keratin Derived Sorbents

M Anne Naeth, Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad, Irum Zahara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Adsorption kinetics of asphaltenes at oil/water interface: Effects of concentration and temperature

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Ling Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Adsorption Of Heavy Metals By Biochar: Experimental And Literature Analyses

Huile Gu

Master Thesis

Adsorption Of Heavy Metals From Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) Using Sludge Based Biochar Composite

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Junying Song

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Adsorption Of Heavy Metals In Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) By Sludge Based Biochar Composite

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele, Junying Song

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Adsorption of Metals from Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) under Natural pH by Sludge-Based Biochar/Chitosan Composite

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele, Lingjun Meng, Junying Song

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Adsorption Of Metals In Oil Sands Process Water By A Biochar/Iron Oxide Composite: Influence Of The Composite Structure And Surface Functional Groups

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Junying Song

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Adsorption Of Organic Matter In Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) By Carbon Xerogel

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele, Chelsea Benally

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Adsorption of Violanthrone-79-Based Model Asphaltenes on Quartz Surfaces Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Advance Microstructure Optimization Strategies for High-Temperature CO2 Electrolysis: Infiltration and In-situ Exsolution

Master Thesis

Advanced Biological Fermentation Process Development: improving the process for cellulosic ethanol production by advanced fermentation strategies

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Advanced bioreactor operation improve methanol bioconversion in Methylotuvimicrobium buryatense 5GB1C

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Yusheng Tan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Advanced Closed-Loop Reservoir Management for Computationally Efficient Data Assimilation and Real-Time Production Optimization of SAGD Reservoirs

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Advanced Ethanol Fermentation and Cellulose Nanocrystals Production Strategy for the Forestry Industry

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Advanced Functional Nanomaterials for Energy and Environmental Applications

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Advanced Oxidation Processes For The Degradation Of Dissolved Organics In Produced Water: A Review Or Process Performance, Degradation Kinetics And Pathway

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu, Shailesh Sable

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Advanced technologies to depolarize energy dialogues

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Advanced Treatment Processes For Wastewater Reuse

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Advancements In Advanced Oxidation Processes For Micropollution Control

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Advances in Distribution System Monitoring

Omid Ardakanian

Book Chapter

Advances in Non-Isothermal Reservoir Geomechanical Coupled Simulations at Aquistore

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Other Event

Advances in Non-Isothermal Reservoir Geomechanical Coupled Simulations at Aquistore

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Stephen James Talman

Other Event

Advances in Reservoir Geomechanical Testing Program at High Temperatures

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Stephen James Talman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Advances in Understanding Relative Permeability Shifts by Imbibition of Surfactant Solutions into Tight Plugs

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mohammad Yousefi, Lin Yuan

Conference Proceedings

Advances in Understanding Relative Permeability Shifts by Imbibition of Surfactant Solutions into Tight Plugs

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mohammad Yousefi, Lin Yuan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Advancing Canadian Experience and Best Practices in Containment, Conformance, and Injectivity of Deep Subsurface CO2 Storage, CO2 EOR, and CO2 Geothermal

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference Proceedings

Advancing cathode-gas electrode design: Overcoming CO2 gas solubility limitation in H-cells

Jingli Luo, Pengfei Sui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Advancing Geothermal Frontiers: A CFD-based Analysis of Frozen Soil Effects on Heat Pump Technology in Canada

Lexuan Zhong, Fatemeh Keramat

Article in professional or trade journals

Advancing neighbourhood climate action: opportunities, challenges and way ahead

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi, Debadutta Parida

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Advancing perovskite oxides as efficient catalysts for energy storage and conversion

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Advancing the application of bio-oils by co-processing with petroleum intermediates: A review

Haoxiang Wang, Jing Liu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Adversarial Attacks on Machine Learning-Based State Estimation in Power Distribution Systems

Omid Ardakanian, Afia Afrin

Conference Proceedings

Adversarial domain adaptation for gear crack level classification under variable load

Ming J. Zuo, Dongdong Wei

Conference Proceedings

Aerobic Naphthenic Acid-Degrading Bacteria In Petroleum-Coke Improve Oil Sands Process Water Remediation In Biofilters: DNA-Stable Isotope Probing Reveals Methylotrophy In Schmutzdecke

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

AESO 2023 Economics Excellence Conference

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Aesthetic Attunement in an Age of Urgency

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Aesthetic Attunement in an Age of Urgency

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Affinity of Inorganic and Organic Ions to the Aqueous-Cyclohexane Interface in and out of a Confined Environment

Phillip YK Choi, Monir Hosseini-Anvari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

After Oil

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Aftershocks and fault aseismic deformation in Southern-central Alberta associated with a hydraulic-fracturing induced earthquake?

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

Against Infrastructural Inertia: On the Canadian Extractive State Apparatus

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Aggregated model of large-scale wind farms for power system simulation software tools (USPTO)

Ali Khajehoddin, Navid Shabanikia


Aggregation of Crude Oil-Modified Fine Solids in Aqueous and Non-aqueous Media

Juan Darius

Master Thesis

Ahead by a Century: Discovery of Laves Phases Assisted by Machine Learning

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Ritobroto Sikdar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article - A Toolkit For Analyzing Online Conversations for Solutions Based Policy Development

Joel Gehman


Air- and water-stable halide perovskite nanocrystals protected with nearly-monolayer carbon nitride for CO 2 photoreduction and water splitting

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Alberta Energy Conference

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Alberta landowner acceptance of wind energy developments – A factorial survey experiment

John R Parkins

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Alberta Water Research And Innovation Strategy 2018 Annual Report

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Government Publication

Alberta's coal phase out

Tim Weis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Alberta's Electricity Futures

Tim Weis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Alberta’s quiet but resilient electricity transition

Andrew Leach, Tim Weis

Book Chapter

Alberta’s Renewable Electricity Program: Design, Results, and Lessons Learned

Andrew Leach, Tim Weis, Blake Shaffer

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Alberta’s ‘energy war room’: Reframing the energy debate or attempt to mimic legitimate journalism

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Alkaline Earth Metal-Organic Frameworks with Tailorable Ion Release: A Path for Supporting Biomineralization

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Vladimir K Michaelis, Michelle Ha, Guy Bernard, Ashwin K. Iyer

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

All on Board, Biojet Fuel is Taking off (Or Not): Analyzing Financial Uncertainty for Biojet in North America

Muhammad Shah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

All-solid-state formation of titania nanotube arrays and their application in photoelectrochemical water splitting

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Allford: Tips on talking about energy in Canada, Jennifer Allford,

Article in popular media

Allied Social Science Associations, Annual Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 2022-01-07

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Alloyed Anodes for Sodium Ion Batteries

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Almanac for the Beyond


Alteration and Impact of Mineral Solids in Hydrothermal Treatment of Bitumen Froth

Arno De Klerk, Annapurna Sri Sowmya Turuga

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Alternating Silicon and Carbon Multilayer-Structured Anodes Suppress Formation of the c‑Li3.75Si Phase

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Article in professional or trade journals

Alternative Approach to Analysis and Design of Series Resonant Converter at Steady State

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Daryaei, Mohammad Ebrahimi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Alternative fuel cell technologies for cogenerating electrical power and syngas from greenhouse gases

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Aluminum structure crack length estimation and prediction

Ming J. Zuo, Xingkai Yang, Meng Rao, Yuejian Chen, Dongdong Wei

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Aluminum structure crack length estimation and prediction

Ming J. Zuo, Xingkai Yang, Meng Rao, Yuejian Chen

Other Event

Am I the Beaded Flower in Your Moccasins? Research Experiences of an Indigenous Feminist in the Labour Movement and Academia

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Amateur Video & The Challenge for Change — S2E2

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


American Petro-Imaginaries: Modernism and Automobility

Adam Carlson

Book Chapter

Ammonia production from black liquor gasification and co-gasification with pulp and waste sludges: A techno-economic assessment

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Amperometric solid electrolyte {NOx} sensors - The effect of temperature and diffusion mechanisms

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Active Capacitor Voltage Balancing Method for Seven Level Hybrid Clamped (7L-HC) Converter in Motor Drives

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Adaptive Hybrid Model for Determining Subjective Causal Relationships in Fuzzy System Dynamics Models for Analyzing Construction Risks

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Seyed Hamed Fateminia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Alternative Control Approach to Achieve Fast Load Transient Responses in DC-DC Converters

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi, Amir Borzooy

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Alternative Dual Active Bridge Modulation to Minimize RMS Current and Extend ZVS Range

Ali Khajehoddin, Faizah Zahin

Conference Proceedings

An Alternative Method to Accurately Model Magnetic Components Using Ansys HFSS 3D

Ali Khajehoddin, Amin Khakparvar Yazdi

Conference Proceedings

An Analytical Model for Hydraulic Fracture Initiation in Deviated Wellbores

Alireza Nouri, Arian Velayati

Conference Proceedings

An application of GCAM to assess the mid-century strategy for Canada’s deep decarbonization

Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Christopher Roney

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

An Approach for Modeling and Stability Analysis of Single-phase Microgrids

Conference Proceedings

An assessment of opportunities for cogenerating electricity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the oil sands

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An assessment of the Penetration of Low Carbon Technologies in the Energy Demand and Supply Sectors

Saeidreza Radpour

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

An Asymmetrical DAB Converter Modulation and Control Systems to Extend the ZVS Range and Improve Efficiency

Ali Khajehoddin, Faizah Zahin, Neda Mazloum, Amin Khakparvar Yazdi, Morteza Mahdavifard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Attempt to Resurrect Legacy Geophysical Data from the 1970s Energy Crisis: Inverting Direct Current Resistivity Data over the Lakelse Hotsprings

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

An Efficient High-power-Density Integrated Trap-LCL Filter for Inverters

Ali Khajehoddin, Neda Mazloum

Conference Proceedings

An electrochemical model of an amperometric NOx sensor

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Electrolytic-Capacitor-Less PFC LED Driver With Low DC-Bus Voltage Stress for High Power Streetlighting Applications

Ali Khajehoddin, Daniel Darvishrahimabadi, Morteza Esteki

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An enhanced morphology gradient product filter for bearing fault detection

Ming J. Zuo, Yuejian Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An experimental and field case study to evaluate the effects of shut-in on well performance

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Experimental and Modeling Study of Carbon Dioxide/Bitumen and C4/Bitumen Phase Behavior at Elevated Temperatures Using Cold Lake Bitumen

Hassan Dehghanpour, Sara Eghbali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Experimental and Modeling Study on Interactions of Cold Lake Bitumen with CO2, C3, and C4 at High Temperatures

Hassan Dehghanpour, Sara Eghbali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Improved Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning with Neural Architecture Search for the Optimal Control Strategy of a Multi-Carrier Energy System

Yasser Mohamed, Amirhossein Dolatabadi

Conference Proceedings

An Improved Current-Source-Converter-Based Series-Connected Wind Energy Conversion System

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Xing Ling

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Improved Damping Method for Virtual Synchronous Machines

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An improved singular value decomposition-based method for gear tooth crack detection and severity assessment

Ming J. Zuo, Xihui Liang, Yuejian Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Improved SVM Strategy to Reduce DC Current Ripple for AC-DC Matrix Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Improved SVM Strategy to Reduce DC Current Ripple for AC-DC Matrix Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Conference Proceedings

An Improved Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter System With Full-Voltage Balancing Capability for Bipolar Low-Voltage DC Grid

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Greg Kish, Hao Tian, Bowei Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Input-Oriented Power Sharing Control Scheme With Fast-Dynamic Response for ISOP DAB DC\textendashDC Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige, Li Ding, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Input-Series-Output-Parallel Connected Four-Switch Buck-Boost-Integrated CLLC DC Transformer with Bidirectional Natural Power-Sharing Property

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

An integrated approach for wind turbine gearbox fatigue life prediction considering instantaneously varying load conditions

Zhigang Tian, Fang Fang Ding, Hao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An integrated approach for wind turbine gearbox fatigue life prediction considering instantaneously varying load conditions

Zhigang Tian, Fang Fang Ding, Hao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Integrated GIS-based framework for optimal siting of biorefineries

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

An integrated method with a new interaction rule for the reliability assessment of steel pipeline with multiple corrosion defects

Zhigang Tian, Han Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Integrated Treatment System For Sustainable Clean Water

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Vic Adamowicz, Scott Chang, Bipro Dhar, James Stafford

Other Event

An Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Risk Analysis Model (IT2FRAM) for Determining Construction Project Contingency Reserve

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Seyed Hamed Fateminia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An introduction to geothermal exploration using electromagnetic methods, with application to Western Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

An introduction to oil sands tailings: Innovations and challenges. Tailings

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

An Investigation into the Charge Storage Mechanism and Cycling Performance of Mn2O3 as the Cathode Material for Zinc-ion Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Qingping Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Investigation into the Charge Storage Mechanism for Mn2O3 as the Cathode Material in Zinc-ion Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Qingping Hou

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

An MHO Approach for Electric Bus Charging Scheme Optimization Based on Energy Consumption Estimation

Hao Liang, Yuan Liu

Conference Proceedings

An Online Method for Monitoring Substation Grounding Impedance — Part I: Methodology

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Online Method for Monitoring Substation Grounding Impedance — Part II: Verifications and Applications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Open Conductor Condition Monitoring Scheme Using Natural Voltage and Current Disturbances

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Optimal Routing Framework for an Integrated Urban Power–Gas–Traffic Network

Yasser Mohamed, Mohammad Jadidbonab

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Optimization Approach to Design Decentralized Load Frequency Controllers for Generators in Islanded grids

Ali Khajehoddin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An overlooked influence of reactive oxygen species on ammonia-oxidizing microbial communities in redox-fluctuating aquifers

Lisa Stein

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Overview of MOF-based Separator for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries

Ge Li, Wenjing Deng, Jason Lam Phung, Xuzi Zhang

Article in professional or trade journals

An Ultrafast, Durable, and High-Loading Polymer Anode for Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries and Supercapacitors

Tian Tang, Xiaolei Wang, Zhixiao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An Ultrasensitive Fluorescent Paper Based Acidic Gas Sensing Platform

Karthik Shankar, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Harshitha Rajashekhar, Narendra Chaulagain

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

An Ultrasensitive Fluorescent Paper Based Acidic Gas Sensing Platform

Karthik Shankar, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Harshitha Rajashekhar, Narendra Chaulagain

Conference Proceedings

An Ultrasensitive Fluorescent Paper-Based CO2 Sensor

Al Meldrum, Hui Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

An update on Thermal Impacts for Geological Storage of CO2

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Donald Lawton, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Other Event

An updated look at petroleum well leaks, ineffective policies and the social cost of methane in Canada’s largest oil-producing province

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ana Patricia Oliver Hernandez

Andrew Leach

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Analysis and augmented model-based control design of distributed generation converters with flexible grid-support controller

Yasser Mohamed, Shahed Mortazavian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis and Design of Droop-Controlled Grid-Forming Inverters Using Novel WD Agg Approach

Ali Khajehoddin, Navid Shabanikia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis and Design of Scalable Blockchain-based Smart Contract System for Smart Grid Monitoring and Control

Master Thesis

Analysis and stability investigations of a dc power grid with dynamic loads

Yasser Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis of a Batch Adsorber Analogue for Rapid Screening of Adsorbents for Postcombustion CO2 Capture

Arvind Rajendran

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis of Alberta Precambrian Basement core and modelling the fracture characteristics necessary to for operating and Enhanced Geothermal System in the Alberta Precambrian Basement

Bachelor Thesis

Analysis of Canada’s water use: Tracing water flow from source to end use

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Thomas Edward Lamont Patrick

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis of Induced Seismicity at Pohang Geothermal Power Plant and Examination of Public Perception following the Incident-A Perspective

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis of Inkjet Printed Catalyst Coated Membranes for Polymer Electrolyte Electrolyzers

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis of Inkjet Printed Electrodes for Polymer Electrolyte Electrolysis

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal

Conference Proceedings

Analysis of non-equilibrium foamy oil behavior in pressure depletion processes

Tong Chen

Master Thesis

Analysis of non-equilibrium foamy oil flow in cyclic solvent injection processes

Juliana Y Leung, Tong Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis of organosulfur compounds in Kraft methanol recovered under vacuum conditions

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Other Event

Analysis of social components within environmental assessments of geothermal projects

John R Parkins

Research Report

Analysis of spur gearbox dynamics considering tooth lubrication and tooth crack severity progression

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis of the Porosity Production in LPBF Process Using Designed Porosity and Process Parameters

Marc Secanell, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi, Shokoufeh Sardarian

Conference Proceedings

Analysis of the products and kinetic rates of methane thermal decomposition. Part II: Numerical models

Jason Scott Olfert, Marc Secanell, Larry William Kostiuk, Ambuj Punia

Conference Proceedings

Analysis of the products and kinetic rates of methane thermaldecomposition. Part I: Experimental apparatus

Jason Scott Olfert, Marc Secanell, Larry William Kostiuk, Ambuj Punia

Conference Proceedings

Analysis of the unsymmetrical operation of the DC/DC MMC considering the DC-link impedance

Yasser Mohamed, Ramin Razani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis of vibration signals and detection for multiple tooth cracks in spur gearboxes

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang, Dongdong Wei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analysis, Design and Control of Asymmetrically Modulated Dual Active Bridge Converters for Energy Storage Systems

Faizah Zahin

Master Thesis

Analytical And Toxicological Evaluation Of Bioavailable Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process Water Using Biomimetic Extraction-Solid Phase Microextraction

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Rongfu Huang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Analytical And Toxicological Evaluation Of Bioavailable Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process-Affected Water And Groundwater Using Biomimetic Extraction-Solid Phase Microextraction

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Rongfu Huang

Research Report

Analytical methods for the identification of sulfur compounds in Kraft methanol

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Other Event

Analyzing and Visualizing the Canadian Research Landscape

Conference Proceedings

Analyzing and Visualizing Twitter Conversations

Joel Gehman

Conference Proceedings

Analyzing Electricity Market Structure Changes and Mergers: The Importance of Forward Commitments

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analyzing firm behavior in restructured electricity markets: Empirical challenges with a residual demand analysis

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analyzing spatiotemporal variations of the urban heat Island (UHI) with land use changes in Edmonton neighbourhoods

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara

Research Report

Analyzing the Effects of Increased Wind Generation Capacity in Alberta’s Electricity Market: The Role of Firm-Ownership

Boris Edgardo Ortega Moreno

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Analyzing the Impacts of Discretization and Meshing in Numerical Simulation of Unconventional Reservoirs

Ziming Xu

Master Thesis

Analyzing the relationship between urban heat islands and the areas designated for future transit-oriented developments: A case of Edmonton, Canada

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Analyzing the relationship between urban heat islands and transit-oriented developments: A case of Edmonton, Canada

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Analyzing the spatiotemporal variation of urban heat islands in winter city neighbourhoods: A case of Edmonton, Canada

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Analyzing the techno-economic aspects of co-processing fast pyrolysis bio-oil with conventional vacuum gas oil for the production of liquid fuels.

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Andrea Linsky on Energy Resilient Communities

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Angele Alook on Fracking in Bigstone Cree

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Angele Alook on Indigenous Sovereignty and Relationships with the Land

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Anne Naeth on Needs and Resource Use

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Eva Bogdan, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Anne Naeth on Urban Reclamation

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Eva Bogdan, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Annual consortium meeting for unconventional petroleum production

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin, Son Thai Tran, Mohammad Hossein Doranehgard

Other Event


Anuradha Kanchani

Master Thesis

Anodic Fabrication of n- and p-type Metal Oxide Nanostructures on Non-Native Substrates

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Saralyn Riddell

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Anomalous Start-Up Pressure Signals of a Bubble-Tube System for Downhole Pressure Determination at the Aquistore CO2 Injection Site

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Stephen James Talman, Gonzalo Zambrano Narvaez

Conference Proceedings

Anomaly Detection in Smart Distribution Grids with Deep Neural Network

Ming Zhou

Master Thesis

Ant-based optimal tuning of PID controllers for load frequency control in power systems

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Anthropocene Discourse in the Construction of Passive Revolutions

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Anthropological Engagements with Divisions and Disputes

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

APIC 2021 Annual Forum

Greg Kish

Other Event

APIC 2022 Annual Forum

Greg Kish

Other Event

Apparatus and methods for wireless/RFID sensors

Rashid Mirzavand


Application of 4D two-colour LIF to explore the temperature field of laterally confined turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection.

David S. Nobes, Sina Kashanj

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Application of a Combinatorial Vortex Detection Algorithm on 2 Component 2 Dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry Data to Characterize the Wake of an Oscillating Wing

Charles Robert Koch, David S. Nobes

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Application Of Adsorption And Catalytic Oxidation Process For Water Reclamation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application Of Advanced Oxidation Processes For The Removal Of Contaminants Of Emerging Concern From Wastewater Discharges

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application Of An Indigenous Microorganisms-Based Fixed-Bed GAC-Biofilm Reactor For Passive And Sustainable Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water Through Combined Adsorption And Biodegradation Processes

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Application of artificial intelligence to estimate life cycle GHG emissions in the production of transportation fuels from bitumen

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application of Battery Storage System to Improve Transient Responses in a Distribution Grid

Ali Khajehoddin

Conference Proceedings

Application of Bayesian Network and Artificial Intelligence in Reducing Accident/Incident Rates in Oil & Gas Companies

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Application Of Carbonaceous Material For Remediation Of Oil Sands Process Water: Adsorption And Development Of Nanocomposite Membranes With Enhanced Properties

Chelsea Benally

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Application Of Catalytic Advanced Oxidation Process For Water Reclamation In The Presence Of Different Catalysts

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rui Qin, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application Of Electro-Oxidation For The Degradation Of Organics In Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW)

Abdallatif Abdalrhman

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Application of Electro-oxidation Technology for Water Treatment and Rock Wettability Alteration

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Lin Yuan

Conference Proceedings

Application of Electro-oxidation Technology for Water Treatment and Rock Wettability Alteration

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Lin Yuan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application Of Fixed-Bed Biofilm Reactors For The Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water

Lei Zhang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Application of Generalized Peak Current Controllers for Active Power Filters and Rectifiers with Power Factor Correction

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi

Conference Proceedings

Application of high-frequency impedancemetry approach in measuring the critical velocities of biomass and sand slurry flows in pipelines

Amit Kumar, Mahdi Vaezi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Application of Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Obtaining the Optical Response of Plasmonic Heterostructures

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application of Machine Learning and Design of Experiments (DoE) to Device Optimization: Organic Photovoltaics

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application of magnetotelluric Data to Geothermal Exploration in a Sedimentary Basin Environment: Examples from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Application Of Membrane Bioreactors For The Treatment Of Industrial Process Water – Insights On Operating Conditions And Membrane Fouling

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application of non model microbes in Industry

Shibashis Das

Other Event

Application of non model microbes in Industry

Shibashis Das

Other Event

Application of One Dimensional Metal Oxides as Electron transport layer for High Efficiency Halide Perovskite Solar Cells (HPSCs)

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application of Pore Network Modeling in Fluid Flow Through Porous Media

Siyuan (Ryan) Wang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application of Simultaneous Time-Resolved 3-D PTV and Two-colour LIF in Studying Rayleigh-Benard

David S. Nobes, Sina Kashanj

Conference Proceedings

Application of TiO2 Nanotubes and Nanowires in Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application Timing Optimization Of Lignite Derived Humic Substances For Three Agricultural Plant Species And Soil Fertility

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Applications Of Adaptable And Quantitative Soil Quality Assessment Framework In Land Reclamation

Scott Chang, Abimbola Ojekanmi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Applications of magnetotellurics in geothermal exploration

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Applications of magnetotellurics in geothermal exploration

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Applying Machine Learning to Smart Meter Measurement Data for Enhancing the Performance of Management and Protection Systems of Smart Grids

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Approximate moving horizon estimation for switching conservative linear infinite-dimensional systems

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Approximations for use in cycling thermodynamic systems: Applications for Stirling engines

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

ARCTIC MAKES II: Observations, Lessons and Solutions from the Geographic Periphery

Other Event

ARCTIC MAKES: Observations, Lessons And Solutions From The Geographic Periphery

Other Event

Are isoprenoids the future for renewable energy

Tendai Julia Nyakabau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Are Jet Fuel and Diesel Markets Vulnerable to Crude Oil Price Shocks? Implications for Emerging Energy Sources

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Are Jet Fuel and Diesel Prices Vulnerable to Crude Oil Markets? Implications for Emerging Energy Sources

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Are Jet Fuel and Diesel Prices Vulnerable to Crude Oil Markets? Implications for Emerging Energy Sources

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Are Jet Fuel and Diesel Prices Vulnerable to Crude Oil Markets? Implications for Emerging Energy Sources

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Are Jet Fuel and Diesel Prices Vulnerable to Crude Oil Markets? Implications for Emerging Energy Sources

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Are societies becoming proself? A topographical difference under fast urbanization in China

Jingchao Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ariel Kroon on Science Fiction as Archive

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Around the world in 120 days: One student's journey around the globe for geoscience

Article in popular media

Arrays of TiO2 nanorods embedded with fluorine doped carbon nitride quantum dots (CNFQDs) for visible light driven water splitting

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Kazi Alam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Art and Activism at the End(s) of the World(s)

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Art and Climate Justice Action: Materializing the Anthropocene

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Art and/in the Anthropocene: A Debate on Sustainability and Ecology

Natalie Loveless, Jessie Beier

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Art exhibition explores energy futures

Mark Simpson, Evan G R Davies, Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier

Article in popular media

Art for Change: The Power of Art to Influence Social Change

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Art, Activism, and Global Crisis

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Art, Activism, and Global Crisis speaker and workshop series

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Art, Activism, and Global Crisis speaker and workshop series

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Art, Activism, and the Politics of Pipelines

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

Art, Ecology, and Resilience

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Art, Ecology, and the Politics of Form

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Art, Ecology, and the Politics of Form: A Panel Revisited

Natalie Loveless, Jessie Beier

Book Chapter

Art, Ecology, Energy and Speculative Futures

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Jessie Beier

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Artificial Intelligence and Future Energy Systems (mini-keynote)

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Artificial Intelligence Assisted Non-Contact Microwave Sensor for Multivariable Biofuel Analysis

Masoud Baghelani, Navid Hosseini

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Artificial Intelligence-Powered Energy Management of Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants

Master Thesis

Artificial neural network model for predicting pressure drop in pipeline hydro transportation of agricultural residues.

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Omex Mohan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Artificial Neural Network-Based Prediction of the Optical Properties of Spherical Core\textendash Shell Plasmonic Metastructures

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Artificial Neural Network-Based Surrogate Models for Rapid Simulation, Optimization of Pressure Swing Adsorption

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Kasturi Nagesh Pai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Artist talk(lecture) at Messagers’ Forum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Artists Making Change: Art for Social Change

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Arts of the Anthropocene

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

ASM Microbe- Session co-convener

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Asphaltene adsorption on sodium-citrate-modified magnetite nanoparticles

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Xuyang Liu, Kaipeng Wang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Asphaltene Behaviors and Models

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

ASSA Annual Conference

David P Brown, Lucija A Muehlenbachs

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessing Barriers to Renewable Energy Development in Alberta: Evidence from a Survey on Wind Energy with Rural Landowners

John R Parkins

Research Report

Assessing decarbonization of the electricity supply sector through comprehensive integrated scenario analysis.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessing Political Pathways for Energy Transition

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessing present and future water flows in Canada with a focus on the energy supply sectors

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Thomas Edward Lamont Patrick

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessing the cost competitiveness of electrolytic hydrogen production from small modular nuclear reactor-based power plants: a price-following perspective

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Wind Energy Output in Alberta

Tim Weis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessing the impacts and costs of using low carbon energy technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the oil sands

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessing The Mobility Of Metals And Dissolved Organics In Pit-Lake Models. Migration Of Contaminants Between PASS-Treated Fluid Tailings And Capping Water

Foroogh Mehravaran

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Assessing The Performance Of Industrial Biological Sludge-Based Biochar As Adsorbent Of Organic Compounds From A Petroleum Wastewater

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Other Event

Assessing the potential impact and cost of using low carbon energy technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the oil sands

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessing the potential to generate heat and electricity from the wastes produced in Alberta industrial heartlands

Amit Kumar, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessing the potential to generate heat and electricity in an integrated waste-to-value added facility in Alberta

Amit Kumar, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessing the value of electrolytic hydrogen in power sectors for reversible gas-to-power conversion and emissions reduction

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessing the value of electrolytic hydrogen in power sectors for reversible gas-to-power conversion and emissions reduction.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment and Mitigation of DC Breaker Impacts on VSC-MTDC Grid Equipped with Power Flow Controller

Yasser Mohamed, Hassanien Mohamed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment and Mitigation of Dynamic Instabilities in Single-Stage Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems With Reduced DC -Link Capacitance

Yasser Mohamed, Mohammad Adnan Kamal Magableh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of bio-jet fuel production from alcohols

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of bio-jet fuel production from alcohols

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of biomass resource in China and Canada and the potential for bilateral biomass trade for co-firing

Amit Kumar, Evan G R Davies, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of co-processing hydrodeoxygenated fast pyrolysis oil and vacuum gas oil in a fluid catalytic cracking unit

Master Thesis

Assessment of decarbonizing the road transportation sector using low carbon fuels

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of energy demand-based greenhouse gas mitigation options for Canada’s oil sands

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of energy efficiency improvement opportunities and the long-term potential for greenhouse gas mitigation in industrial sector

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Assessment of energy storage technologies: a literature review; formerly Techno-economic and life cycle assessments of electrical energy storage technologies: a literature review

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of environmental and economic footprints of energy storage systems.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of environmental and energy footprints of utility-scale flywheel energy storage systems.

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of greenhouse gas abatement scenarios for the pulp and paper sector

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation Potential and Abatement Costs of Alternative Technology Options for Oil Sands

Master Thesis

Assessment of greenhouse gas reduction options for Canada’s iron, gold, and potash mining sectors.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of greenhouse gas reduction options for the iron, gold, and potash mining sectors

Master Thesis

Assessment of Integrated Multi-Product Biorefineries

Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Master Thesis

Assessment of life cycle GHG emissions for sustainable municipal solid waste management

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of long-term energy efficiency improvement and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation options for the cement industry

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of natural gas supply chains from Canada to Europe

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of options for reduction of energy and GHG emissions for pulp and paper sector.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment Of Ozonation Reactivity Of Aromatic And Oxidized Naphthenic Acids Species Separated Using A Silver-Ion Solid Phase Extraction Method

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Rui Qin, Rongfu Huang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of Photovoltaic Hosting Capacity of Existing Distribution Circuits

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Assessment of renewable aviation fuel production potential for Alberta.

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of renewable energy transition pathways for a fossil fuel-dependent electricity-producing jurisdiction

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of technologies developed under Future Energy Systems

Amit Kumar

Research Report

Assessment of the effective solvent extraction incorporating electromagnetic heating technology through techno-economic modeling

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of the efficiency of water treatment using a battery of in vitro bioassays

Maricor Jane Arlos

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessment of the greenhouse gas emission footprint of a biorefinery over its life cycle

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of the impacts of process-level energy efficiency improvement on greenhouse gas mitigation potential in the petroleum refining sector

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of the solvent-electromagnetic heating-based bitumen extraction technology through techno-economic modelling

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessments of technologies developed under future energy systems

Amit Kumar, Evan G R Davies, Eskinder Gemechu, Harshadeep Kukkikatte Ramamurthy Rao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Assessments of Technologies Developed Under Future Energy Systems

Amit Kumar, Evan G R Davies, Eskinder Gemechu

Other Event

Associate Editor, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Hassan Dehghanpour

Other Event

Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Denver, CO, USA, 2019-11-09

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Fall Research Conference, Austin, TX, USA, 2022-03-29

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, DC, USA, 2018-11-08

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Esters and Efforts Towards Photohydrogenation

Riley Endean

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Asymmetric Low-Voltage Ride-Through Scheme and Dynamic Voltage Regulation in Distributed Generation Units

Yasser Mohamed, Shahed Mortazavian

Conference Proceedings

Asymmetric Multipole Plasmon-Mediated Catalysis Shifts the Product Selectivity of CO 2 Photoreduction toward C2+ Products

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Saralyn Riddell

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Asymmetric Price Transmission and Impulse Responses Between Crude Oil, Jet Fuel, and Diesel

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Asymmetric transmission and variable beam splitting using coherently coupled all-dielectric grating-insulator-grating (GIG) metamaterials

Ashwin K. Iyer, Behrad Gholipour, Abbas Sheikh Ansari

Conference Proceedings

Asymmetric transmission in nanophotonics

Ashwin K. Iyer, Behrad Gholipour, Abbas Sheikh Ansari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Asymmetry in wake of oscillating foils with combined pitching and heaving motion

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference Proceedings

Atomic Layer Deposition of a Manganese-Iron Mixed Oxide as a Bifunctional Oxygen Catalyst for Zinc-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Matthew Labbe

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Atomic Layer Deposition of Highly Stable Manganese-Iron Oxide Bifunctional Catalysts for Zinc-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Ken Cadien, Matthew Labbe

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Atomic Layer Deposition of Iron Oxide on a Porous Carbon Substrate via Ethylferrocene and an Oxygen Plasma

Douglas Ivey, Michael Clark, Ken Cadien, Matthew Labbe, Anqiang He

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxides for the Preparation of High Performance Zn-Air Battery Electrodes

Michael Clark

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Atomic Layer Deposition of Transition Metal Oxide Catalysts for Zinc-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Ken Cadien, Matthew Labbe

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Atomistic insights on Halide Composition in Mixed Halide Perovskite Systems: 207Pb solid-state NMR perspective

Karthik Shankar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy Bernard

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Attitudes about Energy Transition in Alberta

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas, Brooks DeCillia

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Attitudes Toward Energy Transition in Alberta

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Attunement in the Cracks: Feminist Collaboration and the University as Broken Machine

Natalie Loveless

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

ATUMS visiting PhD student

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

ATUMS Visiting PhD student

Narendra Chaulagain

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

ATUMS Visiting PhD Student

Harshitha Rajashekhar

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

ATUMS Visiting PhD Student

Damini Vrushabendrakumar

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Au-Nanoparticle Embedded TiO2 Nanotube Arrays for Sensing, Photocatalysis and Nonlinear Optics

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Audio Games Lab: Audio and Musical Puzzle Mechanics in Games

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Augmented Design of DC/DC Modular Multilevel Converter Improving Efficiency and Reducing Number of SMs

Yasser Mohamed, Ramin Razani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Automated Femtoliter Droplet-Based Determination of Oil--Water Partition Coefficient

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Autonomous Coordinated Control Scheme for Cooperative Asymmetric Low-Voltage Ride-Through and Grid Support in Active Distribution Networks With Multiple DG Units

Yasser Mohamed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

AutoRepair: Automated Repair for AI-Enabled Cyber- Physical Systems under Safety-Critical Conditions

Article in professional or trade journals

Axial insulation rings - testing and simulation of pressure drop and temperature transients in engine exhaust catalysts

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

Backcasting solar farm generation displacement in Alberta’s electricity market

Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, Gloria Duran Castillo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Backcasting utility-scale solar market impacts in Alberta

Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, Albert Mitjana, Gloria Duran Castillo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Cerrise Weiblen

Other Event

Bacterial Diversity In Petroleum Coke Based Biofilters Treating Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Bacterial methane bioconversions

Catherine Tays

Other Event

Bacteriohemerythrin at the Crossroads; Hemerythrin from Methylomonas denitrificans FJG1 sets methanotrophs apart

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Cerrise Weiblen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bacteriophages - Research Zone

Miranda Darlene Stahn

Other Event

Bacteriophages as a sustainable and reliable means of product recovery

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Miranda Darlene Stahn

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Baking and Water Treatment

Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Zuo Tong How

Other Event

Banned For Decades, Releasing Oilsands Tailings Water Is Now On The Horizon

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Basalt Fiber Biocarriers For Biological Wastewater Treatment Of Multiple Origins

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Base metal-catalyzed, additive-free C–O bond cleavage of β-O-4 lignin model compounds

Natalia Semagina, Jeffrey Mark Stryker, Orain Alberga Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Batch Adsorber Analogue Model Based Screening of Large Adsorbent Databases for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture

Arvind Rajendran, Vishal Subramanian Balashankar

Conference Proceedings

Battery Thermal- and Health-Constrained Energy Management for Hybrid Electric Bus Based on Soft Actor-Critic DRL Algorithm

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Bayesian Learning-Based Harmonic State Estimation in Distribution Systems with Smart Meter and DPMU Data

Omid Ardakanian, Wei Zhou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

BCH: Recruitment Complete And Treatment Begins

David P Brown, Blake Shaffer, Megan Bailey

Other Event

BE-STEMM 2022 Conference Session Chair

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Beans! Fuel of the future?

David C. Bressler, Elisabeth Kezia Widjaja

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bearing fault diagnosis based on flexible analytical wavelet transform and fuzzy entropy approach

Ming J. Zuo

Conference Proceedings

Beat Frequency Modulated Single-Stage Soft-Switched Microinverter

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi


Because there is no planet B!

Marina Lazic

Other Event

Behavior of Bitumen-coated Fine Solids in Organic Media from Non-aqueous Extraction of Oil Sands

Jing Liu

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Behavioral Success Indicators (BSI): A Review And Application

Youngbin Joo, Shandra Pandey

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Behavioural And Community Success Indicators For Reclamation

Shandra Pandey, Maggie Cascadden, Kylie Heales

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Behavioural Success Indicators (BSI): A Review And Application

Shandra Pandey

Conference Proceedings

Behind the Scenes: iDoc and Future Energy Systems

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea

Article in popular media

Benchmark Study of RANS Turbulence Modeling of Pipeflow Past Square Bar Roughness

Arman Hemmati, Shubham Goswami

Conference Proceedings

Best of Both Worlds: How bacteria can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lead to more sustainable energy

Dominic Sauvageau

Other Event

Beth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle on Collaboration

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Between Doom and Denial

Andrew Leach


Beyond belief: Visionary cinema, becoming imperceptible and pedagogical resistance

Jessie Beier

Book Chapter

Beyond NIMBY: Designing the Future of Community-Based Renewable Energy in Alberta

John R Parkins

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Beyond Petroculture: Strategies for a Left Energy Transition

Imre Szeman

Article in professional or trade journals

Beyond Thin Films: Clarifying the Impact of c-Li15Si4 Formation in Thin Film, Nanoparticle, and Porous Si Electrodes

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen, Jasper Woodard

Article in professional or trade journals

Bi2O3 Nanosheets Grown on Carbon Nanofiber with Inherent Hydrophobicity for High- Performance CO2 Electroreduction in a Wide Potential Window

Jingli Luo, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Minrui Gao, Pengfei Sui, Shao-Qing Liu

Article in professional or trade journals

Bibliometric Analysis of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) of Engineering Systems

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Bidirectional DC -AC Converter Using a High- Frequency Transformer with Multi-Frequency Decoupled Power Control

John Salmon, Chatumal Perera, Marius Takongmo, Ambegoda Liyanage Vishwa Thilan Anuradha Perera

Conference Proceedings

Bifunctional Fe For Induced Graphitization And Catalytic Ozonation Based On Fe/N-Doped Carbon-AI2O3-Framework: Theoretical Calculations Guided Catalyst Design And Optimization

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Bifunctional Fe for Induced Graphitization and Catalytic Ozonation Based on Fe/N-doped Carbon-Al2O3-Framework: Theoretical Calculations for Catalyst Design and Optimization

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Bifunctional Mn-Fe Oxide Catalysts for Zn-Air Battery Air Electrodes Fabricated Through Atomic Layer Deposition

Douglas Ivey, Michael Clark, Ken Cadien, Matthew Labbe

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Big Careers from the Tiniest Biology: the road to becoming a microbiologist

Mariah Kristen Hermary, Marina Lazic

Other Event

Big Careers from the Tiniest Biology: The road to becoming a microbiologist

Mariah Kristen Hermary, Marina Lazic

Other Event

Big Careers from the Tiniest Biology: The road to becoming a microbiologist

Marina Lazic

Other Event

Big Careers from the Tiniest Biology: The road to becoming a microbiologist

Mariah Kristen Hermary, Marina Lazic

Other Event

Big Solutions from the Smallest Lifeforms

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bimonthly Theme Lead Meetings

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Sarah Wilkinson

Other Event

Bio-inspired, facile and scalable surface functionalization approach with small molecules for multitasking oil decontamination

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao, Hao Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Bio-sorbents From Keratin Biopolymers For The Treatment Of Wastewater

Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad, Irum Zahara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioactivity Assessment Of Environmental Waters Using Immune Cell Lines

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Isaac Sanchez Montes

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biobattery concept: Decentralized production of fuel from forest biomass, agriculture residue and municipal solid waste

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Larry William Kostiuk, Vinoj Kurian, Wasel-ur Rahman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biochar Affects Compressive Strength Of Portland Cement Composites: A Meta-Analysis

Scott Chang, Ali El-Naggar, Zhihao Zhao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biochar And Its Uses In Soil And Water Remediation

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Other Event

Biochar And Soil Properties Affect Remediation Of Zn Contamination By Biochar: A Global Meta-Analysis

Scott Chang, Ali El-Naggar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biochar Application In Forests: Effects On Soil Properties And Processes

Scott Chang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biochar For Remediation Of Heavy Metals From Oil Sands Process Water

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Abhijeet Pathy

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biochar Heavy Metal Removal In Aqueous Solution Depends On Feedstock Type And Pyrolysis Purging Gas

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biochar Modulating Soil Biological Health: A Review

Scott Chang, Ali El-Naggar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biochar Production From Lignocellulosic And Non-Lignocellulosic Biomass Using Conventional And Microwave Heating

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu


Biochar Properties And Lead(II) Adsorption Capacity Depend On Feedstock Type, Pyrolysis Temperature, And Steam Activation

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Selamawit Messele, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biochar Property And Lead(II) Adsorption Capacity Depend On Feedstock Type, Pyrolysis Temperature, And Steam Activation

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biochar Removes Lead(II) In Synthetic Wastewater Depending On Feedstock Type And Production Temperature

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biochar Seeding Properties Affect Struvite Crystallization For Soil Application

Hongbo Zeng, Scott Chang, Xiaohui Mao, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biochar Surface Complexation And Heavy Metal Adsorption In Aqueous Solution Depend On Their Feedstock Type

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam

Other Event

Biochar Surface Complexation And Heavy Metal Adsorption In Aqueous Solution Depend On Their Feedstock Type

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biochar Surface Complexation And Ni(II), Cu(II), And Cd(II) Adsorption In Aqueous Solutions Depend On Feedstock Type

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biochar/Ion Oxide Composite As An Efficient Peroxymonosulfate Catalyst For The Degradation Of Model Napththenic Acids Compounds

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Zuo Tong How, Junying Song

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biochars Have A Greater Adsorption Capacity For Lead(II) From Aqueous Solutions Than Hydrochars

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu, Yadi Tang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioconjugation of Silicon Quantum Dots with Active Enzymes

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioconversion of Lignin and Glycerol to Polyhydroxyalkanoates Using Pseudomonas putida KT2440 Under Nutrient Limited Conditions

Master Thesis

Bioconversion of methane emissions into biofuels and biofuel precursors

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Catherine Tays

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioconversion of Methane to Biodegradable Plastic

Marina Lazic

Other Event

Bioconversion of methane to biodegradable plastic

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Marina Lazic

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioconversion of methane to biodegradable plastic

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Marina Lazic

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioconversion of methane to biodegradable plastic

Marina Lazic

Other Event

Bioconversion of methane to biodegradable plastic: Metabolic route from greenhouse gas to green product

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Hem Sharma, Marina Lazic

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioconversion of methane to biofuels and biopolymers. EngTALK

Dominic Sauvageau

Other Event

Bioconversion of Methane to Biopolymers: An Ecofriendly and Sustainable Approach to Mitigate Environmental Problems

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Hem Sharma

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioconversion of single-carbon substrates in fed-batch cultures.

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioconversion of waste methane emissions to value-added biofuels and biomaterials

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biodegradation of cyclohexane qnd cylopentane in FFT under methanogenic conditions

Ania Ulrich, Phillip YK Choi, Tariq Siddique, Gloria Okpala

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biodegradation of cyclohexane under different redox conditions.

Ania Ulrich, Phillip YK Choi, Tariq Siddique, Gloria Okpala

Other Event

Bioeconomy: From innovative breakthroughs to new business models

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioenergy feedstock supply from wheat straw: A farm level model incorporating trade‐offs in crop choices, disease risk, and soil fertility

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer, Curtis John McKnight

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Bioenergy Feedstock Supply from Wheat Straw: A Farm Level Model with Multiple Markets, Disease Risks and Soil Trade-offs

Grant K Hauer, Curtis John McKnight

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bioenergy Feedstock Supply from Wheat Straw: A Farm Level Model | Energy In A Flash

Curtis John McKnight

Research-Specific Short Film

Biofiltration And Biological Processes For The Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang, Muhammad Arslan, Akeem Olawale Bello, Foroogh Mehravaran

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biofiltration As A Semi-Passive Approach To Treat Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biofiltration As A Semi-Passive Approach To Treat Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biofiltration Of Oil Sands Process Water In Fixed-Bed Biofilm Reactors Shapes Microbial Community Structure For Enhanced Degradation Of Naphthenic Acids

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang, Muhammad Arslan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biofiltration Process As A Semi-Passive Approach To Treat Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biofuel Feedstock Supply from Wheat Straw: A Farm Level Model Incorporating Trade-offs in Crop Choices, Disease Risk and Soil Fertility

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer, Curtis John McKnight

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biofuel Opportunities for the Canadian Prairies and Alberta

Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biofuel Opportunity: Assessing the potential of biofuels based on crop residues in Canada

Feng Qiu

Other Event

Bioinspired Multifunctional Adhesive Materials, polymer surfaces and interfaces

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biojet economics

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biojet Fuels: What If the Aviation Industry Were a Country!

Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biomass and waste feedstock inventory for Canada

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biomass Conversion Method Controls Chemical, Fuel And Surface Properties Of Chars

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biomass production of Methylotuvimicrobium buryatense 5GB1C using two types of advanced bioreactor operations

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Yusheng Tan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biomass: Microbial bioconversion to fuels and products

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biomass’ role in Greener Albertan Electricity Generation

Andrew Leach, Tim Weis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Biomat connect Industry-Academia Mixer

Hem Sharma

Other Event

Biophysical Impacts And Reclamation Consideration For Solar, Wind And Geothermal Energy Systems

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Amalesh Dhar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biophysical Impacts Of New Energy Systems And Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Amalesh Dhar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biophysical Indicators For Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Sarah Wilkinson, Amalesh Dhar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biophysical Indicators For Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Sarah Wilkinson, Scott Chang, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen, Abimbola Ojekanmi, Laura Bony, Amalesh Dhar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biophysical Indicators: A Tool For Tracking Reclaimed Ecosystem Trajectories And Endpoint Targets

M Anne Naeth, Sarah Wilkinson, Amalesh Dhar

Other Event

Biorefinery strategies for co–generation of cellulose nanocrystals and value–added products from wood pulp

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Biotechnology for a Sustainable Environment

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biotechnology to bioconvert cheap compounds into valuable products

Pablo Ariel Anselmi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bipolar Resistive Switching in Junctions of Gallium Oxide and p-type Silicon

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Article in professional or trade journals

Bitumen Froth Cleaning Using Hydrothermal Treatment Plus Hot Filtration

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Qiang Chen, Shahrad Booran

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bitumen Froth Cleaning Using Hydrothermal Treatment Plus Hot Filtration

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Qiang Chen, Shahrad Booran

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bituminous Partings

Other Event

Black Gold

Other Event

Black Gold

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Blended Conjugated Polymer microspheres with "on demand" emission colors

Al Meldrum, Hui Wang, Tanisha Mehreen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Blended Conjugated Polymer microspheres with "on demand" emission colors

Al Meldrum, Tanisha Mehreen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Blending blue hydrogen with natural gas for direct consumption: Examining the effect of hydrogen concentration on transportation and well-to-combustion greenhouse gas emissions

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Blending blue hydrogen with natural gas for direct consumption: Examining the effect of hydrogen concentration on transportation and well-to-combustion greenhouse gas emissions

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Blockchain for cyber security in smart grid: a comprehensive survey

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Bodies in Crisis

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Book Launch: How to Make Art at the End of the World + Animate Literacies

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Book Launch: Knowings and Knots: Methodologies and Ecologies in Research-Creation

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Book review: Oil Money: Middle East Petrodollars and the Transformation of U.S. Empire, 1967-1988 (Cornell UP), by David M. Wight

Misc: Book Review

Boosting Nine-Level Operation of Seven-Level Hybrid-Clamped (7L-HC ) Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Boosting productivity of cellulosic ethanol production through an advanced fermentation strategy

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Boosting the Performance of Aqueous Ammonium-Ion Batteries by Mitigating Side Reactions Using Polymer Additive

Xiaolei Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Boosting the stability of perovskites with exsolved nanoparticles by B-site supplement mechanism

Jingli Luo, Hongbo Zeng, Minrui Gao, Bowen Zhang, Mengnan Zhu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

borderLINE: 2020 Biennial of Contemporary Art

Other Event

Bouguer Gravity Studies of Volcanic Centres in the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, British Columbia, Canada: Characterizing Geothermal Resources

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Bouncing behaviors of an oil droplet in a stratified liquid

Xuehua Zhang

Conference Proceedings

Bouncing Oil Droplet in a Stratified Liquid and its Sudden Death

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Breaking Down Feedstock Supply

Marty K Luckert

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Breaking The Wall Of Water Pollution

Irum Zahara

Other Event

Breaking the walls of climate change

Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Other Event

Breaking Walls of GHG emission

Marina Lazic

Other Event

Breaking Walls of GHG emission

Marina Lazic

Other Event

Bridging chemistry from high school to university

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Bridging chemistry from high school to university

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Bridging chemistry from high school to university: A Canadian perspective

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bridging molecular properties to systems level indicators for adsorbent based post-combustion carbon capture using machine learning

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Zukui Li, Kasturi Nagesh Pai, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bridging Science And Social Science Approaches To Environmental Issues

Misc: Speaker series

Brief Overview of Ice Nucleation

Nobuo Maeda

Article in professional or trade journals

Briefing to the Alberta Motor Transportation Association (AMTA)

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Misc: In-person meeting

Bringing down the cost of zinc-air batteries could unlock their full potential for storing renewable energy

Matthew Labbe

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Broadband Magnetotelluric Exploration at Mount Meager

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Bruni, E.* & Lefsrud, L.M. 2021. Science denial: causes, courses, and remedies. A route map for organizational scholars, Academy of Management Conference, July 31 – August 3, 2021.

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Buckling Effect of Sole Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 Nanoparticles Adsorbed at the Water/Oil Interface

Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Bugs, Land Reclamation And Soil: The Final Frontiers

Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Building Futures: Indigenous Owned Renewable Energy and a Just Transition

Andrea Kristine Miller

Misc: Video feature

Building Futures: Indigenous-led Energy Transitions in Alberta

Andrea Kristine Miller

Master Thesis


Sheena L Wilson

Other Event

Business Technology and its Effect on Industry Concentration in the United States

Master Thesis

C3N4 and C3N5 Nanosheets As Passivation Layers and Carrier Extractors for Inorganic Semiconductor Nanowires and Quantum Dots

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Charles Jensen, Narendra Chaulagain

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

C3N5: A Low Bandgap Semiconductor Containing an Azo-linked Carbon Nitride Framework for Photocatalytic, Photovoltaic and Adsorbent Applications

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Kazi Alam, Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Cadmium Stability In Spent Biochar In Electrolyte Solutions And Soils

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Huile Gu, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Calculation Of The Nusselt Number From Temperature And Velocity Data Obtained From Enhanced 3D Two-Colour LIF And 3D PTV In A Rayleigh-Benard Convection Cell

David S. Nobes, Sina Kashanj

Conference Proceedings

Calgary Lecture Series; Energy Panel: To provide continuing education opportunity in Calgary that showcases excellence and innovation at the University of Alberta

M Anne Naeth, John R Parkins, Steven Bergens, Maggie Cascadden

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Calibrating Canadian Wind Atlas Data to Historic Market Performance

Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, Natalia Vergara Bonilla

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Calibrating community spirit and quantifying greenhouse gas emissions

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi, Nilusha Welegedara


Calibration And Application Of Quality-Scoring Functions Using Soil-Forest Productivity Relationships In Land Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Abimbola Ojekanmi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Can a computer "learn" nonlinear chromatography?: Physics-based deep neural networks for simulation and optimization of chromatographic processes

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Zukui Li, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Can energy crops compete with agriculture? A real options approach to landowner returns

Marty K Luckert, Grant K Hauer, Claire Doll

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Can energy crops compete with traditional agriculture? A real options approach to landowner returns

Marty K Luckert, Grant K Hauer, Claire Doll

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Can energy crops compete with traditional agriculture? A real options approach to landowner returns

Marty K Luckert, Grant K Hauer, Claire Doll

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Can Farmers be Climate Leaders

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Can low salinity water injection be an efficient option for the Recô ncavo Basin? An experimental and simulation case study

Japan J Trivedi, Gabriel Pereira da Costa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Can low-carbon hydrogen from Canada be competitive in international markets?

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Eskinder Gemechu, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Can Pink Bacteria Help Mitigate Methane Emissions

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Cerrise Weiblen

Other Event

Can pink bacteria help mitigate methane emissions?

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Cerrise Weiblen

Other Event

Can Short-term Data Accurately Model Long-term Environmental Exposures? Investigating The Multigenerational Adaptation Potential Of Daphnia magna To Environmental Concentrations Of Organic Ultraviolet Filters

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Zuo Tong How

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Can We Engage Stakeholders Without Sacrificing Science In Wetland Design?

Kylie Heales

Other Event

Can we generate stable pickering emulsions activating naturally occurring nanoparticles in the reservoir for cost effective heavy-oil recovery?

Nobuo Maeda

Article in professional or trade journals

Can we marry pipeline transportation with hydrothermal processing?

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Can we use machine learning to find synthesizable compounds?

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Arkadii Pominov

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Can we use the swimming habits of fish for energy harvesting in rivers?

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Can You See The Pollution In Your Water?

Haley Hunter

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Canada Geothermal Student Days 2022

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Canada's Coal Phase Out Policy Implications for Smart Grids in Canada

Tim Weis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Canada's Renewable Energy Project Map


Canada’s electrified future is a challenge, but one we can achieve

Tim Weis

Article in popular media

Canadian Economics Association, Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2022-06-03

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Canadian Economics Association, Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2021-06-05

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Canadian Electricity Markets during the COVID -19 Pandemic: An Initial Assessment

Andrew Leach, Blake Shaffer

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Canadian Experience in CO2-EOR

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Gonzalo Zambrano Narvaez

Other Event

Canadian Forest Policy: Where to from here?

Marty K Luckert

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Canadian Hydrogen Convention

Charles Robert Koch, Amir Hanifi, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Canadian Labour Economics Forum, Online Seminar, 2022-10-22

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Canadian Oil Sands Extraction and Upgrading: A Synthesis of the Data on Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, and Supply Costs

Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Capacitive Resonant System to Charge Devices with Metallic Embodiment

Rashid Mirzavand, Fabiano Domingos

Conference Proceedings

Capacitively Coupled Resonators for Misalignment-Tolerant Wireless Charging through Metallic Cases

Rashid Mirzavand, Fabiano Domingos

Conference Proceedings

Capacitor Pre-Charge Method for Back-to-Back Seven-Level Hybrid Clamped Converter without Extra Power Supply

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Capacity Market Design: Motivation and Challenges in Alberta’s Electricity Market

David P Brown

Article in professional or trade journals

Capacity Payment Mechanisms and Investment Incentives in Restructured Electricity Markets

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Carbazole-Cyanobenzene Dyes Electrografted to Carbon or Indium-Doped Tin Oxide Supports for Visible Light-Driven Photoanodes and Olefin Isomerizations.

Steven Bergens, Mona Amiri, Loorthuraja Rasu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Carbazole-cyanobenzene dyes electrografted to carbon or ITO support for visible light-driven photoanodes and olefin isomerizations (USPTO)

Steven Bergens, Mona Amiri, Loorthuraja Rasu


Carbazole-cyanobenzene dyes electrografted to carbon or ITO supports for visible light driven photoanodes and olefin isomierization

Steven Bergens, Mona Amiri, Loorthuraja Rasu


Carbon Based Materials For Remediation Of Cadmium And Zinc Contaminated Water

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Carbon Catching Library

Other Event

Carbon Catching Library

Other Event

Carbon Dioxide Dissolution in Saline Pore Fluids: Salt Precipitation

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Carbon dioxide valorization via formate electrosynthesis in a wide potential window

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Chenyu Xu, Mengnan Zhu, Subiao Liu, Pengfei Sui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Carbon Policy Challenges to Achieving 2035 Net Zero Electricity in Alberta

Andrew Leach, Tim Weis, Jessica Van Os

Research Report

Carbon price pass-through in electricity market

Andrew Leach, Blake Shaffer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Carbon pricing with an output subsidy under imperfect competition: The case of Alberta's restructured electricity market

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Carbon pricing with an output subsidy under imperfect competition: The case of Alberta's restructured electricity market

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Carbon to Electrons: A CO2 Circulation Feasibility Study for Sustainable Geothermal Power Generation at the Aquistore CO2 Storage Site

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference Proceedings

Carbon-Based Materials As Adsorbents

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Hongbo Zeng, Selamawit Messele, Chelsea Benally, Lingjun Meng, Junying Song, Deborah Crominski da Silva Medeiros

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Carbonization Temperature And Feedstock Type Interactively Affect Chemical, Fuel, And Surface Properties Of Hydrochars

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Carboxyl And Hydroxyl Groups Enhance Ammonium Adsorption Capacity Of Iron (III) Chloride And Hydrochloric Acid Modified Biochars

Scott Chang, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Caring for the 21st Century [Keynote Speaker]: Energy Transition and Feminist Futures.” for The Mothernists II: Who Care’s for the 21st Century?

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Carrier Based Stair Edge PWM (SEPWM) for Capacitor Balancing In Multilevel Converters with Floating Capacitors

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Carrier Transition Techniques for Parallel Connected VSCs Using Cross-Coupled Inductors

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo, Dohitha Bandara Yapa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Carrier Transition Techniques for Parallel Connected VSCs Using Cross-Coupled Inductors

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Carrier-Based MPC for Interleaved 2L-VSIs with Reduced Low-order Zero-Sequence Circulating Current

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Changpeng Jiang, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

Carrier-based PWM Design of Multilevel ANPC-based Converter through Hierarchical Decomposition

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li

Conference Proceedings

Cars versus homes: A Q&A about greenhouse gas emissions in Edmonton

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Case Study of Deep Electrification in Remote Canadian Community

Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, Tazrin Jahan Priyanka

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Catalysis and Energy

Steven Bergens

Other Event

Catalysis, Climate Change, and Solar Fuels

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez

Other Event

Catalyst Integration within the Air Electrode in Secondary Zn-air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Matthew Labbe

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Catalytic Effect Of Oil Sands Process Water Inorganic Matrix And Solar-Driven Photocatalyst Bi2S3/Bi2WO6 On The Photodegradation Of Naphthenic Acids

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rui Qin, Lingjun Meng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Catalytic Oxidation Of OSPW Using Modified Basalt Fibers

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Monsuru Suara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Catalytic Ozonation Of Naphthenic Acid Model Compound In The Presence Of Carbon Materials

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Catalytic Ozonation Of Naphthenic Acid Model Compound In The Presence Of Carbon Materials

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele

Conference Proceedings

Catalytic Ozonation Of Naphthenic Acids In The Presence Of Carbon-Based Metal-Free Catalysts: Performance And Kinetic Study

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Selamawit Messele

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Catalytic Ozonation Of Oil Sands Process Water In The Presence Of Carbon-Based Metal-Free Catalyst

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Catalytic Ozone-Based Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) By Heteroatom Doped Fe/GAC

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele, Hande Demir

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Catalytic Photoluminescent Bioinorganic Hybrids from Enzymes and Silicon Nanocrystals

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Catalyzing Green Hydrogen Research at the U of A

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Cathodically Inserted, Widely Dispersed Sr2+ Surface Dopants Produce a Threefold Improvement in the CO2 Photoreduction Activity of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays

Karthik Shankar, Saralyn Riddell, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Harshitha Rajashekhar, Narendra Chaulagain, Navneet Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Cavitation Nuclei Regeneration in a Water-Particle Suspension

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

CCECE 2019

Charles Robert Koch

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ccpa: Coordinated cyber-physical attacks and countermeasures in smart grid

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

CCS-MPC with Long Predictive Horizon for Grid-Connected Current Source Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

Ce-doped La1-xSrxCr1-yFeyO3 Cathode Catalyst for SOEC CO2 Conversion

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Celebrating the Emergency Act and the Enforcement of Carceral Law: What Other Futures are Possible?

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Cell Equalizers Modeling and Analysis Based on Energy Conservation Method

Ali Khajehoddin

Conference Proceedings

Cell lysis and enhanced product recovery from methanotrophic bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Miranda Darlene Stahn, Mark Douglas Lawley

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Cell lysis and enhanced product recovery from methanotrophic bacteria. Future Energy Systems Research Symposium.

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Miranda Darlene Stahn, Mark Douglas Lawley

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Cellulose materials for the purification of Kraft methanol

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Cellulose Nanocrystal Isolation Mediated by Enzymatic Treatment

David C. Bressler

Misc: Industry Meeting

Cellulose nanocrystals as natural feedstocks for advanced carbon materials

David C. Bressler

Book Chapter

Cellulose nanocrystals conjugated with metallophthalocyanines: Applications in visible-light driven photocatalysts and memory devices

Narendra Chaulagain

Master Thesis

Cellulose Nanofibers For Selective Ion Removal From OSPW

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yaman Boluk, Mingyu Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Centralized versus Decentralized Demand Response: Evidence from a Field Experiment

David P Brown, Blake Shaffer, Megan Bailey

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Centralized versus Decentralized Demand Response: Evidence from a Field Experiment

David P Brown, Blake Shaffer, Megan Bailey

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Centralized vs Decentralized Demand Response: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Working Paper in preparation for submission.

David P Brown, Blake Shaffer, Megan Bailey

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Cerium-containing chalcohalides as tunable photoluminescent materials

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Al Meldrum, Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar, Mohammad Jomaa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CFD modeling and analysis of anode supported solid oxide fuel cells

Mahdi Shahbakhti

Master Thesis


Brian Fleck, Carlos Lange

Conference Proceedings

ChainFaaS: An Open Blockchain-based Serverless Platform

Petr Musilek, Hamzeh Khazaei, Sara Ghaemi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Chainsaw: Theory and Practice—S2E5

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


Chalcogenide Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Photocatalytic Applications

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Challenges and Opportunities in Designing Perovskite Nanocrystal Heterostructures

Jillian Mary Buriak

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Challenges in Zn-Air Battery Cell Design

Douglas Ivey, Matthew Labbe

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Chandra Tomaras on Who is Affected by Climate Change

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Changes Observed in the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon Due To An Increase In The Tree Canopy

Master Thesis

Changing Methane Paradigms

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Chapter 12: The environmental performance of hydrogen production pathways based on renewable sources

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Book Chapter

Characterising PEMWE performance: a numerical study on the impact of ACL permeability and electronic conductivity

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal, Michael Moore

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Characteristics of vortex interactions of tandem wakes in side-by-side configuration

Ahmet Gungor

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Characterization of a Resonant Capacitively Coupled Wireless Power Transfer System for Communication Purposes at 6 MHz

Rashid Mirzavand, Fabiano Domingos

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Characterization of bifurcated dipole vortex streets in the wake of an oscillating foil

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Characterization Of Bioavailable Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process Water Using Biomimetic Solid Phase Microextraction

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Rongfu Huang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Characterization of Carrier Dynamics in Metal Oxide Nanostructures and Tellurophenes

Master Thesis

Characterization of Cellulase-Treated Fibers and Resulting Cellulose Nanocrystals Generated through Acid Hydrolysis

David C. Bressler

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Characterization of Electroless Ni-P Coatings and Electrodeposition of Ni Coatings for Electrodes in Zinc-Air Flow Batteries

Hang Hu

Master Thesis

Characterization of magnetic particle alignment in photosensitive polymer resin: A preliminary study for additive manufacturing processes

Pierre Mertiny, Balakrishnan Nagarajan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Characterization of morphology-dependent transport in lead-halide perovskite printed films using time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy

Karthik Shankar, Charles Jensen, Damini Vrushabendrakumar

Conference Proceedings

Characterization of organosulfur compounds in biomethanol from Kraft pulping

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Misc: Corporate knowledge dissemination

Characterization of particles generated by non-catalytic methane pyrolysis in a tubular flow reactor

Jason Scott Olfert, Marc Secanell, Natalia Semagina, Jing Shen, Ehsan Abbasi Atibeh, Arash Naseri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Characterization of Raw and Ozonated Oil Sand Process Water Utilizing Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Combined with Solid Phase Microextraction

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rongfu Huang, Lingling Yang, Zuo Tong How

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Characterization of the Copper Starvation

Phillip Keith Sun

Master Thesis

Characterization of the Exhaust Flow through the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst

Master Thesis

Characterization of the Geothermal Resource at Clarke Lake Field Northeast British Columbia

Master Thesis

Characterization of the wake of large depth-ratio cylinders at low Reynolds numbers

Arash Zargar

Master Thesis

Characterization of THz-Induces Bias Voltage Modulation In An STM

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Characterizations of dynamic interfaces in all-solid lithium batteries

Lingzi Sang, Nicholas Kissoon, Fuwei Wen

Article in professional or trade journals

Characterizing And Optimizing Biochars For Contaminant Removal From Wastewater

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Characterizing Deep Basin Siliciclastic Reservoirs for Geothermal Use Near Hinton, Alberta

Nicholas B. Harris

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Characterizing Outer Membrane Vesicles in Methanotrophic Bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Phillip Keith Sun, Mariah Kristen Hermary

Other Event

Characterizing Outer Membrane Vesicles in the Methanotroph Methylomicrobium album BG8

Mariah Kristen Hermary

Master Thesis

Characterizing the recent increasing seismicity near Musreau Lake, Alberta

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang, Tianyang Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Charge Separation and Transport in Functional Heterojunctions Based on Solution-Grown TiO2 Nanotube & Nanowire Arrays

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Charge transfer dynamics in RuO2/perovskite nanohybrid for enhanced electrocatalysis in solid oxide electrolyzers

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Charge-accumulation-induced mixed photocorrosion in the Z-scheme PEC system

Karthik Shankar, Jingli Luo, Steven Bergens, Chenyu Xu, Mengnan Zhu, Pengfei Sui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Charles Stubblefield on the Sociology of Knowledge

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Chemistry demos for kids, Mad Science

Steven Bergens, Emily Majaesic

Other Event

Chief Gordon Auger of Bigstone Cree Nation on Treaty Land Entitlement Claims and Upholding Treaty Promises

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Chinese Assoc. for Microbial Ecology

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Choosing the Right Tools in the Electricity Transition - A Canadian Perspective

Tim Weis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Choreographies of Collaboration—S2E3

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


CIGRE Canada Conference & Expo

Greg Kish

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Cindy Noskiye on the Impacts of Development on Wildlife

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Cindy Noskiye on the Limits of First Nations Consultation

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Circulating Current Suppression in Parallel Connected ANPC Converters using Advanced PWM Switching Patterns

John Salmon

Conference Proceedings

CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

City of Edmonton and the Change for Climate Program: In Conversation with Andrea Soler

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

City of Edmonton Energy, Transition and Leadership: In Conversation with Mike Mellross

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

City of Edmonton Residential Energy Efficiency and Sharing Economies: In Conversation with Robyn Webb

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Classification of crystal structures: Machine-learning predictions and experimental validation

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Classification of Half-Heusler Compounds through Machine Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar, Alex Gzyl, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Classification of Half-Heusler Compounds through Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar, Alex Gzyl, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Clean Energy Transition in Remote Indigenous Communities: Hydrogen Energy, 2021

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Climate Anxiety and Energy Politics: Public Opinion About Energy Transition in Alberta

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas, Brooks DeCillia

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Climate Change and Artificial Photosynthesis to Store Solar Energy in Fuels.

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez

Other Event

Climate Change and Solar Fuels

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Climate Change and the Arts: A Post-COP26 Roundtable Discussion

Derek Gladwin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Agriculture: what can biotechnology do?

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Climate Change on Earth and Mars

Steven Bergens

Other Event

Climate Change Theatre Action: A Panel Discussion and Play Reading

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

Climate Change, Solar Fuels, and Science

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Jinkun Liu, Dominic Lavergne, Elizabeth Murphy

Other Event

Climate Change, Technology and Policy

Arman Hemmati

Other Event

Climate Risk Governance in Bhubaneswar city: An evolutionary perspective.

Debadutta Parida

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Climbing Up Penrose’s Stairs: Community Stakeholder Co-design As Deliberative Democracy

Maggie Cascadden, Kylie Heales

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Close Encounters of the pedagogical kind: Science-fictioning a curriculum-to-come

Jessie Beier

Book Chapter

Closed-Form Continuous Asymmetrical Hybrid Modulation, Ensuring Wide ZVS Range and Seamless Transients for DAB Converters

Ali Khajehoddin, Morteza Mahdavifard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Closed-Loop reservoir management using nonlinear model predictive control: A field case study

Japan J Trivedi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Closed-Loop Reservoir Management Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: A Field Case Study

Japan J Trivedi

Conference Proceedings

Closing the Gap: The Impact of Oil and Gas Regulations on Producing First Nations

Laurel E Wheeler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Closing the Loop: 4D Seismic Constraints on CO2 Flow Simulations from the Aquistore CO2 Storage Site

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference Proceedings

Co-aromatization of methane with propane over Zn/HZSM -5: The methane reaction pathway and the effect of Zn distribution

Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao, Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Co-Chair of Energy Storage Workshop 2020

Omid Ardakanian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Co-metabolic Degradation of Cyclohexane under Aerobic and Methanogenic Conditions

Ania Ulrich, Phillip YK Choi, Tariq Siddique, Gloria Okpala

Other Event

Co-movement of Prices Between Biofuel Co-products in Canada: Ethanol, Electricity, and Pellets

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer, Claire Doll

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Co-optimizing battery storage for energy arbitrage and frequency regulation in real-time markets using deep reinforcement learning

Hao Liang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Co-processing of bio-oil and crude oil in a conventional refinery: Cost and bio-carbon content assessments for different pathways

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Co-Production of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Fermentable Sugars Assisted by Endoglucanase Treatment of Wood Pulp

David C. Bressler

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Co-production of dietary fiber, protein isolates, and ethanol from the by-product of pulse with Air Currents Assisted Particle Separation (ACAPS) process

David C. Bressler, Elisabeth Kezia Widjaja

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Co-production of ethanol and cellulose nanocrystals through self-cycling fermentation of wood pulp hydrolysate

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Co-production of ethanol and protein isolates from the by-product of pulse with Air-Currents Assisted Particle Separation (ACAPS) process

Elisabeth Kezia Widjaja

Master Thesis

CO2 Foam and CO2 Polymer Enhanced Foam for Heavy Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage

Japan J Trivedi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

CO2 Injection Modeling Expertise from 7 Years of Operation at Aquistore

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Stephen James Talman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CO2 Photoreduction Activity Enhancement and Unexpected Observation of Carbon Monoxide Adsorbates on the Surface of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Synthesized in Formamide Electrolytes

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Narendra Chaulagain, Navneet Kumar, John Garcia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

CO2 photoreduction using earth abundant transition metal oxides & chalcogenides

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CO2 Reduction over Perovskite Oxides in Solid Oxide Electrolytic Cells

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Bowen Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CO2 reduction performance of TiO2 nanotube-based heterojunction photocatalysts

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Coal Derived Humic Substances In Coal Mine Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Coal Mining Byproduct Highly Effective For Land Reclamation

Yihan Zhao

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Coexistence Of Polyethylene Microplastics And Biochar Increases Ammonium Sorption In An Aqueous Solution

Scott Chang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Coherent structures in the wake of a large depth-ratio wall-mounted rectangular cylinder at high incidence angles

Arman Hemmati, Arash Zargar

Conference Proceedings

Coherent structures in the wake of a long wall-mounted rectangular prism at large incident angles

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

CoLAB Meeting: Diggin' In to the IPCC Special Report

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CoLAB Meeting: Energy Imaginaries + The Perfect Storm: Energy Transition Game

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CoLAB Meeting: Expanding the Infrastructural Imagination

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CoLAB Meeting: Materializing Climate Change

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CoLAB Meeting: ‘Sensing the Anthropocene’

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Jessie Beier

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CoLAB/IRS/Space & Culture Meeting: Energy Imaginaries

Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Cold Climate Impact on Air-Pollution-Related Health Outcomes: A Scoping Review

Charles Robert Koch, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Collaboration Opportunities for CO2 Storage and EOR in Canada

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Gonzalo Zambrano Narvaez

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Collaborative Appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US Department of Energy

Cerrise Weiblen

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Collaborative Co-Design Could Be Key To Better Environmental Decision-Making: Study

Maggie Cascadden, Kylie Heales

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Collaborative Ultrafast Spectroscopic Laser (CUSL) facility

Karthik Shankar, Al Meldrum, Juli Gibbs

Misc: Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) John R. Evans Leade

Colorimetric Voltmeter Using Colloidal Fe3O4@SiO2 Nanoparticles as an Overpotential Alarm System for Zinc-air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Thuy (Wendy) Nguyen Thanh Tran, Hyun-Joong Chung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Coloured intermetallic compounds Li2ZnGa and Li2ZnIn

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vladimir K Michaelis, Mohammad Jomaa, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Coloured intermetallic compounds LiCu2Al and LiCu2Ga

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Anton Oliynyk, Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Coloured Li-containing intermetallic compounds

Arthur Mar, Mohammad Jomaa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Combined effects of carbon and nitrogen source to optimize growth of proteobacterial methanotrophs

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Catherine Tays

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Combined Solar Activated Sulfate Radical-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes (SR-AOPs) And Biofiltration For The Remediation Of Dissolved Organics In Oil Sands Produced Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu, Muhammad Arslan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Combining Electro-Oxidation And Aerobic Biodegradation As Treatment For Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW)

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Combining magnetotelluric and well-log data to improve estimates of geothermal resources in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Combining safety approaches to bring hazards into focus: An oil sands tailings case study.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Combustion Institute Canadian Section (CICS) 2018

Charles Robert Koch

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Combustion Institute Canadian Section (CICS) 2019

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Cometabolic degradation of cyclohexane in the presence of ammonium

Ania Ulrich, Phillip YK Choi, Tariq Siddique, Gloria Okpala

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Common-Mode Voltage Reduction for Back-to-Back Two-Level Converters Based on Zero-Sequence Voltage Injection

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Common-mode Voltage Reduction Method for Three-level Vienna Rectifiers

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Bowei Li, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

Commons and Climate Justice

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

Communicating Power: Energy, Canada and the Field(s) of Communication

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Communicating Power: Energy, Canada and the Field(s) of Communication

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Communicating Power: Energy, Canada and the Field(s) of Communication.

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Communicating Risks

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Communicating risks across organizations and to contractors

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Communicating Risks to Support Sustainability Discussions: Challenges in a Post-Truth Era

Other Event

Communicating Risks To Support Sustainability Discussions: Challenges In A Post-Truth Era

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Communicating Risks to Support Sustainability Discussions: Challenges in a Post-Truth Era

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Communicationless Power Management Strategy for the Multiple-DAB-Based Energy Storage System in Isolated DC Microgrid

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding, Nie Hou

Conference Proceedings

Community energy in Western Canada: Insights from case studies on small-scale renewable energy development

John R Parkins, Andrea Kristine Miller

Research Report

Community Engagement In Constructed Wetland Design: Current Results And Future Directions

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Maggie Cascadden, Kylie Heales

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Community Leagues and Neighbourhood Energy Transitions in Edmonton

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi, Shirley Octaviani Lie

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Community Renewable Energy in Canada: A Literature Review of Methods, Motivations, Opportunities, and Barriers

Research Report

Commutation Scheme of Seven-Level Hybrid-Clamped Converters with Suppressed Deadband-Induced Voltage Spikes

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian, Yuzhuo Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Temperature Compensation in Microwave Sensors

Petr Musilek, Nazli Kazemi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Temperature Compensation in Microwave Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

Petr Musilek, Nazli Kazemi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparative assessment of blue hydrogen from steam methane reforming, autothermal reforming, and natural gas decomposition technologies for natural gas-producing regions

Amit Kumar, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparative Assessment of Multi-Port MMCs for High-Power Applications

Yuan Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparative assessment of pipeline hydro-transport of biomass feedstock – an overview of 8 years experimental and techno-economic studies

Amit Kumar, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Comparative cost and greenhouse gas emission assessment of land-based hydrogen transportation systems.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Comparative Effects of GAC Addition on Methane Productivity and Microbial Community in Mesophilic and Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste

Master Thesis

Comparative effects of GAC addition on methane productivity and microbial community in mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of food waste

Bipro Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparative energy and techno-economic analyses of two different configurations for hydrothermal carbonization of yard waste

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparative life cycle assessment of an battery electric vehicle and a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Dipankar Khanna

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Comparative life cycle energy and greenhouse gas footprints of dry and wet torrefaction processes of various biomass feedstocks

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparative techno-economic analysis of bio-coal production through dry and wet torrefaction of biomass feedstocks

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Comparative techno-economic assessment of producing pure CO2 from flue gases produced from fossil fuel plants using amine and ammonia separation

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparative techno-economic assessment of renewable natural gas (RNG) production pathways from various biomass feedstocks

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Comparison between the kinetics of cyclohexane absorption and desorption for heterogeneous bitumen nanofilms

Phillip YK Choi, Vadim Kislitsin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparison of computational and experimental inorganic crystal structures

Arthur Mar, Jan Poehls, Manon Heyberger

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparison of computational and experimental inorganic crystal structures

Arthur Mar, Jan Poehls, Manon Heyberger

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Comparison of frictional behaviour and techno-economics of agricultural residue biomass in ascending and descending pipes

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Comparison of maize stover and wheat straw slurry flow in vertical pipes

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comparison of UV/Fenton, UV/H2O2, UV/Oxone and Ozone in Degrading the Naphthenic Aids in Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele, Hande Demir

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Comparison of vertical hydro-transport of lignocellulosic biomass with conventional solids

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Competition between electroosmotic and chemiosmotic flow in charged nanofluidics

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Competition between electroosmotic and chemiosmotic flow in charged nanofluidics

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Competitive Coordination Structure Regulation in Deep Eutectic Electrolyte for Stable Zinc Batteries

Xiaolei Wang, Zhiping Deng, Wenjing Deng, Yimei Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Complete genome sequence of Methylomonas denitrificans strain FJG1, an obligate aerobic methanotroph that can couple methane oxidation to denitrification

Lisa Stein, Fabini Orata

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Complex Droplet Dynamics on Nanostructures and in Microfluidics

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Composition And Optimal Sampling Time For Invertebrates In Reclaimed Coal Mine Sites In Central Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Composition effects of electrodeposited Co-Fe as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction

Douglas Ivey, Ming Xiong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Composition-Tunable Formamidinium Lead Mixed Halide Perovskites via Solvent-Free Mechanochemical Synthesis: Decoding the Pb Environments Using Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy

Karthik Shankar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Michelle Ha, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy Bernard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Compositional and elemental descriptors for perovskite materials

Karthik Shankar, John Garcia

Conference Proceedings

Compositional Effects of Gel Polymer Electrolyte and Battery Design for Zinc\textendash Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Thuy (Wendy) Nguyen Thanh Tran, Hyun-Joong Chung, Drew Aasen, Matthew Labbe

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Comprehensive numerical analysis of failure mechanisms in high-strength pipelines: a novel investigation of the combined effects of internal corrosion and spanning

Zhigang Tian, Han Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Compression Behaviours of Mine Tailings Materials under Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) Treatment

Shima Atashgahi

Master Thesis

Compressive behaviour of Mature Fines Tailings treated by microbially induced calcite precipitation

Fangzhou Liu, Shima Atashgahi

Conference Proceedings

Computational Antitrust Achievements

Andrew L. Eckert

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation of Rooftop Wind Regime in Complex Urban Environment

Sarah Mattar

Master Thesis

Computational Investigation of the Metal and Ligand Substitution Effects on the Structure and Electronic States of the Phosphoranimide Tetramer Complexes of Cu(I), Ni(I), Co(I), and Fe(I)

Jeffrey Mark Stryker

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Computational workshop

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Alex Gzyl, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Concave Microlens Arrays With Tunable Curvature For Enhanced Photodegradation Of Organic Pollutants In Water: A Non-Contact Approach

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Xuehua Zhang, Qiuyun Lu, Yanan Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Concentrated Winding IPM Synchronous Motor Design for Wide Field Weakening Applications

John Salmon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Conference General Chair

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Connecting Innovative Technologies, Environment And People: Everyone Contributes To Our Energy Future

M Anne Naeth

Other Event

Connecting the Chemistry of Silanes and Silicon Surfaces with Radical-based Mechanisms

Jillian Mary Buriak

Other Event

Connections in Friction: Socially Engaged Art in East Asia in Transnational Contact Zones

Vicki Kwon

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Consensus Building and Optimization in Group Decision-Making for the Risk Assessment of Wind Farm Project

Yajie Hao

Master Thesis

Consensus Building in Group Decision Making for the Risk Assessment of Wind Farm Projects

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Witold Pedrycz, Nebiyu Kedir, Yajie Hao, Nima Gerami Seresht

Conference Proceedings

Considering buried depth for vertical borehole heat exchangers in a borehole field with groundwater flow—An extended solution

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Considering buried depth in the moving finite line source model for vertical borehole heat exchangers - a new solution

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Consistently High Voc Values in p-i-n Type Perovskite Solar Cells Using Ni3$\mathplus$-Doped NiO Nanomesh as the Hole Transporting Layer

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Kazi Alam, Saralyn Riddell, Al Meldrum

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Constrained Receding Horizon Output Estimation of Linear Distributed Parameter Systems

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Constraining Magnetotelluric Inversion using Well-Log Data in the Peace River Area

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Constraining Magnetotelluric models using well-log data: A search for hot rocks

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Constructed Wetland Novel Materials LCA Mapping

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Maggie Cascadden, Vartuhi Tonoyan, Matt Kingston

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Construction and Application of Distribution Grid Knowledge Graph

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Contemporary Art/Design: Imaging Canadian Arctic Landscape through Heritage Crafts and Photo-based Artificial Intelligence

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Context-driven ontology-based risk identification for onshore wind farm projects: A domain-specific approach

Simaan AbouRizk, Emad Mohamed, Nima Gerami Seresht

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Control and Analysis of a Modular Battery Voltage Balancing Cell

John Salmon, Ali Khajehoddin, Atrin Tavakoli

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Control and Analysis of a Modular Bridge for Battery Cell Voltage Balancing

John Salmon, Ali Khajehoddin, Atrin Tavakoli

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Control of Femtoliter Liquid on a Microlens: A Way to Flexible Dual-Microlens Arrays

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Control of Viscous Fingering Instability for Complex Yield-Stress Fluids using a Tapered Cell

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Control-oriented Modeling of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Affected by Redox Cycling using a Novel Deep Learning Approach

Charles Robert Koch, Amir Hanifi, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Mohamadali Tofigh, Masood Fakouri Hasanabadi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Control-oriented Modeling of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Affected by Redox Cycling using a Novel Deep Learning Approach

Charles Robert Koch, Amir Hanifi, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Mohamadali Tofigh, Masood Fakouri Hasanabadi

Conference Proceedings

Controlled addition of new liquid component into surface droplet arrays by solvent exchange

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Controlling Emulsion, Slippage, Splashing, and Viscous-Fingering

P Amy Tsai

Other Event

Controlling the luminescence of rare-earth chalcogenide iodides RE3(Ge1–xSix)2S8I (RE = La, Ce, and Pr) and Ce3Si2(S1–ySey)8I

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Al Meldrum, Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar, Mohammad Jomaa, Xiaoyuan Liu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Controlling the luminescence of rare-earth chalcohalides Ce3Ge2–xSixS8I and Ce3Si2S8–ySeyI

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Al Meldrum, Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar, Mohammad Jomaa, Xiaoyuan Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Controlling viscous fingering instabilities of complex fluids

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Controlling Viscous Fingering Instabilities of Complex Fluids

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Convective mixing in homogeneous porous media flow

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article


Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Convergences: Research Creation Project, An interdisciplinary artwork/speculation

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Conversion of biomass and municipal solid waste into renewable jet fuel

Amit Kumar, Wasel-ur Rahman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Conversion of Organic Waste to Value-added Products

Maryam Akbari

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Converting Fugitive Methane Emissions into Value-Added Products

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Convolutional Neural Networks for Fault Diagnosis Using Rotating Speed Normalized Vibration

Ming J. Zuo, Dongdong Wei

Conference Proceedings

Cooperative neural fitted learning for distributed energy management in microgrids via wireless networks

Hao Liang, Yuan Liu, Peng Zhuang

Conference Proceedings

Coordination and Optimization of Power Distribution Systems with Stochastic Distributed Energy Resources using Artificial Intelligence

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

COP 101 Speaker Series

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Copper Sulfide Nanostructures and their utility in Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Copper-doped double perovskites and uses thereof (USPTO)

Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar


Copula-based time-frequency distribution analysis for planetary gearbox fault detection

Ming J. Zuo, Libin Liu

Conference Proceedings

Core-shell titanium dioxide-titanium nitride nanotube arrays with near-infrared plasmon resonances

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Core-shell titanium dioxide@titanium nitride nanotube arrays for optical limiters and near-infrared sensitive optoelectronics

Karthik Shankar, Saralyn Riddell

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Corrosion and aging risk assessment of an injection system for FCC /Bio-oil co-feed

Haoxiang Wang, Jing Liu, Henry Brian Pedraza

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Corrosivity and Thermal Stability of Biocrude Oil for Co-Processing in FCC Feedlines: An Investigation and Risk Assessment

Henry Brian Pedraza

Master Thesis

Cost analysis of wastewater production from conventional and unconventional oil and gas wells

Joel Gehman, Daniel Scott Alessi, Ashkan Zolfaghari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Cost Limits of Pressure-Vacuum Swing Adsorption for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture

Arvind Rajendran, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Conference Proceedings

Cost-Effective Catalysts for the Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide

Sheng (Shawn) Nian Zhang

Master Thesis

Could A Damaged Land Tax-Refund Scheme Help Endangered Species Recovery?

Zhanji Zhang

Other Event

Coupled flow-geomechanics machine learning enhanced upscaling (2022-2023)

Bo Zhang, Xiaoyan Ou

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Coupled Inductors for High-Frequency Drives With Parallel-Connected Inverter Legs

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article


Zahra Abbasi

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Coupled-Virtual-Impedance Control for AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid Power Electronic Interlinking Unit with Dual Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Coverage, Mechanism, and Electronics Study of Si–S, Si–Se and Si–Te-bound Si(111) Surfaces Formed via UV Irradiation

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen, Tate Hauger

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Coverage, Mechanism, and Electronics Study of Si–S, Si–Se and Si–Te-bound Si(111) Surfaces Formed via UV Irradiation

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

COVID-19 And Nature: Evidence From The Amazon Rainforest

Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CREATE ME2 3 Minute Thesis Competition 2022

Jasper Eitzen

Other Event

Creating a Positive Safety Culture and Continuous Improvement in Alberta’s Construction Industry

Research Report

Creative sentencing improves workplace safety: Why don’t we use it more?

Joel Gehman

Article in popular media

Creative Sentencing: My Experience with Companies

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Creativity and Climate Change

MaryElizabeth Luka

Article in popular media

Critical Energy Research and the Molecular Media of Praxis

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Critical problems in the development of basin-hosted geothermal resources – considerations from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Nicholas B. Harris

Conference Proceedings

Critical problems in the development of basin-hosted geothermal resources – considerations from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Nicholas B. Harris

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Critical Reflections on Research-Creation and Digital Collaboration in Times of Crisis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Critical Shear Stress of Clathrate and Semiclathrate Hydrates on Solid Substrates

Nobuo Maeda, Xuehua Zhang, Yu Wei

Article in professional or trade journals

Critical Surface Tension and Specific Surface Free Energy of Clathrate Hydrate

Nobuo Maeda, Yu Wei

Article in professional or trade journals

Critical Theory of Technology Reading + Working Group Series

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Crustal attenuation beneath western North America: Implications for slab subduction, terrane accretion and arc magmatism of the Cascades

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Mauricio Sacchi, Jingchuan Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Crustal seismic attenuation of western Canada from Lg Q inversions

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Crustal shear structure of the Cordillera-Craton transition region in southwestern Canada and its tectonic implications

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Crystal growth of multivalent rare-earth intermetallics using metal fluxes

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Ritobroto Sikdar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Crystallography in Chemistry and Materials Science

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Cu(II)-Doped CS2SbAgCl6 Double Perovskite: A Lead-Free, Low-Bandgap Material

Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Cuckoo-search optimized fuzzy-logic control of stationary battery storage systems

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Cultivating a Greener Future: Sustainable Agriculture and Biofuel.

Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Cultures of Energy: The Energy Humanities Podcast - Natalie Loveless

Natalie Loveless

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Cultures of Energy: The Energy Humanities Podcast - Sheena Wilson

Sheena L Wilson

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Cultures of Extraction

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Current availability assessment of biomass resource in China and Canada and the potential for bilateral biomass trade to develop biomass co-firing in Chinese coal power plants

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Current Distribution Investigation and Structure Optimization of Zn-air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Ming Xiong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Current progress in lipid-based biofuels: Feedstocks and production technologies

David C. Bressler, Aman Ullah, Bernardo Araujo Souto

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Current Source Converters and Their Control

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Book Chapter

Current Trends in Sourcing, Recycling, and Regeneration of Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries\textemdash A Review

Xiaolei Wang, Ge Li, Zhixiao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Cutting-Edge Linguistic Methods

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

CVD grown nitrogen doped graphene is an exceptional visible-light driven photocatalyst for surface catalytic reactions

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Cyber-physical security in smart grid communications

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Book Chapter

Cyber-Security of Smart Microgrids: A Survey

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Liang, Farzam Nejabatkhah, Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

D. Gordon 1 year in Aachen

David Carl Gordon

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Danielle Smith may be grandstanding, but Canada’s Clean Electricity Regulations do need a fix

Andrew Leach, Blake Shaffer

Article in popular media

Data analytics and integration for oilfield development

Japan J Trivedi, Yenny Carolina Arambula Becerra

Other Event

Data Analytics and Machine Learning for SAGD/Heavy Oil Real-time Closed Loop Reservoir Predictions and Optimization

Japan J Trivedi

Other Event

Data assimilation framework for reservoir development and optimization

Yenny Carolina Arambula Becerra

Other Event

Data Efficient Energy Disaggregation with Behind-the-meter Energy Resources

Omid Ardakanian, Xinlei Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Data Efficient Solar Disaggregation with Behind-the-meter Energy Resources

Xinlei Chen

Master Thesis

Data Segregation and Algorithmic Amplification: A Conversation with Wendy Hui Kyong Chun

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Data-Centric Analysis & Artificial Intelligence Application In Weather Related Outage Prediction

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Data-Driven Analysis of Using Flow Control Devices and Extended Reach Wells on Sagd Well Performance

Juliana Y Leung, Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Izadi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Data-Driven Decision-Making Strategy for Thermal Well Completion

Juliana Y Leung, Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Izadi

Conference Proceedings

Data-Driven Methods in Electric Power Systems

Petr Musilek

Other Event

Data-Driven Steam Optimization for SAGD

Japan J Trivedi

Conference Proceedings

Dataset of methane pyrolysis products in a batch reactor as a function of time at high temperatures and pressures

Jason Scott Olfert, Marc Secanell, Larry William Kostiuk, Ambuj Punia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

David Kahane on How Values Shape Our Energy Future

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Day-Ahead Dynamic Thermal Line Rating Using Numerical Weather Prediction

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

DC Substation for DC Grid—Part I: Comparative Evaluation of DC Substation Configurations

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

DC Substation for DC Grid—Part II: Hierarchical Control Strategy and Verifications

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

DC-Link Current Reduction for Current Source Converter-Based Wind Energy Conversion System

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Xing Ling

Conference Proceedings

DC/AC Voltage Sourced Converter with Auxiliary DC Port for Renewable Energy Applications

John Salmon, Greg Kish, Chatumal Perera

Conference Proceedings

Decarbonization of the electricity supply sector through development of energy systems model.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Decarbonizing and Carbon Catching for Planet Positive Futures: Surviving the pandemic and global warming

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Decentralized Coordination of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Active Power Compensation

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Conference Proceedings

Decentralized production of fuel from forest and agricultural waste

Amit Kumar

Research Report

Decentralized Schemes for Grid-Forming Inverter System Efficiency Improvement and Online-Inverter Detection

Ali Sheykhi

Master Thesis

Decentralized stochastic programming for optimal vehicle‐to‐grid operation in smart grid with renewable generation

Hao Liang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Decentralized use of forest biomass, agricultural residue, and municipal solid waste through the biobattery concept

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Larry William Kostiuk, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Deciphering Structure and Aggregation in Asphaltenes: Hypothesis-driven Design and Development of Synthetic Model Compounds

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, David Scott

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Decision Models for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms Considering Uncertainties

Sathishkumar Nachimuthu

Master Thesis

Decision support for process operators: task loading in the days of big data

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Decision Support Systems for Improving the Construction and Maintenance of Renewable Energy Projects

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Nima Gerami Seresht

Edited Volume

Decision Support Systems for Improving the Construction and Maintenance of Renewable Energy Projects

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Nima Gerami Seresht

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Decision-making Model for Corrective Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbine Considering Uncertainties

Ming J. Zuo, Sathishkumar Nachimuthu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Decision-Support System for Construction Risk Management in Onshore Wind Projects

Emad Mohamed

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Decolonizing Approaches to Geothermal Energy Development in Alberta through Indigenous Community-Led Research and Engagement.

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Decolonizing Degrowth/Pluriversal Regeneration

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Decoupled Floating Capacitor Voltage Control of a Dual Inverter Drive for an Open-Ended Winding Induction Motor

John Salmon, Greg Kish, Chatumal Perera

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Decoupling structure-sensitive deactivation mechanisms of Ir/IrOx electrocatalysts toward oxygen evolution reaction

Marc Secanell, Natalia Semagina, Jing Shen, XueHai Tan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Decreasing costs of biofuel production through co-production of value added products from alternative feedstocks

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Decreasing costs of biofuel production through co-production of value-added products from alternative feedstocks

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Deep Electrification and Renewable Energy in a Remote Canadian Community

Tazrin Jahan Priyanka

Master Thesis

Deep Energy Literacy

Sheena L Wilson

Misc: Theory

Deep Energy Literacy: Toward Feminist Energy Futures (Plenary Speech).

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Deep Entanglements: Geothermal power development and Indigenous-state relations from Aotearoa New Zealand to Alberta

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Deep learning based model predictive control for compression ignition engines

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Deep Learning Control of Transmission System with Battery Storage and Dynamic Line Rating

Petr Musilek, Tim Weis

Conference Proceedings

Deep learning-based energy management of a hybrid photovoltaic-reverse osmosis-pressure retarded osmosis system

Mohtada Sadrzadeh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Deep Neural Network based Performance and Emission Modelling

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon, Edward Sperling

Conference Proceedings

Deep Reinforcement Learning-Aided Efficiency Optimized Dual Active Bridge Converter for the Distributed Generation System

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhe Chen, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Operation of Transmission Battery Storage with Dynamic Thermal Line Rating

Petr Musilek, Tim Weis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Self-Scheduling Strategy for a CAES-PV System Using Accurate Sky Images-Based Forecasting

Yasser Mohamed, Amirhossein Dolatabadi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Deep Spatial-Temporal 2-D CNN -BLSTM Model for Ultrashort-Term LiDAR-Assisted Wind Turbine's Power and Fatigue Load Forecasting

Yasser Mohamed, Amirhossein Dolatabadi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Definition and Taxonomy for Non-Electric Energy Infrastructure

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Nebiyu Kedir

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Degradation at the Na3SbS4/Anode Interface in an Operating All-Solid-State Sodium Battery

Lingzi Sang, Geng Xie

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Degradation Kinetics And Structure-Reactivity Relation Of Naphthenic Acids During Anodic Oxidation On Graphite Electrodes

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman, Soliu Ganiyu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Degradation of Cyclohexanecarboxylic Acid as a Model Naphthenic Acid by the UV/Chlorine Process: Kinetics and By-Products Identification

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman, Zuo Tong How

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Degradation Of Micropollutants Using Advanced Oxidation Processes – From Process Fundamentals To Industrial Wastewater Applications

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Degradation Of Naphthenic Acids (NAs) By Ozonation Using FeOOH-Derived Material As A Catalyst

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Shailesh Sable

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Degradation Of Naphthenic Acids (NAs) Under Low-Current Electro-Oxidation On Graphite

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Degradation Of Naphthenic Acids And Formation Of By-products During UV/Chlorine Process

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Degradation Of Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) Using In-Situ Generated H2O2 By Sludge-Based Biochar/Aeration System

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Degradation Of Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process Water By A Semi-Passive Biofiltration Process

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Degradation Of Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process Water By A Semi-Passive Biofiltration Process

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Degradation Of Naphthenic Acids From Process Water By Ozonation Using FEOOH-Derived Material As A Catalyst

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Shailesh Sable

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Degradation of Oil Sands Process Water by Continuous-Flow Packed Bed Electrode Reactor

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yue Ju

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Degradation of Organics in Real Oil Sands Process Water by Electro-Oxidation Using Graphite and Dimensionally Stable Anodes

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Degradation Of Recalcitrant Naphthenic Acids From Raw And Ozonated Oil Sands Process-Affected Waters By A Semi-Passive Biofiltration Process

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dehydrocoupling – an alternative approach to functionalizing germanium nanoparticle surfaces

Jonathan GC Veinot, Anton Oliynyk, Haoyang Yu, Alyx Thiessen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Demand Response in Electricity Markets

David P Brown, Blake Shaffer, Megan Bailey

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Democracy / Digital / Environment

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Demonstration Pit Lake (DPL) Research and Monitoring Program

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Akeem Olawale Bello, Foroogh Mehravaran

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Demonstration Pit Lake Models

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan, Akeem Olawale Bello

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Dendritic Copper Current Collectors as a Capacity Boosting Material for Polymer-Templated Si/Ge/C Anodes in Li-Ion Batteries

Karthik Shankar, Narendra Chaulagain

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dependable and Autonomic Computing Platform for Managing Transactive Microgrids

Petr Musilek, Hamzeh Khazaei, Sara Ghaemi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Depositional models for the Basal Deadwood Sandstone

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Noga Vaisblat

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

DER Integration Panel at the Workshop on the Economics of Electricity Policy and Markets

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Des résidents de Bonnie Doon se concertent pour réduire leur consommation d'énergie/Bonnie Doon residents work together to reduce energy use

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Design a Physical Model for Thermal Well Design and Testing

Alireza Nouri, Mahmood Salimi

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Design and Development of Experimental Facilities to Study Oil Recovery in Thermal Wells

Alireza Nouri, Mahmood Salimi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Design and Magnetic Optimization of Dual Active Bridge Converters for Energy Storage Application

Ali Khajehoddin, Neda Mazloum, Amin Khakparvar Yazdi, Morteza Mahdavifard

Conference Proceedings

Design and multi-objective optimization of fiber-reinforced polymer composite flywheel rotors

Pierre Mertiny, Marvin Mittelstedt

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Design and Multi-Objective Optimization of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Flywheel Rotors

Marvin Mittelstedt

Master Thesis

Design and Multi-Objective Optimization of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Flywheel Rotors

Marvin Mittelstedt

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Design and Optimal Operation of a Virtual Power Plant with Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Chargers

Saidur Rahman

Master Thesis

Design and Synthesis of Tellurophenes to Advance Optoelectronic Applications

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Design and Test of a GaN Flying Capacitor Power Module

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

Design Considerations for IoT -Based PV Charge Controllers

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Design Considerations of the GaN Power Stage for a GaN/Si Internal Parallel Multilevel Converter based 1500V PV String Inverter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

Design of Experiments & Machine Learning Applied to Organic Photovoltaics

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Design of Experiments and Machine Learning-Assisted Organic Solar Cell Efficiency Optimization

Arthur Mar, Jillian Mary Buriak, Bing Cao, Brian Olsen, Tate Hauger, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Design of optimal operational parameters for steam-alternating-solvent processes in heterogeneous reservoirs – A multi-objective optimization approach

Juliana Y Leung, Israel Mayo Molina

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Design of Parallel Converters with L-Filter and Reduced Filter Size

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

Design of Steam Alternating Solvent Process Operational Parameters Considering Shale Heterogeneity

Juliana Y Leung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Design of Three Limb Coupled Inductors using Cross-Coupled Windings to produce Multi-Level Output Voltages and Reduced Magnetics

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo

Conference Proceedings

Design of warm solvent injection processes for heterogeneous heavy oil reservoirs: a hybrid workflow of multi-objective optimization and proxy models

Juliana Y Leung

Conference Proceedings

Design of warm solvent injection processes for heterogeneous heavy oil reservoirs: a hybrid workflow of multi-objective optimization and proxy models

Juliana Y Leung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Design Strategies for Flywheel Energy Storage Systems in EV Fast Charging

Pierre Mertiny, Francisco Javier Basaure Figueroa

Conference Proceedings

Design, Analysis and Implementation of New Durable Streetlighting LED Driver Topology

Daniel Darvishrahimabadi

Master Thesis

Design, thermodynamic, and economic analyses of a green hydrogen storage concept based on solid oxide electrolyzer/fuel cells and heliostat solar field

Amir Hanifi, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Designing Compensation for Distributed Solar Generation: Is Net Metering Ever Optimal?

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Designing gradient solid electrolyte interphase for stable lithium metal batteries

Xiaolei Wang, Wenjing Deng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Designing Incentive Regulation in the Electricity Sector

David P Brown

Book Chapter

Destabilization of Bitumen-coated Fine Solids in Organic Media Induced by Water-assisted Biomolecule Flocculants Extracted from Guar Beans

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng, Camila Santander, Jing Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Detecting Adversarial Attacks on Distribution System State Estimation with Feature Attributions

Omid Ardakanian, Afia Afrin

Research Report

Detecting Charge Separation in Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Using Planar Microwave Resonators: An Overview

Karthik Shankar, Md Masud Rana

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Detecting Charge Separation in Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Using Planar Microwave Resonators: An Overview Publisher: IEEE PDF

Karthik Shankar, Md Masud Rana

Conference Proceedings

Detection and Analysis of Ethereum Energy Smart Contracts

Petr Musilek, Bahareh Lashkari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Detection of soil moisture, humidity, and liquid level using CPW based interdigital capacitive sensor

Rashid Mirzavand, Shaheen Ahmad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Determination of PEFC Gas Diffusion Layer and Catalyst Layer Porosity Utilizing Archimedes Principle

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal, Wei Fei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Developing a Framework for Improving the Accuracy of Process-based LCA for Energy Pathways

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Developing a framework for natural gas transmission GHG life cycle assessments

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Developing a framework to assess the long-term adoption of renewable energy technologies in the electric power sector: the effects of carbon price and economic incentives

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Saeidreza Radpour

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Developing a framework to assess the long-term adoption of renewable energy technologies in the electric power sector: the effects of carbon price and economic incentives

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Saeidreza Radpour

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Developing a framework to assess the long-term environmental consequences of the transition to cleaner electricity generation: the case of Alberta

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Developing a framework to evaluate the life cycle energy and greenhouse gas emissions of space heating systems using zeolite 13X as an adsorbent material

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Developing a greenhouse gas life cycle assessment framework for natural gas transmission pipelines

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Developing a Risk Breakdown Matrix for the Construction of On-Shore Wind Farm Projects

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Nima Gerami Seresht, Sahand Somi

Conference Proceedings

Developing a techno-economic model to evaluate the cost performance of a zeolite 13X-based space heating system

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Eskinder Gemechu, Ngoc Khanh Thy Tran

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Developing adapted pulsing feeding strategies in fed-batch fermentation for improved ethanol production

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau, Yueh-Hao Hung

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Developing an advanced fermentation strategy for higher ethanol productivity

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Developing an Efficient Model for a SOFC System Using Self-supervised Convolutional Autoencoder and Stateful LSTM Network

Charles Robert Koch, Amir Hanifi, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Mohamadali Tofigh, Zeynab Salehi

Conference Proceedings

Developing biorefinery strategies for improved production of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) and ethanol

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Developing Catalysts for Energy Conversion Devices

Steven Bergens, Chao Wang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Developing Fermentation Approaches to Improve Bioethanol Yield of ACAPS Byproduct for Value Addition

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Developing Multifunctional Soft Materials through Tunable Intermolecular Interactions

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Developing Novel Materials For Reclamation And Remediation Of Land And Water

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Jin-Hyeob Kwak

Conference Proceedings

Developing perovskite-based electrocatalysts for efficient energy storage and conversion

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Developing Risk Breakdown Matrix for Onshore Wind Farm Projects Using Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning

Sahand Somi

Master Thesis

Development and application of GCAM-Canada model for future energy scenario analysis

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted, Osama Younis, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development and Application of GCAM-Canada Model for Future Energy Scenario Analysis

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted, Osama Younis, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development and application of GCAM-Canada model for future scenario analysis

Amit Kumar, Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development and application of GCAM-Canada model for future scenario analysis

Amit Kumar, Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development and Characterization of Field Structured Magnetic Composites

Pierre Mertiny, Balakrishnan Nagarajan, Yingnan Wang, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development and characterization of magnetic particle reinforced polymers for additive manufacturing processes

Balakrishnan Nagarajan

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Development and Characterization of Stable Polymer Formulations for Manufacturing Magnetic Composites

Pierre Mertiny, Balakrishnan Nagarajan, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development and experimental validation of a field programmable gate array–based in-cycle direct water injection control strategy for homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion stability

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development and experimental validation of a real-time capable field programmable gate array\textendash based gas exchange model for negative valve overlap

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development and Experimental Validation of an FPGA Based In-Cycle Direct Water Injection Control Strategy for HCCI Combustion Stability

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Conference Proceedings

Development of a bottom-up framework to determine energy efficiency contribution potential of more than 100 measures for meeting national net-zero GHG emissions.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Luke Sperry

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of a convolutional neural network based geomechanical upscaling technique for heterogeneous geological reservoir

Bo Zhang, Xiaoyan Ou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of a framework for forecasting residential and non-residential solid waste generation, disposal and diversion using machine learning approaches.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of a framework for the assessment of the market penetration of novel in situ bitumen extraction technologies

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Saeidreza Radpour

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of a framework to assess the greenhouse gas mitigation potential from the adoption of low-carbon road vehicles in a hydrocarbon-rich region

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of a Methanotroph Chassis: Genetic engineering of Methylomicrobium album BG8 for production of isoprenoids from C1 compounds

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Shibashis Das

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of a methanotroph chassis: genetic engineering of Methylomicrobium album BG8 for production of value-added products.

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Marc Waddingham, Shibashis Das

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of a Microfluidic Method to Study Enhanced Oil Recovery by Low Salinity Water Flooding

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of a Novel Proton Conducting Fuel Cell based on a Ni-YSZ Support

Amir Hanifi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of a nutrient supply-based process for industrial-scale mitigation of methane emissions by bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of a plasmid-based gene expression system for methanotrophs

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Shibashis Das

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of a techno-economic model for assessment of an integrated pyrolysis and fermentation plants for production of bio-oil and ethanol.

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of a techno-economic model for the assessment of chemical looping combustion to produce hydrogen

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of a techno-economic model for the assessment of cost of bitumen using steam-solvent extraction technology.

Amit Kumar, Mustakimul Hoque

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of a techno-economic model for the assessment of the enhanced solvent extraction incorporating electromagnetic heating technology

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of a techno-economically optimized framework for assessment of decentralized production of bio-oil

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of a valorization framework for biogenic CO2 emissions from kraft pulp mills.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of adaptive feeding strategies for improving bioethanol production

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau, Yueh-Hao Hung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of Advanced Processing Strategies for Ethanol/CNC Co-production

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of an economy-wide decarbonization assessment framework for an emission intensive and a net energy exporting jurisdiction.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Luke Sperry

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of Biomass Feedstock Inventory for Canada

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of biomass feedstock inventory for Canadian provinces.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development Of Biomass-Based Adsorbents For Remediation Of Soil And Water

Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of crack induced impulse-based condition indicators for early tooth crack severity assessment

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of disaggregated energy use and greenhouse gas emission footprints in Canada's iron, gold, and potash mining sectors

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of energy efficiency cost curves: pulp & paper and iron & steel sectors

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Saeidreza Radpour

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development Of Future Energy Systems. Energy, Education And Research – Short And Long Term Strategy

M Anne Naeth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development Of Hydrochar For The Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Himanshi Dhawan

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Development of LEAP-WEAP integrated model for assessment of water and GHG footprints for power generation sector

Amit Kumar, Ankit Gupta

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of life cycle GHG emissions of high-performance mono-crystalline titanium dioxide nanorod based perovskite solar cells

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Eskinder Gemechu, Harshadeep Kukkikatte Ramamurthy Rao

Other Event

Development of long-term forecasting model to assess current and future water flows in Canada for energy supply sectors.

Matthew Davis, Thomas Edward Lamont Patrick

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of long-term GHG mitigation options for the Canadian oil sands

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of Methodological Framework and its Application for Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Fuels for Transportation

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Development of Microlens-Enhanced Photolysis of Contaminants in Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Xuehua Zhang, Qiuyun Lu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of mixed ionic-electronic conductive air-electrode materials for solid oxide electrolysis/fuel cells at medium operation temperature

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development Of Nanolens-Enhanced Photocatalytic Microreactor For Process Water Treatment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Xuehua Zhang, Lingling Yang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of optimal location of biorefinery through integration of GIS and techno-economic models

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of Optimum Locations and Scales for an Integrated Multi-feedstock Waste-to-value-added Facility through Geographical Information System Modelling

Master Thesis

Development of processing strategies to enhance the efficiency of the growth of the gammaproteobacterial methanotroph Methylomicrobium album BG8

Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Development of Proton Conducting Fuel Cells using Nickel Metal Support

Sajad Vafaeenezhad, Amir Hanifi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of Re(I) Photocatalysts for the Photochemical Reduction of Atmospheric CO2

Elizabeth Murphy

Master Thesis

Development of rigorous refining model simulation models to determine the greenhouse gas emission impact of Canadian crude oil blends in a refinery

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of Self-Cycling Fermentation Approach to Improve Productivities for Ethanol Production

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Development of techno-economic and greenhouse gas emissions models for the assessment of valuable metals recovery from the oil sands

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of techno-economic model for assessment of bio-hubs.

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of techno-economic models for assessment of heavy metal production from by-products produced in bitumen value chain

Amit Kumar

Other Event

Development of techno-economic models for assessment of solvent-based bitumen extraction technology

Amit Kumar, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of techno-economic models for assessment of solvent-based bitumen extraction technology

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Development of techno-economic models for the assessment of utility-scale electro-chemical energy storage technologies

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of technology-explicit energy saving bandwidths: a case study for the pulp and paper sector

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Device Engineering, Mechanism Study, and Machine-Learning-Assisted Efficiency Optimization

Jillian Mary Buriak, Bing Cao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Diffusing Energy Transitions: the case of Community Leagues in Edmonton, Canada

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Eran Kaplinsky, Neelakshi Joshi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Digital controller for a power converter (CAN)

Ali Khajehoddin


Digital controller for a power converter (USPTO)

Ali Khajehoddin


Dimensionless Heat Transfer Correlations Of Finned-Tube Radiators In Fully Reversed Oscillating Flow

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Dimple Grinding Coupled with Optical Microscopy for Porosity Analysis of Metallic Coatings

Douglas Ivey, Drew Aasen, Anqiang He, Hang Hu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dip-Coating Synthesis of rGO/α-Ni(OH)2@Nickel Foam with Layer-by-Layer Structure for High Performance Binder-Free Supercapacitors

Douglas Ivey, Michael Clark

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Direct Microwave Sintering of Poorly Coupled Ceramics in Electrochemical Devices

Taghi Amiri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Direct synthesis of electrowettable nanostructured hybrid diamond

Sujit Deshmukh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Directed Self-Assembly for Nanolithgraphy: Writing with Polymers

Jillian Mary Buriak

Other Event

Directed Self-Assembly to Nanopattern Surfaces: Polymers, Patterns, and Plasmons

Jillian Mary Buriak

Other Event

Directionally maximizing CO selectivity to near-unity over cupric oxide with indium species for electrochemical CO2 reduction

Jingli Luo, Chenyu Xu, Jing Xiao, Subiao Liu, Pengfei Sui

Article in professional or trade journals

Dirty Oil or Ethical Oil? Visual rhetoric in legitimation struggles.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Disaggregating Solar Generation Using Smart Meter Data and Proxy Measurements from Neighbouring Sites

Omid Ardakanian, Moosa Moghimi Haji, Xinlei Chen

Conference Proceedings

Disaggregation of Asphaltene and Its Model Compounds in Solutions Depending on Affinity Indices of Hansen Solubility Parameter Using Ultra- Small-, Small-, and Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, David Scott

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Discontinuous Bi-tri Logic SPWM for Current Source Converter with Optimized Zero-State Replacement

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

Discontinuous Displacement at Solvent–Immobile Hydrocarbon Interfaces

Haoxiang Wang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Discontinuous Modulation for Improved Thermal Balance of Three-Level 1500-V Photovoltaic Inverters under Low-Voltage Ride-Through

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

Discovery of Intermetallic Compounds from Traditional to Machine-Learning Approaches

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Discovery of Li-containing compounds with channel structures guided by machine learning

Arthur Mar, Mohammad Jomaa, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Volodymyr Gvozdetskyi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Discovery of Noncentrosymmetric Ternary Compounds from Elemental Composition: A Machine-Learning Approach

Arthur Mar, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk, Jan Poehls

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Discovery of ternary noncentrosymmetric compounds: A machine-learning approach with experimental proof

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Discrete Element Modelling of Transitional Behaviour in Intermediate Soils

Min Hou

Master Thesis

Discrete Microwave Spectroscopy using Planar Resonator

Masoud Baghelani, Navid Hosseini

Conference Proceedings

Discrete output regulator design for linear distributed parameter systems

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Discrete-time model-based output regulation of fluid flow systems

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Discussion on Potential Collaborative Project - 1st Joint CFREF Workshop UALberta - UCalgary

Amit Kumar, Joule Bergerson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Disentangling Structural Confusion through Machine Learning: Structure Prediction and Polymorphism of Equiatomic Ternary Phases ABC

Arthur Mar, Harshil Pisavadia, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dishing The Dirt On Soil Invertebrates And Sustainability

Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Other Event

Dispatch from the future: Science fictioning (in) the Anthropocene

Jessie Beier

Book Chapter

Disposition, in Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space — S3E6

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


Dissent in/as Solidarity: Confronting Anthropocene Banality

Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Distinguishing Active Site Identity in Sn-Beta Zeolites using 31P MAS NMR of Absorbed Trimethylphosphine Oxide

Vladimir K Michaelis, Michelle Ha

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Distinguishing between deep trapping transients of electrons and holes in TiO 2 nanotube arrays using planar microwave resonator sensor

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Distributed Battery Energy Storage Co-Operation for Renewable Energy Sources Integration

Yasser Mohamed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Distributed Economic Dispatch in Microgrids Based on Cooperative Reinforcement Learning

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Distributed economic dispatch in microgrids based on cooperative reinforcement learning

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Article in professional or trade journals

Distributed energy resources, resiliency, and reliability.

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Distributed Optimization for Distribution Grids With Stochastic DER Using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Distribution Grid Fault Classification and Localization using Convolutional Neural Networks

Petr Musilek, Nazli Kazemi, Ming Zhou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Distributionally robust multi-period energy management for CCHP-based microgrids

Hao Liang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Diverse bacteriohemerythrin genes of Methylomonas denitrificans FJG1 provide insight into the survival and activity of proteobacterial methanotrophs under hypoxia

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Cerrise Weiblen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

DME Sustainable Mobility Workshop

David Carl Gordon

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Do Gentailers Charge Higher Residential Electricity Prices in the Texas Retail Electricity Market?

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Do Solar Panel Installers Respond to Peer Effects? Evidence

Yiang Guo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Documentary (Research-Creation) Publication: Pikopayiwin (It Is Broken)

Sheena L Wilson

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Documentary (Research-Creation): Pikopayiwin (It Is Broken)

Sheena L Wilson

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Documenting Designs for the Future

MaryElizabeth Luka

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Does A Common Mechanism Engender Common Results? By Rawhouser, Cummings, And Hiatt: Some “Carry Forwards” For Studies Of The Paris Agreement

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Does Locational Marginal Pricing Impact Generation Capacity Investment Location Decisions? An Analysis of Texas’s Electricity Market

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Does locational marginal pricing impact generation investment location decisions? An analysis of Texas’s wholesale electricity market

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Does Polymer& rsquo$\mathsemicolon$s Viscoelasticity Influence Heavy-Oil Sweep Efficiency and Injectivity at 1 ft/D?

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Does Polymer's Viscoelasticity Influence Heavy Oil Sweep Efficiency and Injectivity at 1ft/day?

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad

Conference Proceedings

Does Taxing Oil And Gas Operators Save Caribou?

Zhanji Zhang

Other Event

Does the presence of lignin affect the pyrolytic decomposition of cellulose? A condensed phase computational investigation

Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Domain-specific risk assessment using integrated simulation: A case study of an onshore wind project

Simaan AbouRizk, Emad Mohamed, Nima Gerami Seresht

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Don’t It Make My Brown Jobs Green? What Renewable Energy Means for Jobs and Job Quality

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Article in professional or trade journals

Don’t underrate undergraduate research

Mariah Kristen Hermary

Article in popular media

Doped Graphene and Graphenic Semiconductors: Mass Producible, Earth- Abundant Materials for Photocatalysis and Photovoltaics

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Doping an Oxophilic Metal into a Metal Carbide: Unravelling the Synergy between the Microstructure of the Catalyst and Its Activity and Selectivity for Hydrodeoxygenation

Samir Hemant Mushrif, Sagar Bathla

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Doping Silicon Nanoparticles: An Approach to Tailoring Material Properties

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Double emulsion drop evaporation and resurfacing of daughter droplet

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Muhammad Rizwanur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Double peak emission in lead halide perovskites by self-absorption

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Double-Emulsion Drop Evaporation and Formation of a Daughter Droplet

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Muhammad Rizwanur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Downhole Pressure and Temperature Observations at a CO2 Injector under Differing Injection Conditions

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Stephen James Talman

Conference Proceedings

DPMU 2018 Workshop Co-Chair

Omid Ardakanian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves

Laurel E Wheeler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves

Lucija A Muehlenbachs

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves

Laurel E Wheeler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves

Laurel E Wheeler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves

Lucija A Muehlenbachs

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves

Lucija A Muehlenbachs

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves

Lucija A Muehlenbachs

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves

Laurel E Wheeler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves

Laurel E Wheeler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves

Laurel E Wheeler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Other Event

Drilling into magma at the Krafla geothermal field: an assessment of the magnetotelluric data sensitivity

Other Event

Droop-Based DC Microgrids Analysis and Control Design Using Weighted Dynamic Aggregation Modeling Approach

Ali Khajehoddin, Navid Shabanikia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Drop impact on heated nanostructures

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drop Impact on Heated Nanostructures

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Drop that activation energy: Tetragonal to cubic transformations in Na3PS4−xSex for solid state sodium ion battery materials

Arthur Mar, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary, Arkadii Pominov

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Droplet spreading on liquid--fluid interface

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Muhammad Rizwanur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Droplet spreading on liquid--fluid interface A Physicochemical and engineering aspects

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Muhammad Rizwanur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Droplet-on-chip electro-spectroscopy detects the ultra-short relaxation time of a dilute polymer solution

Juan Sebastian Marin Quintero, Rahul Roy

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dry Water as a Promoter for Gas Hydrate Formation

Nobuo Maeda, Yu Wei

Article in professional or trade journals

Dual and Isomorphic Power Converters with the Topology Cycling Phenomenon

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li

Conference Proceedings

Dual interface layers for solid-state Li metal battery with low interfacial resistance and small polarization based on garnet electrolyte

Zhehui Jin, Wanying Pang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dual-Function Electrolyte Additive Enabling Simultaneous Electrode Interface and Coordination Environment Regulation for Zinc-Ion Batteries

Hao Zhang, Xiaolei Wang, Wenjing Deng, Yimei Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dual-Port Inverters with Internal DC-DC Conversion for Adjustable DC-Link Voltage Operation of Electric Vehicles

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dynamic Analysis and Active Stabilization of a Utility-Scale Grid-Connected Current-Source Inverter-Based PV System Considering Source Dynamics

Yasser Mohamed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dynamic analysis and improved control design of a grid-connected converter with flexible multi-sequence reactive current injection

Yasser Mohamed, Shahed Mortazavian

Conference Proceedings

Dynamic behaviour during liquid-liquid phase separation within 2D confinement

Gilmar Friedrich Arends

Master Thesis

Dynamic geothermal reservoir modeling in the Clarke Lake Gas Field, NE British Columbia

Nicholas B. Harris

Research Report

Dynamic Interactions and Stabilization of Weak Grid-Tied Parallel VSCs and Parallel CSCs Systems Considering PVG Dynamic Resistance

Yasser Mohamed, Mizanur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dynamic Model of a Planetary Gearbox considering Sun Gear Crack with Effects of Clearance for Carrier, Planet and Sun Gear Bearings

Xianhua Chen

Master Thesis

Dynamic model of a planetary gearbox considering sun gear crack with effects of clearance for carrier, planet, and sun gear bearings

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang, Xianhua Chen

Conference Proceedings

Dynamic modeling of a planetary gear system with sun gear crack under gravity and carrier-ring clearance

Ming J. Zuo, Xianhua Chen, Yuejian Chen

Conference Proceedings

Dynamic modeling of a planetary gearbox with sun gear crack and bearing clearance

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang, Xianhua Chen

Conference Proceedings

Dynamic modeling of gearbox faults: A review

Ming J. Zuo, Xihui Liang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dynamic Modelling of Low Temperature Stirling Engines

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Dynamic Pulse-Positioning for a Single-Stage Isolated AC-DC Converter

John Salmon

Conference Proceedings

Dynamic Pulse-Positioning for a Single-Stage Isolated AC-DC Converter

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Dynamic Relational Models of Complex Network

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Dynamic Simulation of Gearbox Operation for Prognosis and Health Management

Ming J. Zuo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Dynamic Simulation of Gearbox Operation for Prognosis and Health Management

Ming J. Zuo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Dynamic Simulation of Gearbox Operation for Prognosis and Health Management

Ming J. Zuo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Dynamic Simulation of Gearbox Operation for Prognosis and Health Management

Ming J. Zuo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Dynamic Stabilization of a Centralized Weak Grid-Tied VSC System Considering PV Generator Dynamics

Yasser Mohamed, Mohammad Adnan Kamal Magableh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dynamic Wetting of Ionic Liquid Drops on Hydrophobic Microstructures

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dynamics Based Vibration Signal Modeling for Tooth Fault Diagnosis of Planetary Gearboxes

Ming J. Zuo, Xihui Liang

Book Chapter

Dynamics of a Spur Gear Pair under Stochastic Internal and External Excitations

Yining Fang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Dynamics of Compound Droplets: Rolling and Evaporation

Muhammad Rizwanur Rahman

Master Thesis

Dynamics of spontaneous initial spreading and spreading of a hydrodynamically driven droplet under the influence of surrounding pressure

Sumaiya Farzana

Master Thesis

Dynamics of surfactant-laden drops in shear flow by lattice Boltzmann method

P Amy Tsai, Zhe Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

E.E.R.K. (Energy Emergency Repair Kit)

Mark Simpson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier


EAI SGSC 2022 - 2nd EAI International Conference on Smart Grids for Smart Cities

Hao Liang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Early Development of a 100 Watt Low Temperature Difference Stirling Engine

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Early Ecosystem Establishment Using Forest Floor And Peat Cover Soils In Oil Sands Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Early gear tooth crack detection based on singular value decomposition

Ming J. Zuo, Yuejian Chen

Conference Proceedings

Early Stage and Full-Scale CCUS Feasibility Studies

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference Proceedings

Earth abundant 1D & 2D nanomaterial sensitized TiO2 nanotube arrays for visible light driven water-splitting

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Kazi Alam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Earth Fortunes

Other Event

Earth Fortunes

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Earthquakes induced by wastewater disposal near Musreau Lake, Alberta, 2018-2020

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang, Tianyang Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Earthquakes Induced by Wastewater Disposal near Musreau Lake, Alberta, 2018\textendash 2020

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang, Tianyang Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Eastern Economics Association, Annual Conference, 2023-02-25

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Eco-friendly preparation of superhydrophobic copper surfaces for oil/water separation

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Ravi Kant Upadhyay

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Economic Analysis Of Oil Sands Process-Affected Water (OSPW) Treatment In Alberta

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Grant K Hauer, Vic Adamowicz, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economic and environmental impact assessments of Alberta’s oil sands with the Global Change Assessment Model

Amit Kumar, Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economic and GHG emission analysis of geothermal energy production in Alberta

Nilesh Raj

Master Thesis

Economic and Policy Considerations for Biomass Energy

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economic and Policy Considerations for Biomass Energy

Marty K Luckert

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economic Aspects of Biojet

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Other Event

Economic Aspects of Biojet

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Other Event

Economic Incentives For Land Reclamation In The Oil Sands Industry In Alberta

Grant K Hauer, Vic Adamowicz, Zhanji Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Economic Incentives For Land Reclamation In The Oil Sands Industry In Alberta

Grant K Hauer, Vic Adamowicz, Zhanji Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economic Incentives For Land Reclamation In The Oil Sands Industry Of Alberta

Vic Adamowicz, Zhanji Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economic Incentives For Land Reclamation: Evidence From The Oil Sands Industry In Alberta

Grant K Hauer, Vic Adamowicz, Zhanji Zhang

Other Event

Economic Incentives For Land Reclamation: Evidence From The Oil-sands Industry In Alberta

Zhanji Zhang

Master Thesis

Economic Indicators For Land And Water Reclamation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Grant K Hauer, Vic Adamowicz, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Zhanji Zhang, Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economic Opportunities and Challenges in Biojet Production: A Literature Review and Analysis

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Economic Opportunities and Challenges in Biojet Production: A Literature Review and Analysis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economic optimization of component sizing for residential battery storage systems

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Economic prospects for forest biofuels

Marty K Luckert

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economics Behind Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water

Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economics of biojet

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economics of Biojet Production: A Project Report

Marty K Luckert

Other Event

Economics Society of Northern Alberta, Annual Conference, 2022-12-08

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Economy of residential photovoltaic generation and battery energy storage in Alberta, Canada

Petr Musilek, Mustafa Gül

Conference Proceedings

Economy of Residential PV/BESS in Alberta

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Edge-Preserving FWI via Regularization by Denoising

Mauricio Sacchi, Amsalu Anagaw

Article in professional or trade journals

Edge-preserving FWI via Regularization by Denoising

Mauricio Sacchi, Amsalu Anagaw

Conference Proceedings

Edge-Preserving FWI via Regularization by Denoising

Mauricio Sacchi, Amsalu Anagaw

Conference Proceedings

EDI survey and annual report for the Biology Graduate Students’ Association

Cerrise Weiblen

Misc: Survey

Editing, energy website

Misc: Edited Website

Edmonton Electric Vehicle + Hydrogen Expo 2022

Jasper Eitzen

Other Event

Edmonton High School Students, TeamUp Science Summer Camp (Enrichment Program)

Steven Bergens, Mona Amiri, Jaya Pal, Lan Truong

Other Event

Edmonton may be known for winter chill, but heat islands on the rise, researchers say

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Edmonton may be known for winter chill, but heat islands on the rise, researchers say

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Educating about energy futures

Derek Gladwin

Other Event

Education platform for Devices to Green Energy Solutions

Lingzi Sang

Other Event

Effect of a Cationic Surfactant on Droplet Wetting on Superhydrophobic Surfaces

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effect of aliovalent bismuth substitution on structure and optical properties of CsSnBr3

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar, Amit Bhattacharya, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effect of aspect ratio on pressure loss and characteristics of low Reynolds number flow through narrow slots

David S. Nobes, Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Aleksey Baldygin

Conference Proceedings

Effect of Background Ions on the Morphological and Electrochemical Properties of Polyampholyte Hydrogels

Hyun-Joong Chung

Conference Proceedings

Effect of charge density of reverse emulsion breaker on demulsification performance for steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) emulsions under high temperature and high pressure

Qi Liu, Hongbo Zeng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effect of Confinement on the Adsorption Behavior of Inorganic and Organic Ions at Aqueous-Cyclohexane Interfaces: A Molecular Dynamics Study,

Phillip YK Choi, Monir Hosseini-Anvari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effect of continuous feeding and pulsed feeding operations in fed-batch fermentation for bioethanol production

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau, Yueh-Hao Hung

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of copper on the growth of methanotrophic bacteria in a fed-batch process

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of Heat Exchanger and Engine Geometry on Power Output of a Low Temperature Difference Stirling Engine

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Effect of Heat Exchanger Volume and Geometry on Power Output of a Low Temperature Difference Stirling Engine

Master Thesis

Effect of incorporation of microstructured carbonized cellulose on surface and mechanical properties of epoxy composites

David C. Bressler

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effect of isoprenoids on the growth of industrially relevant methanotrophs

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Shibashis Das

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of Li Addition on the Nonlinear Optical Activity of Ag1-xLixMSe2 (M = Ga, In)

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vladimir K Michaelis, Mohammad Jomaa, Ritobroto Sikdar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of Li Addition on the Nonlinear Optical Activity of Ag1-xLixMSe2 (M = Ga, In)

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vladimir K Michaelis, Mohammad Jomaa, Ritobroto Sikdar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of model demulsifiers on the adsorption of model asphaltene at water/oil interface: a molecular simulation study

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of Model Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds on the Coalescence of Water-in-Oil Emulsion Droplets

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effect of morphology on the photoelectrochemical performance of nanostructured Cu2O photocathodes

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Lian Shoute

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effect of Network Wettability on Enhanced Oil Recovery using Microfluidics

P Amy Tsai, Junyi Yang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of Non-ionic Surfactants on the Adsorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds at Water/Oil interface: A Molecular Simulation Study

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effect of Salinity on Water/Oil Interface with Model Asphaltene and Non-Ionic Surfactants: Insights from Molecular Simulations

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effect of Scaling Up Low Temperature Differential Stirling Engines, 18th ISEC International Stirling Engine Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, Sept 19-21, 2018 C5. Nicol-Seto, M., Michaud, J., Middleton, S., and Nobes, D.S. (2018) Non-Traditional Drive Mechanism

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Effect of sliding friction on transient characteristics of a gear transmission under random loading

Ming J. Zuo, Yining Fang, Xihui Liang

Conference Proceedings


Annapurna Sri Sowmya Turuga

Master Thesis

Effect of sulfur‑doped graphene quantum dots incorporation on morphological, optical and electron transport properties of CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite thin films

Karthik Shankar, Narendra Chaulagain

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effect of Surface Wettability Variation on Emulsion Morphology and Stability

P Amy Tsai, Zhe Chen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of Surfactant Type, Rock Type, Brine Salinity and Ionic Composition on Zeta Potential and Phase Behavior: An Experiemental Approach

Japan J Trivedi, Benedicta Nwani

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of the Substrate Hydrophilicity on the Absorption Kinetics of Cyclohexane in Bitumen Nanofilms

Phillip YK Choi, Vadim Kislitsin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of thiolate monolayers on CO2 photoreduction using CuPt nanoparticle decorated TiO2 nanoellipsoids

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Narendra Chaulagain, Navneet Kumar, John Garcia

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effect of wettability on crude oil recovery using microfluidics

P Amy Tsai, Junyi Yang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effectively Exploring Parameter Space: Design of Experiments and Machine Learning-assisted Organic Solar Cell Efficiency Optimization

Arthur Mar, Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effectiveness Of Biochar In Adsorbing Heavy Metals In Wastewater

Abhijeet Pathy

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effects of Co-flow on Jet Diffusion Flames: Flow Field and Emissions

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Effects of Crosslinker Concentration in Poly(Acrylic Acid)–KOH Gel Electrolyte on Performance of Zinc–Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Thuy (Wendy) Nguyen Thanh Tran, Michael Clark, Hyun-Joong Chung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effects of Electro-Oxidation Process on Tight-Rock Wettability and Imbibition Oil Recovery

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Lin Yuan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effects Of Feedstock Type, Pyrolysis Temperature, And Steam Activation On Biochar Properties And Lead (II) Adsorption

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam

Conference Proceedings

Effects Of Feedstock Type, Pyrolysis Temperature, And Steam Activation On Biochar Properties And Lead(II) Adsorption

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Selamawit Messele, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effects Of Feedstock Type, Pyrolysis Temperature, And Steam Activation On Biochar Properties And Lead(II) Adsorption

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Selamawit Messele, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effects Of Feedstock, Pyrolysis Temperature, And Activation On Biochar Properties And Pb (II) Adsorption

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effects of friction and stochastic load on transient characteristics of a spur gear pair

Ming J. Zuo, Yining Fang, Xihui Liang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effects of Inflow Parameters and Disk Thickness on an Actuator Disk inside the Neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Brian Fleck, Khashayar RahnamayBahambary

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effects of low-temperature hydrothermal treatment on the properties and removal of fine solids from nonaqueous extraction (NAE) bitumen

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Qiang Chen, Menatalla Ahmed

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Effects of magnetic field on the spreading dynamics of an impinging ferrofluid droplet

Brian Fleck, Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Abrar Ahmed, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effects Of Nitric Acid Modification On Hydrochar’s Combustion, Fuel And Thermal Properties Are Dependent On Feedstock Type

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effects of Surfactants on Droplet Deformation and Breakup in Water-in-Oil Emulsions Under DC Electric Field: A Molecular Dynamics Study

Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun

Article in professional or trade journals

Effects of trailing edge shape on vortex formation by pitching panels of small aspect ratio

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effects of Viscoelasticity on the Stress Evolution over the Lifetime of Filament-Wound Composite Flywheel Rotors for Energy Storage

Pierre Mertiny, Miles Skinner

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effects Of Woody Debris And Cover Soil Types On Soil Properties And Vegetation Four-Five Years After Oil Sands Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effects Of Woody Debris On Soil Temperature And Water Content In Two Reconstructed Soils In Reclaimed Boreal Forest

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Efficiency Enhancement of a Dual Active Bridge Converter by Utilizing Complete Zero Voltage Switching

Ali Khajehoddin, Morteza Mahdavifard

Conference Proceedings

Efficient analytical method to obtain the responses of a gear model with stochastic load and stochastic friction

Ming J. Zuo, Yining Fang

Conference Proceedings

Efficient analytical method to obtain the responses of a gear model with stochastic load and stochastic friction

Ming J. Zuo, Yining Fang

Conference Proceedings

Efficient Low Temperature Performance of All Solid-State Zinc-air Batteries with MnCo2O4/Carbon Fiber Bifunctional Electrocatalyst and Poly(acrylic Acid) (PAA) Polymer Electrolyte

Douglas Ivey, Jiayao Cui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Efficient Modeling and Systematic Design of Enhanced Phase-Locked Loop Structures

Ali Khajehoddin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Efficient Procurement and Trading of Electric Vehicle Charging Flexibility

Javier Sales-Ortiz

Master Thesis

Efficient standalone solar fuels production for CO2 conversion driven by CuxO@rGO

Jingli Luo, Chenyu Xu, Mengnan Zhu, Pengfei Sui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Efficient tracking and estimation of solvent chamber development during warm solvent injection in heterogeneous reservoirs via machine learning

Juliana Y Leung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Efficient tracking of solvent chamber development during warm solvent injection in heterogeneous reservoirs via machine learning

Juliana Y Leung

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Efficient Trading of Aggregate Bidirectional EV Charging Flexibility with Reinforcement Learning

Omid Ardakanian, Javier Sales-Ortiz

Conference Proceedings

Efficient Zn Metal Anode Enabled by O,N-Codoped Carbon Microflowers

Xiaolei Wang, Wenjing Deng, Zhixiao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Eight Principles for a Critical Theory of Energy

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Eight Principles for a Critical Theory of Energy

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Eight Principles on Fossil Fuels and the Present

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Elder Albert Yellowknee of Bigstone Cree Nation on the Impacts of Logging on Human and Non-Human Animals (Treaty 8 Cree Language Video)

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Elder Albert Yellowknee on Caring for the Land

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Elder Eliza Orr of Bigstone Cree Nation on her Experience With the Energy Industry

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Elder Eliza Orr on Family Memories of Living Off Land

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Elder Mike Beaver on His Hopes for the Future

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Elder Mike Beaver on the Importance of Water for Ecosystems and Livelihoods

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Elder Ray Peters of Bigstone Cree First Nation on Land based Learning, Language and History

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Elder Verna Orr of Bigstone Cree Nation on her Role as Cultural Advisor at NAIT and Sharing Land Teachings with her Grandchildren

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Elder Verna Orr on Hope and the Future

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Elders Donald Alook, Manager of Culture and Recreation for Bigstone, and Bertha Alook of Peekiskwetan" Lets Talk "Agency on Wellness, Employment Initiatives, and the Impacts of Industry on Bigstone

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Electric Vehicle Behaviour in Disasters

Stephen David Wong, Mohammad Hossein Babaei

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Resource Allocation: A Data-Driven Robust Optimization Approach

Mohammadhadi Rouhani

Master Thesis

Electric Vehicles and Disaster Mitigation

Stephen David Wong


Electrical Engineering: Magnetic Field and Wireless Power Transfer (Interactive Demonstration)

Fabiano Domingos

Other Event

Electrical Equipment Identification Method With Synthetic Data Using Edge-Oriented Generative Adversarial Network

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrical Resistivity at Mount Meager, BC: Imaging a hydrothermal and magmatic system beneath a geothermal prospect

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Electricity Generation from Post-blowdown Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage

Alireza Nouri, Mahmood Salimi


Electricity Generation from Post-blowdown Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage

Alireza Nouri, Mahmood Salimi


Electricity Markets

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Book Chapter

Electricity markets in transition: Market distortions associated with retail price controls

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrifying Partial Upgrading

Natalia Semagina, Jeffrey Mark Stryker, Robin Hamilton, Orain Alberga Brown, David Scott

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Electro-Oxidation By Graphite Anode For Naphthenic Acids Degradation, Biodegradability Enhancement And Toxicity Reduction

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electro-wetting induced dynamic manipulation of symmetrically coalescing viscoelastic liquid bridges

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Juan Sebastian Marin Quintero, Rahul Roy

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrocatalytic Activation Of Peroxomonosulfate (PMS) Under Aerobic Condition For The Remediation Of Oil Sands Process Water: Insight Into One-Pot Synergistic Coupling Of PMS Electro-Activation And Heterogeneous Electro-Fenton Processes

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu, James Stafford

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrocatalytic Generation of H2 From Wastewater Using Pt decorated TiO2 Catalysts Isabella Smith, Ula Suliman, Dr. Shiva Mohajernia

Shiva Mohajernia, Isabella Smith, Ula Suliman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Electrochemical Degradation Of Dissolved Organic Matters In Oil Sands Process Water Using Continuous-Flow Packed Bed Electrode Reactor

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu, Yue Ju

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrochemical investigation of the interactions of organic and inorganic depressants on basal and edge planes of molybdenite

Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrochemical Treatment of Oil Sands Process Water Using Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode: Understanding the Radical Formation and Transformation Pathways

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Electrochemically Dismantled Perovskite with Cooperative Catalysis for CO 2-to-Formate Conversion

Karthik Shankar, Jingli Luo, Steven Bergens, Hongbo Zeng, Minrui Gao, Chenyu Xu, Bowen Zhang, Mengnan Zhu, Pengfei Sui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Electrochemically reconstructed perovskite with cooperative catalytic sites for CO 2-to-formate conversion

Karthik Shankar, Jingli Luo, Steven Bergens, Hongbo Zeng, Minrui Gao, Chenyu Xu, Mengnan Zhu, Pengfei Sui

Article in professional or trade journals

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of PEM Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers

Marc Secanell

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Electrodeposited and Oxidized Mn/Co-Fe As Bi-Functional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Ming Xiong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrodeposited Co-Fe as an Oxygen Evolution Catalyst for Rechargeable Zinc-air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Ming Xiong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrodeposited Electrocatalysts For Rechargeable Zinc-air Batteries

Ming Xiong

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Electrodeposited Manganese Oxide on Carbon Paper for Zinc-Ion Battery Cathodes

Douglas Ivey

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrodeposition of bitumen-, asphaltene-, or maltene-coated kaolinite from cyclohexane suspensions.

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Kaipeng Wang, Hanyu Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrolyte Structure of Lithium Polysulfides with Anti‐Reductive Solvent Shells for Practical Lithium–Sulfur Batteries

Zhehui Jin, Yiling Nan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electrolyte Supply Methods in Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis Cells with Custom Inkjet Printed Catalyst Layers

Jasper Eitzen

Master Thesis

Electromechanical Performance Comparison of Low-voltage Ride-through Methods for Variable Speed Wind Turbines

Andrew Zhou

Master Thesis

Electronic Delocalization of Bismuth Oxide Induced by Sulfur Doping for Efficient CO2 Electroreduction to Formate

Jingli Luo, Hongbo Zeng, Shao-Qing Liu

Article in professional or trade journals

Electronic Regulation of Bismuth Oxide Via Sulfur Doping for Efficient CO2 Electroreduction to Formate

Jingli Luo, Shao-Qing Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Electronically Conductive, Multifunctional Polymer Binder for Highly Active, Stable, and Abundant Composite Electrodes for Oxygen Evolution

Steven Bergens, Jinkun Liu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Electronically Conductive, Multifunctional Polymer Binder for Highly Active, Stable, and Abundant Composite Electrodes for Oxygen Evolution

Steven Bergens, Jinkun Liu


Electrospinning And Fiber Stretching Of Polymer‐Grafted CNC Polystyrene 3) Nanocomposites: Structures And Dynamic Mechanical Properties

Yaman Boluk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Electrowetting-Induced Coalescence of Sessile Droplets in Viscous Medium

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Juan Sebastian Marin Quintero, Butunath Majhy

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Elemental Composition Of Biochars Is Affected By Methods Used For Its Determination

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Elevated Temperature CO2 Reduction over Perovskite Oxides in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell

Jingli Luo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Élisabeth Vonarburg’s The Silent City: Feminist theory in Science Fiction

Ariel Kroon

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

ELITE Grid lab video

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Research-Specific Short Film

Emergency Signals: Hearing Energy, Listening For Repair

Mark Simpson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Empirical heat transfer correlations of finned-tube heat exchangers in oscillating flow for low temperature Stirling engines

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Empirical Heat Transfer Correlations of Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers in Pulsatile Flow.

David S. Nobes

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Employing gain-sharing regulation to promote forward contracting in the electricity sector

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Employing multifaceted teaching and learning components to foster CEAB graduate attribute development

Conference Proceedings

Employing Simple Cost-Sharing Policies to Motivate the Efficient Implementation of Distributed Energy Resources

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Empowering Our Communities: The Potential Of Municipal Energy Projects

Misc: Video feature

Emulsification and corrosivity study of bio-oil and vacuum gas oil mixtures with a novel surfactant system

Haoxiang Wang, Jing Liu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Emulsification and Emulsion Flow in Thermal Recovery Operations with a Focus on SAGD Operations: A Critical Review

Alireza Nouri, Arian Velayati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enabling transdisciplinary education for energy systems transitions

Pierre Mertiny, Miles Skinner, Sven Anders

Conference Proceedings

Encapsulated Nanodroplets for Enhanced Fluorescence Detection by Nano-Extraction

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

End Of Eldorado? Partnership Agreement Adoption From A Community Perspective

Maggie Cascadden

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

End Of Eldorado? Partnership Agreement Adoption From A Community Perspective

Maggie Cascadden

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

End-to-End Deep Neural Network Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: Experimental Implementation on Diesel Engine Emission Control

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Endogenous Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR of Hydride-Terminated Silicon Nanoparticles

Jonathan GC Veinot, Vladimir K Michaelis, Alyx Thiessen, Michelle Ha

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Energetic Investments in the "End Times"

Jessie Beier

Book Chapter

Energizing Finance: The Energy Crisis, Oil Futures, and Neoliberal Narratives

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Energizing Neoliberalism: The 1970s Energy Crisis and the Making of Modern America


Energy and environmental footprints of flywheels for utility-scale energy storage applications

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Nexus at Neighborhood Scale

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara, Shaival Gajjar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy and Sustainability in our Communities

Neelakshi Joshi

Other Event

Energy and Sustainability in our Communities

Andrea Kristine Miller

Other Event

Energy and the New Historical Materialism, Fossil Capital

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Challenge Proposals

Steven Bergens

Misc: proposal

Energy Challenge Proposals

Karthik Shankar, Steven Bergens

Misc: Proposal

Energy Commons

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Commons

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Energy Consciousness

Jordan Kinder

Misc: Theory

Energy Conservation Versus Charge Conservation Law for Modeling and Analyzing Cell Equalizers

Ali Khajehoddin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Energy Culture: Art and Theory on Oil and Beyond

Imre Szeman

Edited Volume

Energy efficiency as a critical resource to achieve carbon neutrality in pulp and paper sector

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Energy Emergency Repair Kit

Mark Simpson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier, Lisa Moore

Misc: art book

Energy Emergency Repair Kit (E.E.R.K.)

Mark Simpson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier

Other Event

Energy Explorers

Elizabeth Murphy

Other Event

Energy Explorers Connects Research With Families

Jerico Fiestas Flores, Abhijeet Pathy

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Energy Explorers for Science Literacy Week 2023 - WISEST

Ula Suliman

Other Event

Energy Explorers Showcase

Fei Cheng

Other Event

Energy Explorers Teacher Workshop

Ula Suliman

Other Event

Energy Explorers Teacher Workshop

Other Event

Energy Explorers with Junior High Kids

Ula Suliman

Other Event

Energy Fair/Foire de l’énergie – Dec 5, 2019

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Energy Futures

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Energy Futures: Moving Forward by Overcoming Legacies of the Past

Joel Gehman, Bandita Deka Kalita

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Harvesting Sources, Storage Devices and System Topologies for Environmental Wireless Sensor Networks: A review

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Energy Humanities

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

Energy Humanities

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Energy Humanities

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Energy Humanities and the North American Petroleumscape

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Humanities, Just Powers + Energy Systems

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Humanities: An Anthology

Imre Szeman


Energy Humanities: What We Know and Where We Are Going

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Imaginaries: Feminist and Decolonial Futures

Sheena L Wilson

Book Chapter

Energy Imaginaries—S1E5

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


Energy Impasse and the Time of Infrastructure

Mark Simpson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy in a Flash

Bandita Deka Kalita

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy In/Out of Place


Energy Justice

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy literacy and justice in the International Youth Deliberation on Energy Futures (IYDEF) Global Classroom

Derek Gladwin, Lynette Shultz

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Literacy, Transition, and Action

Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman, Derek Gladwin

Other Event

Energy Management for Smart Homes - State of the Art

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Energy Materials Challenge Program

Steven Bergens

Other Event

Energy Solutions

Lisa Stein

Other Event

Energy Storage Flywheel Rotors - Mechanical Design

Pierre Mertiny, Miles Skinner

Book Chapter

Energy Systems And Land Reclamation: An Environmental Imperative

M Anne Naeth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Systems Spillovers And Willingness To Change: A Focus On The Oil Sands Region Of Canada

Shandra Pandey

Master Thesis

Energy Talk: New Year, New Tech

Bing Cao, Catherine Tays, Zhongyi Quan

Other Event

Energy Transition & the Role of Cities, Neighbourhoods and Grassroots Organizations

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Transition and the Canadian Suburb

Imre Szeman

Article in professional or trade journals

Energy transition in Canada: Exploring the social, cultural and ethical dimensions of a changing energy landscape

John R Parkins


Energy Transition in Time of Crisis: Research-Creation Responses

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Transition in Time of Crisis: Research-Creation Responses

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Energy Transition Research (Creation)

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Book Chapter

Energy Transition: Pathways to Climate Justice

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, Justine Kohleal Hartlieb-Power

Other Event

Energy Transitions, Public Policy, and Progressive Politics in Canada

Mark Simpson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

EnergyBoost: Learning-based Control of Home Batteries

Omid Ardakanian, Baihong Qi, Mohammad Rashedi

Conference Proceedings

Engaging communities and adaptive change

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Jordan Kinder

Book Chapter

Engineered Passive Treatment Approaches As Steps towards Sustainable Ecosystems

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Engineering Stable, High Efficiency Flexible Halide Perovskite Solar Cells

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Engineering strategies toward efficient CO2 electrochemical reduction to C1 products

Pengfei Sui

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Enhanced biomethane recovery from fat, oil, and grease through co-digestion with food waste and addition of conductive materials

Master Thesis

Enhanced biomethane recovery from fat, oil, and grease through co-digestion with food waste and addition of conductive materials

Amit Kumar, Bipro Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhanced Charge Separation in g-C3N4–BiOI Heterostructures for Visible Light Driven Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Kazi Alam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhanced Co-digestion of Food Waste and FOG with Conductive Additives

Conference Proceedings

Enhanced CO2 Adsorption Capability for Highly Selective Electroreduction of CO2 to Formate

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Chenyu Xu, Mengnan Zhu, Subiao Liu, Pengfei Sui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Enhanced Displacement of Phase Separating Liquid Mixtures in 2D Confined Spaces

Xuehua Zhang, Gilmar Friedrich Arends

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhanced efficiency and thermal stability of perovskite solar cells using poly (9-vinylcarbazole) modified perovskite/PCBM interface

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhanced g-C3N4 For Sustainable Solar Degradation Of 1,3-diphenylguanidine (DPG) In Wastewater: Investigating The Effects Of Precursor, Temperature, And Potassium Doping

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yaman Boluk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhanced Interleaved PWM Scheme with Flux Compensation for Three-Parallel Connected Inverters

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo

Conference Proceedings

Enhanced methanogenic co-degradation of propionate and butyrate by anaerobic microbiome enriched on conductive carbon fibers

Bipro Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhanced Methanogenic Degradation of Propionate/Butyrate with Conductive Additives

Master Thesis

Enhanced Mismatch Selectivity of T4 DNA Ligase Far Above the Probe: Target Duplex Dissociation Temperature

Juli Gibbs

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhanced performance of two-staged vertical axis wind turbines based on bioinspiration from fish school

Arman Hemmati, Muhammad Saif Ullah Khalid

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation Of Organic Contaminants In Water By Highly Tunable Surface Microlenses

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Xuehua Zhang, Lingling Yang, Qiuyun Lu, Yanan Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhanced Photodegradation Of Naphthenic Acids In The Presence Of Oil Sands Process Water Inorganic Fraction

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rui Qin, Zuo Tong How

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Enhancement in the Rate of CO2 Photoreduction Using Divalent Strontium Cation (Sr2+) Doped TiO2 Nanotube Arrays

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Saralyn Riddell, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Harshitha Rajashekhar, Narendra Chaulagain, Navneet Kumar

Conference Proceedings

Enhancement Of Photodegradation In Water By Surface Microlenses Under Visible Light

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Xuehua Zhang, Jia Meng, Zuo Tong How, Qiuyun Lu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Enhancement of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell for CO2 Electrochemical Reduction by in-situ Exsolution of Nanoparticles on Perovskite Matrix

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Bowen Zhang, Subiao Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Enhancing Biodegradtion Of Pyridine With Trehalose Lipid In Rhodococcus pyridinivorans sp. Strain HR-1-inoculated Microbial Fuel Cell

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan, Muhammad Usman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhancing Photocatalyst and Solar Cell Performance Using Nanophotonic Effects

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Enhancing Power Flow Simulations Using Function Mapping

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Enhancing regional process safety management

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhancing Regulatory Effectiveness to Improve Corporate Performance

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Enhancing The Photodegradation Of Pollutants In Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Rui Qin, Xuehua Zhang, Lingling Yang, Zuo Tong How, Qiuyun Lu, Yanan Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

ENMAX Collaboration

David P Brown, Blake Shaffer, Megan Bailey

Other Event

Entangled, but disengaged: Geothermal energy policy development without First Nations in Alberta

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Environmental and Climate Justice Perspectives on the UNFCC Conference of Parties

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Environmental Communication: An Introduction

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Environmental Impacts Of Solar And Wind Energy Systems And Potential Land Reclamation Strategies

Amalesh Dhar

Misc: Online public presentation

Environmental Studies Association of Canada conference at Congress 21

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Environmentally friendly polymer detection using fluorescent proteins

Marina Lazic

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ascophyllum nodosum for the Co-Production of Biofuels and Value-Added Products

Master Thesis

Enzymatically-Mediated Co-Production of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Fermentable Sugars

David C. Bressler

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enzyme Activity and Drug Design

Beatriz Iara Cabral e Pacheco

Other Event

EPCOR/UofA Distributed Energy Resource Integration Study

Petr Musilek

Other Event

ePerf 2018 Workshop Co-Chair

Omid Ardakanian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Episode 21: Using Machine Learning to Detect Tacit Collusion

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown


Epitaxy of Incommensurate Block Copolymer Dot Arrays: Preferential Alignment and Moire Superstructures

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ergs and Equilibrium - the Value of Electricity Reliability: Evidence from Battery Adoption

David P Brown, Lucija A Muehlenbachs


Eriel Deranger on Decolonization

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ariel Kroon, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Essays on Renewable Energy, Electricity Markets and Local Communities

Boris Edgardo Ortega Moreno

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Establishing hybrid poplar plantations in western Canada for biofuel feedstock and carbon offsets: A forest-level financial analysis

Marty K Luckert, Jay Anthony Anderson, Glen Armstrong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Establishing hybrid poplar plantations in western Canada for biofuel feedstock and carbon offsets: A forest-level financial analysis

Marty K Luckert, Jay Anthony Anderson, Glen Armstrong

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Estimating compressibility of complex fracture networks in unconventional reservoirs

Hassan Dehghanpour, Obinna Ezulike

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Estimating parasitic loads related to brine production from a hot sedimentary aquifer geothermal project: a case study from the Clarke Lake gas field, British Columbia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Estimation of life cycle GHG emissions of asphaltene-based carbon fibers derived from oil sands bitumen

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Estimation of relative transport properties in porous transport layers using pore-scale and pore-network simulations

Marc Secanell

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Estimation of the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Bitumen-Derived Petroleum Fuels using Enhanced Solvent Extraction Incorporating Electromagnetic Heating (ESEIEH) and Toe-to-Heel Air Injection (THAI) Extraction Technologies

Master Thesis

Etchanchu, H., Cascadden, M.*, & Lefsrud, L.M. 2021. Addressing Grand Challenges in Organization Theory-System Change through Theory, Engagement & Action

Maggie Cascadden

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ethylene Glycol as an Antifreeze Additive and Corrosion Inhibitor for Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Thuy (Wendy) Nguyen Thanh Tran, Maosen Zhao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

ETX: A Flexible Simulation Framework for Design of Transactive Energy Systems

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

EU-Canada cooperation on climate change

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Evaluate the application of ground-source heat pumps under freezing soil conditions in Alberta

Lexuan Zhong

Conference Proceedings

Evaluating energy and greenhouse gas emission footprints of thermal energy storage systems for concentrated solar power applications

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluating Formation Damage and Remediation Methods: Physical Simulation of Leak-Off and Flowback

Hassan Dehghanpour, Son Thai Tran

Conference Proceedings

Evaluating long-term greenhouse gas mitigation opportunities through carbon capture, utilization, and storage in the oil sands

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluating porous media wettability from changes in Helmholtz free energy using spontaneous imbibition profiles

Hassan Dehghanpour, Amin Alinejad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluating Risk Response Strategies on Construction Projects Using a Fuzzy Rule-Based System

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Nima Gerami Seresht, Seyed Hamed Fateminia

Conference Proceedings

Evaluating the Impact of Divestitures on Competition: Evidence from Alberta's Wholesale Electricity Market

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown, Blake Shaffer

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluating the Performance of CO2 Foam and CO2 Polymer Enhanced Foam for Heavy Oil Recovery: Laboratory Experiments in Unconsolidated and Consolidated Porous Media

Japan J Trivedi

Conference Proceedings

Evaluating the Validity of CFD Model of Dispersion in a Complex Urban Geometry Using Two Sets of Experimental Measurements

Brian Fleck, Carlos Lange

Conference Proceedings

Evaluation Of A Low Temperature Stirling Engine Using A Discontinuous Thermodynamic Cycle

David S. Nobes

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Evaluation Of Adsorption Of Naphthenic Acids Onto Different Types Of Materials

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Deborah Crominski da Silva Medeiros, Zhexuan An, Ming Zheng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Evaluation of Adsorption of Organic and Inorganic Compounds Related to OSPW onto Different Types of Soils

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Deborah Crominski da Silva Medeiros, Zhexuan An

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Evaluation of ASTM D6424 standard for knock analysis using unleaded fuel candidates on a six cylinder aircraft engine

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluation of diamine-appended metal-organic frameworks for post-combustion CO2 capture by vacuum swing adsorption

Arvind Rajendran, Kasturi Nagesh Pai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluation of energy and GHG emissions’ footprints of bitumen extraction using Enhanced Solvent Extraction Incorporating Electromagnetic heating technology

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluation of energy and greenhouse gas emissions of bitumen-derived fuels from toe-to-heel air injection extraction technology

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluation of Enhanced Oil Recovery Application in Tight-Oil Formations

Son Thai Tran

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Evaluation of particle size, shape and specific energy consumption during hammer milling of wheat straw and softwood residues.

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Omex Mohan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Evaluation of polyethylene hildebrand solubility parameter evolution with temperature.

Phillip YK Choi, Qi Liu, Gabriel Pereira da Costa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Evaluation of Polymer-Assisted Carbonated Water Injection in Sandstone Reservoir: Absorption Kinetics, Rheology, and Oil Recovery Results

Japan J Trivedi, Tushar Sharma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluation of Smart Contract Vulnerability Analysis Tools: A Domain-Specific Perspective

Petr Musilek, Bahareh Lashkari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluation of steam explosion pretreatment on the cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs ) yield from poplar wood

David C. Bressler

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaluation of the Potential of Direct Water Injection in HCCI Combustion

David Carl Gordon

Conference Proceedings

Evaluation of three geothermal project SIA reports

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Evaluation of using Alberta hydrogen for clean-firm power in decarbonized power grids

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Evaluation of Wettability and EOR Potential of Shale and Tight Formations

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Evan Davies on Modelling Energy Transition

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Evaporation Dynamics of Surfactant-Laden Droplets on a Superhydrophobic Surface: Influence of Surfactant Concentration

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaporation Dynamics of Water Droplets on Superhydrophobic Nanograss Surfaces

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evaporation-triggered ouzo effect in a Hele-Shaw cell

Xuehua Zhang

Conference Proceedings

Evolution of turbulent pipe flow recovery over a square bar roughness element at a range of Reynolds numbers

Arman Hemmati, Shubham Goswami

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evolution of vortex structures in the wake of oscillating foils with multi-degree motion

Suyash Verma

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Evolutionary-Based Neural Architecture Search for an Efficient CAES and PV Farm Joint Operation Strategy Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Yasser Mohamed, Amirhossein Dolatabadi

Conference Proceedings

Examination Of Acute Exposure Effects Of Untreated And AOP-Treated OSPW Using A Human Immune Cell-Based Bioindicator System

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu, Monsuru Suara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Examining Canadian climate change policies: Implications for provincial carbon emissions reduction and the energy mix from GCAM-Canada

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Matthew Binsted, Osama Younis, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Examining Protein Cargo and the Potential Physiological Mechanisms of Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) in Methanotrophic Bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Mariah Kristen Hermary

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Examining The Immunotoxicity Of Oil Sands Process Affected Waters Using A Human Macrophage Cell Line

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu, Monsuru Suara, James Stafford

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Executive committee of SPE Canada virtual unconventional resources conference 2020

Hassan Dehghanpour

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Experimental and Mathematical Investigation of Natural Gas Huff-n-Puff on Eagle Ford Shale Samples

Hassan Dehghanpour, Amin Alinejad

Conference Proceedings

Experimental and numerical analysis of a methane thermal decomposition reactor

Marc Secanell, Larry William Kostiuk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Experimental and numerical analysis of methane pyrolysis at elevated pressure

Jason Scott Olfert, Marc Secanell, Larry William Kostiuk, Ambuj Punia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Experimental and theoretical investigation of the effects of pressure on the hydrodynamically driven droplet spreading

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Sumaiya Farzana, Aleksey Baldygin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Experimental Characterization of Low-Speed Passive Discharge Losses of a Flywheel Energy Storage System

Pierre Mertiny, Miles Skinner

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Experimental Concerns of Current Collector Interference and Electrolyte Creep During Zinc-Air Battery Testing

Douglas Ivey, Matthew Labbe

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Natural Gas RCCI on a Modifed GDI Engine using NVO

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

Experimental investigation of agricultural residue biomass-water slurry flows in inclined and vertical pipelines

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Experimental Investigation of Carbon Black Properties Produced by the Thermal Decomposition of Methane in the Products of Premixed Flames

Master Thesis

Experimental Investigation of Stirling Engine Modelling Techniques at Reduced Source Temperatures

Master Thesis

Experimental investigation of terminal settling velocity of biomass particles in Newtonian fluid.

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Experimental Investigation on Interfacial and Surface Phenomena of Clathrate and Semi-clathrate Hydrates

Yu Wei

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Experimental progress on Bi-doped BCN and BZN perovskites

John Garcia

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Experimental study of methane decarbonization to produce hydrogen using a laminar premixed flame

Master Thesis

Experimental study on two-phase (solid-liquid) flows of ground wheat straw in inclined pipes

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Experimental validation of an adsorbent-agnostic artificial neural network (ANN ) framework for the design and optimization of cyclic adsorption processes

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Kasturi Nagesh Pai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Experimental validation of high thermoelectric performance in RECuZnP2 predicted by high-throughput DFT calculations

Arthur Mar, Jan Poehls, Amit Bhattacharya, Nick Friesen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Experimental Validation of High Thermoelectric Performance in RECuZnP2 Predicted by High-Throughput DFT Calculations

Arthur Mar, Jan Poehls, Amit Bhattacharya, Nick Friesen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Experimental validation of multi-objective optimization techniques for design of vacuum swing adsorption processes

Arvind Rajendran

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Experimental Validation of PSA Optimization Techniques

Arvind Rajendran

Conference Proceedings

Experimentally validated machine learning frameworks for accelerated prediction of cyclic steady state and optimization of pressure swing adsorption processes

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Kasturi Nagesh Pai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Explainable machine learning in materials chemistry: Decision trees as scoring function

Arthur Mar, Balaranjan Selvaratnam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Exploiting Buck-Boost Duality in Dual Active Bridge Modular Multilevel Converters to Achieve High DC Step Ratios

Sunny Kung, Chatumal Perera

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Exploiting Nanophotonics and Plasmonic Hot Electrons for the Production of Solar Fuels

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Explore A Lab Tour 4: Cleaning Up Heavy Metals Using Carbon Based Materials

Yihan Zhao

Misc: Video feature

Exploring future pathways of sectoral water use in Canada at a subnational scale

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Matthew Binsted, Osama Younis, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Exploring Interfacial Chemistry in All-solid-state Metal-ion Batteries

Lingzi Sang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Exploring Nature's Filters: Peat-Mineral Mix For High-Strength Produced Water Reclamation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Exploring Nature's Filters: Peat-Mineral Mix For Low And High-Strength Oilfield Produced Water Reclamation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan, Muhammad Usman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Exploring spatiotemporal changes of the urban heat Island effect in high-latitude cities at a neighbourhood level: A case of Edmonton, Canada

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Exploring Structural Nuances in Germanium Halide Perovskites Using Solid-State $\less$sup$\greater$73$\less$/sup$\greater$Ge and $\less$sup$\greater$133$\less$/sup$\greater$Cs NMR Spectroscopy

Jonathan GC Veinot, Yingjie He, Vladimir K Michaelis, Chuyi Ni, Riley Hooper

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Exploring the colours of gold alloys with machine learning

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Exploring the decoration of nanostructured nickel sub-oxides with single atoms for energy conversion electrocatalysis

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Exploring the potential of Methylomicrobium album BG8 as a platform for the bioconversion of methane and methanol to isoprenoids

Shibashis Das

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Exposing Halide-Mixing in Hybrid Perovskite Materials Using Solid-State NMR

Karthik Shankar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Michelle Ha, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy Bernard

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Exposing Halide-Mixing in Next-Generation Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Materials using Solid-State NMR

Karthik Shankar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Michelle Ha, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy Bernard

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Extending sensitivity analysis using regression to effectively disseminate life cycle assessment results

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Extensional Rheological Data from Ex-situ Measurements for Predicting Porous Media Behaviour of the Viscoelastic EOR Polymers

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Extensional Rheological Role on the Viscoelastic Polymer Flooding: Unanswered Questions, Myth or Reality?

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Extraction of hot carriers in plasmon coupled TiO2 nanoheterojunctions for high performance photoelectrochemical water splitting

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Narendra Chaulagain

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Extractive Capitalist Worldbuilding: Van Ginkel Associates in the North

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Extrapolating Human Judgments from Skip-gram Vector Representations of Word Meaning

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Fabrication and Testing of Inkjet Printed Electrodes for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis

Scott Storbakken

Master Thesis

Fabrication of free-standing graphene oxide fi lms using a facile approach toluene swollen para ffi n peeling and green reduction of these fi lms into highly conductive reduced graphene oxide fi lms

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Ravi Kant Upadhyay

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Fabrication of Transparent and Microstructured Superhydrophobic Substrates using Additive Manufacturing

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Facile and scalable surface functionalization approach with small silane molecules for oil/water separation and demulsification of surfactant/asphaltenes-stabilized emulsions

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao, Hao Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Facility siting for a forest residue-based biorefinery considering variation of commercial timber harvests

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson, Irene Onyango, Glen Armstrong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Facility siting for a forest residue-based biorefinery considering variation of commercial timber harvests

Irene Onyango

Master Thesis

Failure analysis of corroded high-strength pipeline subject to hydrogen damage based on FEM and GA-BP neural network

Zhigang Tian, Han Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Failure Analysis of Nickel-Coated Anodes in Zinc-Air Flow Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Drew Aasen, Anqiang He, Hang Hu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Falling Walls Lab 2019 impresses with breakthrough research

Marina Lazic

Article in popular media

False data injection attacks against state estimation in multiphase and unbalanced smart distribution systems

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

False data injection attacks against state estimation in power distribution systems

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

False data injection attacks against state of charge estimation of battery energy storage systems in smart distribution networks

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

False Data Injection Attacks on Smart Grid Voltage Regulation with Stochastic Communication Model

Hao Liang, Yuan Liu, Omid Ardakanian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Family of Hybrid dc-dc Converters for Connecting DC Current Bus and DC Voltage Bus

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Nie Hou

Conference Proceedings

Far From Home: Northern Canadian Students at an Urban Art and Design University

Book Chapter

Fast-Response FCS-MPC for Coordinated Control of Permanent Magnet Direct-Drive Motors in Humanoid Robotic Arm Shoulders

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Conference Proceedings

Fate Of Dissolved Organics And Generated Sulfate Ions During Biofiltration Oil Sands Process Water Pretreated With Sulfate Radical advanced Oxidation Process

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu, Muhammad Arslan, James Stafford

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Fault Ride-Through Capability of Voltage-Controlled Inverters

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Fault-hosted geothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia

Master Thesis

Fault-induced impulse evaluation for planetary gearbox tooth crack severity assessment under different loading conditions

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang

Conference Proceedings

Fault-Tolerant Operation of the DC/DC Modular Multilevel Converter Under Submodule Failure

Yasser Mohamed, Ramin Razani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Faulty Indictment in a Man-Made Era

Ariel Kroon

Article in popular media

FDI attacks against real-time DLMP in CPS-based smart distribution systems

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Conference Proceedings

Feather keratin derived sorbents for removal of trace metals from wastewater produced by energy generation processes

Irum Zahara

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Feather Keratin Derived Sorbents For The Treatment Of Wastewater Produced During Energy Generation Processes

M Anne Naeth, Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad, Irum Zahara

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Feather Keratin Derived Sorbents For The Treatment Of Wastewater Produced During Energy Generation Processes

M Anne Naeth, Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad, Irum Zahara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Feather Keratin Derived Sorbents For The Treatment Of Wastewater Produced During Energy Generation Systems With The Effect Of Process Parameters On Adsorption

M Anne Naeth, Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad, Irum Zahara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Federated learning with hyperparameter-based clustering for electrical load forecasting, Internet of Things

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Feedstock Type And Production Method Are Crucial In Reengineering Waste To High Value Products

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Feedstock Type And Pyrolysis Temperature Drive Properties Of Activated And Non-Activated Biochars

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Feedstock Type And Temperature Used For Hydrothermal Processing Affect Hydrochar And Liquid-Phase Properties

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu, Yadi Tang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Feedstock Type Drives Lead(II) Adsorption On Microwave-Pyrolyzed Biochars In Aqueous Solutions More Than Pyrolysis Temperature

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu, Yadi Tang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Feedstock Type Drives Surface Property, Demineralization And Element Leaching Of Nitric Acid-Activated Biochars More Than Pyrolysis Temperature

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Feedstock Type Rather Than Carbonization Temperature Drives The Effect Of Nitric Acid Modification On Hydrochar’s Combustion, Fuel And Thermal Properties

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Feminist Art, Activism, and the Anthropocene” for The Mothernists II: Who Care’s for the 21st Century

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Feminist Collaboration and Affective Resilience

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Feminist Energy Transition: Petrofeminism, Deep Energy Literacy and Decolonized Futures

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Feminist Hackerspace as a Place of Infrastructure Production — S3E4

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


Feminist Living (and Dying): Collaboration, Resilience, and Dissent

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Feminist Solarities

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Feminist Solarities

Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman, Sheena L Wilson, Darin Barney

Misc: Theory

Fermentation of ACAPS (Air Currents Assisted Particle Separation) byproduct streams for bioethanol

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Fermentation of Air Currents Assisted Particle Separation (ACAPS) by-product streams from barley for bioethanol production

Master Thesis

Fermentation of Air Currents Assisted Particle Separation (ACAPS) byproduct streams for bioethanol

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Fermentation of Air Currents Assisted Particle Separation (ACAPS) byproduct streams for bioethanol

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ferrate Oxidation Of Distinct Naphthenic Acids Species Isolated From Process Water Of Unconventional Petroleum Production

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Rongfu Huang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

FES Student Profile article

Catherine Tays

Misc: Online article

FESCOM Science Communication Training (October 19 - November 09)

Fei Cheng

Other Event

Field Data Analysis and History Match of Aquistore CO2 Storage Project

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Field Weakening Operation of Open-Winding Induction Motor Dual Drives Using a Floating Capacitor Bridge Inverter

John Salmon, Chatumal Perera

Conference Proceedings

Fight-Stopping Tools

Other Event

Figuring Impasse: Abstraction, Risk, Petroculture

Mark Simpson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Final Report for Creative Sentencing: Protecting Worker Safety in Alberta by Enhancing Field Level Hazard Assessments and Training for Ground Hazards Associated with Tailings Facilities, Dams, and Systems

Research Report

Financial implications of carbon credits for forest plantations in Canada

Marty K Luckert, Jay Anthony Anderson, Glen Armstrong

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Financial implications of carbon credits for forest plantations in Canada

Marty K Luckert, Jay Anthony Anderson, Glen Armstrong

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Finding potential solutions: Homelessness in the Tłı̨chǫ Region

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Fine solids removal from NAE bitumen by surface functionalized magnetic particles

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Xuyang Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for AC-DC Matrix Converter with Virtual Space Vectors

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

First Approach Towards the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Brown Seaweed for the Production of Value-Added Products

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

First Row Metal Catalysts for Hydrogenolysis of Carbon–Sulfur*and*Carbon-Oxygen Bonds

Orain Alberga Brown

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

First to $15: Alberta's Minimum Wage Policy on Employment by Wages, Ages, and Places

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

First to $15: Alberta’s minimum wage policy on employment by wages, ages, and places

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

First to $15: Alberta’s minimum wage policy on employment by wages, ages, and places

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

First to $15: Alberta’s minimum wage policy on employment by wages, ages, and places

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Five Theses on Sabotage in the Shadow of Fossil Capital

Mark Simpson

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Fixed-Frequency Low-Loss Dielectric Material Sensing Transmitter

Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Saghlatoon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Flame Annealed TiO2 and its Heterojunctions for the Production of Solar Fuels

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Flaring Site

Other Event

Flexibility Platform for Community Energy Systems

Petr Musilek, Mustafa Gül

Conference Proceedings

Flexible and Self-Healing Aqueous Supercapacitors for Low Temperature Applications: Polyampholyte Gel Electrolytes with Biochar Electrodes

Scott Chang, Hyun-Joong Chung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Flexible and Ultrasoft Inorganic 1D Semiconductor and Heterostructure Systems Based on SnIP

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Flexible Interlinking and Coordinated Power Control of Multiple DC Microgrids Clusters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Flexible Unbalanced Compensation of Three-Phase Distribution System Using Single-Phase Distributed Generation Inverters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Floating ZnO Nanoparticles-Coated Micro Glass Bubbles For The Efficient Photodegradation Of Micropollutants In Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Xuehua Zhang, Lingling Yang, Yanan Li, Isaac Sanchez Montes

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Flow Control Device and Liner Floatation: Key Technology Driver in Extreme Extended Reach Shallow Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Wells

Juliana Y Leung, Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Izadi

Conference Proceedings

Fluorescence and Lasing in Dye-doped and Conjugated Polymer Microspheres

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Fluorescence color change conjugated organic materials and devices

Hui Wang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Fluorescent Nile Blue-Functionalized Poly (N-Isopropylacrylamide) Microgels Responsive To Temperature And Polyamines

Michael Serpe, Qiming Shen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Fluorine-Stabilized BO6 Octahedron of Host Perovskites for Robust Carbon Dioxide Electrolysis on Exsolved Catalysts

Jingli Luo, Hongbo Zeng, Natalia Semagina, Jing Shen, Minrui Gao, Bowen Zhang, Mengnan Zhu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Flux Minimization in Interphase Coupled Inductors of Parallel-Connected Voltage Source Converters

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo, Ambegoda Liyanage Vishwa Thilan Anuradha Perera

Conference Proceedings

Focused Session on "Microwave and Hot Carrier Sensors" at IEEE Sensors 2022, Dallas TX

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Fogo Process Discussion Roundtable

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka

Other Event

Forecasting Photovoltaic Power Production using a Deep Learning Sequence to Sequence Model with Attention

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Forecasting Solar PV Market Impacts in Alberta

Albert Mitjana

Master Thesis

Forest Voices

Other Event

Forestry based materials for the purification of Kraft methanol

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Forestry footprints associated with providing harvesting residues for a lignocellulosic biorefinery in Alberta

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson, Grant K Hauer, Irene Onyango

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Foreword to the Chinese Edition

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

Formation and Stability of Cavitation Microbubbles in Process Water from the Oilsands Industry

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Formation of Polystyrene Microlenses via Transient Droplets from the Ouzo Effect for Enhanced Optical Imaging

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Formulating a model emulsion replicating SAGD in-situ emulsions

Alireza Nouri, Arian Velayati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Formulation of a wind farm control strategy considering lifetime of DC‐link capacitor bank of type IV wind turbines

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Millawithanachchige Nayanasiri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Fort Nelson First Nation-owned Tu Deh-Kah Geothermal Project: A case study of community perceptions & support

Sara Chitsaz

Conference Proceedings

Fort Nelson First Nation-Owned Tu Deh-Kah Geothermal Project: A Socio-economic Study

Sara Chitsaz

Master Thesis

Fossil Capital Reading Group

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Fouling phenomena in oil production

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation


Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

Fractionation Of Oil Sands Process Water And Fractions Influence And Degradation By Advanced Oxidation Processes

Rui Qin

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Fractionation Of Oil Sands Process Water And The Identification Of Natural Inorganic Photosensitizer

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rui Qin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Framework for design and optimization of a retrofitted light industrial space with a renewable energy-assisted hydroponics facility in a rural northern canadian community

Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, Lexuan Zhong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Framework for Developing Risk Evaluation Criteria

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Framework for performance assessment and risk analysis during construction and maintenance of non-electrical energy infrastructure

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Simaan AbouRizk, Emad Mohamed

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Framework for Risk Identification of Renewable Energy Projects Using Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Nima Gerami Seresht, Sahand Somi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Free Radical and Cationic Addition due to Clay Minerals Found in Bitumen Froth at 250 °C Probed with Use of α-Methylstyrene and 1-Octene

Arno De Klerk, Annapurna Sri Sowmya Turuga

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Free Shipping? Exploring the Protein Cargo Content of Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) in Methanotrophic Bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Mariah Kristen Hermary

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Frictional behaviour of wheat straw-water suspensions in vertical upward flows

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian, Mahdi Vaezi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

From Active To Engineered Passive Treatment/Reclamation Approaches For Municipal And Industrial Wastewater – A Step Towards Sustainable Ecosystems

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

From Apartheid to Precarity: On the Politics of Separation

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

From Batch to Cycling Strategy—Improvement in Bioethanol Productivity

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

From Dirty Oil to Ethical Oil: Petroturfing and the Cultural Politics of Canadian Oil

Jordan Kinder

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

From Fuzzy Rule-Based Models to Granular Models

Witold Pedrycz, Hanyu E, Ye Cui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

From Graph Theory to Graph Neural Networks (GNNs): The Opportunities of GNNs in Power Electronics

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li, Faraz Zargari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

From Land/Water Reclamation To Resources Recovery And Utilization

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

From Molecules to Mechanisms: Nanoscience and Self-Assembly

Jillian Mary Buriak

Other Event

From Relational to Ecological Form

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

From Resistance to Acceptance of Wind Farms in Alberta

John R Parkins

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Frontiers of Power System Monitoring - Synchronized waveform monitoring system

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Fuel, Thermal And Surface Properties Of Microwave-Pyrolyzed Biochars Depend On Feedstock Type And Pyrolysis Temperature

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Fueling Culture

Imre Szeman


Fulbright Scholar researches Indigenous community engagement in Hawaii

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Full-span Topology of Trailing-edge Separation at Different Angles of Attack

Sina Ghaemi, Sen Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Functional Bioinorganic Hybrids from Enzymes and Luminescent Silicon-Based Nanoparticles

Jonathan GC Veinot, Maryam Aghajamali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Functional Bioinorganic Hybrids from Enzymes and Silicon Quantum Dots

Jonathan GC Veinot

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Functional Bioinorganic Hybrids from Enzymes and Silicon-Based Quantum Dots

Jonathan GC Veinot

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Functional Electrolyte Additives for Zinc-Ion Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Xiaolei Wang, Jiayao Cui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Functional Mussel-inspired Coatings with Applications in Wastewater Treatment

Wenshuai Yang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Functionalized polyamide membranes yield suppression of biofilm and planktonic bacteria while retaining flux and selectivity

Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Sadegh Aghapour Aktij

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Functionalized Silicon Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries

Jillian Mary Buriak, Jasper Woodard

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Functionalizing Silicon Surfaces: Mechanistic Connections Between Molecules and Interfaces

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Functionalizing Silicon Surfaces: From Molecules to Mechanisms

Jillian Mary Buriak

Other Event

Further Integrating Community Stakeholders In Sustainability Metric Applications: Combining Co-Design With Life Cycle Assessment

Maggie Cascadden, Kylie Heales, Matt Kingston

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Future Applications Of Biochar And Hydrochar In Water And Wastewater Treatment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Future Applications Of Biochar And Hydrochar In Water And Wastewater Treatment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Future Directions

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

Future Energy Symposium 2021 Poster

Jasper Eitzen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Future Energy system overview

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Future Energy Systems Hosts First Research Symposium

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka

Article in popular media

Future Grid-Scale Energy Storage Solutions: Green Hydrogen

Mahdi Shahbakhti

Book Chapter

Future Grid-Scale Energy Storage Solutions: Liquid Air Energy Storage

Mahdi Shahbakhti

Book Chapter

Future of Alberta's Electricity Market

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Future Prices for a Second-Generation Biofuel Industry: Market Linkages Between Canadian Wheat and US Energy and Agricultural Commodities

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson, Grant K Hauer, Curtis John McKnight

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Future Proofing Report -- La Cité Résiliente: A Decade in Transition

Sheena L Wilson

Research Report

Future Science 2019

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Futures of the Sun: The Struggle Over Renewable Life

Imre Szeman


Fuzzy Modeling with Population-based Optimization: Design and Analysis

Ali Safari Mamaghani

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Fuzzy Sets and AHP to Model Group Decision Making for Energy Infrastructure Risks

Witold Pedrycz, Yajie Hao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Fuzzy-Based Multivariate Analysis for Input Modeling of Risk Assessment in Wind Farm Projects

Simaan AbouRizk, Emad Mohamed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

G7 Science Academies Statements

Imre Szeman

Research Report

Garden of Future Delights: Paintings and Augmentations in Process

Evan G R Davies

Other Event

GardenShip and State: Art, Environment, and the Future of the Global Commons

Other Event

Gas Chromatography in the Study of CO2 Conversion

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Gas Diffusion Layers Impregnated with Metal Oxide Decorated and Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube Catalysts for Electrically Rechargeable Zn-Air Batteries

Drew Aasen

Master Thesis

Gas-vapor Interplay in Plasmonic Bubble Shrinkage

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Gasoline Dreams: Waking Up from Petroculture

Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman


GCAM and system-wide impacts of energy transition

Evan G R Davies

Other Event

GCAM-Canada endogenous hydropower: Resource sensitivity analysis

Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Gel Polymer Electrolyte for Zinc-Air Batteries Operating at Low Temperatures

Douglas Ivey, Hyun-Joong Chung, Jiayao Cui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Gel Polymer Electrolytes and Battery Designs for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries

Thuy (Wendy) Nguyen Thanh Tran

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Zinc-air Batteries Operating at Low Temperatures

Douglas Ivey, Hyun-Joong Chung, Jiayao Cui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

General Bi-tri Logic SPWM for Current Source Converter with Optimized Zero-state Replacement

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Generalized Additive Models Predict Biochar Elemental Composition Determined By Different Methods

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Generalized Low Switching Frequency Modulation for Neutral-Point-Clamped and Flying-Capacitor Four-Level Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Generalized Phase-Shift PWM for Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian, Yuzhuo Li

Article in professional or trade journals

Generalized Predictive Control for LC -Filtered Voltage-Source Inverters With Enhanced Predictive Horizon

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Generalized, Adsorbent-Agnostic, Artificial Neural Network Framework for Rapid Simulation, Optimization, and Adsorbent Screening of Adsorption Processes

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Kasturi Nagesh Pai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Generate/Navigate Conference

Fei Cheng

Other Event

Generation of pickering emulsions by activating natural asphaltenes as nano materials: An experimental analysis for cost-effective heavy-oil recovery

Nobuo Maeda

Article in professional or trade journals

Generation of Synthetic Ampacity and Electricity Pool Prices Using Generative Adversarial Networks

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Genes = Tools

Cerrise Weiblen

Other Event

Genome Scale Metabolic Modelling of a Methanotroph for Sustainable Production of Biofuels and Bioplastics

Phillip Keith Sun

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Genomic Signature of Membrane Permeation Induced By Intense THz Pulsesz

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Genomic taxonomy of the gamma methanotrophs

Fabini Orata

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Genomic taxonomy of the gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs (Methylococcales) calls for the reclassification of members within this order

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Fabini Orata

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geochemical changes associated with high-temperature thermal heat storage at intermediate depth: thermodynamic equilibrium models for the DeepStor site in the Upper Rhine Graben, Germany

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Geological Society of America Conference Poster

Nicholas B. Harris

Conference Proceedings

Geological Storage of CO2

Richard John Chalaturnyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geological structure, thermal spring distribution, and geothermal energy potential in the southern Canadian Cordillera

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geomechanical Modeling and Non-Isothermal Coupled Reservoir Simulations at the Aquistore Injection Site, Saskatchewan

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Geomechanical Thermal Considerations for Modeling Geological Storage of CO2

Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geophysical Imaging of the Magma Body Beneath Mount Meager, Southwestern Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Energy and Volcanic Hazards at Mount Meager, British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geothermal energy blog


Geothermal energy development in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada – Moving Forward in 2021

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Energy in Canada – Times Are “a Changing”

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Energy in Canada.

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy Resources: Potential Environmental Impact And Land Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Geothermal Exploration at Mount Meager, Southwestern BC: A Regional Resistivity Model from 3-D Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Exploration at Mount Meager, Southwestern BC: A resistivity model from 3-D inversion of magnetotelluric data

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal exploration in British Columbia

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geothermal Guest Lecture

Cedar Hanneson

Other Event

Geothermal Potential of Foreland Basins: A case study from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Potential of Foreland Basins: A Case Study from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Nicholas B. Harris

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Geothermal Power for Alberta's remote and northern communities

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geothermal Power in the Indigenous World: exploring the dynamics of collaborative research in resource development

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geothermal reservoir characterization of the South Swan Hills oil pool, Swan Hills, Alberta

Master Thesis

Geothermal resource characterization of the Slave Point Formation at Clarke Lake Field, B.C., Canada

Nicholas B. Harris

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geothermal resource characterization of the Slave Point Formation at Clarke Lake Field, B.C., Canada

Nicholas B. Harris

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geothermal Theme Website

Shyra Craig


Getting Biojet Off The Ground

Research-Specific Short Film

GHG mitigation assessment for the Canadian transportation sector

Master Thesis

Giant and explosive plasmonic bubbles by delayed

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Giant toxic lakes you can see from space: A theory of multimodal messages and emotionality in legitimacy work.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Gibson, G., Vandenberghe, J. & Lefsrud, L.M. (moderator). 2021. Engineering Community Benefit Agreements. Sustainability Council Public Lecture Series, online 13 October 2021.

Other Event

Global Scandal - Oil, Landscape, Climate Change

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Global systems: Energy and everything else...

Evan G R Davies

Other Event

Global Warming and the Sweetness of Life

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Jessie Beier, Ariel Kroon, Jordan Kinder

Other Event

Gold College --lab training for student

Lisa Stein

Other Event

Good Practices and Limitations of the Hydrogen Pump Technique for Catalyst Layer Protonic Conductivity Estimation

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal, Michael Moore

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Gordon Aachen 2017

David Carl Gordon

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Gordon Research Conference in Solid State Chemistry

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Granular Activated Carbon Based Catalysts For Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water By Oxidation Processes

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele, Hande Demir

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Graph Isomorphism Network: A Learning-based Workflow for Converter Inverse Design Problem

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li, Faraz Zargari

Conference Proceedings

Graph-Theory-Based Derivation, Modeling and Control of Power Converter Systems

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Graphitic Carbon Nitride As A Photocatalyst

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yaman Boluk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Gravimetric Study of Cyclohexane Transport in Nanoscale Bitumen Films

Vadim Kislitsin

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Grazing And Right-Of-Way Affect Native Rangeland 12 Years After Pipeline Construction In Southern Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Greasing the Tracts: How Oil & Gas Tactics Slide into Geothermal Legislation

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Great Expectation: Reclaiming Alberta’s Wetlands

Kylie Heales

Other Event

Great Expectations: public opinion about energy transition

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas, Brooks DeCillia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Green Chemistry Principles of Energy Sustainability Applied to Materials for Energy

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Green energy cycle with electrolyzers and fuel cells

Jiafei Liu

Other Event

Green Hydrogen from Wind Energy for Long-Duration Energy Storage in Alberta

William Noel

Master Thesis

Green hydrogen production in Canada for export to Europe – An assessment of technical potential.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Green preparation of copper surfaces with wettability contrast for guided fluid transport and fog harvesting application

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Ravi Kant Upadhyay

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Green with Envy? Hydrogen production in a carbon-constrained world

Andrew Leach, Mark Droessler

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Greenhouse gas emission abatement potential and associated costs of integrating renewable and low carbon energy technologies into the Canadian oil sands

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Greenhouse gas emission implications of blending blue hydrogen in natural gas pipelines for large-scale utilization

Amit Kumar

Other Event

Greenhouse gas emissions and cost footprints of asphaltene-based carbon fibers derived from oil sands bitumen

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian oil sands supply chains to China

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Greenhouse gas intensity and share of low-carbon technology vehicles in 2050.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Grid-Connected and Distributed Renewable Electricity Generation

Tim Weis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Grid-Supporting Inverters With Improved Dynamics

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Grid-supporting inverters with significantly reduced storage requirements (CAN)

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi


Grid-supporting inverters with significantly reduced storage requirements (USPTO)

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi


Grid-Tied Parallel Voltage Source Converters: Applications, Control and Modulation Techniques

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

GridKG: Knowledge Graph Representation of Distribution Grid Data

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Ground roll attenuation via NMO-Stack deconvolution and transform-domain noise synthesis

Mauricio Sacchi, Felix Oghenekohwo

Conference Proceedings

Ground roll attenuation via NMO-Stack deconvolution and transform-domain noise synthesis

Mauricio Sacchi, Felix Oghenekohwo

Conference Proceedings

Ground-breaking research seeking to improve understanding of how CO2 is stored

P Amy Tsai

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Growing hybrid poplar in western Canada for use as a biofuel feedstock: A financial analysis of coppice and single-stem management

Marty K Luckert, Jay Anthony Anderson, Glen Armstrong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Growth Behaviour of Iron Oxide using Atomic Layer Deposition

Douglas Ivey, Ken Cadien, Matthew Labbe

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Growth Characterization and Transcriptomics of Methanotrophic Bacteria as Effected by Carbon and Nitrogen Sources

Catherine Tays

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Growth kinetics of methane hydrate in a pilot-scale flow loop

Nobuo Maeda

Article in professional or trade journals

Growth of Multiple Island Layers during Iron Oxide Atomic Layer Deposition: An Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Investigation

Douglas Ivey, Ken Cadien, Matthew Labbe

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Growth of oleaginous yeasts on mixed C5 and C6 sugar streams to generate lipid feedstocks for renewable hydrocarbon production

Master Thesis

Guest Editorial Theory and Application of PMUs in Power Distribution Systems

Omid Ardakanian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Guest Lecture for Climate Futures and the Just Transition Class

Sheena L Wilson

Other Event

Guidelines for Selecting Minimum Capacitance for a Floating Bridge Dual Inverter Drive

John Salmon, Greg Kish, Chatumal Perera

Conference Proceedings

H-SiNP: Cutting Through the Layers Using 29Si MAS and DNP NMR

Jonathan GC Veinot, Vladimir K Michaelis, Alyx Thiessen, Michelle Ha

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

H. R. A. Mohamed and Y. A. -R. I. Mohamed, "Comprehensive Analysis and Stabilization of a B2B HVDC System Connecting Two Extremely Weak Grids Considering the Impact of Power Feedforward Compensation

Yasser Mohamed, Hassanien Mohamed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hacking the Techno-Transition

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hacking the Techno-Transition: The Possibilities of Deep Energy Literacy

Sheena L Wilson

Article in professional or trade journals

Half-Heusler Structures with Full-Heusler Counterparts: Machine-Learning Predictions and Experimental Validation

Arthur Mar, Alex Gzyl, Anton Oliynyk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Haraway’s Dog: Teaching Research-Creation as Interdisciplinary Method

Natalie Loveless

Book Chapter

Harmonic Mitigation of Voltage Source Converter Based High-Power Variable Frequency Drives

Hao Tian

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Harmonics and Reactive Power Compensation of the LCC in a Parallel LCC-VSCs Configuration for a Hybrid AC/DC Network

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding, Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Harmonics compensation of the LCC in a parallel LCC-VSCs configuration for a hybrid AC/DC network

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi

Conference Proceedings

Harnessing the potential of methanotrophs: From understanding environmental strains to creating a bioconversion platform

Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Harvard Workshop on Capacity Markets and Renewables

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Harvesting Hot Holes in Plasmon-Coupled Ultrathin Photoanodes for High-Performance Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Saralyn Riddell, Narendra Chaulagain

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

HCCI Modeling and Control Strategies Utilizing Water Injection

David Carl Gordon

Master Thesis

Health index development for a planetary gearbox

Ming J. Zuo, Weixuan Tang

Conference Proceedings

Health Index Development for Planetary Gearboxes

Weixuan Tang

Master Thesis

Health index development of an engineering asset

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Ming J. Zuo, Weixuan Tang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Heat Transfer In Oscillating Fluid Flow Through Parallel Flat Plate Channel Heat Exchangers

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Heated Atmosphere: Organizational Emotions and Field Structuring in Online Climate Change Debates

Conference Proceedings

Heavy Oil Recovery Processes and Reservoir Optimization with GHG Sequestration

Japan J Trivedi

Other Event

Hegemony without hegemony: Gramsci, Guha and post-Western Marxism

Sourayan Mookerjea

Book Chapter

Hello There

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Helped organize the 2D Materials symposium at ICEE'2020

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Heterobimetallic catalysts for selective desulfurization and deoxygenation of aromatic residues

Orain Alberga Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Heterojunctions based on 2D Carbon-Based Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Photocatalysis and Photovoltaics

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Heterojunctions based on 2D Carbon-Based Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Photocatalysis and Photovoltaics

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Heterojunctions of halogen-doped carbon nitride nanosheets and BiOI for sunlight-driven water-splitting

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Kazi Alam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Heterojunctions of mixed phase TiO2 nanotubes with Cu, CuPt, and Pt nanoparticles: interfacial band alignment and visible light photoelectrochemical activity

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hexagonal Double Perovskite Cs2AgCrCl6

Arthur Mar, Karthik Shankar, Anton Oliynyk, Jan Poehls

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hexagonal Zn nanoplates enclosed by Zn(100) and Zn(002) facets for highly selective CO2 electroreduction to CO

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Jing Xiao, Subiao Liu

Article in professional or trade journals

Hidden Hazards and Blind Spots

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hiding in Plain Sight

Other Event

Hierarchical and decentralized stochastic energy management for smart distribution systems with high BESS penetration

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hierarchical Control of Multi-terminal DC Grids for Large-scale Renewable Energy Integration

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hierarchical Ni@Ni(OH)2 core-shell hybrid arrays on cotton cloth fabricated by a top-down approach for high-performance flexible asymmetric supercapacitors

Jinguang Hu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hierarchical Porous Structure Construction for Highly Stable Self-Supporting Lithium Metal Anode

Ge Li, Xuzi Zhang

Article in professional or trade journals

Hierarchically Assembling Cobalt/Nickel Carbonate Hydroxide on Copper Nitride Nanowires for Highly Efficient Water Splitting

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Subiao Liu, Shao-Qing Liu

Article in professional or trade journals

High Efficiency and Full MPPT Range Partial Power Processing PV Module-Integrated Converter

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Daryaei, Morteza Esteki

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High Efficiency Operation of an Open-Ended Winding Induction Motor using Constant Power Factor Control

John Salmon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High Grade Copper Anomaly

Other Event

High Molecular Weight Guar Gum Assisted Settling of Fine Solids in Diluted Bitumen: Effect of Solvents

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng, Camila Santander

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High performance nanoparticle-based alloy catalysts for efficient CO2 conversion

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

High Performance Oxygen Reduction/Evolution Electrodes for Zinc-Air Batteries Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition of MnOx

Douglas Ivey, Michael Clark, Ming Xiong, Ken Cadien

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High Performance Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell based on Ba0.5Sr0.5Ce0.6Zr0.2Gd0.1Y0.1O3-d Proton Conductor Electrolyte

Jingli Luo, Amir Hanifi, Taghi Amiri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High Performance Unified Control for Interlinking Converter in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Conference Proceedings

High Power Current Source Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Book Chapter

High Power Long Lifetime LED Drivers

Mahmoud Rahmani

Master Thesis

High Rate CO2 Photoreduction Using Flame Annealed TiO2 Nanotubes

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Kazi Alam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High School Student Engagement - Sustainival Carnival

Fei Cheng, Jingya Pang

Other Event

High Selectivity CO2 Photoreduction Using Earth Abundant Semiconductor Photocatalysts

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

High Voc halide perovskite solar cells using optimized charge transport layers

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

High-Capacitance Pseudocapacitors from Li$\less$sup$\greater$$\mathplus$$\less$/sup$\greater$ Ion Intercalation in Nonporous, Electrically Conductive 2D Coordination Polymers

Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High-Capacitance Pseudocapacitors from Li+ Ion Intercalation in Nonporous, Electrically Conductive 2D Coordination Polymers

Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High-donor electrolyte additive enabling stable aqueous zinc-ion batteries

Xiaolei Wang, Wenjing Deng, Zhixiao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High-efficiency and Durable Removal of Water-in-Heavy Oil Emulsions Enabled by Delignified and Carboxylated Basswood with Zwitterionic Nanohydrogel Coatings

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Mingfei Pan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High-Efficiency Operation of an Open-Ended Winding Induction Motor Using Constant Power Factor Control

John Salmon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High-grade Copper Anomaly

Other Event

High-Quality PWM Scheme for High-Speed Electric Drives

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High-Rate Nitrogen Removal from Carbon Limited Wastewater Using Sulfur-Based Constructed Wetland: Impact of Sulfur Source

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Meng Li, Muhammad Arslan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High-Resolution Dielectric Constant Measurement Using a Sensor Antenna with an Allocated Link for Data Transmission

Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Saghlatoon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High-speed dynamics and heat transfer during drop impact on heated surfaces

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

High-speed dynamics and temperature variation during drop impact on a heated surface

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

High-Step-Up Boost Converter Based on Coupled Inductor, Voltage Lift and Clamp Cells

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige

Conference Proceedings

High-temperature electrochemical devices based on dense ceramic membranes for CO2 conversion and utilization

Jingli Luo, Wenping Li

Article in professional or trade journals

High-Throughput Approaches for Discovering Thermoelectric Materials

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Highlight: Angele Alook on Fracking in Bigstone Cree Nation

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highlight: Angele Alook on Indigenous Sovereignty

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highlight: Cindy Noskiye, Environment Officer at Bigstone Lands Office on the Impacts of Development

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highlight: David Kahane on Shaping Our Energy Future

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highlight: Elder Albert Yellowknee of Bigstone Cree Nation on Caring for the Land

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highlight: Elder Mike Beaver of Bigstone Cree Nation on his Hopes for the Future

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highlight: Elder Mike Beaver of Bigstone Cree Nation on the Importance of Water

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highlight: Kim TallBear on Whiteness

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highlight: Robyn Webb, Senior Environmental Project Manager at the City of Edmonton on Design and Sustainability

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highlight: Sheena Wilson on Mobilizing for More Just Futures

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highlight: Sourayan Mookerjea on the Commons

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Highly Structured Nanomaterials for High Performance Photocatalysts and Solar Cells

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Historical Capitalism, Oikos and the Ecological Crisis: In Conversation with Jason Moore

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres Decorated with Metal Oxide Nanoparticles as Efficient Earth-Abundant Zinc-Air Battery Catalysts

Douglas Ivey, Jonathan GC Veinot, Yingjie He, Haoyang Yu, Drew Aasen, Alexandra McDougall, Chuyi Ni, Matthew Labbe

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Home Energy Management with V2X Capability using Reinforcement Learning.

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Homelessness and Affordable Housing in Northwest Territories: From the Lens of Energy

Master Thesis

Homelessness and Affordable Housing in the Northwest Territories: From the Lens of Energy

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Other Event

Homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion stability improvement using a rapid ignition system

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Homogeneous Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic System Based On Ferric Citrate For Treatment Of OSPW

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Lingling Yang, Zhijun Luo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hot Carrier Assisted Plasmonic Photocatalysis

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Hot Carrier Photocatalysis Using Bimetallic Au@Pt Hemispherical Core-Shell Nanoislands

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Saralyn Riddell, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Harshitha Rajashekhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hot Carrier-Mediated Generation of Solar Fuels Using Plasmon-Semiconductor Nanoheterojunctions

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hot Days in the City

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Hot Electron-mediated Plasmonic Photocatalysis Using Heterojunctions of Noble Metal Nanoparticles and Semiconductor Nanowires/Nanotubes

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hot Electrons in TiO2-Noble Metal Nano-Heterojunctions: Fundamental Science and Applications in Photocatalysis

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hot hole transfer from Ag nanoparticles to multiferroic YMn2O5 nanowires enables superior photocatalytic activity

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hot Hole Utilization in Au-TiO 2 and Au-C3N4-TiO2 Core-Shell Heterojunctions for High Performance Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Harshitha Rajashekhar, Narendra Chaulagain, Navneet Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hot-Carrier Induced Photoluminescence Enhancement and Quenching in GaAs and InP Driven by Intense THz Pulses

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Household energy-related carbon footprint in residential neighbourhoods in high-latitude cities: A case of Edmonton in Canada

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Housing and Homelessness in Indigenous Communities of Canada’s North

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

How are the wake dynamics altered by abrupt changes to the oscillation phase angle?

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

How Can (or Why Should) Process Engineering Aid the Screening and Discovery of Solid Sorbents for CO2 Capture?

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Zukui Li, Kasturi Nagesh Pai, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

How Can Agrigenomics Help to Address Climate Change?

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

How Cutting-Edge Is Too Cutting-Edge? The Effects Of Product And Pitching Novelty On Scale Up Funding

Bandita Deka Kalita, Maggie Cascadden, Matt Kingston

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

How Do We Drive Cars Using Plants?

Yueh-Hao Hung

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

How does Wireless Power work? (Interactive Demonstration)

Other Event

How effective is hydrogen-natural gas blending at reducing greenhouse gas emissions?

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

How geothermal and oil & gas complement each other

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

How large is an atom?

Arthur Mar, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

How Local Economic Conditions Affect School Finances, Teacher Quality, and Student Achievement: Evidence from the Texas Shale Boom

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

How much can novel solid sorbents reduce the cost of post-combustion [formula omitted] capture? A techno-economic investigation on the cost limits of pressure–vacuum swing adsorption

Arvind Rajendran, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

How much, how fast: Research is shedding new light on carbon storage

P Amy Tsai

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

How Oil Creates Who We Are: A Panel Response to VISCOSITY

Mark Simpson, Jordan Kinder, Adam Carlson

Other Event

How organizations create complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty to blind their risk management efforts.

Conference Proceedings

How Surfactants Affect Droplet Wetting on Hydrophobic Microstructures

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

How the Design Criteria for Slotted Liners in SAGD are Affected by Stress Buildup around the Liner

Alireza Nouri, Arian Velayati

Conference Proceedings

How to assess the life cycle sustainability of technologies for future energy system?

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

How to look for compounds

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Other Event

How to look for compounds

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Other Event

How to look for compounds

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Other Event

How to Make Art at the End of the World

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

How to Make Art at the End of the World, Revisited

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

How to Make Art at the End of the World: A Manifesto for Research-Creation

Natalie Loveless


How to model a complex national energy system? Developing an integrated energy systems framework for long-term energy and emissions analysis

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

How To Optimize Materials and Devices via Design of Experiments and Machine Learning: Demonstration Using Organic Photovoltaics

Arthur Mar, Jillian Mary Buriak, Bing Cao, Brian Olsen, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

How will Canada’s GHG emissions change by 2050? A disaggregated analysis of past and future GHG emissions using bottom-up energy modelling and Sankey diagrams

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Howaida Hassan on How Municipalities Support Individual Choices

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Howaida Hassan on the Benefits of Reducing Energy in Transportation

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

HP-HT Well Completion Testing for Digital Oil Well Technology Validation and Research

Alireza Nouri, Mahmood Salimi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

HP-HT Well Completion Testing for Digital Oil Well Technology Validation and Research

Alireza Nouri, Mahmood Salimi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hugh C. Morris Fellowship travels

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Hughadēsłēł — give it all away

Other Event

Human rights in the implementing of the Convention and the Paris Agreement – Progress and Path Forward

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Human-centric Question Answering System over Multiple Different Knowledge Graphs

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Humanities on the Brink: Energy, Environment, Emergency

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Humic Substances And Cattle Manure Biochar As Soil Amendments In Cadmium Contaminated And Non-Contaminated Soils

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Humic Substances As Soil Amendments In Coal Mine Reclamation

Yihan Zhao

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids: Configuration, Power Management, and Converter Control

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hybrid AC/DC Network with Parallel LCC-VSC Interlinking Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hybrid AC/DC System Harmonics Control through Grid Interfacing Converters with Low Switching Frequency

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hybrid Deep Learning-Based Model for Wind Speed Forecasting Based on DWPT and Bidirectional LSTM Network

Yasser Mohamed, Amirhossein Dolatabadi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hybrid emission and combustion modeling of hydrogen fueled engines

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hybrid fuzzy arithmetic-based model for determining contingency reserve

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Seyed Hamed Fateminia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hybrid interlayer enables dendrite-free and deposition-modulated zinc anodes

Xiaolei Wang, Wenjing Deng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hybrid LCC-VSC Bipolar HVDC System for DC Power Tapping Studies

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Greg Kish

Conference Proceedings

Hybrid LCC-VSC systems for enhanced utilization of HVDC transmission

Greg Kish

Other Event

Hybrid Lead Mixed-Halide Perovskites: Mechanochemical Synthesis and Solid-State NMR Study

Karthik Shankar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Michelle Ha, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy Bernard

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hybrid Machine Learning Approaches and a Systematic Model Selection Process for Predicting Soot Emissions in Compression Ignition Engines

Charles Robert Koch, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hybrid Model Predictive Control of Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

Hybrid Model Predictive Control of ANPC Converters with Decoupled Low-Frequency and High-Frequency Cells

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hybrid Nanomaterials for Photocatalytic Conversion of CO2

Alyx Thiessen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hybrid Voltage Balancing Control for Four-Level Hybrid-Clamped Converters With Low Switching Frequency

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hybrid-AI Based Modelling of Pressure Swing Adsorption

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Zukui Li, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Conference Proceedings

Hydride Terminated SiNP:Cutting through the Layers Using 29Si MAS and DNP NMR Spectroscopy

Jonathan GC Veinot, Vladimir K Michaelis, Alyx Thiessen, Michelle Ha, Riley Hooper

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydro-transport of lignocellulosic biomass through inclined pipelines.

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrocarbon Adsorption Characteristics and Absolute Adsorption Estimation in Shale Nanoporous Media from Statistical Thermodynamics Approaches

Wanying Pang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Hydrochar And Liquid-Phase Properties Depend On Feedstock Type And Temperature Used For Hydrothermal Processing

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu, Yadi Tang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrochar As A Potential Adsorbent For Reclaiming Contaminated Soils: An Insight From pH And Electrical Conductivity

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrochar: A Carbon-Rich Material To Treat Process Water

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrogen export through Churchill, Manitoba

Tim Weis

Research Report

Hydrogen for decarbonization of aviation sector.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrogen Labour Market Sector Workforce Study

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Hydrogen research heats up

Jason Scott Olfert

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Hydrogen transfer activity in bitumen froth: effect of temperature

Arno De Klerk, Joao Felipe Pereira Bassane

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrogen-Diesel Dual Fuel Combustion Characterization for an Internal Combustion Engine

Master Thesis

Hydrogen-free Copper-catalyzed Internal Transfer Hydrogenolysis of Lignin and Lignin Model Compounds

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, Orain Alberga Brown, Sanjay Jadhav

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hydrometallurgical processes for heavy metals recovery from industrial sludges

Daniel Scott Alessi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hydrophobic Interactions in Water and Hydrophilic Interaction in Oil of Polymers, Emulsions and Bubbles

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrophobic Interactions in Water and “Hydrophilic” Interaction in Oil of Polymers, Minerals, Emulsions and Bubbles

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Interactions and Surface Wettability

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrothermal and Enzymatic Treatment Mediated Co-production of Fermentable Sugars and Cellulose Nanocrystals

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrothermal liquefaction of lignocellulosic biomass feedstock to produce biofuels: parametric study and products characterization

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Deepak Pudasainee, Ankit Mathanker

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hydrothermal liquefaction of lignocellulosic biomass to produce biofuels

Ankit Mathanker

Master Thesis

Hydrothermal liquefaction of lignocellulosic biomass using water and hydrogen-donor solvent mixtures to produce energy-dense heavy oil

Snehlata Das

Master Thesis

Hydrothermal liquefaction of pipelined biomass for fuel production

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Other Event

Hydrothermal torrefaction of high moisture content biomass

Amit Kumar

Research Report

Hydrothermal Torrefaction of High Moisture Content Biomass

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Mahdi Vaezi

Other Event

Hydrothermal treatment of biomass to produce biofuels

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Deepak Pudasainee, Ankit Mathanker

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrothermal treatment of bitumen froth between 200 and 300 ºC

Arno De Klerk, Annapurna Sri Sowmya Turuga

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrothermal treatment of bitumen froth diluted with kerosene

Arno De Klerk, Joao Felipe Pereira Bassane

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Hydrothermal Treatment of Bitumen Froth: Impact of Mineral Solids and Water on Bitumen Properties

Arno De Klerk, Annapurna Sri Sowmya Turuga

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hydrothermal Treatment of Oilsands Bitumen Froth at 400 °C: Influence of Minerals and Water on Hydrogen Transfer, Cracking, and Addition Reactions

Arno De Klerk, Joao Felipe Pereira Bassane

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Hydrotreating behavior of niobium catalyst

Natalia Semagina, Amir Rouhi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ice Patches and Obsidian Quarries: Integrating Research Through Collaborative Archaeology in Tahltan Territory

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Identification and characterization of lysogenized phages in methanotrophic

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Miranda Darlene Stahn

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Identification and characterization of lysogenized phages in methanotrophic bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Miranda Darlene Stahn

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Identification and Quantification of Sulfur and Nitrogen Compounds in Methanol recovered from Stripper Off Gas at a Kraft Pulp Mill

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Identification of best energy efficiency opportunities in Alberta’s petroleum refining sector

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Identifying catalytic Environments using Adsorbed Trimethylphosphine Oxide in Lewis Acid Zeolite via 31P MAS NMR Spectroscopy

Vladimir K Michaelis, Michelle Ha

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Identifying Hidden Hazards

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Identifying potential scale-forming minerals minerals from Leduc brines during geothermal power production

Bachelor Thesis

Idle No More, Indigenous Law and Trudeau's Indigenous Framework: In Conversation with Janice Makokis

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

iDoc Highlight Video: Eriel Deranger on Decolonization

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

iDoc Interview: Elder Ray Peters (Cree)

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

iDoc, Energy Commons and the Role of Social Movements: In Conversation with Sourayan Mookerjea

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

iDoc: Designs for the Future

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

iDoc: Documentary and Intermedia - Conversations on Planetary Transitions

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

iDoc: Intermedia and Documentary - Future Energy Systems Theme 4 Project

Jessie Beier

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

iDoc: Intermedia and Documentary - Future Energy Systems Theme 4: Project  (Year II Update)

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

iDoc: Speculating on Future Energy Systems (90 Minutes)

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

IEEE Conference

Hao Liang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

IEEE EPEC 2020 Publications Chair

Omid Ardakanian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

IEEE EPEC Conference

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery – Visionary Paper Series: Synchronized Waveforms - a Frontier of Data-Based Power System and Apparatus Monitoring, Protection and Control

Other Event

If it ain't broke, don't fix it: How confidence in the oil and gas industry reduces support for a low-carbon energy transition

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas, Brooks DeCillia, Christian Henning Schmipf, Nikita Sleptcov

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

If it ain't broke, don't fix it: How the public's economic confidence in the fossil fuel industry reduces support for a clean energy transition

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas, Brooks DeCillia, Christian Henning Schmipf, Nikita Sleptcov

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

IFT or wettability alteration: What is more important for oil recovery in oil-wet formation?

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad, Zifan Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Image processing-based techniques for process parameter characterization in Plasma Transferred Arc Additive Manufacturing (PTA-AM) process

Raviraj Gajbhiye

Master Thesis

Imaging the magmatic system beneath the Krafla geothermal field, Iceland: A new 3-D electrical resistivity model from inversion of magnetotelluric data

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Imagining Futures

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Imagining Otherwise in Times of Crisis

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Imitative Learning Control of a LSTM-NMPC Controller on PEM Fuel Cell for Computational Cost Reduction

Charles Robert Koch, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Alireza Salahi

Conference Proceedings

Immobilization Of Photocatalytic ZnO Nanocaps On Planar And Curved Surfaces For The Photodegradation Of Organic Contaminants In Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Xuehua Zhang, Qiuyun Lu, Yanan Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Impact of Al sites on the methane co-aromatization with alkanes over Zn/HZSM -5

Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Impact of Different Supports on the Performance of Ir Oxide Based Catalysts Synthesized Using Incipient Wetness Method

Marc Secanell, Natalia Semagina, Himanshi Dhawan, James Woodford

Conference Proceedings

Impact of Inflow and Outflow Rate Control to Minimize Freshwater Usage: Historical Canadian Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Operations versus Numerical Simulations

Juliana Y Leung, Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Izadi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Impact of Mineral Solids on Thermal Treatment of Bitumen Froth: A Literature Review

Arno De Klerk, Annapurna Sri Sowmya Turuga

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Impact of Prognostics and Health Management in Systems Reliability and Maintenance Planning, Special Issue of Reliability Engineering and System Safety

Ming J. Zuo

Edited Volume

Impact of PWM Schemes on the Common Mode Voltage of Interleaved Three-Phase Two-Level Voltage Source Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Impact of Solids on Bitumen Properties in Hydrothermal Treatment of Bitumen Froth

Arno De Klerk, Annapurna Sri Sowmya Turuga

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Impact of substrates on development of industrial processes for methylotrophs.

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Catherine Tays

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Impacts of ethanol supplies on the gasoline market

Marty K Luckert

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Impasse Time

Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Imperfect Competition in Electricity Markets with Renewable Generation: The Role of Renewable Compensation Policies

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Imperfect competition in electricity markets with renewable generation: The role of renewable compensation policies

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Implications of reduced frequency on wake structure of tandem in-line foils

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Implications of Reynolds number on recovery of turbulent pipeflow with targeted wall shapes

Mehran Masoumifar

Master Thesis

Implicationsof the trailing edge on swimming performance of Heaving panels

Arman Hemmati

Conference Proceedings

Improper Solid Waste Management Increases Potential For COVID-19 Spread In Developing Countries

Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Improved antifouling and antibacterial properties of forward osmosis membranes through surface modification with zwitterions and silver-based metal organic frameworks

Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Sadegh Aghapour Aktij

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Improved bioethanol productivity through gas flow rate-driven self-cycling fermentation

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Improved Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Parallel Dual-Converter-Fed PMSM Drives

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Improved geothermal exploration with magnetotellurics

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Improved Model Predictive Control With Reduced DC-Link Capacitor RMS Current for Back-to-Back Converter-fed PMSM Drives

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Improved Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Water Electrolyzer Performance by Using Carbon Black as a Pore Former in the Anode Catalyst Layer

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Improvements in Fabrication and Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Taghi Amiri

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Improving bioethanol productivities through the development of a self-cycling fermentation approach

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Improving Bioethanol Productivity through Self-Cycling Fermentation

Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Improving building energy performance with phase change materials: a case study in Alberta for energy-savings

Lexuan Zhong

Conference Proceedings

Improving ethanol production efficiency via adaptive pulsing fed-batch fermentation

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau, Yueh-Hao Hung

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Improving ethanol productivity through self-cycling fermentation of yeast: A proof of concept

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Improving ethanol yield and productivity by integrating a dynamic fed-batch feeding strategy

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau, Yueh-Hao Hung

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Improving Extraction of Biodegradable Plastics from Bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Mark Douglas Lawley

Other Event

Improving productivity for cellulosic ethanol industry by advanced processing strategies

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Fiona McGill

Master Thesis

Improving the performance of vacuum swing adsorption based CO2 capture under reduced recovery requirements

Arvind Rajendran, Kasturi Nagesh Pai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Improving The Response Time Of Microgel-based Etalons For Point-of-care Sensing

Michael Serpe, Haley Hunter

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Improving the value of wind energy through geographic diversity of wind farms

Taylor Pawlenchuk

Master Thesis

Improving Utilization of Ir-Based Catalyst Layers in Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers

Eric Beaulieu

Master Thesis

In Catastrophic Times—S1E4

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


In Lab Presentation and Tour

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri, Loorthuraja Rasu

Other Event

In Search of Coloured Intermetallics

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Anton Oliynyk, Jan Poehls, Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

In situ image processing for process parameter-build quality dependency of plasma transferred arc additive manufacturing

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Raviraj Gajbhiye, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

In Situ Strain Measurement in Solid-State Li-Ion Battery Electrodes

Lingzi Sang

Article in professional or trade journals

In the Last Instance, Heat: On Energy Determinism, Climate, and Cultural Production

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

In vitro bioassay monitoring in receiving aquatic environments

Maricor Jane Arlos

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

In vitro bioassay monitoring to assess baseline conditions prior to potential discharge of treated oil sands process water in receiving aquatic environments

Master Thesis

In vivo and in vitro quantification of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Marina Lazic

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

In vivo and in vitro quantification of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Marina Lazic

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

In vivo quantification of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB ) in the alphaproteobacterial methanotroph, Methylocystis sp. Rockwell

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Marina Lazic

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

In-cycle control for stabilization of homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion using direct water injection

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

In-Operando Study of the Effects of Solvent Additives on the Stability of Organic Solar Cells Based on PTB 7-Th:PC71BM

Jillian Mary Buriak

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

In-Situ Ag-MOFs Growth on Pre-Grafted Zwitterions Imparts Outstanding Antifouling Properties to Forward Osmosis Membranes

Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Sadegh Aghapour Aktij

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

In-situ Characterization of Molecular Processes at the Anode/Na3SbS4 Electrolyte Interface in All-Solid-State Sodium Batteries

Geng Xie

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

In-situ Combustion: A Comprehensive Review of the Current State of Knowledge

Alireza Nouri, Rahman Miri, Juan David Antolinez Jimenez

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

In-situ fabrication of metal oxide nanocaps based on biphasic reactions with surface nanodroplets

Hongbo Zeng, Xuehua Zhang, Jia Meng, Qiuyun Lu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

In-situ generated hydroxides realize near-unity CO selectivity for electrochemical CO2 reduction

Jingli Luo, Hongbo Zeng, Jing Xiao, Subiao Liu, Pengfei Sui

Article in professional or trade journals

In-Situ Hot Filtration of Bitumen Streams to Produce Dry and Solids-Free Bitumen Product

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Qiang Chen, Shahrad Booran

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

In-Situ Hot Filtration of Hydrothermally Upgraded Bitumen Products

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Qiang Chen


In-situ Transformation of Electrodeposited W-Co Oxide to ZnCo2O4 Nanoparticles as Effective Bifunctional Catalysts in ZABs

Douglas Ivey, Michael Clark

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Inappropriate Bodies and Anthropocene Ethics

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Incipient Fault Detection Using Equipment Failure Signatures and Power Quality Monitors

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Inclusive Futures: Indigenous Engagement in Canada’s Workforce. Action Canada / Public Policy Forum: Ottawa, ON.

Government Publication

Inclusive Futures: Indigenous Engagement in Canada’s Workforce. Virtual broadcast across Canada.

Other Event

Incoming visiting student

Zhehui Jin

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Incorporating Phase Behavior Constraints in Multi-objective Optimization of Warm Vaporized Solvent Injection Process

Juliana Y Leung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Indicators Of Land Reclamation Success: New Assessment Perspectives

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Indicators Of Land Reclamation Success: New Assessment Perspectives

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Other Event

Indicators Of Land Reclamation Success: New Assessment Perspectives

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Indigenizing Planning: Reflections on how colonial planning encountered the indigenous consciousness of space in postcolonial Sri Lanka

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Pradeep Sangapala

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Indigenizing the Anthropocene—S1E1

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


Indigenous Action on Climate: In Conversation with Eriel Tchekwie Deranger

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Indigenous Governance, Resource Extraction and Stewardship: In Conversation with Josie Auger

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Indigenous Lives and Livelihoods near the Alberta Tar/Oilsands: In Conversation with Angele Alook

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Indigenous Rights, the Environmental and Geothermal Energy Development in the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Indigenous Women and Knowledge—S1E3

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


Indigenous youth engaging in community-led research to decolonize renewable energy development

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Indigenous youth engaging in community-led research to decolonize renewable energy development.

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Indigenous-Led Energy Transition: Exploring the Tu Deh-Kah Geothermal Project as a Path to Decolonization

John R Parkins, Sara Chitsaz

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Induction Motor Stator Current AM-FM Model and Demodulation Analysis for Planetary Gearbox Fault Diagnosis

Ming J. Zuo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Industrial Applications Of Cellulose Nanofibers For Water Reclamation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yaman Boluk, Mingyu Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Industrial Applications Of Cellulose Nanofibers For Water Remediation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yaman Boluk, Mingyu Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Industrial Applications Of Cellulose Nanofibers For Water Remediation

Yaman Boluk, Selamawit Messele, Mingyu Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Industrial Data Analysis and Prediction Modeling

Master Thesis

Industry Mixer Lightning Posters

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Other Event

Inertia Emulation and Fast Frequency-Droop Control Strategy of a Point-to-Point VSC -HVdc Transmission System for Asynchronous Grid Interconnection

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Infiltration of Ce-doped LaSrCrFeO Cathode Catalyst

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Influence of hidden halogen mobility on local structure of CsSn(Cl1-xBrx)3 mixed-halide perovskites by solid-state NMR

Arthur Mar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy Bernard, Amit Bhattacharya

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Influence of methanol addition on bio-oil thermal stability and corrosivity

Haoxiang Wang, Jing Liu, Alexander Gross

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Influence of outer medium viscosity on the motion of rolling droplets down an incline

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Muhammad Rizwanur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Information and Transparency in Wholesale Electricity Markets

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Information and Transparency in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Evidence from Alberta

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Information and Transparency in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Evidence from Alberta

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Information and Transparency: Using Machine Learning to Detect Communication Between Firms

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

INFORMS Conference - Load-Following Forward Contracts

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Infrastructure, Infra-politics — S3E1

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


Infrastructures of Empire and Resistance — S3E2

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


Inhibition of diolefin hydrogenation by quinoline

Natalia Semagina, Jing Shen

Article in professional or trade journals

Initial Efforts Towards the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Brown Seaweed for the Production of Biorefining Feedstocks

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Inkjet Printed Iridium Alloy Catalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis

Steven Bergens, Marc Secanell, Eric Beaulieu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Innovation and Sustainability

Other Event

Innovation And Sustainability: The Cleantech Revolution

Other Event

Innovation Overview of Canadian CO2 Storage and EOR Activities

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Gonzalo Zambrano Narvaez

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Innovative Process for Bitumen Froth Cleaning Using Hydrothermal Treatment Plus Hot Filtration

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Qiang Chen, Shahrad Booran

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Input-Independent and Output-Series Connected Modular DC-DC Converter with Inter-Module Power Balancing Units for MVDC Integration of Distributed PV

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Inside Front Cover Artwork for article Barrow et al., 2023.

Maricor Jane Arlos

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Insight Into In-Situ Radical And Non-Radical Oxidative Degradation Of Organic Compounds In Complex Real Matrix During Electrooxidation With Boron Doped Diamond Electrode: A Case Study of Oil Sands Process Water Treatment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Insights for Canadian electricity generation planning from an integrated assessment model: Should we be more cautious about hydropower cost overruns?

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Christopher Roney, Matthew Binsted, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Insights into the Machine Learning Predictions of the Optical Response of Plasmon@Semiconductor Core-Shell Nanocylinders

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Insights into the Structure of Silicon Nanocrystals

Jonathan GC Veinot, Vladimir K Michaelis, Alyx Thiessen, Michelle Ha, Riley Hooper

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Insights on designing non-PGM catalyst layers at low humidity

Marc Secanell

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Insights On Treatment And Reclamation Strategies Using Green Approaches Towards Organics Removal

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Instantaneous Property Prediction and Inverse Design of Plasmonic Nanostructures Using Machine Learning: Current Applications and Future Directions

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Institutional Dynamics For Redefining Sustainability In The Anthropocene


Institutional-Political Scenarios For Anthropocene Society

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Institutions of UNknowing: equity & justice work in the academy?

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integral discrete-time sliding mode control of homogeneous charge compression ignition (hcci) engine load and combustion timing

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

Integrated Analysis of Downhole Camera Videos, Salt Precipitation and Geochemistry at Aquistore

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Stephen James Talman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integrated assessment of environmental footprints for energy scenarios

Amit Kumar, Evan G R Davies, Ankit Gupta, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integrated assessment of environmental footprints for energy scenarios. Second annual progress report submitted to Future Energy Systems

Amit Kumar

Research Report

Integrated Assessment of Environmental Footprints for Energy Scenarios: Assessment of Future Energy Systems

Amit Kumar, Evan G R Davies, Ankit Gupta

Other Event

Integrated assessment of water use and greenhouse gas footprints of Canada’s electricity generation and oil and gas sectors

Ankit Gupta

Master Thesis

Integrated Electrical and Electromagnetic Exploration at the M’Deek Geothermal Field

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Integrated electrical and electromagnetic exploration at the M’Deek Geothermal Field

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integrated hydropower modelling in Canada with subnational detail

Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integrated Mild Ozonation With Biofiltration Can Effectively Enhance The Removal Of Naphthenic Acids From Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Integrated Nanoextraction and Colorimetric Reactions in Surface Nanodroplets for Combinative Analysis

Hongbo Zeng, Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Integrated prognosis for wind turbine gearbox condition-based maintenance considering time-varying load and crack initiation time uncertainty

Zhigang Tian, Fang Fang Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Integrated Water Purification System for Safe Water Reclamation and Resource Recovery

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integrated Water Purification System for Safe Water Reclamation and Resource Recovery

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integrating Community Stakeholders In Sustainability Standard Application: Hybridizing LCA With Co-Design

Maggie Cascadden, Kylie Heales, Matt Kingston

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integrating Knowledge Graphs into Distribution Grid Decision Support Systems

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Integrating Machine Learning and Model Predictive Control for automotive applications: A review and future directions

Charles Robert Koch, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Integrating stochastic agricultural residue supplies into biorefinery site selection: An Alberta case study

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integration of data-driven modeling techniques for lean zone and shale barrier characterization in SAGD reservoirs

Juliana Y Leung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Integration of data-driven models for inference of reservoir heterogeneities in SAGD production analysis

Japan J Trivedi, Juliana Y Leung

Other Event

Integration of deep learning and data analytics for SAGD temperature and production analysis

Juliana Y Leung

Conference Proceedings

Integration of deep learning and data analytics for SAGD temperature and production analysis

Juliana Y Leung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Integration of large-scale biomass supply through pipeline for scale-up of biomass processing

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integration of PD-type Iterative Learning Control with Adaptive Sliding Mode Control

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

Integration of pipeline hydro-transport and hydrothermal conversion technologies to produce biofuels

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Kashif Javed, Mahdi Vaezi, Deepak Pudasainee, Ankit Mathanker

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Integration of scale and optimal location for development of commercial scale biorefinery.

Amit Kumar

Other Event

Integrative Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling Reveals Versatile Metabolic Strategies for Methane Utilization in Methylomicrobium album BG 8

Lisa Stein

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Intelligent Methods for Design, Analysis and Operation of Modern Electric Power Systems

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intelligent Technology Stack for Integration of Distributed Energy Resources, Shaping the Future of Energy

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intense terahertz pulses inhibit ras signaling and other cancer-associated signaling pathways in human skin tissue models

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Intense-Terahertz-Pulse Enhancement of Hot-Carrier Photoluminescence in GaAs

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Inter-professional categorization in accounting regulation

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interaction Dynamics Analysis and Active Stabilization of a Weak Grid-Tied Hybrid PV-Wind Power Generator

Yasser Mohamed, Mohammad Adnan Kamal Magableh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Interaction Dynamics and Active Suppression of Instability in Parallel Photovoltaic Voltage-and Current-Source Converters Connected to a Weak Grid

Yasser Mohamed, Mizanur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Interaction Mechanisms of Water-in-Oil and Oil-in-Water Emulsions in Oil Production

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interactions of Emulsion Drops and Gas Bubbles in Complex Fluids: Hydrophobic Interaction in Water and Hydrophilic Interaction in Oil

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interactions of PHB and switchable hydrophilicity solvents: A more sustainable approach to PHB recovery

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, David Boon, Mark Douglas Lawley

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interactions of PHB and switchable hydrophilicity solvents: A more sustainable approach to PHB recovery

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, David Boon, Mark Douglas Lawley

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interactive Effect Of Feedstock Type And Production Temperature On Hydrochar Adsorption Capacity For Lead In Aqueous Solutions

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interdisciplinarity as Intervention

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interface of Ion-Containing Aqueous and Organic Phases within and out of Confinement

Phillip YK Choi, Monir Hosseini-Anvari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interface-Induced Electrocatalytic Enhancement of CO2-to-Formate Conversion on Heterostructured Bismuth-Based Catalysts

Jingli Luo, Chenyu Xu, Mengnan Zhu, Subiao Liu, Pengfei Sui

Article in professional or trade journals

Interfacial Behavior and Interaction Mechanism of Pentol/Water Interface Stabilized with Asphaltenes

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Interfacial Partitioning Enhances Microextraction by Multicomponent Nanodroplets

Hongbo Zeng, Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Interfacial Science and Colloidal Interactions in Oil Production

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interfacial tension and equilibrium contact angle of corn oil on polished stainless steel in supercritical CO2 and N2

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Eileen Santos

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Interfacial tension and equilibrium contact angle of lipids on polished glass in supercritical CO 2

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Eileen Santos

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Interfacing Enzymes with Silicon Nanocrystals

Jonathan GC Veinot

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interfacing Enzymes with Silicon Nanocrystals

Jonathan GC Veinot

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interfacing enzymes with silicon nanocrystals through the thiol-ene reaction

Jonathan GC Veinot, Maryam Aghajamali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Interfacing Enzymes with Silicon-Based Nanoparticles through the Amide Coupling Reaction

Jonathan GC Veinot, Maryam Aghajamali

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intergenerational Knowledge, Residential Schools and Healing: In Conversation with Elder Verna Orr

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Interim Report for Creative Sentencing: Protecting Worker Safety in Alberta by Enhancing Field Level Hazard Assessments and Training for Ground Hazards Associated with Tailings Facilities, Dams, and Systems

Research Report

Interleaved SPWM for Parallel CSC System with Low Common-Mode Voltage and Circulating Current

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

Interlocking Oppressions at the Bitumen Frontier: Notes on a Dialectic of Subsistence Regeneration and Feminist Degrowth

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intermedia Research Creation and Hydrapolitics: Counter-environments of the Commons

Sourayan Mookerjea

Book Chapter

Intermedia Research Studio Meeting: Intermedia Research-Creation

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intermedia Research Studio Orientation: Research Creation Maker Space Open House

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intermediate Pyrolysis of Boreal Forest Residues for Production of Biofuels.

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Vinoj Kurian, Bijay Dhakal

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intermediate pyrolysis of wheat straw and softwood pellets

Bijay Dhakal

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Intermolecular and Interfacial Interactions in Engineering Processes: Emulsions in Oil Production as An Example

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intermolecular and Surface Forces at Solid/Oil/Water/Gas Interfaces in Petroleum Production

Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie, Xinwei Cui, Ling Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Intermolecular and Surface Interactions at Solid/Oil/Water/Gas Interfaces in Oil Production

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intermolecular and Surface Interactions in Engineering Processes

Hongbo Zeng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Internal Model Controller Design of Linearized Ginzburg-Landau Equation

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Internal Paralleled Active Neutral Point Clamped Converter With Logic-Based Flying Capacitor Voltage Balancing

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan


Internal paralleled active neutral point clamped converter with logic-based flying capacitor voltage balancing

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

Internal paralleled active neutral point clamped converter with logic-based flying capacitor voltage balancing (CAN)

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan


Internal paralleled active neutral point clamped converter with logic-based flying capacitor voltage balancing (USPTO)

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan


International Youth Deliberation on Energy Futures

Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman, Sheena L Wilson, Jordan Kinder, Danika Jorgensen Skakum, Eva-Lynn Jagoe, Derek Gladwin, Lynette Shultz

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Interpretable machine learning in solid state chemistry, with applications to perovskites, spinels, and rare-earth intermetallics: Finding descriptors using decision trees

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Balaranjan Selvaratnam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Interview about geothermal energy in Hawaii

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Interview on the biobattery

Amit Kumar

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Interview Radio Talk Show

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Interview with Terra Informa

Andrew Leach

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Interview: Andrea Linsky

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Interview: Andrea Soler

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Anne Naeth

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Bertha & Donald Alook

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Beth Stephens + Annie Sprinkle

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Brandon Sandmaier

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Charles Stubblefield

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Charles Stubblefield

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Cindy Gaudet

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Danika Jorgensen-Skakum

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Danika Jorgensen-Skakum

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Devereaux Jennings

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Dwayne Donald

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Elder Albert Yellowknee

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Emma Jackson

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Holly Mazur & Myles Belland

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Howaida Hassan

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Janice Makokis

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Jenn Prosser

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Jessie Beier

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Jim Sandercock

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Joan Greer

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Kristof Van Assche

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Laurie Adkin

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Lianne Lefsrud

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Marija Petrovic

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Mary Beckie

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Mary Elizabeth (ME) Luka

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Melissa Gorrie

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Michael Kalmanovitch

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Mike Mellross

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Naomi Krogman

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Natalie Loveless

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Nathalie Brunet

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Nicholas Ashbolt

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Nima Gerami Seresht

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Pedram Mousavi

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Raquel (Rocky) Feroe

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Robert (Bob) Summers

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Ronak Patel

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Sheena Wilson

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Sheena Wilson

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Sheena Wilson

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Sourayan Mookerjea

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Sourayan Mookerjea

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Stefan Scherer

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Stefanie Drozda

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Interview: Stephanie Ripley

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

InterWoven Landscape

Other Event

Intricacies of 3D printing with freeze casting in microgravity

Abrar Ahmed

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Introducing A Model Emulsion Replicating SAGD Reservoir Emulsion Features

Arian Velayati

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Introducing Electric Vehicles to Remote Indigenous Communities: Benefits, Barriers, and Future Prospects

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings


Jordan Kinder

Book Chapter

Introduction to Globalization

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

Introduction to Machine Learning: A Practical Workshop

Arthur Mar, Vinay Prasad, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk, Kasturi Nagesh Pai, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Introduction to plasmonics and the MEMS application of surface plasmons

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Introduction: From Solar to Solarity

Imre Szeman, Darin Barney

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Introduction: On the Energy Humanities

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

Introduction: Pipeline Politics

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Introduction: Seeds and Tools

Natalie Loveless

Book Chapter

Invention disclosure: SOFC diagnostics and control with use of customized power electronics

Charles Robert Koch, Ali Khajehoddin, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Misc: Invention disclosure

Inverse Insulations in a Seed Time Poem Cycle

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

Inverse Power Flow Problem

Omid Ardakanian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigating acid-catalyzed biomass reactions and solvent effects in humins formation, using multiscale molecular modeling

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Investigating ordering in chalcogenide solid electrolytes using solid-state NMR spectroscopy

Arthur Mar, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investigating the effect of temperature on NOx sensor cross sensitivity to ammonia using a physic-based model

Charles Robert Koch

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investigating the effect of temperature on NOx sensor cross sensitivity to ammonia using a physics based model

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

Investigating The Formation Of By-Products From The Oxidation Of Heteroaromatic Naphthenic Acids

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Zuo Tong How

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investigating The Formation Of By-Products From The Oxidation Of Naphthenic Acids

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Zuo Tong How

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investigating the mechanics of agricultural residue biomass-water mixtures flows while hydro-transporting in vertical pipes

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investigating the techno-economic and environmental performance of chemical looping technology for hydrogen production

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigating the techno-economic performance of chemical looping technology for hydrogen production

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investigating the Tetragonal-to-Orthorhombic Phase Transition of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Single Crystals by Detailed Photoluminescence Analysis

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigating the Viscoelastic Polymer’s Rheological Influences on the Sweep Efficiency and Injectivity During Heavy Oil Recovery Applications

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investigation and assessment of stabilization solutions for dc microgrid with dynamic loads

Yasser Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigation and assessment of stabilization solutions for dc microgrid with dynamic loads

Yasser Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigation and enhancement of stability in grid-connected active DC distribution systems with high penetration level of dynamic loads

Yasser Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigation and enhancement of stability in grid-connected active DC distribution systems with high penetration level of dynamic loads

Yasser Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigation and Enhancement of Stability in Grid-Connected Converter-Based Distributed Generation Units With Dynamic Loads

Yasser Mohamed, Shahed Mortazavian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigation and enhancement of stability in grid-connected converter-based distributed generation units with dynamic loads

Yasser Mohamed, Shahed Mortazavian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigation and Reduction of the Common-Mode Voltage Effects in Transformerless Solar PV Inverters

Changpeng Jiang

Master Thesis

Investigation into the drag reduction behavior during pipeline hydro-transportation of forestry residues

Amit Kumar, Omex Mohan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investigation Into The Onset Of Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection Using Time-Resolved 2-D Particle Image Velocimetry

David S. Nobes, Sina Kashanj

Conference Proceedings

Investigation into the properties of a ruthenium(polypyridyl)-NHC compound

Steven Bergens, Riley Endean, Loorthuraja Rasu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigation of a Drive Mechanism Modification to Increase Thermodynamic Power of a Low Temperature Differential Gamma Type Stirling Engine

Master Thesis

Investigation of Efficient Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to CO over Zn- and Cd-based Catalysts

Jing Xiao

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Investigation of Failure Modes of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Flywheel Rotors for Energy Storage Systems

Miles Skinner

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Investigation of Gear Dynamic Characteristics under Stochastic External Excitations

Ming J. Zuo, Yining Fang

Conference Proceedings

Investigation of highly efficient Bismuth-based electrocatalysts for CO2 electroreduction to formate

Shao-Qing Liu

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Investigation of impacts of wind source dynamics and stability options in dc power systems with wind energy conversion systems

Yasser Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigation of Li-Zn-X (X = Ga, In) coloured intermetallics

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vladimir K Michaelis, Mohammad Jomaa, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investigation of Structure and Dynamics of Confined water, acetone, glycerol and heptane inside Silica Nanostructures, using a combination of Molecular Dynamics and Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulations

Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigation of the relationship between gear crack levels and impulse parameters using dynamic modeling

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang

Conference Proceedings

Investigation of Transition Metal-Based (Mn, Co, Ni, Fe) Trimetallic Oxide Nanoparticles on N-doped Carbon Nanotubes as Bifunctional Catalysts for Zn-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Michael Clark, Drew Aasen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigation of wind-energy-based source dynamics and stability options in DC grids

Yasser Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Investigations into the effect of heat exchanger volume and geometry on low-temperature Stirling engine performance

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Investigations of Bismuth-and Cobalt-based Electrocatalysts for Carbon Dioxide Reduction Reactions

Mengnan Zhu

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Investigations of Carbon Dioxide Electrolysis on Perovskite with Exsolved Nanoparticles in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell

Bowen Zhang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Investment decisions and policy analysis

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson, Grant K Hauer, Scott Wilson, Claire Doll

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investment Decisions and Policy Analysis

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson, Grant K Hauer, Scott Wilson, Claire Doll, Irene Onyango, Curtis John McKnight

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Investment Decisions and Policy Analysis of Biomass Energy

Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson, Grant K Hauer

Other Event

Invited seminar, Northwestern University, Evanston IL

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Invited seminar, University of Pittsburgh

Jillian Mary Buriak

Other Event

Invited seminar, University of Washington, Chemical Engineering

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Invited seminar: Materials, Molecules, & Mechanisms: The Chemistry of Silicon Surfaces and Silanes

Jillian Mary Buriak

Other Event

Invited talk: ACS national meeting, Boston

Arthur Mar, Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Invited talk: CSC meeting

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ionic liquid drop impact onto heated surfaces

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

IoT-based MPPT Controller for Photovoltaic Array

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

IoT-based smart homes: A review of system architecture, software, communications, privacy and security, Internet of Things

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Is there a value for low carbon hydrogen exports from Alberta, Canada in international markets?

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Eskinder Gemechu, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Islands in the heat: research reveals urban hotspots in Edmonton

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Isolated Cellulose Nanofibers For Cu (II) And Zn (II) Removal: Performance And Mechanisms

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yaman Boluk, Selamawit Messele, Mingyu Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Isolating Outer Membrane Vesicles from Methanotrophic Bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Kieran McDonald, Phillip Keith Sun, Mariah Kristen Hermary

Other Event

Isolation of a Low-Valent Silver(I) Cation using an Extremely Bulky N-Heterocyclic Carbene

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Isomorphic Relationships between Voltage-Source and Current-Source Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

ISR-LLM: Iterative Self-Refined Large Language Model for Long-Horizon Sequential Task Planning

Zhan Shu

Conference Proceedings

Ivey Energy Policy and Management Centre Annual Electricity Workshop 2022

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Jessie Beier on Educating for the Future

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Jim Sandercock on Transitioning to Renewables

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Johns Hopkins Guide to Critical and Cultural Theory

Imre Szeman

Edited Volume

Joint condition-based maintenance optimization for multi-component systems considering prognostic information and degraded working efficiency

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Rui He

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Joint Statement: Idle No More, Defenders of the Land & Truth Before Reconciliation

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Jonathan Banks on Geothermal Energy in Alberta

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Jonathan Banks on the Specificities of Location

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Jordan Kinder on What We Sustain in Sustainability

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Journal of Aerosol Science

Charles Robert Koch, Jason Scott Olfert

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Just don’t call it climate change

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Just don’t call it climate change: Climate-skeptic farmer adoption of climate mitigative practices

Sven Anders

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Just Living Together for Just Powers

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Just Powers: Making the Energy Transition Better for Everyone

Sheena L Wilson

Article in popular media

Just Transition and Climate Justice for Indigenous Peoples

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Just Transition and Climate Justice for Indigenous Peoples

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Just Transition in the Northwest Territories: Insights and Values from Indigenous and non-Indigenous Northerners

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Candice Amber

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Just Transitions Roundtable

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Kaolinite Surface Charges Developed in Cyclohexane in the Presence of Bitumen

Hanyu Zhang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Kaolinite surface charges developed in cyclohexane suspension with dissolved Span 80 or bitumen: Electrodeposition and adsorption/desorption studies.

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Kaipeng Wang, Hanyu Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Keepers of the Fire, Keepers of the Water: Language, loss, and regeneration through geothermal practices on Indigenous lands

Andie Palmer

Conference Proceedings

Keeping the Lights on with Wind Energy

Tim Weis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Kenneth Tam on Student Opportunities

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film


Mark Simpson

Book Chapter

Kets’ok Echish Chō (Dancing-around, Huckleberries)

Other Event

Key factors affecting greenhouse gas emissions in Canada’s industrial sector: A decomposition analysis

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Keynote presentation on the future of mobility

Marc Secanell

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Keynote Speaker - TAMIU Conference

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Kim TallBear on Situated Knowledges

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Kim TallBear on Whiteness

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Kinetic Inhibition of CO2 Hydrate by Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium through Retarded Mass Transfer

Nobuo Maeda

Article in professional or trade journals

Kinetics of hydrotreatment on Nb-Cu Catalysts

Natalia Semagina, Amir Rouhi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Kinetics of methane pyrolysis: An optimized mechanism

Jason Scott Olfert, Marc Secanell, Larry William Kostiuk, Ambuj Punia

Conference Proceedings

Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link Reivew

Tim Weis, Julia Zonneveld

Research Report

Knowings and Knots: Methodologies and Ecologies in Research-Creation

Natalie Loveless

Edited Volume

Knowledge Graph Representation of Power System and Data-Driven Analysis of Outages

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Knowledge Graphs Representation of Power System and Data-Driven Analysis of Outages

Other Event

Knowledge Graphs: Construction and Applications

Master Thesis

Knowledge-based heterogeneity characterization framework for 3D steam-assisted gravity drainage reservoirs

Juliana Y Leung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Kumar M, Oyedun AO, Kumar A. A review on the current status of various hydrothermal technologies on biomass feedstock, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018, 81 (2): 1742-1770.

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

La4Ga2Se6O3: A rare-earth oxyselenide built from one-dimensional strips

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Alexander Zabolotnii

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lab Tour - Arlos Lab

Fei Cheng, Jingya Pang

Other Event

Lab Tour 5: Making Biofuels More Cost Effective

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lab Tour for CFREF Joint Meeting Participants

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Donald Lawton, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Other Event

Labor and Employment Relations Association, Annual Conference, Detroit, MI, USA, 2021-06-05

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Labor and Employment Relations Association, Portland, OR, USA, 2020-06-15

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Laminar boundary layer forcing with active surface deformations

Sina Ghaemi, Bradley Gibeau

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Laminar Flame Speed modeling for Low Carbon Fuels using methods of Machine Learning

Charles Robert Koch, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Land And Water Reclamation Approaches For Process Water

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Rui Qin, Lei Zhang, Abdallatif Abdalrhman, Rongfu Huang, Selamawit Messele, Chelsea Benally, Lingjun Meng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Land Reclamation History

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Land Reclamation Versus Landform Design: Getting Past Language And Labels

M Anne Naeth

Article in professional or trade journals

Land-Product validation of the MODIS derived FAPAR product over the tropical dry-forest of Santa Rosa National Park, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Language of Energy Conversations, Edmonton AM with Mark Connolly and Tara McCarthy, CBC radio

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Large scale hydrogen production from alternative sources: a comprehensive assessment

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Large scale pipeline hydrotransport of biomass feedstock to bio-based energy facilities

Amit Kumar, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Large-scale 3D-PTV measurement of Ahmed-body wake in crossflow

Sina Ghaemi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Large-scale hydrogen production from alternative sources for hydrogen economy.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Large-scale Integrated Molecular Simulation and Process Optimization Screening of Metal Organic Frameworks for PostCombustion CO2 Capture

Arvind Rajendran, Kasturi Nagesh Pai, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Conference Proceedings

Large-scale, long-distance land-based hydrogen transportation systems: a comparative techno-economic and greenhouse gas emission assessment

Amit Kumar, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Larger wavelengths suit the hydrodynamics of carangiform swimmers

Arman Hemmati, Muhammad Saif Ullah Khalid

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Larry Kostiuk on How Future Energy Systems Contributes to the Larger Conversation on Energy and Climate Change

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

LASERAlberta: Art, Climate, Energy, Activism

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

Last Mile Energy Transitions by Community Leagues in Edmonton

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lattice Boltzmann Study on Surfactant-laden Drop Behavior in Shear Flow

P Amy Tsai, Zhe Chen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Launch + Learn/Casse croûtes et casse-têtes pour le climat

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

LCA of partial upgrading technologies

Master Thesis

LCA/TEA of biomass with carbon removal and storage (BiCRS)

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

LCC-HVDC Bipole System with MMC-Based DC Tapping Stations

Greg Kish

Master Thesis

Le Téleéjournal Alberta Profile on Prototypes for Possible Worlds Exhibition

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Article in popular media

Lead(II) Adsorption On Microwave-Pyrolyzed Biochars And Hydrochars Depends On Feedstock Type And Production Temperature

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lead-207 NMR Spectroscopy at 1.4 T: Application of Benchtop Instrumentation to a Challenging I = \textonehalf Nucleus

Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lead-Saturated Biochar-Soil Interactions: Contamination Risks And Release Dynamics Of Lead

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu, Ali El-Naggar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lead-Saturated Biochar-Soil Interactions: Contamination Risks And Release Dynamics Of Pb

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu, Ali El-Naggar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Leak-Off and Flowback Experiments on Tight Carbonate Core Plugs

Hassan Dehghanpour, Son Thai Tran

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Leakoff and Flowback Experiments on Tight Carbonate Core Plugs

Hassan Dehghanpour, Son Thai Tran

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

LEAP Canada: Pulp and paper energy and GHG analysis

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Other Event

Learning to Control Home Batteries in the Smart Grid

Baihong Qi

Master Thesis

LED Systems Applications and LED Driver Topologies: A Review

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Ali Khajehoddin, Morteza Esteki

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lefsrud L.M. & Sattari, F. 2021. Using Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Fusion to Improve the Process Safety and Risk Management in Oil & Gas Industry. Energy Safety Canada, May 27, 2021.

Other Event

Lefsrud, L.M. & Jennings, D.J. 2022. Visualizing Systems: Visual analytics built on big data as a form of analysis and theoretical interpretation. PDW for The Collection, Analysis, Theorization and Representation of Visual Data in Qualitative Scholarship 2

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lefsrud, L.M. 2022. Back to the drawing board: Reconstructing risk management systems through visualization

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lefsrud, L.M. 2022. Innovating for Sustainability and Systems-Level Change, Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IFM), Mannheim University, 7 November 2022.

Other Event

Lefsrud, L.M. 2022. Principles to Depolarize Energy Conversations

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lefsrud, L.M. 2022. Twitter Analytics Tool. Energy and Climate – West Coast Edition, Canadian Energy and Climate Nexus, 7 April, Vancouver and Online.

Other Event

Lefsrud, L.M. 2023. Principles to Depolarize Energy Conversations. APEGA, March 8, 2023.

Other Event

Lefsrud, L.M. 2023. Principles to Depolarize Energy Conversations. Canadian Society for Senior Engineers (CSSE), January 19, 2023.

Other Event

Lefsrud, L.M. 2023. Visualizing Risk. Canadian Society of Chemical Engineers (CSChE) and Canadian Institute of Chemistry (CIC) Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CCEC 2023).

Other Event

Lefsrud, L.M., Gutierrez, C.G.*, Gehman, J., Barbosa, D., Stroulia, E. 2022. Energy to Contest? Emotional and multimodal contestation of energy markets. Sub-theme 42: Markets for Sustainability: Evolving Challenges, Imperfections, and Trade-offs

Joel Gehman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lefsrud, L.M., Hussain, A.*, Gholizadeh, N.*, Sattari, F.*, Musilek, P., Liang, H. 2021. Creating System Resilience in Power Generation and Delivery

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lessons from Texas' Electricity Outages

David P Brown

Other Event

Leveraging Sparsity in Distribution Grids: System Identification and Harmonic State Estimation

Omid Ardakanian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Li-containing coloured intermetallic compounds and chalcogenides

Mohammad Jomaa

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Life After Oil

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Life Cycle Analysis Of Novel Constructed Wetlands Water Reclamation Materials

Maggie Cascadden, Matt Kingston

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life Cycle Analysis Of Novel Materials And Their Making

Maggie Cascadden, Matt Kingston

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life Cycle and Techno-Economic Assessments of Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production

Jayranjan Maurya

Master Thesis

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Tariq Siddique, Scott Chang, Aman Ullah, Maggie Cascadden, Vartuhi Tonoyan, Matt Kingston

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Oil Sands-Derived Transportation Fuels Produced from the Vapor Solvent-Based Extraction Process

Master Thesis

Life cycle assessment of a battery electric vehicle and a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle: The impact of driving pattern and climatic conditions on environmental performance

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Dipankar Khanna

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Life cycle assessment of an electric vehicle: the impact of driving pattern and climatic conditions on the environmental performance.

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Dipankar Khanna

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle assessment of earth-abundant photocatalysts for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Jayranjan Maurya

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Life cycle assessment of electricity delivery systems: Attributional and Consequential approaches

Master Thesis

Life cycle assessment of energy system transitions

Amit Kumar

Research Report

Life cycle assessment of energy system transitions

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle assessment of energy system transitions: the case of solar energy in Alberta

Amit Kumar, Joule Bergerson, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle assessment of energy systems transition

Amit Kumar, Joule Bergerson, Eskinder Gemechu, Alex Bradley

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle assessment of energy systems transition

Amit Kumar, Joule Bergerson, Eskinder Gemechu, Alex Bradley

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle assessment of energy transitions

Amit Kumar, Joule Bergerson, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of upgrading and refining bitumen from the solvent extraction process

Amit Kumar, Mohammad Ikthair Hossain Soiket, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Life cycle assessment of high-performance mono-crystalline titanium dioxide nanorod based perovskite solar cells

Amit Kumar, Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Eskinder Gemechu, Harshadeep Kukkikatte Ramamurthy Rao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life Cycle Assessment of High-Performance Monocrystalline TiO2 Nanorod Based Perovskite Solar Cells

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle assessment of high-performance monocrystalline titanium dioxide nanorod-based perovskite solar cells

Amit Kumar, Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Eskinder Gemechu, Harshadeep Kukkikatte Ramamurthy Rao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Life cycle assessment of mono-crystalline TiO2 nanorod array based halide perovskite solar cells

Amit Kumar, Karthik Shankar, Eskinder Gemechu, Harshadeep Kukkikatte Ramamurthy Rao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life Cycle Assessment of Monocrystalline TiO2 Nanorod Array Based Halide Perovskite Solar Cells

Amit Kumar, Karthik Shankar, Eskinder Gemechu, Harshadeep Kukkikatte Ramamurthy Rao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle assessment to evaluate environmental performance of thermochemical processing of biomass

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Book Chapter

Life cycle environmental and techno-economic assessment of perovskite solar cells.

Amit Kumar, Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Eskinder Gemechu, Harshadeep Kukkikatte Ramamurthy Rao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle environmental and techno-economic assessments of monocrystalline titanium dioxide nanorod-based perovskite solar cells

Harshadeep Kukkikatte Ramamurthy Rao

Master Thesis

Life cycle GHG emissions assessment of vanadium recovery from spent catalysts from bitumen upgraders.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life cycle GHG footprints of MSW-based intermediate for production of renewable liquid fuels and its comparison with conventional utilization pathways

Amit Kumar, Han Zhang

Other Event

Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions and energy footprints of utility-scale solar energy systems

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions assessments of an integrated biorefinery producing bio-oil, ethanol, and hydrogen

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Life Lesson Learned from Microorganisms

Miranda Darlene Stahn

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Light-induced Energy Production Using Plasmonic Photocatalysis

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Lignin biorefinery products, challenges and environmental impacts: A comprehensive review

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lignite Derived Humic Products And Cattle Manure Biochar Are Effective Soil Amendments In Cadmium Contaminated And Uncontaminated Soils

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lignite Derived Humic Substances And Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi As Soil Amendments In Coal Mine Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lignite Derived Humic Substances And Inorganic Fertilizer Are Effective Soil Amendments For Barley In Sandy Soil

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Limitations on the Residual Solvent Recovery Imposed By the Gangue Characteristics

Phillip YK Choi, Reza Khalkhali

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Linear Battery Aging Model for Industrial Peak Shaving Applications

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Linking Regional-Scale Crustal Structures to Small-Scale Geothermal Systems with Magnetotelluric Exploration: An Example from the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Lipid-Based Renewable Fuel for the Aviation Sector

David C. Bressler, Bernardo Araujo Souto

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lipids as Feedstock for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production

David C. Bressler, Bernardo Araujo Souto

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Liquid Crystalline Lithium-Ion Electrolytes Derived from Biodegradable Cyclodextrin

Vladimir K Michaelis, Haoyang Yu, Amit Bhattacharya

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Liquid Ethics, Fluid Politics: The Cultural and Material Politics of Petroturfing

Jordan Kinder

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Liquid imbibition in tight rocks: The role of disjoining pressure

Hassan Dehghanpour, Lin Yuan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Liquid-phase exfoliation of graphitic carbon nitrides studied by molecular dynamics simulation

Karthik Shankar, Tian Tang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Liquid-Vapor Interface Configuration for Capillary Flow in a Heat Pipe

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Muhammad Rizwanur Rahman

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Lisa Dockman on Shifting Building Practices for Energy Transition

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Listening as Ethic; Walking as Method: Daily Practice and Art/Life Intervention

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Listening in the Anthropocene

Natalie Loveless

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Literature and Energy

Imre Szeman, Jordan Kinder

Book Chapter

Literature and Energy

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

Literature Review - Mining in Alberta

Marty K Luckert, Bruno Wichmann, David Alexander Patrick Garrett

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Literature Review on Future Energy Systems into Canadian Cities

Khan Rahaman

Research Report

Literature Review on Health Effects

Marty K Luckert, Bruno Wichmann, David Alexander Patrick Garrett

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Lithium Cation-promoted Two-electron Reduction of Tetranuclear Copper(I) Phosphoranimide Clusters. Stabilization of “Zero-valent Copper” Embedded in a Soluble Cu4Li2 Matrix

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, Robin Hamilton, Orain Alberga Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lithium Recovery from Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Water using a Selective Ion Exchange Sorbent

Daniel Scott Alessi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lithospheric structure imaging of Alberta from regional broadband seismic network

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Living in a Colonial Capitalist Petrostate: Indigenous Experiences in Alberta’s Oil Industry and its Gendered Impact on Working Families

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Load type impacts on the stability and robustness of DC microgrids

Ali Khajehoddin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Load-Following Forward Contracts

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Local Labor Market Effects of Environmental Regulations: Evidence from Canada Wide Standards

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Local Labor Market Effects of Environmental Regulations: Evidence from Canada Wide Standards

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Local Labor Market Effects of Environmental Regulations: Evidence from Canada Wide Standards

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Local Labor Market Effects of Environmental Regulations: Evidence from Canada Wide Standards

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Local Labor Markets and Natural Resources: A Synthesis of the Literature

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Locally Strong-Coupled Microwave Resonator Using PEMC Boundary for Distant Sensing Applications

Masoud Baghelani, Zahra Abbasi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

London School of Economics and Political Science, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London, UK, 2019-10-02

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Long-term energy efficiency improvement and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in the cement industry: A case study of Canada

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Long-term energy transition in road transportation by 2050: a system-wide cost, market share, and greenhouse gas emission comparison of conventional, battery electric and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Long-term evaluation of carbon capture and low-carbon energy technologies in the oil sands

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Long-term integrated assessment of water and GHG impacts of a transition to low-carbon unconventional oil extraction.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Gustavo Moraes Coraca

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Long-term Prediction on a Tube-and-annulus Geothermal Production Model via Abandoned Oil/gas Wells in Hinton, Alberta, Canada

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Looking Under the Rockies with Radio Waves

Cedar Hanneson

Other Event

Lost horses on the frontier: K2BiCl5 and K3Bi2Br9

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lost Oil: Estimating the Oil Drained from First Nations Reserves

Laurel E Wheeler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Low bandgap carbon nitride nanoparticles incorporated in titania nanotube arrays by in situ electrophoretic anodization for photocatalytic CO 2 reduction

Karthik Shankar, Tian Tang, Kazi Alam, Narendra Chaulagain, Md Masud Rana, Navneet Kumar, John Garcia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Low carbon policy implications for Canada: The development of GCAM-Canada

Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Christopher Roney

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Low Carbon Research: Building a Greener and More Inclusive Academy

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Low Cost And Efficient Adsorbents For Targeted Pollutant Removal From Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele, Mingyu Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Low Cost Bio-Sorbents From Keratin Biopolymers For The Treatment Of Wastewater Produced During Energy Generation

Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad, Irum Zahara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Low Cost Biopolymers As Adsorbants

Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad, Irum Zahara

Conference Proceedings

Low Cost Biopolymers As Adsorbents

Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad, Irum Zahara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Low Harmonic Loss PWM for a Dual Inverter Drive using a Floating Capacitor Inverter

John Salmon, Greg Kish, Chatumal Perera

Conference Proceedings

Low loading inkjet printed bifunctional electrodes for proton exchange membrane unitized regenerative fuel cells

Marc Secanell, Natalia Semagina, Jing Liu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Low Ripple Envelope Detection for Load Modulated Communication in SWIPT

Rashid Mirzavand, Fabiano Domingos

Conference Proceedings

Low Salinity Water Injection in a Clastic Reservoir in Northeast Brazil: An Experimental Case Study

Japan J Trivedi, Yenny Carolina Arambula Becerra

Conference Proceedings

Low Temperature Difference Alpha-Type Stirling Engine for the Experimental Determination of Optimal Parameters to Maximize Shaft Power

Master Thesis

Low-and mid-frequency wall-pressure sources in a turbulent boundary layer

Sina Ghaemi, Bradley Gibeau

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Low-Cost Adsorbent For Water Purification

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yaman Boluk, Mingyu Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Low-cost catalysts and methodology for partial upgrading of bitumen

Orain Alberga Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Low-Current Electro-Oxidation Accelerates The Biodegradation Of The Recalcitrant Organics In Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman, Muhammad Arslan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Low-Current Electro-Oxidation By Inexpensive Graphite Electrodes Accelerates The Biodegradation Of The Recalcitrant Organics In OSPW

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Low-Profile Fractional Planar Transformer

Ali Khajehoddin, Amin Khakparvar Yazdi


Low-quality or high-quality coal? Household energy choice in rural Beijing

Jingchao Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Low-Temperature Tolerant Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Rechargeable Zn-Air Batteries

Jiayao Cui

Master Thesis

Low-Temperature Tolerant Poly(Acrylic Acid) (PAA) Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Hyun-Joong Chung, Matthew Labbe, Jiayao Cui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lower-grade canola oil for biofuel: production capacity and potential impacts on food supply and price.

Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

LP-based predictive energy management system for residential PV/BESS

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Lubricity: Smooth Oil's Political Frictions

Mark Simpson

Book Chapter

Luminescence properties of rare-earth chalcohalides RE3Ge2-xSixS8I (RE = La, Ce, Pr) and Ce3Si2S8-ySeyI for potential application in phosphor-converted white LEDs

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Al Meldrum, Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar, Mohammad Jomaa, Xiaoyuan Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Lysogenized phages of methanotrophic bacteria show a broad and untapped genetic diversity

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Miranda Darlene Stahn, Fabini Orata, Liam Rieder, Aurelija Grigonyte

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Lysogenized phages of methanotrophic bacteria show a broad genetic diversity

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Miranda Darlene Stahn, Aurelija Grigonyte

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engines

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Machine Learning and Models: How we find optimal materials for Solar and CCS technologies

Arthur Mar, Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Alex Gzyl, Anton Oliynyk, Jan Poehls, Kasturi Nagesh Pai, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Machine learning enhanced coupled flow-geomechanics Upscaling (2023-2024)

Bo Zhang, Xiaoyan Ou

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Machine Learning for PHM and Reliability

Ming J. Zuo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Machine learning in solid state chemistry: A workshop for the rest of us

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Other Event

Machine learning in solid-state chemistry: Heusler compounds

Arthur Mar, Alex Gzyl, Anton Oliynyk

Book Chapter

Machine Learning Integrated with Model Predictive Control for Imitative Optimal Control of Compression Ignition Engines

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Machine learning models and advanced optimization techniques for thermal/thermal-solvent recovery optimization

Japan J Trivedi, Ian Gates

Other Event

Machine learning-based design and techno-economic assessments of adsorption processes for CO2 capture

Gokul Sai Subraveti

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Machine learning-based diesel engine-out NOx reduction using a plug-in PD-type iterative learning control

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Conference Proceedings

Machine Learning-Based Multiobjective Optimization of Pressure Swing Adsorption

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Zukui Li, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Machine prognostics under varying operating conditions based on state-space and neural network modeling

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Rui He

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Machine-Learning and Design of Experiments-based Optimization of Organic Solar Cells

Master Thesis

Machine-learning classification of Laves phases and prediction of new compounds

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Ritobroto Sikdar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Machine-Learning for PHM and Reliability Assurance

Ming J. Zuo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Machine-Learning Methods for PHM and Reliability

Ming J. Zuo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Machine-learning prediction of new Laves phases with experimental validation

Arthur Mar, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Ritobroto Sikdar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Machine-Learning Predictions and Experimental Validation of Full and Half-Heusler Structures

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Machine-Learning Predictions and Experimental Validation of Full and Half-Heusler Structures

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Machine-learning predictions and experimental validation of full- and half-Heusler structures

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Machine-Learning Predictions and Experimental Validation of Heusler Structures

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Machine-learning predictions of half-Heusler structures

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Made with the Arctic

Other Event

Magnetic Filler Polymer Composites - Morphology Characterization and Experimental and Stochastic Finite Element Analyses of Mechanical Properties

Pierre Mertiny, Yingnan Wang, Jorge Alberto Palacios Moreno, Hamidreza Ahmadimoghaddamseighalani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Magnetically loaded polymer composites using stereolithography\textemdash Material processing and characterization

Pierre Mertiny, Balakrishnan Nagarajan, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Magnetite doped GAC for improving syntrophic propionate degradation in Anaerobic Digestion

Bipro Dhar

Conference Proceedings

Magnetite doped granular activated carbon as an additive for high-performance anaerobic digestion

Bipro Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Magnetotelluric Exploration at Mount Meager, Southwestern BC: An integrated study of the hydrothermal and magmatic system beneath the geothermal prospect

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Magnetotelluric Exploration at Mount Meager, Southwestern Canada: Imaging the Magma Body Beneath a Holocene Volcanic Center

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Magnetotelluric exploration in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Regional-scale crust structures associated with geothermal systems

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Magnetotelluric Exploration in the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Regional-Scale Crustal Structures Associated with Geothermal Systems

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Magnetotelluric exploration of a geothermal prospect in the southern Rocky Mountain Trench, British Columbia, Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Magnetotelluric imaging of the magmatic and geothermal systems beneath Mount Meager, southwestern Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Magnetotelluric Investigations in Southern British Columbia: Looking for Heat in the Mountains

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Magnetotelluric Investigations of Geothermal Systems Centred in Southern British Columbia (Parts of NTS 082, 083, 092, 093)

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Magnetotelluric Investigations of the Tintina Fault Zone for Geothermal Exploration at Watson Lake, Yukon

Master Thesis

Magnetotelluric studies of the Cascadia subduction zone and Garibaldi volcanic belt in southwest British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Magnetotelluric studies of the Cascadia subduction zone and Garibaldi volcanic belt in southwest British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Maintenance decision-making models for cost minimization of offshore wind farms

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Ming J. Zuo, Sathishkumar Nachimuthu

Misc: Poster

Making a Virtual Power Plant out of Privately Owned Electric Vehicles: From Contract Design to Scheduling

Omid Ardakanian, Saidur Rahman, Javier Sales-Ortiz

Conference Proceedings

Making Photonic Crystals via Evaporation of Nanoparticle-Laden Droplets on Superhydrophobic Microstructures

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Making the Connections Between Silicon and Molecules: Mechanisms and Praxis

Jillian Mary Buriak

Other Event

Management Of Oil And Gas Wastewater And Sludge Towards The Implementation Of Circular Economy

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Managing Microbial Corrosion in Canadian Offshore & Onshore Oil Production Operations

Conference Proceedings

Managing the Planet: The Anthropocene, Good Stewardship, and the Empty Promise of a Solution to Ecological Crises

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Managing the Planet: The Anthropocene, Good Stewardship, and the Empty Promise of a Solution to Ecological Crisis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Manipulation of a turbulent boundary layer using active surface deformations

Sina Ghaemi, Bradley Gibeau

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Manipulation of viscous fingering in a radially tapered cell geometry

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Manipulation of Viscous Fingering Instability during Fluid-Fluid Displacement

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Mapping a Microbial Factory: How Nutrients Affect Gene Expression in Methane-Utilizing Bacteria

Phillip Keith Sun

Other Event

Mapping Canadian energy flow from primary fuel to end use

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mapping New Genre Arctic Art

Book Chapter

Mapping Renewable Energy Projects in Canada

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Mapping The Evolution of Canada’s Wind Energy Fleet

Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, William Noel

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Marangoni puffs: dramatically enhanced dissolution of droplets with an entrapped bubble

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Margaret Ann Armour & WISEST – An Incredible Legacy in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in STEM and the Work Still to Do

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mark Simpson on Energy Futures Beyond Capitalism

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Market Impacts of Geographic Dispersion of Wind Energy in Alberta

Natalia Vergara Bonilla

Master Thesis

Market Impacts of Geographic Dispersion of Wind Energy in Alberta

Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, Natalia Vergara Bonilla

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Market impacts of geographic dispersion of wind energy in Alberta

Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, Natalia Vergara Bonilla

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Market impacts of geographically dispersed wind farms in Alberta

Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, Natalia Vergara Bonilla

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Market Impacts of Wind Energy in Alberta

Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, Natalia Vergara Bonilla

Other Event

Market penetration modeling of bitumen extraction technologies into Alberta's oil sands industry

Amit Kumar, Saeidreza Radpour

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Market penetration models for energy technologies: a new approach based on a review

Amit Kumar, Saeidreza Radpour

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Market Power and Alberta's Electricity Market Regulations

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Market progress of the Vanadium Redox Flow Battery technology: overview of the market development

Petr Musilek

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Market Structure, Risk Preferences, and Forward Contracting Incentives

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Marx 2018

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Mass transfer processes of complex drops

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Mass Uptake Dynamics and Diffusivity of Cyclohexane Vapor in Nano-Scale Bitumen Films Coated on Substrates with Different Degrees of Hydrophobicity

Phillip YK Choi, Vadim Kislitsin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Master's thesis is found at UofA library. Please confirm if this thesis is an output from your FES project.

Master Thesis

Materializing Climate Change—S2E6

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


Materials and informatics

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Materials discovery of intermetallics through machine learning: Experimental validation and interpretable models

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Volodymyr Gvozdetskyi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Materials discovery through machine learning: Experimental validation and interpretable models

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Materials discovery through machine learning: Experimental validation and interpretable models

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Materials discovery through machine learning: Experimental validation and interpretable models

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Materials discovery through machine learning: Experimental validation and interpretable models

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Volodymyr Gvozdetskyi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Materials discovery through machine learning: Experimental validation and interpretable models

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Materials discovery through machine learning: Experimental validation and interpretable models

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Materials discovery through machine learning: Experimental validation and interpretable models

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Materials discovery through machine learning: Experimental validation and interpretable models

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Materials discovery through machine learning: Experimental validation and interpretable models

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Materials Synthesis and Development For Utilization In Land And Water Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Tariq Siddique, Scott Chang, Yaman Boluk, Aman Ullah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Maximizing the Formate Formation of CO2 Electroreduction Via Boosting Charge Transfer Ability

Jingli Luo, Chenyu Xu, Mengnan Zhu, Subiao Liu, Pengfei Sui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Maximum Asymmetrical Support in Parallel-Operated Grid-Interactive Smart Inverters

Yasser Mohamed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Maximum spreading of a ferrofluid droplet under the effect of magnetic field

Brian Fleck, Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Abrar Ahmed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Maximum Torque Operation of Open-Winding Induction Motor Dual Drives Using a Floating Capacitor Bridge in the Field Weakening Region

John Salmon, Chatumal Perera

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

McGill Max Bell Lectures

Andrew Leach

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

ME Luka on Communication Technology

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Measurement of competitive CO2 and H2O adsorption on zeolite 13X for post-combustion CO2 capture

Arvind Rajendran, Nicholas Wilkins

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Measurement of Ionic Conductivity of PEM Water Electrolyzer Electrodes

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal, Michael Moore

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Measurement of the flow behavior index of Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids via analysis of the flow velocity characteristics in a mini-channel

David S. Nobes, Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Measurement of the Protonic and Electronic Conductivities of PEM Water Electrolyzer Electrodes

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal, Michael Moore

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Measurement, Monitoring, Verification and Modelling at the Aquistore CO2 Storage Site

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Measurements of Methane Pyrolysis in a Constant Volume Batch Reactor at High Temperatures and Pressures Author / Creator

Master Thesis

Measuring agricultural residue and woodchips biomass slurry flows critical velocity in pipelines using high-frequency impedancemetry approach

Amit Kumar, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Measuring breakthrough and liquid permeability of gas diffusion layers

Lukas Protz

Master Thesis

Measuring diffusion coefficients of gaseous propane in heavy oil at elevated temperatures

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mohammad Hossein Doranehgard, Sara Eghbali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Measuring market power and the efficiency of Alberta's restructured electricity market: An energy‐only market design

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mechanical Stress Comparison of PMSG Wind Turbine LVRT Methods

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yasser Mohamed, Andrew Zhou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mechanism Design Approaches in SOLIDWORKS

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Mechanisms of the Memory Effect of Clathrate Hydrates

Nobuo Maeda, Yu Wei

Article in professional or trade journals

Mechanisms of Thermal Decomposition in Spent NCM Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials with Carbon Defects and Oxygen Vacancies

Daniel Scott Alessi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mechanistic Investigation into the Formation of Humins in Acid-Catalyzed Biomass Reactions

Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mechanistic Investigation on Catalytic Deoxygenation of Phenol as a Model Compound of Biocrude Under Methane

Hongbo Zeng, Vladimir K Michaelis, Michelle Ha

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mechanochemical processing of W-substituted solid-state electrolytes and its effects on electrochemical performance and crystal structure

Arthur Mar, Lingzi Sang, Geng Xie, Fuwei Wen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Mechanochemical synthesis of 0D and 3D cesium lead mixed halide perovskites

Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mechanochemical Synthesis of Hybrid Lead Mixed-Halide Perovskites: An Atomic Level Study Using Solid-State NMR

Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Mechanochemical Synthesis of Methylammonium Lead Mixed\textendash Halide Perovskites: Unraveling the Solid-Solution Behavior Using Solid-State NMR

Karthik Shankar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Michelle Ha, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy Bernard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mechanochemistry in sodium thioantimonate solid electrolytes: Effects on structure, morphology, and electrochemical performance

Arthur Mar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary, Lingzi Sang, Geng Xie, Qichao Wu, Fuwei Wen, Xiang You

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mediating Climate, Mediating Scale

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Meet the 2019 EcoCity Edmonton Grant Recipients

Sheena L Wilson, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Meet with collaborators

Charles Robert Koch

Other Event

Meeting with Prof. Wang from Tsinghua

Zhehui Jin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Melanin-based electronics: From proton conductors to photovoltaics and beyond

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mercurial possibilities: determining site distributions in Cu2HgSnS4 using 63/65Cu, 119Sn, and 199Hg solid-state NMR spectroscopy

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Vladimir K Michaelis, Amit Bhattacharya

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mere anarchy is loosed: Structural disorder in Cu2Zn1-xCdxSnS4

Arthur Mar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Amit Bhattacharya

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mesocosms And Constructed Wetlands

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Mesoporous BiVO4 -based Photoelectrode in Water Splitting Photoreactor

Shiva Mohajernia, Ali Tavazohi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Mesoporous Carbon Xerogel Material For The Adsorption Of Model Naphthenic Acids: Structure Effect And Kinetics Modeling

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Hongbo Zeng, Selamawit Messele

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mesoporous GeOx/Ge/C as a Highly Reversible Anode Material with High Specific Capacity for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Jonathan GC Veinot, Haoyang Yu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Messagers’ Forum

Other Event

Messagers’ Forum: Patrick Mahon

Article in popular media

Metabolic mapping of Methylomicrobium album strain BG8

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Phillip Keith Sun

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Metabolome profiles of the alphaproteobacterial methanotroph Methylocystis sp. Rockwell in response to carbon and nitrogen source

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Marina Lazic

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Metal oxide sorbents for the sustainable recovery of lithium from unconventional resources

Daniel Scott Alessi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Metallophthalocyanine conjugated cellulose nanocrystals as a non-volatile memory and photocatalyst

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Narendra Chaulagain

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Methane Bioconversions

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Methane transformation using bacteria: an innovative approach. 3-MT competition

Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Other Event

Methane-munching microbes and the carbon footprint of climate change

Lisa Stein

Article in popular media

Methanol bioconversion in Methylotuvimicrobium buryatense 5GB1C through self-cycling fermentation

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Yusheng Tan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Methanol purification method development meeting

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Other Event

Mexico and Extraction

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Micro- and Nano-Fluidics: Fundamentals and Applications

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Micro- and Nano-Fluidics: Fundamentals and Applications

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Micro-tremors and aftershocks following the March 2019 ML 4.2 earthquake near Red Deer, Alberta

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang, Tianyang Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Microbes & Climate Change

Lisa Stein

Other Event

Microbial Composition and Functional Diversity in Biofilters Treating oil Sands Processed Water: Bacterial Augmentation Enhances Degradation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Microbial Composition and Functional Diversity in Petroleum Coke-Based Biofilters Treating Oil Sands Process Water: Bioaugmentation Improves System’s Performance

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Microbial methane munchers offer a shield from the scorch

Lisa Stein

Article in professional or trade journals

Microbial Processes And Their Implication In Tailings Management

Tariq Siddique

Other Event

Microbiome of the freshwater sponge Ephydatia muelleri shares compositional and functional similarities with marine sponges

Lisa Stein

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Microbubble-Enhanced Recovery of Residual Bitumen from the Tailings of Oil Sands Extraction in a Laboratory-Scale Pipeline

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Microbubble-enhanced water activation by cold plasma

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Microdroplet nucleation by dissolution of a multicomponent drop in a host liquid

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Microfluidic investigation of enhanced oil recovery: The effect of aqueous floods and network wettability

P Amy Tsai, Junyi Yang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Microfluidic Investigations of CO2 Mass Transport at Elevated Pressure and Salt Precipitation

Tsai Hsing Ho

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Microfluidic investigations of porous media flow for CCS and EOR applications

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Microfluidic Mass Transfer of CO2 at Elevated Pressures: Implications for Carbon Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho, Junyi Yang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Microfluidic Multiphase Flow of CO2 at High Pressure

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Other Event

Microfluidic Salt Precipitation: Implication to Carbon Capture and Sequestration in Saline Aquifers

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Microfluidic slippage and Wetting on superhydrophobic nanostructures

P Amy Tsai

Other Event

Microgrid Control and Power Quality Improvement

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Microgrid Light-Load Efficiency Improvement Based on Online-Inverter Detection

Ali Khajehoddin, Nima Amouzegar-Ashtiani, Ali Sheykhi

Conference Proceedings

Microscale Underwater Energy Harvesting

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Microseismic monitoring at a shallow injection site, the CaMI Field Research Station in Newell County, AB, Geoconvention, Calgary.

Donald Lawton, Yu Jeffrey Gu, Hersh Gilbert

Conference Proceedings

Microstructural Characterization of Nickel-Coated Anodes for Zinc-Air Flow Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Drew Aasen, Anqiang He, Hang Hu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Microstructure and Long Term Stability of Ni-YSZ Anode Supported Fuel Cells: A Review

Sajad Vafaeenezhad, Amir Hanifi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Microstructure and long-term stability of Ni\textendash YSZ anode supported fuel cells: a review

Sajad Vafaeenezhad, Amir Hanifi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Microwave Heating of Non-Aqueous Oil Sands Extraction Gangue: Study of Optimal Cyclohexane-Water Mass Ratio and Solvent Recovery Rate

Filipe Dos Santos De Araujo

Master Thesis

Microwave Heating of Water and Cyclohexane – A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study

Victor Hugo Malamace

Master Thesis

Microwave Sensor Array for Corrosion Prediction in Steel Tank Bottoms

Brent Leier

Conference Proceedings

Microwave Sensor System and Method

Masoud Baghelani


Microwave-assisted remediation of non-aqueous oil sands gangue: effects of solvent, fines, and water content.

Phillip YK Choi, Qi Liu, Filipe Dos Santos De Araujo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mid-cycle phase variations lead to higher stability in swimming fish with side-by-side configuration

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Midterm Result Report for Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP)

Tim Weis, Elizabeth Lartey

Research Report

Mimicking photosynthesis in nature using metal nanoparticles

Misc: Blog Post

Mineralization Of Naphthenic Acids By Electrochemically Generated Hydroxyl Radical And Reactive Sulfate Species Using Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Minimizing Product Inhibition in DNA Self-Replication

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Minority report: Structure and bonding of YbNi3Ga9 and YbCu3Ga8 obtained in gallium flux

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mirror/Mirror: Documenting the Edge of Contemporary Printmaking - CANADA/JAPAN

Other Event

MIT Energy Conference Attendance

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

MIT Energy Conference Attendance

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

MITACS Globalink Summer Intern from Germany

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

MITACS Globalink Summer Intern from India

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Mixed Prairie Well Site Reclamation With Natural Recovery, Seeding And Grazing

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mixed Series-Parallel Connected Current Source Converters with Interleaved SPWM

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

Mixing, Domains, and Fast Li-Ion Dynamics in Ternary Li\textendash Sb\textendashBi Battery Anode Alloys

Jillian Mary Buriak, Vladimir K Michaelis, Amit Bhattacharya, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mixing, Domains, and Fast Li-Ion Dynamics in Ternary Li–Sb–Bi Battery Anode Alloys

Jillian Mary Buriak, Vladimir K Michaelis, Amit Bhattacharya, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary

Article in professional or trade journals

Mn3O4 Nanoparticle-Decorated Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Spheres as an Efficient Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Zn-air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Jonathan GC Veinot, Yingjie He, Haoyang Yu, Drew Aasen, Matthew Labbe

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mobile Energy Storage Sizing and Allocation for Multi-Services in Power Distribution Systems

Yasser Mohamed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Model Asphaltene Compounds. A Synthetic Approach to Characterization of Asphaltene Structure and Aggregation

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, David Scott, Yaowei Guo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Model Asphaltenes Adsorbed onto Methyl- and COOH -Terminated SAMs on Gold

Jeffrey Mark Stryker

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Model parametrization strategies for Newton-based acoustic full waveform inversion

Mauricio Sacchi, Amsalu Anagaw

Article in professional or trade journals

Model Predictive Control for Grid-Connected Current-Source Converter With Enhanced Robustness and Grid-Current Feedback Only

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Model Predictive Control for LCL -Filtered DG-Grid Interfacing Inverters With State Variable and Input Disturbance Estimation

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Conference Proceedings

Model Predictive Control of 5L-ANPC Converter-Fed PMSM Drives with Two-Stage Optimization

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan, Li Ding

Conference Proceedings

Model Predictive Control of 5L-ANPC Converters with Level-Shifted Pulse-Width-Modulation

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

Model Predictive Control of a Nine-Level Internal Parallel Multilevel Converter with Phase-Shifted Pulse-Width-Modulation

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Model Predictive Control of Ginzburg-Landau Equation

Charles Robert Koch

Book Chapter

Model Predictive Control of Internal Combustion Engines: A Review and Future Directions

Charles Robert Koch, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Model Predictive Control of Jacket Tubular Reactors with a Reversible Exothermic Reaction

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Model Predictive Control of Non-Isolated DC/DC Modular Multilevel Converter Improving the Dynamic Response

Yasser Mohamed, Ramin Razani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Model Predictive Power Control of Grid-Connected Quasi Single-Stage Converters for High-Efficiency Low-Voltage ESS Integration

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Model-Based Closed-Loop Control for High-Power Current Source Rectifiers under Selective Harmonic Elimination/Compensation PWM with Fast Dynamics

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Model-Free Dynamic Operations Management for EV Battery Swapping Stations: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach

Yasser Mohamed, Ahmed Ayman Ahmed Shalaby

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modeling and Design of Parallel LCC -VSC Interlinking Converters' Unified Controller in AC/DC Network

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding, Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modeling and microstructural study of anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells: Experimental and thermodynamic analyses

Amir Hanifi, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modeling and Simulation to Improve Real Electric Vehicles Charging Processes by Integration of Renewable Energies and Buffer Storage

Pierre Mertiny

Conference Proceedings

Modeling and Stability Analysis of Single-Phase Microgrids Controlled in Stationary Frame

Ali Khajehoddin, Nima Amouzegar-Ashtiani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modeling CO 2 Circulation Test for Sustainable Geothermal Power Generation at the Aquistore CO2 Storage Site, Saskatchewan, Canada

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference Proceedings

Modeling CO2 Circulation Test, as a Key Element of CO2 Plume Geothermal (CPG), at An Active CO2 Storage Site

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference Proceedings

Modeling endogenous hydropower capacity expansion in GCAM-Canada

Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modeling Expertise Developed during 7 Years of CO2 Injection at Aquistore

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modeling of Natural-Gas Diffusion in Oil-Saturated Tight Porous Media

Hassan Dehghanpour, Son Thai Tran, Mohammad Hossein Doranehgard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modeling oil sands production in an Integrated Assessment Model: Energy consumption and CO2 emission

Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Christopher Roney, Matthew Binsted

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modeling Two-Phase Flow in Tight Core Plugs with an Application for Relative Permeability Measurement

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mohammad Yousefi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modeling Variability in Biomass Feedstock Supplies with Limited Data: An Application of Data Clustering

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer, Wanjing (Amy) Xu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modeling Variability in Biomass Feedstock Supplies with Limited Data: An Application of Data Clustering

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer, Wanjing (Amy) Xu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modeling Variability in Biomass Feedstock Supplies with Limited Data: An Application of Data Clustering

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer, Wanjing (Amy) Xu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modeling, diagnostics, optimization, and control of internal combustion engines via modern machine learning techniques: A review and future directions

Charles Robert Koch, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modeling, Dynamic Analysis, and Stabilization of Active DC Distribution Systems

Ahmed Mohamad

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Modeling, Dynamic Analysis, and Stabilization of Converter-Based Distributed Generation Systems Considering Low-Voltage Ride-Through Requirements, Unbalanced and Weak Grid Conditions, and Load Dynamics

Shahed Mortazavian

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Modelling factors affecting operation and maintenance costs of offshore wind farms

Ming J. Zuo, Sathishkumar Nachimuthu

Conference Proceedings

Modelling Hourly Vehicle Flows by a Finite Mixture of Simple Circular Normal Distributions

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Modelling Reduction in Residual Oil Saturation during Enhanced Oil Recovery Process

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad

Other Event

Modelling Variability in Biomass Feedstock Supplies with Limited Data: An Application of Hierarchical Data Clustering

Wanjing (Amy) Xu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modelling Variability in Biomass Feedstock Supplies with Limited High-Dimensional Data: An Application of Hierarchical Data Clustering

Wanjing (Amy) Xu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modelling wind-hydrogen storage in Alberta’s electricity market

Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, William Noel

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Models And Instruments For Financing Land-Based Conservation

Vic Adamowicz

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modern dextral strain controls active hydrothermal systems in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modification of an ST05G-CNC Stirling Engine to Use a Low Temperature Heat Source

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Modifications to Reduce the Minimum Thermal Source Temperature of the ST05G-CNC Stirling Engine

Master Thesis

Modified Accuracy of RANS Modeling of Urban Pollutant Flow within Generic Building Clusters Using a High-Quality Full-Scale Dispersion Dataset

Brian Fleck, Carlos Lange, Khashayar RahnamayBahambary

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modified Carrier-Overlapped PWM with Balanced Capacitors and Eliminated Dead-Time Spikes for Four-Level NNPC Converters under Low Frequency

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian, Yuzhuo Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modified Droop Strategy for Wide Load Range Efficiency Improvement of Parallel Inverter Systems

Ali Khajehoddin, Nima Amouzegar-Ashtiani, Ali Sheykhi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modified Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Zinc-Air Batteries Operating at Various Temperatures

Douglas Ivey, Hyun-Joong Chung, Jiayao Cui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modified Transformerless Series-Connected Current Source Converter without Series-Connected Switches

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Xing Ling

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modifying Biochar Properties For Environmental Applications

Scott Chang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modular Construction of Photoanodes with Covalently Bonded Ru- and Ir-Polypyridyl Visible Light Chromophores

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Chao Wang, Mona Amiri, Riley Endean, Loorthuraja Rasu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modular construction of Ru- and Ir- chromophore photoanodes by covalent bonding and self-assembly

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Chao Wang, Mona Amiri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modular Construction of Water Oxidation Photoanodes by Covalent Bonding and Self-Assembly

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Chao Wang, Mona Amiri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modular Construction of Water Oxidation Photoanodes by Covalent Bonding and Self-Assembly

Steven Bergens, Chao Wang, Mona Amiri, Riley Endean

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modular Interline DC Power Flow Controller

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Han Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modular Multi-Level AC-AC Converter

Greg Kish, Anjana Wijesekera


Modular Multilevel Converter With Multitasking Magnetics for AC/AC Power Conversion

Greg Kish, Yuan Li, Anjana Wijesekera

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Modular one-dimensional simulation tool for oscillating flow and thermal networks in Stirling engines

David S. Nobes

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modular Triple-Active Bridge DC -DC Converters for Utility-Scale Photovoltaics-Plus-Battery Storage Systems Connected to MVDC Grids

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

Modular Voltage Balancing Networks for Series Connected Battery Cells

Atrin Tavakoli

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Modulated Photoluminescence of Germanium via Intense Terahertz Electric Fields

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Molecular Brick Building Sets for Chromophores and Catalysts for Solar-Powered Water Splitting and CO2 Reduction

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri, Jaya Pal, Prabin Nepal, Jinkun Liu, Riley Endean

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Model Asphaltenes between Surfaces of Varying Polarity

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Water/Oil Interface with Model Asphaltene Subjected to Electric Field

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Wenhui Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Molecular Dynamics Study on the Mechanism of Graphene Oxide to Destabilize Oil-Water Emulsion

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Molecular Engineering and Electrochemical Characterization of Redox-active Electrolytes for Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Molecular Interaction and Adhesion Mechanisms of Mussel-inspired Adhesive Coatings

Li Xiang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Molecular media and the society of platform spectacle

Sourayan Mookerjea

Article in professional or trade journals

Molecular Media for Capital Sequestration: Interlocking Oppressions and Just Transitions

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Molecular Simulation of Folding and Aggregation of Multi-Core Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Molecular Simulations on the Coalescence of Water-in-Oil Emulsion Droplets with Non-ionic Surfactant and Model

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Monitoring CO2 injection at the CaMI Field Research Station using noise source migration

Donald Lawton, Yu Jeffrey Gu, Hersh Gilbert, Jingchuan Wang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Monitoring CO2 injection at the CaMI Field Research Station using noise source migration, CaMI.

Donald Lawton, Yu Jeffrey Gu, Hersh Gilbert, Jingchuan Wang

Research Report

Monopolar Fault Reconfiguration of Bipolar Half Bridge Converter for Reliable Load Supply in DC Distribution System

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Monovalent−Divalent Element Quotient Drives Lead(Ii) Removal in Aqueous Solutions by Nitric Acid-Modified Biochar

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

More Renewable Electric Grids Enabled by Power Electronics Technologies

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Morphology of Evaporating Sessile Microdroplets on Lyophilic Elliptical Patches

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mosaic: Model-based Safety Analysis Framework for AI-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems

Article in professional or trade journals

Most metrics for pollinator floral preference produce viable results despite markedly differing predictions

Carol Frost, John Acorn, Rachel Pizante

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Motivating Efficient Market Participation of Energy Storage Assets

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Moving Beyond Survival in Twentieth-Century Canadian Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction 1948-1989

Ariel Kroon

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

MPC implementation for HCCI Combustion using a Deep Neural Network based model

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon, Edward Sperling

Conference Proceedings

MSc thesis 1

Master Thesis

MSW Sludge Derived Biochar For The Removal Of Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Usman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Multi-dimensional reconstruction of virtual shot gathers

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Mauricio Sacchi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Multi-Level Power Converters using Coupled Inductors and Parallel Connected 2-Level Inverters

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo

Conference Proceedings

Multi-level Voltage Source Converters using Coupled Inductors and Parallel Connected Inverter Legs

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo

Conference Proceedings

Multi-Level Voltage Source Parallel Inverters and Coupled Inductors

John Salmon


Multi-Objective Optimization of the Steam Alternating Solvent (SAS) Process using Pareto-based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

Israel Mayo Molina

Master Thesis

Multi-objective Power Management for EV Fleet with MMC-Based Integration into Smart Grid

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Qiang Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multi-phase analysis of polymer electrolyte fuel cells at multiple scales

Marc Secanell

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Multi-port Converters for Synthesis and Enhancement of Hybrid-Clamped Multilevel Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian, Yuzhuo Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige

Conference Proceedings

Multi-Port DC -AC Converter With Differential Power Processing DC-DC Converter and Flexible Power Control for Battery ESS Integrated PV Systems

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multi-Port DC/DC Converter System

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan


Multi-Port DC/DC Converter System (CAN)

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan


Multi-Port DC/DC Converter System (USPTO)

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan


Multi-rate Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control with Reduced Circulating Currents for Parallel Dual-Converter-Fed PMSM Drive

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Conference Proceedings

Multi-resonant Non-Inverting Buck-Boost Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige

Conference Proceedings

Multi-Responsive Micro/Nanogels For Optical Sensing

Michael Serpe, Nicholas Balasuriya, Haley Hunter

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multi-Scale Analysis of Transport in Dry and Partially-Saturated Porous Media

Marc Secanell

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Multi-terminal modular DC-DC converter for DC networks (CAN)

Greg Kish, Sunny Kung


Multi-terminal modular DC-DC converter for DC networks (USPTO)

Greg Kish, Sunny Kung


Multifunctional Carbazole-Based Materials as Electrochemical Water Splitting and Photoredox Catalysis

Jinkun Liu

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Multifunctional Hybrid Fiber Composites for Energy Transfer in Future Electric Vehicles

Pierre Mertiny, Till Adam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multilevel Converter Topologies with Internally Paralleled Power Stages

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

Multilevel CSC System Based on Series-Parallel Connected Three-phase Modules with Optimized Carrier-shift SPWM

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multilevel Voltage Source Converter Topologies with Internal Parallel Modularity

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multiphase CO2 dispersions in microfluidics: Formation, phases, and mass transfer

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multiphase CO2 dispersions in microfluidics: Formation, phases, and mass transfer

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multiport Converter With Enhanced Port Utilization Using Multitasking Dual Inverters

John Salmon, Chatumal Perera

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multiport Converter with Independent Control of AC and DC Power Flows for Bipolar DC Distribution

John Salmon, Greg Kish, Chatumal Perera

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multiport DC-DC Modular Multilevel Converter for MVDC and HVDC Networks

Sunny Kung

Master Thesis

Multiport DC-DC-AC Modular Multilevel Converters for Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems

Greg Kish, Mohammadhadi Rouhani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multiport Modular Multilevel Converter for DC Systems

Greg Kish

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multirate Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control for High Switching Frequency Power Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multirate Harmonic Compensation Control for Low Switching Frequency Converters: Scheme, Modeling, and Analysis

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multiresonant and Multimode Operation of the Switched-Resonator Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multisampling Model Predictive Control For PMSM Drives With Improved Tracking Performance and High Bandwidth

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Conference Proceedings

Multiscale Investigation of the Earth's Internal Structure and Processes Using Seismic Arrays

Jingchuan Wang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Multiscale modeling of active layer of hybrid organic-inorganic solar cells for photovoltaic applications by means of density functional theory and integral equation theory of molecular liquids

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multiscale Regulation of Ordered PtCu Intermetallic Electrocatalyst for Highly Durable Oxygen Reduction Reaction

Xiaolei Wang, Zhiping Deng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Multivariate analysis of water chemistry in Devonian Strata of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Implications for geothermal energy development Applied Geochemistry

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Mutation and Care in the Anthropocene

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Mutation and Care in the Anthropocene

Natalie Loveless

Misc: Catalogue

N, O-Codoped Carbon Nanosheet Array Enabling Stable Lithium Metal Anode

Xiaolei Wang, Zhiping Deng, Zhixiao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

N-Heterocyclic Carbene Organic Dyes Derived from 2,4,5,6-tetra(9H-Carbazol-9-yl)isophthalonitrile (4CzIPN) Bonded to TiO2 Surfaces

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri, Loorthuraja Rasu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

N-Heterocyclic carbene stabilization of germanium dihydrides for materials applications

Jocelyn Sinclair

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Chromophore Ligands in Organic Photocatalysis and Solar Fuels Chemistry

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri, Loorthuraja Rasu, Dominic Lavergne, Elizabeth Murphy

Other Event

N-heterocyclic carbene-stabilized GeH2 moieties and their applications to material syntheses

Jocelyn Sinclair

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nano Humus And Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi As Biofertilizer To Enhance Barley Production

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nano Humus And Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi As Soil Amendments In Coal Mine Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nano Humus And Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi As Soil Amendments In Coal Mine Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nano Humus As A Soil Conditioning Amendment In Coal Mine Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nano Humus In Coal Mine Reclamation

Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nano Humus In Coal Mine Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nano/Micro-fluidics & Porous Media Flow

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nanocatalytic chemohydrodynamic instability: Deposition effects

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nanodiamond-decorated thin film composite membranes with antifouling and antibacterial properties

Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Sadegh Aghapour Aktij

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nanofluid Drop Impact on Heated Surfaces

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nanomaterials for Energy and Life Sciences

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nanoparticle Emission Characteristics during Methane Pyrolysis in a Laminar Premixed Flame

Jason Scott Olfert, Larry William Kostiuk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nanophotonic enhancement and improved electron extraction in perovskite solar cells using near-horizontally aligned TiO2 nanorods

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Al Meldrum

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nanoscale Phase Measurement for the Shale Challenge: Multi-component Fluids in Multi-scale Volumes

Zhehui Jin, Chang Lu, Yinuo Zhao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nanosecond Laser Confined Bismuth Moiety with Tunable Structures on Graphene for Carbon Dioxide Reduction

Karthik Shankar, Jingli Luo, Steven Bergens, Minrui Gao, Bowen Zhang, Mengnan Zhu, Pengfei Sui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nanosheets of carbon nitride and nitrogen doped graphene for photovoltaics and photocatalysis

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nanostructured Carbon-Metal Oxide Based Electrochemical Sensors

Sujit Deshmukh

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Nanostructured Heterojunctions for Quantum Sensing, Generation of Solar Fuels and Low Cost Photovoltaics

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nanostructured Plasmonic Heterojunctions for the Production of Solar Fuels

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nanowire Electron Transport Layers (ETLs) for High Efficiency Halide Perovskite Solar Cells (HPSCs)

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Narratives of resistance: Decolonizing petro-drama and legal education

Derek Gladwin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

National Bureau of Economic Research, Summer Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2020-07-17

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Native And Dryland Pasture Seed Mixes Impact Revegetation 12 Years After Pipeline Construction In Southern Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Natural Carbon Sinks Could Play A Small But Significant Role In Canada’s Climate Strategy

Vic Adamowicz

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Natural Recovery Of Vegetation On Reclamation Stockpiles After 26 To 34 Years

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nature Forum On Plastics And Sustainability

Christopher Nzediegwu

Misc: Forum discussion

nclusive Futures: Indigenous Engagement in Canada’s Workforce

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Near-Wellbore Permeability Damage by Fines Migration in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Wells

Rahman Miri

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Near-Wellbore Salinity Effect on Sand Control Plugging by Fines Migration in Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Producer Wells

Alireza Nouri, Mahmood Salimi, Hoda Dadjou, Rahman Miri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nesting for the End of the World

Other Event

Net Effects of Coal Mining at a Local Level in India

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Net-Zero Neighbours: The Blanchford Project

Sheena L Wilson


Net-Zero Neighbours: The North Glenora Project

Sheena L Wilson


Net-zero pathways for cement sector

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New abundant 4CzIPN-derived Photosensitizers and Catalysts for Photosynthetic Organic Reactions and Solar Fuels

Octavio Martinez Perez

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

New Applications Of Advanced Oxidation Processes For The Treatment Of Persistent Contaminants

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New Applications Of Advanced Oxidation Processes For The Treatment Of Persistent Contaminants

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New Applications Of Advanced Oxidation Processes For The Treatment Of Persistent Contaminants - Part 1

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New Applications Of Advanced Oxidation Processes For The Treatment Of Persistent Contaminants - Part 2

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New Applications Of Advanced Oxidation Processes For The Treatment Of Persistent Contaminants In Canada And Abroad

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New Calibration Method For Extraordinary Mass Accuracy For Pollutants Analysis Using UPLC-IM-TOF-MS

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rongfu Huang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New Computational Chemistry Methods, Database and Challenges: an Overview

Phillip YK Choi, Victor Hugo Malamace

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New Dyes and Catalysts for Photosynthetic Organic Reactions and Solar Fuels

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri, Jinkun Liu, Loorthuraja Rasu, Dominic Lavergne, Elizabeth Murphy

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New Frontiers in Electricity Market Regulation

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New frontiers in the anodic synthesis of self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New hydrogen production method

Jason Scott Olfert

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

New Insights on χ(3) Measurements: Comparing Non-Resonant Second Harmonic Generation and Resonant Sum Frequency Generation at the Silica/Aqueous Electrolyte Interface

Juli Gibbs, Ben Rehl, Mokhtar Rashwan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

New NHC- and Imidazole-Functionalized Carbazole Dyes for Visible-Light Organic- and Solar Fuels Photoreactions Over Homogeneous- and Heterogeneous Photocatalysts.

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri, Jinkun Liu, Loorthuraja Rasu, Dominic Lavergne, Elizabeth Murphy

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New quaternary metallic phosphides

Arthur Mar, Arkadii Pominov

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

New Research Adding Tools For Cleanup Of Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

New research exploring more environmentally friendly ways to extract hydrogen,

Jason Scott Olfert

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

New Research Initiative Seeks to Bring Marginalized Voices to the Debate

Sheena L Wilson

Article in popular media

New Technique Could Help Decontaminate Oilsands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Newspaper interview

Nicholas B. Harris

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Ni-YSZ a New Support for Proton Conducting Fuel Cells

Sajad Vafaeenezhad, Amir Hanifi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nickel Nanocatalysts for Potassium Alkoxide-Mediated Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene Under Mild Conditions

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, Robin Hamilton, Orain Alberga Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Noble Metal Free, Visible Light Driven Photocatalysis Using TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Sensitized by P-doped C3N4 Quantum Dots

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Kazi Alam, Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Non-contact real-time water and brine concentration monitoring in crude oil based on multi-variable analysis of microwave resonators

Masoud Baghelani, Navid Hosseini

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Non-double-couple components for induced earthquakes

Yu Jeffrey Gu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Non-isolated DC -DC Power Converter Synthesis using Low-entropy Equations

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Non-isothermal Injectivity Considerations for Effective Geological Storage of CO2 at the Aquistore Site, Saskatchewan, Canada

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference Proceedings

Non-Isothermal Modelling Approach

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Non-Isothermal Reservoir Geomechanical Modeling at Aquistore

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Stephen James Talman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Non-Newtonian effects in pipeflow with square bar roughness at moderate Reynolds numbers

Arman Hemmati, Shubham Goswami

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Non-recovery moisture sensor for breach integrity using the degenerate mode of planar microwave ring resonator

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Non-Traditional Drive Mechanism Designs for the Improvement of Heat Transfer in Low Temperature Differential Stirling Engines

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Noncontact high sensitivity chipless tag microwave resonator for bitumen concentration measurement at high temperatures

Masoud Baghelani, Zahra Abbasi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Steam-Assisted-Gravity-Drainage Well Operations for Real-Time Production Optimization

Japan J Trivedi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nonlinear Optics of Mineral Oxide Interfaces

Mokhtar Rashwan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nonlinear Stability Analysis and Active Compensation of a Utility-Scale Single-Stage Grid-Connected PV System

Yasser Mohamed, Mizanur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nonlithographic Formation of Ta2O5 Nanodimple Arrays Using Electrochemical Anodization and Their Use in Plasmonic Photocatalysis for Enhancement of Local Field and Catalytic Activity

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Saralyn Riddell

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Normalization of gearbox vibration signal for tooth crack diagnosis under variable speed conditions

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Normalization of gearbox vibration signal for tracking tooth crack severity progression under time-varying operating conditions

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang

Conference Proceedings

North American Synchro Phasor Initiative (NASPI) Webinar: Synchronized Waveforms - a Frontier of Data-Based Power System and Apparatus Monitoring, Protection and Control

Other Event

Not Just Par for the Course: 73 Quaternary Germanides RE4M2XGe4 (RE = La–Nd, Sm, Gd–Tm, Lu; M = Mn–Ni; X = Ag, Cd) and the Search for Intermetallics with Low Thermal Conductivity

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Dong Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Not Without You: The Impact Of Logics And Power Differentials Among Indigenous Groups And Canadian Mining Firms On Negotiations

Maggie Cascadden, Kylie Heales

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Notes from the Energetic Quietus

Jessie Beier

Article in professional or trade journals

Novel semiconductor, Re-catalyst assemblies for CO2 reduction

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Novel 4CzIPN-derived Photosensitizers for Organic Reactions and Solar Fuels

Octavio Martinez Perez

Other Event

Novel Anodized Metal Oxide Nanostructures on Non-Native Substrates

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Novel Carbazole-Based Materials as Water Splitting and Photoredox Catalysis

Jinkun Liu

Other Event

Novel Core-Shell Microsphere with Superhydrophilic Polyelectrolytes for Breaking Asphaltenes Stabilized Water-In-Oil Emulsions and the Surface Interaction Mechanism

Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao, Lei Xie

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Novel data-driven energy management of a hybrid photovoltaic-reverse osmosis desalination system using deep reinforcement learning

Mohtada Sadrzadeh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Novel Earth Abundant Catalyst and Photosensitizer for Photocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction Towards Solar Fuels

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Loorthuraja Rasu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Novel Fe-Biochar Composite For Effective Peroxymonosulfate Activation: Application In The Removal Of Naphthenic Acids From Real Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Adriana Vasquez Aldana, Isaac Sanchez Montes

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Novel Fe3O4 Based Superhydrophilic Core-shell Microspheres for Breaking Asphaltenes-stabilized Water-in-oil Emulsion

Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Novel Isolated Multiport DC Converter With Natural Bipolar Symmetry for Renewable Energy Source Integration to DC Grids

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Novel lignin polymerization pathway leading to branching in the structure

Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Novel Materials for Clean and Sustainable Energy CHALLENGE PROGRAM WORKSHOP

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Novel Materials From Renewable Resources For Water Remediation

Aman Ullah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Novel Materials From Renewable Resources For Water Remediation

Aman Ullah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Novel Microbe-Based Toxicity Assessment Tools For Examining Oil Sands Processed Waters

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Isaac Sanchez Montes, James Stafford

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Novel NHC-Bonded Ru-Polypyridine and Organic Dyes in Photoanodes that Operate in Alkaline Media

Steven Bergens, Mona Amiri, Loorthuraja Rasu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Novel Nickel-Based Single-Atom Alloy Catalyst for CO 2 Conversion Reactions: Computational Screening and Reaction Mechanism Analysis

Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Novel Perovskite Catalyst for Enhanced Oxygen/Hydrogen Evolution Reactions

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Novel Photocatalysts for Carbon Dioxide Reduction Towards Solar Fuels

Steven Bergens

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Novel polymer nanoparticles with core-shell structure for breaking asphaltenes-stabilized W/O and O/W emulsions

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Novel Viscoelastic Model for Predicting the Synthetic Polymer’s Viscoelastic Behavior in Porous Media Without Core Flood

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

NSERC discovery grant roundtable

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair In Oil Sands Tailings Water Treatment - Update

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair In Oil Sands Tailings Water Treatment – Research Update

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

NSERC/Cenovus/Alberta Innovates Associate Industrial Chair Program in Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering.

Amit Kumar

Research Report

Nuclear Futures for Canada

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Nucleation Curve of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate from a Linear Cooling Ramp Method

Nobuo Maeda

Article in professional or trade journals

Nucleation Curves of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate in the Absence of a Solid Wall

Nobuo Maeda, Yu Wei

Article in professional or trade journals

Nucleation curves of ice in quasi–free water droplets

Huazhou Li, Nobuo Maeda, Xin Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Nucleation curves of ice in the presence of nucleation promoters

Nobuo Maeda, Xin Zhang

Article in professional or trade journals

Nucleation of Gas Hydrates

Nobuo Maeda


Numerical Investigation of Diffusioosmotic Flow in a Tapered Nanochannel

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Numerical modeling of an enhanced geothermal system for geothermal energy production from abandoned wells, Applied Thermal Engineering.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Numerical Modelling of Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis

Michael Moore

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Numerical pore-scale simulation of propane injection for heavy oil displacement processes

Juliana Y Leung, Haisheng Yu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Numerical simulation of non-equilibrium foamy oil for cyclic solvent injection in post-CHOPS reservoirs

Juliana Y Leung, Tong Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Numerical simulation of renewable power generation using reverse electrodialysis

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Numerical Simulation of Shale Gas Production and Fracturing Fluid Distribution: Integration of Apparent Permeability and Secondary Fracture Network Modeling

Master Thesis

Numerical Study of Emulsions Dynamics Using a Phase Field Method

Zhe Chen

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Numerical study of microfluidic emulsion dynamics under the influence of heterogeneous surface wettability

P Amy Tsai, Zhe Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Numerical Study of the Impact of Two-Phase Flow in the Anode Catalyst Layer on the Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysers

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal, Michael Moore

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Numerical Study on Emulsion Stability in Microfluidics with Heterogeneous Surface Wettability

Zhe Chen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

NVO peak pressure based in-cycle control for HCCI combustion using direct water injection

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Conference Proceedings

O, Beautiful Earth (Under the Earth)!

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

O, N-Enriched, Self-Activated, Holey Carbon Sheets for High-Loading Zinc-Ion Supercapacitors

Xiaolei Wang, Zhiping Deng, Zhixiao Xu, Jiayao Cui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

O3/H2O2 And UV-C Light Irradiation Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Hande Demir

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

oal Mining Waste Material More than 90 Percent Effective At Removing Heavy Metal

Yihan Zhao

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Office of Energy Research and Development (ERD) Oil & Gas Clean Tech Program Performance Evaluation, NRCan

Government Publication

ohci pisim: From the sun: Indigenous-owned renewable energy in Alberta, Canada

Andrea Kristine Miller

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Oil and Media, Oil as Media

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Oil and Media, Oil as Media

Jordan Kinder

Edited Volume

Oil and Media, Oil as Media: Mediating Petrocultures Then and Now

Jordan Kinder

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Oil Loyal

Sheena L Wilson

Misc: Theory

Oil Sand Process Affected Water Treatment By Chicken Feathers: Experimental And Modeling Aspects

Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Faisal Irfan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Oil Sands Tailings And Water Management

Tariq Siddique

Other Event

Oil Theory

Adam Carlson

Book Chapter

Oil Topography: Weaving the World of Oil

Article in professional or trade journals

Oiling-Out Crystallization of Beta-Alanine on Solid Surfaces Controlled by Solvent Exchange

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Oil’s cost on water: bottom up modelling of Canada’s oil and gas sector water use and the effect of commodity price

Amit Kumar, Ankit Gupta, Matthew Davis, Thomas Edward Lamont Patrick

Other Event

On Adversarial Robustness of Data-Driven State Estimation Techniques

Afia Afrin

Master Thesis

On Alberta Climate Dialogues (ABCD): In Conversation with David Kahane

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

On Brittleness of Data-Driven Distribution System State Estimation to Targeted Attacks

Omid Ardakanian, Afia Afrin

Conference Proceedings

On Climate Justice: Why We Need to Understand Just Transition to Understand Everything Else

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On Efficient Operation of a V2G-Enabled Virtual Power Plant

Omid Ardakanian, Saidur Rahman

Conference Proceedings

On Energy impasse: Cultural and Social Barriers to Energy Transition

Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On Future Energy Systems and the role of FES in the Future: In Conversation with Larry Kostiuk

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

On Identification of Distribution Grids

Omid Ardakanian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

On Intergenerational Knowledge and Living off the Land on Bigstone Cree Nation: In Conversation with Elder Eliza Orr

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

On Petrocultures

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On Petrocultures: Globalization, Culture, and Energy

Imre Szeman


On Petrocultures: Or, Why We Need to Understand Oil to Understand Everything Else—S1E0

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Adam Carlson, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


On Petroturfing

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On Plastics, Pliability, and Alternatives to Fossil Capitalism

Mark Simpson


On Situatedness and Ecological Form

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On the Benefits of Behind-the-Meter Rooftop Solar and Energy Storage: The Importance of Retail Rate Design

David P Brown, Richard Boampong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

On the Communicability of the Future: The Class and Cultural Politics of Energy Democracy and Climate Action in Canada

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On the Control of Electric Vehicle Charging in the Smart Grid

Abdullah Al Zishan

Master Thesis

On the deflection of the liquid\textendash vapor interface in a wicked heat pipe

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Muhammad Rizwanur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

On the effect of relaxation time in interfacial tension measurement

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Abrar Ahmed, Muhammad Rizwanur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

On the Geopolitics of Contamination: Research-Creation Notes for a Degrowth Aesthetic

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On the impact of drought-induced abiotic stress on the composition of Douglas-fir lignin for valorization

Daniel Justin Barker-Rothschild

Master Thesis

On the network value of behind-the-meter solar PV plus storage: The importance of rate design

David P Brown, Richard Boampong

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On the performance scaling of oscillating foils with combined heaving and pitching motions

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

On the Politics of Extraction

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

On the Politics of Form: Art and/in the Anthropocene

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

On the Politics of Region

Imre Szeman

Article in professional or trade journals

On the Politics of Region

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On the Procurement of Storage as a Transmission Asset

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

On the Profitability of Self-Sabotage

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

On the Protocol of Land Acknowledgements

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On the Role of Edmonton Municipal Government in Energy Transition: In Conversation with Andrea Linsky

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

On the Role of Maximum Demand Charges in the Presence of Distributed Generation Resources

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

On the sanding and flow convergence skin in cased and perforated slotted liner wells

Alireza Nouri, Arian Velayati

Conference Proceedings

On the System Value of Commercial and Industrial Behind-the-Meter Energy Storage plus Solar PV: The Importance of Retail Rate Design

David P Brown, Richard Boampong

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

On the Temporal Evolution of Non-Isothermal Injectivity Behaviour at an Active CO2 Injection Site

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Stephen James Talman

Conference Proceedings

On-Line Cable Condition Monitoring Using Natural Power Disturbances

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

One Dimensional Metal Oxide Semiconductors as Electron Transport Layers for High Efficiency Halide Perovskite Solar Cells (HPSCs)

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Al Meldrum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

One-Dimensional Solution-Processed TiO2 Nanostructures for Use in Photovoltaics, Photocatalysis, and Microwave Resonator Sensors

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

One-Step Electropolymerization of a Dicyanobenzene-Carbazole-Imidazole Dye to Prepare Photoactive Redox Polymer Films

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Jinkun Liu, Loorthuraja Rasu, Dominic Lavergne, Elizabeth Murphy, Andy Galvez Rodriguez

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

One-Step Nanoextraction and Ultrafast Microanalysis Based on Nanodroplet Formation in an Evaporating Ternary Liquid Microfilm

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Online Estimations of Li-ion Battery SOC and SOH Applicable to Partial Charge/Discharge

Ali Khajehoddin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ono-Kondo Lattice Model for Propane Multilayer Adsorption in Organic Nanopores in Relation to Shale Gas

Zhehui Jin, Wanying Pang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ontario Power Generation Review of Dam Safety Program, Report of the Twelfth Dam Safety Advisory Panel Meeting, Part 1.

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Ontario Power Generation Review of Dam Safety Program, Report of the Twelfth Dam Safety Advisory Panel Meeting, Part 2

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Operation Limits of the Hybrid DC/DC Modular Multilevel Converter for HVDC Grids Connections

Yasser Mohamed, Ramin Razani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Opinion: Imagining a Brighter Post-Oil Future Requires Broader Input

Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman, Sheena L Wilson, Jordan Kinder

Article in popular media

Optical and Optothermal Metamaterials: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications in Sensing and Energy Harvesting

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optical contact angle measurement considering spreading, evaporation and reactive substrate

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Aleksey Baldygin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optical Control of Selectivity of High Rate CO2 Photoreduction Via Interband- or Hot Electron Z-Scheme Reaction Pathways in Au-TiO2 Plasmonic Photonic Crystal Photocatalyst

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optical Modelling of Non-Lithographically Fabricated Photonic Crystal- and Plasmonic- Photocatalysts

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optical Properties of Anatase and Rutile Phase TiO2 Nanotubes

Master Thesis

Optimal and Systematic Design of Current Controller for Grid-Connected Inverters

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimal Coding Schemes for Detecting False Data Injection Attacks in Power System State Estimation

Hao Liang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimal Component Sizing for Peak Shaving in Battery Energy Storage System for Industrial Applications

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimal Design of Nested Current and Voltage Loops in Grid-Connected Inverters

Ali Khajehoddin, Nima Amouzegar-Ashtiani

Conference Proceedings

Optimal Design of Overhead Distribution Powerlines using Genetic Algorithms

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimal energy management of residential PV/HESS using evolutionary fuzzy control

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Optimal Policies to Promote Efficient Distributed Generation of Electricity

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimal Procurement of Distributed Energy Resources

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimal real-time scheduling of battery operation using reinforcement learning

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Optimal siting of municipal solid waste to energy conversion facilities through a GIS-based framework

Amit Kumar, Md Shahinoor Islam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimal siting of municipal solid waste-to-energy conversion facilities using a GIS-based framework.

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimization and Energy Management of Battery Energy Storage Systems in Residential and Industrial Applications

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Optimization of bacterial growth and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) yield by Methylocystis sp. Rockwell

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Hem Sharma

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimization of growth and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production from Methylocystis sp. strain Rockwell

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Marina Lazic

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimization of Methane Feed and N:C Ratio for Biomass and Polyhydroxybutyrate Production by the Alphaproteobacterial Methanotroph Methylocystis sp. Rockwell

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Hem Sharma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimization of organic photovoltaic processing parameters: Combining machine learning and experimental design

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimization of Organic Solar Cell Efficiency via Machine Learning and Design of Experiments

Arthur Mar, Jillian Mary Buriak, Bing Cao, Brian Olsen, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimization of organic solar cell processing parameters: Combining machine learning and experimental design

Jillian Mary Buriak, Bing Cao, Brian Olsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimization of reservoir operations for an oilfied in Peru

Japan J Trivedi, Yenny Carolina Arambula Becerra

Other Event

Optimization of Steam Allocation for Heavy Oil Reservoirs

Japan J Trivedi

Other Event

Optimization of Steam Injection for Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using Reinforcement Learning

Japan J Trivedi

Conference Proceedings

Optimization of steam injection in SAGD using reinforcement learning

Japan J Trivedi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimization of the Bulk Heterojunction of All–Small-Molecule Organic Photovoltaics Using Design of Experiment and Machine Learning Approaches.

Jillian Mary Buriak, Bing Cao, Brian Olsen

Article in professional or trade journals

Optimization of the steam alternating solvent process using Pareto-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

Juliana Y Leung, Israel Mayo Molina

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimization of Thermal Hydrolysis Process for Co-digestion of Fermented Primary Sludge and Waste Activated Sludge

Peijun Zhou

Master Thesis

Optimizing Bi active sites by Ce doping for boosting formate production in a wide potential window

Jingli Luo, Chenyu Xu, Mengnan Zhu, Xiaolei Wang, Pengfei Sui, Yicheng Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimizing Biochar Properties For Environmental Applications

Scott Chang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimizing High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission Corridors: Dynamic Thermal Line Rating for Enhanced Renewable Generation and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions

Petr Musilek, Greg Kish

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimizing methanotroph bioproduction through growth strategies and strain adaptation

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Kieran McDonald, Phillip Keith Sun, Catherine Tays, Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimizing methanotroph biotechnology through growth strategies

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimizing methanotroph biotechnology through growth strategies and strain adaptation.

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Kieran McDonald, Catherine Tays, Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Optimizing phase change material integration in residential building envelopes for year-round energy efficiency in cold climates

Lexuan Zhong, Jie Ren

Article in professional or trade journals

Optimizing Photovoltaic Output in a Northern Market

Andrew Leach, Brian Fleck, Tim Weis, Gloria Duran Castillo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimizing the Iodide/Iodonium/O2 Oxidation Cycle Enhances the Scope, Selectivity, and Yields of Hydroiodic Acid-Catalyzed Multicomponent Cyclocondensation Reactions

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, Orain Alberga Brown, David Scott

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Optimizing wind farm layout by addressing energy-variance trade-off: A single-objective optimization approach.

Ming J. Zuo, Longyan Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Options for conversion of by-products of pulp and paper mills in Western Canada

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Oral Presentation at the International Conference on Natural Fibers

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Oral presentation at the SPARK Conference

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Organic-Inorganic Nanohybrid Materials for Photovoltaic Applications

Karthik Shankar

Conference Proceedings

Organizational (Issue) Field Perspective on Climate Change

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Organizational emotions in online climate change debate

Conference Proceedings

Organizational Issues in Technology Transfer at Federal Laboratories

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Organizations And Sustainability: The CleanTech Revolution And Beyond

Other Event

Organizer And Moderator, Subplenary On Grand Social Challenges: Organizations And The Anthropocene

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Organizing In / For The Anthropocene: Radical And Transdisciplinary Thinking

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Origins of covalent linkages within the lignin\textendash carbohydrate network of biomass

Phillip YK Choi, Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Orthophosphate quantification in water utilizing an enzymatic reaction and a commercial glucometer test strip

Michael Serpe, Nicholas Balasuriya, Faisal Hossain

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ouzo Column under Impact: Formation of Emulsion Jet and Oil-Lubricated Droplet

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Overview of Measurement, Monitoring and Verification Program at the Aquistore CO2 Storage Site

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Overview of Research Advancement - In-Situ Heavy Oil Recovery

Japan J Trivedi

Other Event

Overview of Research Advancement in In-Situ Heavy Oil and Shale Recovery and GHG Emissions Management

Japan J Trivedi

Other Event

Overview Of The Alberta Oil Sands: Key Issues And Environmental Impacts

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Overview Of Treatment Studies On OSPW

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Overview of voltage support strategies in grid-connected VSCs under unbalanced grid faults considering LVRT and HVRT requirements

Yasser Mohamed, Shahed Mortazavian

Conference Proceedings

Oxygen Electrode Materials for Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOECs)

Amir Hanifi

Book Chapter

Ozone-activated Peroxymonosulfate (O3/PMS) Process For The Removal Of Model Naphthenic Acids Compounds: Kinetics, Reactivity, And Contribution Of Oxidative Species

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Soliu Ganiyu, Zuo Tong How

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Paleomagnetism of the Guanyang Devonian sedimentary successions in Guangxi province, South China

Yu Jeffrey Gu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Panel discussion

Mark Simpson

Other Event

Panel Discussion

Other Event

Panel discussion: Computational Tools for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Analysis and Design

Marc Secanell

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Panel Discussion: The Assault on Truth

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

Parallel Inverters using a DC Common Mode PWM Filter with an AC Differential Mode PWM Filter

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo

Conference Proceedings

Parallel Voltage Source Converters: Applications, Control and Modulation Techniques

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Parallel-Connected Voltage Source Converters With a DC Common Mode and an AC Differential Mode PWM Filter

John Salmon, Marius Takongmo, Dohitha Bandara Yapa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Paramancy: Volume 1

Mark Simpson, Jessie Beier

Other Event

Parameter Optimization of a Low Temperature Difference Gamma-Type Stirling Engine to Maximize Shaft Power

Master Thesis

Parametric Analysis for the Synthesis of Dimethyl Ether from Methanol using Catalytic Distillation

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Parametric and Nonparametric Machine Learning Techniques for Increasing Power System Reliability: A Review

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Parametric study of hydrothermal treatment of biomass to produce biofuels

Amit Kumar, Deepak Pudasainee, Ankit Mathanker

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Part 1 In A Series: UAlberta Academic Says Rebranding The Oil And Gas Industry Must Be Organic

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Partial Energy Processing Converters for High Efficiency and Full MPPT Range PV Module Integrated Converter MIC

Ali Khajehoddin


Partial Upgrading During Froth Treatment: A Possible Dream?

Arno De Klerk, Natalia Montoya Sanchez, Joao Felipe Pereira Bassane

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Participation at the Storytelling with The Moth Workshop

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Participation to Future Energy Systems Second Annual Open House

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Particle Size Determines the Shape of Supraparticles in Self-Lubricating Ternary Droplets

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Passive seismic imaging and monitoring using ambient noise body waves, CaMI

Donald Lawton, Yu Jeffrey Gu, Hersh Gilbert, Mauricio Sacchi

Research Report

Pathways to Modernity: Sculpture from Emily Carr University of Art and Design Alumnae

Other Event

Pb-saturated Biochar-Soil Interactions: Contamination Risks And Release Dynamics Of Pb

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu, Ali El-Naggar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pd 4d-orbital Overlapping Modulation on Au@Pd Nanowires for Efficient H2O2 Production

Xiaolei Wang, Zhiping Deng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Peatland folklore lent us will-o-the-wisps and jack-o-lanterns, and can inspire climate action today"

Derek Gladwin

Article in professional or trade journals

Pedagogy at the End of the World: Weird Pedagogies for Unthought Educational Futures

Jessie Beier

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Pelletization of Three Municipal Solid Waste Streams: Digestate, Source Separated Organics and Refuse Derived Fuel for Use in a Biorefinery

Vinoj Kurian, Omex Mohan, Benjamin Mauricio Martinez Castellanos

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

PEMFC Cell & Water Management (Session Chair)

Marc Secanell

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Perceptions and Practices of Flood Risk Management: A Case Study of Flood Risk Governance in High River, Alberta

Eva Bogdan

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

PerfectStorm! Feminist Renewable Energy Transition RPG

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

PerfectStorm! Feminist Renewable Energy Transition RPG

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jordan Kinder, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Other Event

Performance Analysis of the IOTA DAG-Based Distributed Ledger

Petr Musilek, Hamzeh Khazaei, Sara Ghaemi, Caixiang (Stephen) Fan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance and Emission Investigation of Hydrogen Diesel Dual Fuel Combustion

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Edward Sperling

Conference Proceedings

Performance and Stability of Infiltrated Praseodymium Nickelate Cathodes for Low-Temperature Fuel Cell Applications

Sajad Vafaeenezhad, Amir Hanifi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance Assessment of Ensemble Kalman Filter and Markov Chain Monte Carlo under Forecast Model Uncertainty

Japan J Trivedi

Conference Proceedings

Performance Evaluation of Blockchain Systems: A Systematic Survey

Petr Musilek, Hamzeh Khazaei, Sara Ghaemi, Caixiang (Stephen) Fan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance Evaluation of the RANS Models in Predicting the Pollutant Concentration Field within a Compact Urban Setting: Effects of the Source Location and Turbulent Schmidt Number

Brian Fleck, Carlos Lange

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance Loss Breakdown in Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (AEMFCs)

Marc Secanell, Jiafei Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Performance of a Modified Drive Mechanism on a Low Temperature Differential Stirling Engine

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Performance Of Constructed Floating Wetlands In A Cold Climate Waste Stabilization Pond

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Sarah Wilkinson, Muhammad Arslan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance of ensemble Kalman filter and Markov chain Monte Carlo under uncertainty in forecast model

Japan J Trivedi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance of ensemble Kalman filter and Markov chain Monte Carlo under uncertainty in forecast model

Japan J Trivedi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance of Overset Mesh in Modeling Generic Wakes for Underwater Swimming

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference Proceedings

Performance of Overset Mesh in Modelling Generic Wakes of sharp-edge bodies

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance of ST05G-CNC Stirling Engine Modified for Operation with Reduced Source Temperature

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Performance of Turbulence models in modeling pipe flow with small perturbations at a range of Reynolds numbers

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma, Mehran Masoumifar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance of Turbulence Models in Simulating Wind Loads on Photovoltaics Modules

Brian Fleck, Carlos Lange, Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance Prediction of a Range of Diverse Solid Oxide Fuel Cells using Deep Learning and Principal Component Analysis

Charles Robert Koch, Sajad Vafaeenezhad, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Mohamadali Tofigh, Zeynab Salehi

Conference Proceedings

Performing Sovereignty—S2E4

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


Permafrost Dialogues

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Permeability decline by fines migration near sand control screens in steam assisted gravity drainage: A numerical assessment

Carlos Lange, Alireza Nouri, Mahmood Salimi, Rahman Miri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Personal Fixed-Date Deposit Forecasting

Master Thesis

Perspectives of a low carbon transition for an energy economy: the case of Alberta

Lori J Thorlakson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Perspectives On Environmental Impacts And A Land Reclamation Strategy For Solar And Wind Energy Systems

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Perspectives: what the future holds for us

Phillip YK Choi, Gabriel Pereira da Costa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Petro-Mama a Retrospective: What Air Quality Meant Then and What it Means Now

Sheena L Wilson

Other Event

Petro-Matters: Plasticity, Toxicity, Lubricity

Adam Carlson

Book Chapter


Imre Szeman

Other Event

Petrocultures 2022: Transformations

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Petrocultures Guest Lecture. Generic Energetic: Contemporary Popular Genres as Tools for Transition

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Jessie Beier, Jordan Kinder

Other Event

Petrocultures: Day 1

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Petrocultures: Day 2

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Petrocultures: Day 3

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Petrocultures: Day 4

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Petrocultures: Oil, Politics, Culture

Imre Szeman, Sheena L Wilson, Adam Carlson

Edited Volume

Petrocutures: Transitions

Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman, Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Sheena L Wilson

Misc: Theory

Petrofeminism, Deep Energy Literacy & Other Feminist Futures

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Petroleum Coke As A Substratum For Biofiltration Of Oil Sands Process Water: Aerobic And Anaerobic Degradation Processes In The Filtering Bed

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Petromyopia 2: Reading Oil

Mark Simpson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Petrophysical Analysis of Unconventional Reservoirs

Yenny Carolina Arambula Becerra

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Petrophysical and Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Study of a deep hypersaline CO2 reservoir

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Noga Vaisblat

Conference Proceedings

Petrophysical Characterization of a Geothermal Reservoir near Hinton, Alberta

Nicholas B. Harris

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Petroscape Aesthetics

Adam Carlson

Book Chapter

Phages are Friends!

Miranda Darlene Stahn

Other Event

Phase Behavior, Adsorption Behavior and Interfacial Properties of Fluids in Shale Reservoirs

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Phase Evolution in Methylammonium Tin Halide Perovskites with Variable Temperature Solid-State 119Sn NMR Spectroscopy

Karthik Shankar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Michelle Ha, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy Bernard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Phase Transition Engineering of Host Perovskite toward Optimal Exsolution-facilitated Catalysts for Carbon Dioxide Electrolysis

Jingli Luo, Hongbo Zeng, Natalia Semagina, Jing Shen, Minrui Gao, Bowen Zhang, Mengnan Zhu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Phase-Disposition PWM based 2DoF-Interleaving Scheme for Minimizing High Frequency ZSCC in Modular Parallel Three-level Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Phenomenological model of a solid electrolyte NOx and O2 sensor using temperature perturbation for on-board diagnostics

Charles Robert Koch

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Photo-ops, inadequate consultation, and the soft implementation of UNDRIP

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Photocatalytic CO2 reduction driven by porous metal nanoparticles

Karthik Shankar, Saralyn Riddell, Harshitha Rajashekhar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Photocatalytic mechanism control and study of carrier dynamics in CdS@C3N5 core-shell nanowires

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Vladimir K Michaelis, Charles Jensen, Lian Shoute, Guy Bernard, Riley Hooper, Narendra Chaulagain, John Garcia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Photocatalytic Production of Hydrogen Towards Solar Fuels

Steven Bergens

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Photocatalytic Production of Hydrogen Towards Solar Fuels

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Loorthuraja Rasu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Photodegradation Of Dyes With PMMA Microlenses

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Xuehua Zhang, Qiuyun Lu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Photodegradation Of Naphthenic Acids Induced By Natural Photosensitizer In Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rui Qin, Zuo Tong How

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Photodegradation Of Naphthenic Acids Induced By Natural Photosensitizer In Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rui Qin, Zuo Tong How

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Photoelectrochemical Reduction of CO2

Karthik Shankar, Jingli Luo, Steven Bergens, Meng Li, Sheng (Shawn) Nian Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Photoelectrochemical solar cells for water oxidation and CO2 reduction

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Chao Wang, Mona Amiri

Other Event

Photoelectrochemical solar cells for water oxidation and CO2 reduction reactions

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Chao Wang, Mona Amiri

Other Event

Photoelectrochemical solar cells for water oxidation and CO2 reduction systems

Steven Bergens, Chao Wang, Mona Amiri

Other Event

Photoluminescence dynamics of functionalized two-dimensional silicon nanosheets

Jonathan GC Veinot

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Phylogenomic analysis of the gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs (order Methylococcales) calls for the reclassification of members at the genus and species levels

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Fabini Orata

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Salts Recovered from an Active CO2 Injection Well

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Stephen James Talman

Conference Proceedings

Physical features’ characterization of the water-in-mineral oil macro emulsion stabilized by a nonionic surfactant

Alireza Nouri, Arian Velayati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Physico-Chemical and Micromodel Investigation of Low-Tension Waterflooding in Tight Reservoirs

Benedicta Nwani

Master Thesis

Physico-chemical interactions within lignocellulosic biomass and their importance in developing solvent based deconstruction methods

Phillip YK Choi, Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Physicochemical hydrodynamics of droplets out of equilibrium

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Physics based in-cycle combustion model for real-time online emissions calculation on a prototype homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine

Master Thesis

Physics-Based Neural Networks for Simulation and Synthesis of Cyclic Adsorption Processes

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Zukui Li, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Physics-Informed LSTM Hyperparameters Selection for Gearbox Fault Detection

Ming J. Zuo, Meng Rao, Yuejian Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Physiological and Genetic Investigations into Putative Sulfur Oxidation Systems of Methylococcales.

Marc Waddingham

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Physiological and genomic characterization of six virulent bacteriophages of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 for biocontrol and detection applications

Beatriz Iara Cabral e Pacheco

Master Thesis

Phytoremediation Of Oil Sands Process Affected Water

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Phytoremediation Of Oil Sands Process Affected Water

Yihan Zhao

Misc: Video

Phytoremediation Of Oil Sands Process Affected Water

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Phytoremediation: The Power Of Plants To Clean Up The Environment

Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Picosecond Photoconductivity and Vibrational Mode Screening in Double-Helix SnIP

Charles Jensen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Picosecond Photophysics in Double-Helix SnIP

Charles Jensen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pierre Mertiny on Understanding Energy Transition

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

pîkopayin (It is Broken)

Sheena L Wilson

Other Event

Pipeline hydro transport of wheat straw biomass in vertical pipes

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pipeline Politics

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Pipeline Politics

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Pipeline Politics: Oil, Borders and Energy Futures

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pipelines and Territories: On Energy and Environmental Futures in Canada

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Pipelines and Territories: On Energy and Environmental Futures in Canada

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Plains Rough Fescue Grassland Restoration Using Natural Regeneration After Pipeline Disturbances

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Planar microwave resonator with electrodeposited ZnO thin film for ultraviolet detection

Karthik Shankar, Masoud Baghelani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Planet for Sale

Other Event

Planet for Sale

Other Event

Planetary gearbox dynamic modeling considering bearing clearance and sun gear tooth crack

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang, Xianhua Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Planning a low-carbon city in a high-carbon state: The case of Edmonton, Alberta

John R Parkins

Book Chapter

Planning for net-zero GHG emissions by 2050: Moving from technical feasibility assessments to actionable analysis

Luke Sperry

Master Thesis

Plant Community Development Trends On Mixed Grass Prairie Well Sites 5 Years After Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Plasmon Enhanced Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes for Nanophotonics, Non-linear Optics, and Photocatalysis

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Plasmon-Enhanced Semiconductor Photocatalysis: Using Hot Electrons to Drive Chemical Reactions

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Plasmonic Bubble Nucleation and Growth in Water: Effect of Dissolved Air

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Plasmonic Catalysis: Fundamentals, Materials, Methods And Challenges

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Plasmonic catalysts and heterojunctions for CO2 reduction and dye photodegradation

Karthik Shankar, Harshitha Rajashekhar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Plasmonic Nanobubbles in Armored Surface Nanodroplets

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Plasmonic photocatalysis and SERS sensing using ellipsometrically modeled Ag nanoisland substrates

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Saralyn Riddell

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Plasmonic photocatalysis for high selectivity CO2 photoreduction and water-splitting driven by visible photons

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Plasmonic Photocatalysis for the Generation of Solar Fuels

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Plasmonic Photonic Crystal Photocatalysts Consisting of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Decorated/Embedded with Noble Metal Nanoparticles

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Plenary talk, Southeast regional ACS meeting, Georgia, USA

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Plexcitonics – Fundamental principles and optoelectronic applications

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Plexcitons for Solar Energy Harvesting and Sensing Devices

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Polarity dependent electrowetting for directional transport of water through patterned superhydrophobic laser induced graphene fibers

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Juan Sebastian Marin Quintero, Sujit Deshmukh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Polarizing language creating gridlock in energy debate, says U of A expert, by Geoff McMaster

Article in popular media

Policy Design To Create Incentives For Land And Water Reclamation From Oil Sands Projects In Alberta

Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Policy summary and network directory

Nathan Cannataro, Lori J Thorlakson


Political Ecology, Activism, and the Petrostate: In Conversation with Laurie Adkin

Sheena L Wilson

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Poly (N-Isopropylacrylamide)-Based Microgels for Contaminant Removal from Water

Feng Gao

Master Thesis

Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide)-Based Microgel Assemblies For Ion Sensing In Aqueous Systems

Michael Serpe, Yingnan Zhang, Nicholas Balasuriya

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Co-Acrylic Acid-Based Etalon Sensors For Real-Time Environmental Monitoring

Michael Serpe, Yingnan Zhang, Qiming Shen, Feng Gao, Nicholas Balasuriya, Faisal Hossain, Md Reazul Islam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Polyacrylamide-based Hydrogel Electrolyte for Zinc-ion Batteries and Capacitors

Rujiao Ma

Master Thesis

Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Electrodes: From Fabrication, Characterization and Testing to Multi-Scale Numerical Simulation

Marc Secanell

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Polymers, patterns, and plasmons: Localized chemistry on silicon

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Polymers, Plasmons, and Patterns

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Polynomial-Chaos-Expansion Based Metamodel for Computationally Efficient Data Assimilation in Closed-Loop Reservoir Management

Japan J Trivedi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pore Size Distribution of Unconventional Rocks with Dual-Wet Pore Network: A Sequential Spontaneous and Forced Imbibition Technique

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin

Conference Proceedings

Pore-scale Dynamics of CO2 storage and Utilization using Microfluidics

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pore-scale Dynamics of Salt Precipitation using Microfluidics

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pore-scale Observations of Salt Precipitation using Microfluidics

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Porous supraparticle assembly through self-lubricating evaporating colloidal ouzo drops

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Positron-emitting tracers spatially resolve unexpected biogeochemical relationships linked with methane oxidation in Arctic soils

Lisa Stein

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Possible Implications of Federal Control over First Nations Oil and Gas

Laurel E Wheeler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Post finishing techniques to improve the functionality of 3D printed parts

Master Thesis

Post-Eocene kinematics of faults that host potential geothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Post-Eocene kinematics of faults that host thermal springs and potential geothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Poster for the 2nd Annual FES Open House

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Other Event

Poster Presentation at the 2018 Future Energy Systems Research Symposium

David C. Bressler, Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Poster Presentation at the Future Energy Systems Open House

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Other Event

Poster presentation at the Future Energy Systems Poster Session

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Potassium Hydride-mediated Hydrodesulfurization Catalyzed by Cobalt

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Potassium-aided processes for sulfur removal from bitumen

Natalia Semagina, Nikhil Melinamani

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Potential biorefinery sites based on agricultural residues in Alberta: A GIS-based approach with feedstock variability

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson, Grant K Hauer, Claire Doll, Yanan Zheng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Potential biorefinery sites based on agricultural residues in Alberta: A GIS-based approach with feedstock variability

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson, Grant K Hauer, Claire Doll, Yanan Zheng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Potential Development of a Second-Generation Ethanol Industry in Alberta: Product Prices, Land Use Change, and Co-production Opportunities

Claire Doll

Master Thesis

Potential Ethanol Biorefinery Sites in Alberta Based on Agricultural Residues

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer, Claire Doll, Yanan Zheng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Potential for energy efficiency improvement and greenhouse gas mitigation from Canada’s iron and steel industry

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Potential for Partial Upgrading by Thermal Treatment of Bitumen Froth

Arno De Klerk, Joao Felipe Pereira Bassane

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Potential Of Macrophytes For Wastewater Remediation With Constructed Floating Wetlands In Cold Climates

M Anne Naeth, Sarah Wilkinson, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Potential Of Nano Humus For Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Potential Release Of Oil Sands Tailings Water On The Environment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Potential Supplies of Fuel‐Grade Canola Oil for Low‐Carbon Fuel Production in Alberta, Canada: GIS Analysis Using an Improved Service‐Area Approach

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Poultry Feather Keratin Derived Biopolymers

Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad, Irum Zahara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Power and Data Transmission Technique for Oil Industry Sensors

Fabiano Domingos

Other Event

Power and protocol: Indigenous oral histories and geothermal energy development

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Power Conversion Techniques Using Dual Inverter Structures

Chatumal Perera

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Power Converters Topological Transformation Using Dual and Isomorphic Principles

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Power Demand in the Time of COVID

Andrew Leach, Blake Shaffer

Research Report

Power Electronics for Smart Electrical Grid Interface

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Power Quality Control in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Power Quality Control in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Power Quality Control of Smart Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids: An Overview

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Power Quality Enhancement of Remote Gas Field Generations with Smart Power Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Power Relations and the Energy Transition: A Critical Review on Discourses, Ideologies and Perspectives for Sustainable Geothermal Energy Development in Valemount, British Columbia

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Power Relations and the Energy Transition: A Critical Review on Discourses, Ideologies and Perspectives for Sustainable Geothermal Energy Development in Valemount, British Columbia

Conference Proceedings

Power Shift

Mark Simpson, Natalie Loveless, Vicki Kwon

Research-Specific Short Film

Power Shift: Energy Transition and Energy Futurity

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Power your house with your car

Mohammad Hossein Babaei

Other Event

Power your house with your car

Mohammad Hossein Babaei

Other Event

Powered Up

Sheena L Wilson

Article in popular media

Powering Alberta’s Energy Future Panel

M Anne Naeth, John R Parkins, Steven Bergens, Maggie Cascadden

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Powering Batteryless Embedded Platforms by Piezoelectric Transducers: A Pilot Study

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Practical Considerations in the Design of Distribution State Estimation Techniques

Omid Ardakanian, Moosa Moghimi Haji

Conference Proceedings

Practically Achievable Process Performance Limits for Pressure-Vacuum Swing Adsorption Based Post-Combustion CO2 Capture

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Kasturi Nagesh Pai

Conference Proceedings

Practically Achievable Process Performance Limits for Pressure-Vacuum Swing Adsorption-Based Postcombustion CO2 Capture

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Kasturi Nagesh Pai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Precambrian tectonic discontinuities in western Laurentia: Broadband seismological perspectives on the Snowbird and Great Falls tectonic zones

Yu Jeffrey Gu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Predicting Free Energies of Exfoliation and Solvation for Graphitic Carbon Nitrides Using Machine Learning

Karthik Shankar, Tian Tang, Narendra Chaulagain

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Predicting Impact Outcomes and Maximum Spreading of Drop Impact on Heated Nanostructures Using Machine Learning

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Predicting noncentrosymmetric quaternary tellurides using machine learning

Arthur Mar, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk, Balaranjan Selvaratnam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Predicting the biomass conversion performance in a fluidized bed reactor using an isoconversional model-free method

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Predicting thermoelectric figures-of-merit for half-Heusler compounds using machine learning

Arthur Mar, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Volodymyr Gvozdetskyi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Predicting Weather-related Power Outages in Distribution Grid

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Prediction of MOF performance in Vacuum-Swing Adsorption systems for post-combustion CO2 capture based on integrated molecular simulation, process optimizations, and machine learning models

Arvind Rajendran, Kasturi Nagesh Pai, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Prediction of Novel Compounds and Rapid Property Screening through a Machine Learning Approach

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Other Event

Prediction of the frictional behaviour for pipeline hydro transportation of agricultural residue using a neural network model

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Omex Mohan

Other Event


Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

Preferentially Oriented TiO2 Nanotube Arrays on Non-Native Substrates and Their Improved Performance as Electron Transporting Layer in Halide Perovskite Solar Cells

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Saralyn Riddell

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Preferentially Oriented Zn-Doped TiO2 Nanotubes Grown on Non-Native Substrates

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Preliminary Design of a Hollow Displacer for a Low Temperature Difference Stirling Engine

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Preliminary development of a pseudo-3D MT inversion using deep learning and its application to the Mount Meager geothermal area, British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Preliminary experimental study of methane decarbonization using a laminar premixed flame

Jason Scott Olfert, Larry William Kostiuk

Conference Proceedings

Preliminary Model Validation For A Gamma Type Stirling Engine

David S. Nobes

Conference Proceedings

Preliminary Screening and Formulation of New Generation Nanoparticles for Stable Pickering Emulsion in Cold and Hot Heavy-Oil Recovery

Nobuo Maeda

Article in professional or trade journals

Preliminary seismic hazard analysis from wastewater disposal-induced seismicity near the Musreau Lake, Alberta

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang, Tianyang Li

Conference Proceedings

Preliminary Work by the Dam Integrity Advisory Committee Towards Thinking Clearly and Communicating Effectively About Risk

Conference Proceedings

Preparation And Characterization Of Biochar From Sewage Sludge

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Preparation And Characterization Of Biochar From Sewage Sludge For Organic Matters Removal In Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Preparation and Properties of Amphiphilic Photoluminescent Silicon Nanocrystals

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Preparation of Enzyme-Silicon Nanocrystal Hybrids Through the Amide Coupling and Thiol-Ene Reactions

Jonathan GC Veinot

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Prescriptive Grid-Tied Inverter Control

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Presentation delivered to the Future Energy Systems theme leaders meeting

Amit Kumar, Evan G R Davies

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Presentation of research results

John R Parkins, Sara Chitsaz

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Presentation on Solar Energy and Solar Fuel

Steven Bergens

Other Event

Presentation to Imperial Oil - Review of SETAC EU Presentation

Maricor Jane Arlos

Other Event

Presentation to UofA Senate Plenary Meeting

Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Other Event

Price Considerations for a Second-Generation Biofuel Industry in Canada

Curtis John McKnight

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Price Relationships and Feedstock Supply for a Second-Generation Ethanol Industry in Canada

Curtis John McKnight

Master Thesis

Price Transmission in Petroleum Markets and Potential Feedstock Supply for Low-carbon Fuel Production: Implications for Emerging Energy Sources

Master Thesis

Prices for a second‐generation biofuel industry in Canada: Market linkages between Canadian wheat and US energy and agricultural commodities

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer, Curtis John McKnight

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Pricing Patterns in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Unilateral Market Power or Coordinated Behavior?

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pricing Patterns in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Unilateral Market Power or Coordinated Behavior?

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Pricing Patterns in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Unilateral Market Power or Coordinated Behavior?

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pricing Patterns in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Unilateral Market Power or Coordinated Behavior?

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Conference Proceedings

Primary submicron particles from early stage asphaltene precipitation revealed in situ by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy in a model oil system

Xiaoli Tan, Xuehua Zhang, Jia Meng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Print Out of Times

Other Event

Printed concave-like slot for bandwidth enhancement of inset-fed patch antenna on metallic surfaces

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Pristine And Engineered Biochar For The Removal Of Contaminants Co-Existing In Several Types Of Industrial Wastewaters: A Critical Review

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Scott Chang, Selamawit Messele, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Chelsea Benally, Christopher Nzediegwu, Deborah Crominski da Silva Medeiros

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article


Other Event

Probe sonication-assisted rapid synthesis of highly fluorescent sulfur quantum dots

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Narendra Chaulagain

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Probing molecular interactions between humic acid and surface-grafted polyacrylamide using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation and atomic force microscopy: implications for environmental remediation

Hongbo Zeng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Probing Molecular Interactions of Bitumen-coated Mineral Solids in Organic Solvents

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng, Jing Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Probing the Coalescence Mechanism of Water Droplet and Oil/Water Interface in Demulsification Process under DC Electric Field

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun

Article in professional or trade journals

Probing the Effect of Salt on Asphaltene Aggregation in Aqueous Solutions Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Probing the Effect of Salt on Asphaltene Aggregation in Aqueous Solutions Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Probing the In-Situ Redox Behavior of Selenium on Pyrite Surface by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy

Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie, Sijia Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Probing the Interaction Mechanism between Air Bubbles and Bitumen Surfaces in Aqueous Media Using Bubble Probe Atomic Force Microscopy

Qi Liu, Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Probing the Interaction Mechanism between Oil Droplets with Asphaltenes and Solid Surfaces Using AFM

Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie, Ling Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Probing the interactions between Pickering emulsion droplets stabilized with pH-responsive nanoparticles

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao, Lei Xie, Hao Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Probing the interactions between Pickering emulsion droplets with pH-responsive nanoparticles

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Probing the Interactions of Emulsions, Bubbles and Fine Solids in Complex Fluids and Confined Space

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Probing the Interfacial Behaviors of Interfacially Active and Non-Active Asphaltenes and Their Impact on Emulsion Stability

Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao, Hao Zhang

Article in professional or trade journals

Probing the Interfacial Forces and Surface Interaction Mechanisms in Petroleum Production Processes

Hongbo Zeng, Xuwen Peng, Hao Zhang, Tao Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Probing the Surface Forces between Air Bubbles and Bitumen via Direct Force Measurements: Effects of Aqueous Chemistry

Qi Liu, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao, Lei Xie, Hao Zhang, Tao Wang

Article in professional or trade journals

Probing the Surface Forces in Bitumen Extraction using a Bubble Probe AFM

Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


David S. Nobes, Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Process Optimization-Based Screening of Zeolites for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture by Vacuum Swing Adsorption

Arvind Rajendran, Vishal Subramanian Balashankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Processing and Combining Electromagnetic Datasets at the M’Deek Geothermal Field

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Procurement auctions for regulated retail service contracts in restructured electricity markets

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Producing Green Hydrogen through Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis using Low Loading Iridium-Nickel Catalysts

Eric Beaulieu

Other Event

Production and detection of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in the alphaproteobacterial methanotroph Methylocystis sp. Rockwell

Marina Lazic

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Production Conditions Affect Hydrochar’s Value As Solid Fuels

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Christopher Nzediegwu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Production engine emission sensor modeling for in-use measurement and on-board diagnostics

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Production engine emission sensor modeling for in-use measurement and on-board diagnostics

Charles Robert Koch

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by Pseudomonas putida KT2440 from lignin and glycerol

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by Pseudomonas putida KT2440 from lignin and glycerol

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Production of Renewable Diesel from Lignocellulosic biomass through Fast pyrolysis and Hydroprocessing Technology

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Production of renewable diesel from woody biomass and agricultural residue: a techno-economic analysis comparative study

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Production of Renewable Jet Fuels

David C. Bressler, Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Production of Renewable Jet Fuels

David C. Bressler, Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Profiled with 29 other women engineers in to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Montreal Massacre

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Prognostics and Maintenance Optimization for Wind Energy Systems

Fang Fang Ding

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Prognostics of rolling element bearings with the combination of Paris law and reliability method

Ming J. Zuo

Conference Proceedings

Progress In Biochar And Hydrochar Syntheses For Soil And Water Remediation

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Aman Ullah, Jin-Hyeob Kwak, Siyuan Wang, Md Shahinoor Islam, Na Chen, Huile Gu, Christopher Nzediegwu, Yadi Tang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Progress on Optimization of Steam-Solvent Thermal Process for Efficient In-Situ Recovery and Reducing GHG Emissions

Japan J Trivedi, Juliana Y Leung, Ian Gates

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Progress towards catalyzing electro-methanogenesis in anaerobic digestion process: Fundamentals, process optimization, design and scale-up considerations

Bipro Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Project planning with ECCC and JGCRI

Evan G R Davies, Leon Clarke, Nick Macaluso

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Projections of cost of ownership; GHG intensity; and market share of vehicles in the passenger and freight transportation sectors.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Promoting Diversity In STEM

Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Propane−Bitumen Interactions during Cyclic Solvent Injection―A 2 Cold Lake Case Study

Saman Mohammadi

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Properties of carbon black produced by the thermal decomposition of methane in the products of premixed flames

Jason Scott Olfert, Larry William Kostiuk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Properties of carbon particles generated by methane decarbonization in oxygen deficient gas streams

Jason Scott Olfert, Larry William Kostiuk

Conference Proceedings

Prospects for second-generation ethanol in Canada

Marty K Luckert

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Prospects of renewable natural gas in North America: A review of feedstock availability, conversion technology, economic viability and emissions reduction potential.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Protecting Worker Safety in Alberta by Enhancing Hazard Identification and Control for Hazards Associated with Tailings Facilities, Dams, and Systems

Master Thesis

Protecting workers exposed to ground hazards through enhanced Field Level Hazard Assessment tools

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Protecting workers exposed to ground hazards through enhanced hazard identification and management tools

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Protection Strategy Impact on the Interaction Between Converters

Master Thesis

Prototypes for Possible Worlds Exhibition

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Edited Volume

Prototypes for Possible Worlds Exhibition

Mark Simpson, Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier

Other Event

Provincial Energy Market Profiles

Research Report

Provincial modelling in GCAM-Canada

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted, Osama Younis, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pulse-width Modulated Switched Resonator Converter Having Continuous Buck Gain

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Pulsed Laser Deposition of 2D materials and Complex Perovskites

Master Thesis

Pulsed Laser Deposition of Novel Perovskite Thin Films for Advanced Electrochemical Systems

Viola Birss, Manisha Gupta, Dipanjan Nandi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pumice-Zno Floating Catalyst For Solar-Activated Photocatalytic Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu, Monsuru Suara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pump and Circumstance: The Nuns’ Island Gas Station as a Transitional Object

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Pushing the boundaries of OPV optimization: a Design of experiments and machine learning treatment of the high-efficiency PM6:BTP-4Cl system

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen, Tate Hauger

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

PWM and Control Strategies for AC-DC Matrix Converters

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

PWM Control of a Dual Inverter Drive X using a Floating Capacitor Inverter

John Salmon, Greg Kish, Chatumal Perera

Conference Proceedings

Pyrolytic activation of cellulose: energetics and condensed phase effects

Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Q-Learning Algorithm for Energy management in Solar Powered Embedded Monitoring Systems

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Quantification of convective and diffusive transport during CO2 dissolution in oil: A numerical and analytical study

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mohammad Hossein Doranehgard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Quantification of Sor Reduction during Polymer Flooding Using Extensional Capillary Number

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Quantification of the viscoelastic effects during polymer flooding: a critical review

Japan J Trivedi, Madhar Azad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Quantifying Hydrophobic Interaction and the Correlation to Surface Wettability

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Quantifying Oil-Recovery Mechanisms during Natural-Gas Huff ‘n’ Puff Experiments on Ultratight Core Plugs

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin, Son Thai Tran, Mohammad Hossein Doranehgard, Sara Eghbali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Quantifying Oil-Recovery Mechanisms during Natural-Gas Huff ‘n’ Puff Experiments on Ultratight Core Plugs

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin, Son Thai Tran, Mohammad Hossein Doranehgard, Sara Eghbali

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Quantifying uncertainty in life cycle assessments of transportation fuels

Amit Kumar, Hao Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Quantile Regression and Clustering Models of Prediction Intervals for Weather Forecasts: A Comparative Study

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Quantitative Assessment of GHG and Water Footprints for Energy Scenarios.

Amit Kumar, Ankit Gupta, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Quantitative Tracking of Organic Cathode Materials Performance Decay via Transmission IR Spectroscopy

Nicholas Kissoon

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Quarternary Rare-earth Transition-Metal Germanides: RE4M2CdGe4 and RE4M2AgGe4 (RE=La-SM, Gd-Lu, M=Mn-Ni)

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Dong Zhang, Ashwin K. Iyer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Quaternary rare-earth oxyselenides RE4Ga2Se7O2 (RE = Pr, Nd) with trigonal bipyramidal GaSe5 units: Evaluation of optical, thermoelectric, and electrocatalytic properties

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Mohammad Jomaa, Louis Guérin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Quaternary rare-earth sulfides RE3M0.5M'S7 (M = Zn, Cd; M' = Si, Ge)

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Manon Heyberger

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Quaternary Rare-Earth Transition-Metal Germanides RE4M2CdGe4 and RE4M2AgGe4 (RE = La–Sm, Gd–Tm, Lu; M = Mn–Ni)

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Dong Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Quaternary rare-earth transition-metal phosphides RE5M3Ni16P12 (M = Zr, Hf)

Arthur Mar, Arkadii Pominov

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Quenched Polyampholyte Hydrogels for Low-Temperature Energy Storage and Energy-Saving Smart Window Applications

Hyun-Joong Chung

Conference Proceedings

Quitting (the) Habit: Fossil Fuels, Governmentality and the Politics of Energy Dependency

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Quitting (the) Habit: Fossil Fuels, Governmentality and the Politics of Energy Dependency

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Racial Capitalism in Canada: Lessons for the Environmental Justice Movement

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Racial Capitalism, Multiple Colonialisms and the (post-)Fossil Frontier: Green New Deals, Green Passive Revolution (and Fascism Redux)

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Radial Nano-Heterojunctions Consisting of CdS Nanorods Wrapped by 2D CN:PDI Polymer with Deep HOMO for Photo-Oxidative Water Splitting, Dye Degradation and Alcohol Oxidation

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Randall Noskiye of Bigstone Cree Nation, Environment Officer for the Bigstone Lands Office on the Impact of Industry on Treaty Land Rights

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Rap Session Co-chair, and Track Chair Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) 2020

Ali Khajehoddin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Rap Session Co-chair, and Track Chair Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) 2024

Ali Khajehoddin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Rapid Prototyping in the Application to the Dynamic Surface Tension Measurements.

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Juan Sebastian Marin Quintero, Aleksey Baldygin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Rare earth gallium oxyselenides with unprecedented GaSe5 units as potential optical and thermoelectric materials

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Mohammad Jomaa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Rare-earth indium selenides RE3InSe6 (RE = La-Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb): Structural evolution from tetrahedral to octahedral sites

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Rare-earth transition-metal oxychalcogenides

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Rare-earth transition-metal oxyselenides

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Rare-earth transition-metal oxyselenides

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Rare-earth-containing chalohalides and intermetallics

Dundappa Mumbaraddi

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Rare-Earth-Containing Selenides and Oxyselenides

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Ratiometric Detection of Nerve Agents by Coupling Complementary Properties of Silicon-Based Quantum Dots and Green Fluorescent Protein

Jonathan GC Veinot, Al Meldrum, Haoyang Yu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ratiometric Detection of Nerve Agents Using Silicon-Based Quantum Dots and Green Fluorescent Protein

Jonathan GC Veinot

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Raw biomass slurry flow in an inclined pipeline for its transport over a long distance to a biorefinery

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Real Talk Ryan Jespersen Podcast, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2023-03-28

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Real-time battery optimal operation with neural networks, Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2021)

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Real-time Control of HCCI Engine Using Model Predictive Control

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

Real-Time Production Optimization of Steam-Assisted-Gravity-Drainage Reservoirs Using Adaptive and Gain-Scheduled Model-Predictive Control: An Application to a Field Model

Japan J Trivedi, Vinay Prasad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Real-time steam allocation workflow using machine learning for digital heavy oil reservoirs

Japan J Trivedi, Ian Gates

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Real-Time Steam Allocation Workflow Using Machine Learning for Digital Heavy Oil Reservoirs

Japan J Trivedi, Ian Gates

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Realizing high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries via rational design and engineering strategies

Xiaolei Wang, Ge Li, Wenjing Deng, Jason Lam Phung

Article in professional or trade journals

Realtime Machine Learning based In-Cycle Control of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition

David Carl Gordon

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Recent Advances And Future Perspective On Nanocellulose-based Materials In Diverse Water Treatment Applications

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yaman Boluk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Recent Advances in Bubble-based Technologies: Underlying Interaction Mechanisms and Applications

Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao, Xuwen Peng, Lei Xie, Hao Zhang, Tao Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Recent Advances in Hydrophobic Interactions and Surface Wettability

Hongbo Zeng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Recent Advances in the Quantification and Modulation of Hydrophobic Interactions for Interfacial Applications

Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Recent advances in understanding dendrite growth on alkali metal anodes

Zhehui Jin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Recent earthquakes induced by wastewater near Musreau Lake, Alberta

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang, Tianyang Li

Conference Proceedings

Recent Progress in Cathode Material Design for CO2 Electrolysis: From Room Temperature to Elevated Temperatures

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Pengfei Sui, Yicheng Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Reclaimed Resilient Land And Water Systems – Land

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Tariq Siddique, Vic Adamowicz, Scott Chang, Yaman Boluk, Aman Ullah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reclaimed Resilient Land And Water Systems – Success Indicators

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Tariq Siddique, Vic Adamowicz, Scott Chang, Yaman Boluk, Aman Ullah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reclaimed Resilient Land And Water Systems – Water

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Tariq Siddique, Vic Adamowicz, Scott Chang, Yaman Boluk, Aman Ullah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reclamation Materials From An Oil And Gas Industry As Adsorbents Of Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process Water: Preliminary Experiments

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Deborah Crominski da Silva Medeiros

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reclamation Of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils Using Soil Amendments And Native Plant Species

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Reclamation Success

Other Event

Reclamation Success Indicators, Criteria And Policy For Energy Systems

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Vic Adamowicz, Scott Chang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Recomposing the Deaths of the Anthropocene

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reconciling seismic structures and Late Cretaceous kimberlite magmatism in northern Alberta, Canada

Yu Jeffrey Gu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Reconsideration of Grid-Friendly Low-Order Filter Enabled by Parallel Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Reconsidering X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Quantification of Substitution Levels of Monolayers on Unoxidized Silicon Surfaces

Jillian Mary Buriak

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Recovery of Cyclohexane from Oil Sands Gangue Using Microwave: Influence of Fine Particles

Tasneem Hussein

Master Thesis

Recovery Of Native Dry Mixed Grass Prairie Well Sites 15 Years After Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Sarah Wilkinson, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Recovery Of Plains Rough Fescue Grassland On Reclaimed Well Sites

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Recovery of the upper crustal structures from forward modeling and inversions of receiver functions

Yu Jeffrey Gu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Recovery of viscoelastic turbulent pipeflow past square bar roughness

Arman Hemmati, Shubham Goswami

Conference Proceedings

Recycling of lithium iron phosphate batteries: Status, technologies, challenges, and prospects

Daniel Scott Alessi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Redox Flow Batteries: How to Determine Electrochemical Kinetic Parameters

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Article in professional or trade journals

Reduced-Order Controllers Using Integrated Controller-Plant Dynamics Approach for Grid-Connected Inverters

Ali Khajehoddin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Reduced-order modelling of Pressure-swing adsorption processes for Pre-combustion CO2 capture

Arvind Rajendran, Vinay Prasad, Zukui Li, Kasturi Nagesh Pai, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reducing PEM Water Electrolysis Anode Catalyst Layer Loading: Impact of Layer Conductivity and Activity

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal, Michael Moore, Himanshi Dhawan, Eric Beaulieu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reducing Power Flow Simulation Cost Using Universal Function Approximators

Master Thesis

Reduction of Common-Mode Voltage and NP Voltage Oscillation for Three-Level Vienna Rectifiers Using Alternative Phase Opposition Disposition PWM

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Bowei Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the bioconversion of methane from Albertan industrial sectors.

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reflections on Collaboration as Performance and the Performance of Collaboration in an Age of COVID and Climate Crisis

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Article in professional or trade journals

Reflections on Puzzling Through a Massive Media Project

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Regeneration of cavitation nuclei

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Regional evaluation of the geothermal potential in the Cardium Formation in Alberta

Bennett Braun

Bachelor Thesis

Regional Groundwater Modeling Approaches

Richard John Chalaturnyk

Other Event

Regional-scale resistivity structure of the middle and lower crust and uppermost mantle beneath the southeastern Canadian Cordillera and insights into its causes

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Regioselective Synthesis of Hydrazines and Heterocycles by Catalytic and Electrochemical N–N Bond Formation

Master Thesis

Reinforcement Learning based Distributed BESS Management for Mitigating Overvoltage Issues in Systems with High PV Penetration

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Reinforcement learning for smart charging of electric buses in smart grid

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Conference Proceedings

Reinforcement Learning-Driven Local Transactive Energy Market for Distributed Energy Resources,

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Relating Local Climatic Zones and UHI Mapping to predict changes in local thermal environment

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara, Sandeep Budde

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Relational energy literacy: Sustainability education in the symbiocene

Derek Gladwin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reliability and Quality Management In Stochastic Systems

Ming J. Zuo

Book Chapter

Reliability, PHM, and Challenges

Ming J. Zuo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reliability, PHM, and Machine Learning

Ming J. Zuo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reliability-as-a-Service Usage of Electric Vehicles: Suitability Analysis for Different Types of Buildings

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Remaking Worth: A Process Study of Transformation of Institutional Logics

Joel Gehman, Bandita Deka Kalita

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Remarkable CO2 photoreduction and photoelectrochemical water-splitting performance using narrow bandgap carbon-rich carbon nitride nanosheets

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Harshitha Rajashekhar, Narendra Chaulagain, Navneet Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Remediation Of Dissolved Organics In Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) By Electrooxidation Using Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Remediation Of Heavy Metals From Oil Sands Process Water Using Canola Straw Biochar

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang, Abhijeet Pathy

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Remediation Of Heavy Metals Using A Carbon Based Material

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Remediation Of Organic And Inorganic Constituent Of Oil Sands Process Water By Boron-Doped Diamond (BDD) Electrolysis Treatment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Remediation Of Trace Metals In Oil Sands Process Water Using Nano Humus

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Removal Of Divalent Cations And Oxyanions By Keratin-Dervied Sorbents: Influence Of Process Parameters And Mechanistic Studies

Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Irum Zahara, Muhammad Faisal Irfan, Muhammad Zubair

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Removal of fine solids from bitumen by hetero-aggregation and magnetic separation using surface-modified magnetite nanoparticles. Part I: Proof of concept.

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng, Xuyang Liu, Kaipeng Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Removal of fine solids from bitumen by hetero-aggregation and magnetic separation using surface-modified magnetite nanoparticles. Part II: role of surface modification

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng, Tony Yeung, Xuyang Liu, Kaipeng Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Removal of Fine Solids from Bitumen by Polymer Flocculants during Non-aqueous Extraction of Oil Sands

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng, Jing Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Removal of hydrophobic bitumen-coated fine solids from bitumen using water droplets with amphiphilic chemicals during non-aqueous extraction of oil sands

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng, Camila Santander, Jing Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Removal of hydrophobic bitumen-coated fine solids from NAE bitumen using guar gum

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng, Camila Santander

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Removal of hydrophobic bitumen-coated fine solids from NAE bitumen using water droplets with modified interfacial chemistry and bio-inspired polymers

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Hongbo Zeng, Jing Liu

Other Event

Removal Of Per- And Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (Pfass) By Wetlands: Prospects On Plants, Microbes And The Interplay

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Removing Fine Solids from Oil through Water-assisted Flocculation using Biomolecules Extracted from Guar Beans

Camila Santander

Master Thesis

Renewable Biopolymers: A Step Towards Sustainable Circular Economy

Aman Ullah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Renewable Energies presentation and hands-on photoelectrochemistry experiment

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Loorthuraja Rasu, Emily Majaesic

Other Event

Renewable Energies presentation and hands-on photoelectrochemistry experiment

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri

Other Event

Renewable Energies presentation and hands-on photoelectrochemistry experiment

Steven Bergens, Mona Amiri, Loorthuraja Rasu, Emily Majaesic

Other Event

Renewable Energy and Electricity Markets

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Renewable energy transition under multiple colonialisms: Passive revolution, fascism redux and utopian praxes

Sourayan Mookerjea

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Renewable Materials From Poultry Byproducts

Aman Ullah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Renewable natural gas (RNG) production through various production processes

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Other Event

Renewable Power Generation by Reverse Electrodialysis Using an Ion Exchange Membrane

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Renewable-Energy-Driven Future: Technologies, Applications, Sustainability and Policies

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Book Chapter

Reputation-Based Fair Power Allocation to Plug-in Electric Vehicles in the Smart Grid

Omid Ardakanian, Moosa Moghimi Haji, Abdullah Al Zishan

Conference Proceedings

Research and Creation: Socially-engaged art in The City of Richgate Project

Book Chapter

Research Archive: "iDoc: Speculating on Future Energy Systems"

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Research Archive: "Just Powers: Climate Change and Social Justice"

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Research Archive: "Petrofeminism, Deep Energy Literacy & Other Feminist Futures"

Sheena L Wilson, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Research Archive: "The Power of Art to Influence Social Change"

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Research Archive: 2018 Future Energy Systems Research Symposium

Sheena L Wilson, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ariel Kroon, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Research Archive: Fogo Process Discussion Roundtable

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Research Archive: Future Energy Systems Student Event

Sheena L Wilson, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Research Archive: Leader de demain, au féminin!

Sheena L Wilson, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Research Archive: Rhys Williams Talk, “Generic Energetic: Contemporary Popular Genres as Tools for Transition”

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Research Archive: Talk + Book Release: Matt Hern (and Am Johal), "Global Warming and the Sweetness of Life"

Sheena L Wilson, Ariel Kroon, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research Report

Research Collaboration Meeting with NRCan

Japan J Trivedi, Raj Gupta

Other Event

Research-Creation and Institutional Form

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Research-Creation, Sound Studies, & Music Pedagogy

Jessie Beier

Other Event

Researchers Are Refining Recipes For Biochar That Benefits Industry And The Environment

M Anne Naeth, Scott Chang

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Researching hydrothermal treatment of bitumen froth: A three phase system challenge

Arno De Klerk, Natalia Montoya Sanchez

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reservoir management and advanced optimization for thermal and thermal-solvent based in-situ recovery processes - Joint Workshop

Japan J Trivedi, Juliana Y Leung, Ian Gates

Other Event

Reservoir Management and Advanced Optimization for Thermal and Thermal-Solvent based Recovery Processes using Scaled Models and Machine Learning - Current Status

Japan J Trivedi, Juliana Y Leung, Ian Gates

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Residential Electricity Pricing in Texas's Competitive Retail Market

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Resilience Enhancement Strategies for and Through Electric Vehicles, Sustainable Cities and Society

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Resilience Optimization of Power Grid under Extreme Weather Conditions

Ming J. Zuo, Sathishkumar Nachimuthu

Misc: Poster Presentation

Resilient Climate Implementation: Weathering Political Shocks

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Resilient Reclaimed Land And Water Systems

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Tariq Siddique, Vic Adamowicz, Scott Chang, Yaman Boluk, Aman Ullah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Resilient Reclaimed Land And Water Systems

M Anne Naeth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Resilient Reclaimed Land And Water Systems

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Resilient Reclaimed Land And Water Systems Workshop

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Tariq Siddique, Vic Adamowicz, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Sarah Wilkinson, Scott Chang, Yaman Boluk, Aman Ullah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Resisting Petrofeminisms: Toward More Just Feminist Futures

Sheena L Wilson

Other Event

Resistivity Models of Southwestern Canada: New insights into lithospheric structure, magma bodies, and geothermal systems

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Resistivity structure of the middle and lower crust and uppermost mantle beneath the southeast Canadian Cordillera

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Resource Assessment of Geothermal Reservoir in Western Alberta and Evaluation of Utilization Options Using Non-Renewable Energy Displacement

Master Thesis

Respondent, Alberta Summit: Mobilizing Intersectional Action on Climate Change and Health

Sheena L Wilson

Other Event

Response and recovery of turbulent pipeflow past square bar roughness elements

Shubham Goswami

Master Thesis

Response characteristics of an amperometric NOx-O2 sensor at non diffusion-rate-determining conditions

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

Response Of Three Native Grass Species On Dry Tailings Reclamation Substrate Amended With Petroleum Coke

M Anne Naeth, Amalesh Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Response of turbulent pipe flow to targeted wall shapes at a range of Reynolds numbers

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma, Mehran Masoumifar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Response of turbulent pipeflow to multiple square bar roughness elements at high Reynolds number

Arman Hemmati, Shubham Goswami

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Response of Viscoelastic Turbulent Pipeflow Past Square Bar Roughness: The Effect on Mean Flow

Arman Hemmati, Shubham Goswami

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Response: Rancho Seco Recreational Park (California)

Mark Simpson

Misc: Respondent to conference presentation

Retail Rate Design in the Face of Growing Distributed Energy Resources

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Rethinking Petrocultures, War, and Democracy Through Theological Lenses

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Retrofitting abandoned petroleum wells as doublet deep borehole heat exchangers for geothermal energy production—a numerical investigation Renewable Energy

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Retrofitting coal-fired power plants with biomass co-firing and CCS for net zero carbon emission: A plant-by-plant assessment based on GIS-LCA framework

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Revealing hidden patterns through chemical intuition and interpretable machine learning: A case study of binary rare-earth intermetallics RX

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Volodymyr Gvozdetskyi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Revealing hidden patterns through chemical intuition and interpretable machine learning: A case study of binary rare-earth intermetallics RX

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Volodymyr Gvozdetskyi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Revealing the Local Sn and Pb Arrangements in CsSnxPb1–xBr3 Perovskites with Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy

Arthur Mar, Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy Bernard, Amit Bhattacharya

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Reverse Transcription Lesion-Induced DNA Amplification: An Instrument-Free Isothermal Method to Detect RNA

Juli Gibbs, Yuning Liu, Safeenaz Alladin-Mustan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Reversible Zinc Powder Anode via Crystal Facet Engineering

Hao Zhang, Xiaolei Wang, Ge Li, Zhixiao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Review of Karen Pinkus, Fuel

Imre Szeman

Misc: Book Review

Review of _Transportation and the Culture of Climate Change_

Mark Simpson

Misc: Book Review

Review On Carbon-Based Adsorbents From Organic Feedstocks For Removal Of Organic Contaminants From Oil And Gas Industry Process Water: Production, Adsorption Performance And Research Gaps

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Chelsea Benally, Deborah Crominski da Silva Medeiros

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Revisiting Methane Absolute Adsorption in Organic Nanopores from Molecular Simulation and Ono-Kondo Lattice Model

Zhehui Jin, Wanying Pang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Revisiting Self-cycling Fermentation – New Characterization, Scheme, and Application

Yusheng Tan

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Revisiting the classification of spinels through machine learning

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Balaranjan Selvaratnam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Reynolds number effects on the wake structures of pitching panels of small aspect ratio

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

RGB fluorescence in polymer and polyelectrolyte films doped with an organic chromophore

Hui Wang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Rheology of fiber suspension flows in pipeline hydro-transport of biomass feedstock

Amit Kumar, Mahdi Vaezi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Rheology-Assisted Microstructure Control for Printing Magnetic Composites\textemdash Material and Process Development

Pierre Mertiny, Balakrishnan Nagarajan, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Rhys Williams Talk, Generic Energetic: Contemporary Popular Genres as Tools for Transition

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka

Other Event

Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase (RubisCO) Is Essential for Growth of the Methanotroph Methylococcus capsulatus Strain Bath

Fabini Orata

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Rigs, Platforms, and Pipelines

Adam Carlson

Book Chapter

Rising market concentration in Texas’s retail electricity market

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Risk assessment for onshore wind projects in Canada

Simaan AbouRizk, Emad Mohamed, Nima Gerami Seresht

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Risk Assessment in Sand Control Selection: Introducing a Traffic Light System in Stand-Alone Screen Selection.

Alireza Nouri, Arian Velayati

Conference Proceedings

Risk communication in Athabasca oil sands tailings operations

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Risk Communication Teaching Module. Minerva Canada: Mississauga, ON.

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Risk-based pipeline re-assessment optimization considering corrosion defects

Zhigang Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Risks and Rewards in developing geothermal resources in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin – What we know and What we don’t know

Nicholas B. Harris

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

River: Forking Paths, Monsters, Simultaneous Timelines and Continuity over 25 Years of Creative Practice

Article in professional or trade journals

Roadmap for phase change materials in photonics and beyond

Behrad Gholipour, Abbas Sheikh Ansari, Avik Mandal

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Roadmap on Chalcogenide Photonics

Behrad Gholipour, Avik Mandal

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Roadmaps and Roadblocks for Energy Transformation: Converting Oil and Gas Wells to Geothermal Resources

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Robotic Manipulator Control Using PD-type Fuzzy Iterative Learning Control

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

Robust Control Design for High-Power Density PV Converters in Weak Grids

Ali Khajehoddin, Nima Amouzegar-Ashtiani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Robust Floating Capacitor Voltage Control of Dual Inverter Drive for Open-Ended Winding Induction Motor

John Salmon, Greg Kish, Chatumal Perera, Siyu Leng

Conference Proceedings

Robust H-inf DC link control design for high-power density converters with high-order filter in PV systems

Ali Khajehoddin, Nima Amouzegar-Ashtiani

Conference Proceedings

Robust Plasmonic Glasses using nanoporous TiO2 embedded with Au nanoparticles

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Robust Sizing of Solar-Powered Charging Station with Co-located Energy Storage

Petr Musilek, Mohammadhadi Rouhani, Omid Ardakanian

Conference Proceedings

Robust Sparse Recovery via Matching Pursuit Algorithms and Applications to Simultaneous-Source Seismic Data Processing

Master Thesis

Robyn Webb on Designing for Sustainability

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Rock Mechanics in the Geological Storage of CO2 through the lens of the Aquistore CO2 Storage Project

Richard John Chalaturnyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Role of Asphaltene in Stability of Water-in-Oil Model Emulsions: The Effects of Oil Composition and Size of the Aggregates and Droplets

Alireza Nouri, Arian Velayati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Role of Composition of Cyclohexane-Extracted Gangue on its Drying at Ambient Conditions

Phillip YK Choi, Reza Khalkhali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Role of Composition of Cycolhexane-Extracted Gangue on its Drying at Ambient Conditions

Reza Khalkhali

Master Thesis

Role of Large-Scale Circulating Structures in Mixed Convection of Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Benard Convection

David S. Nobes, Sina Kashanj

Conference Proceedings

Role of Molecular Architecture in the Modulation of Hydrophobic Interactions

Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie, Hao Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Role of Polarity on the Interfaces of Binary Combinations

Nusrat Ahmad

Master Thesis

Role of Safety Management Systems (SMS) in the railway industry and potential for enhancement of the Railway Safety Act (RSA)

Research Report

Roles of Microbial Syntrophy, Extracellular Polymeric Substances, and Power Supply Schemes on Electro-methanogenesis

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Ross River Well Core Logging

Misc: Research Collaboration

Roundtable on Digital Democracies

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Roundtable on the Anthropocene

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Routine Tasks were Demanded from Workers during an Energy Boom

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Royal Economic Society, Annual Conference, Belfast, N. Ireland, UK, 2021-04-13

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

RRU alum’s geothermal research heats up with Nat Geo grant

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

RUBIX 2023

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Rule-Based Models with Information Granules: Enhancements and Applications

Ye Cui

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Rules for Sharing

Other Event

Rural: Works Exploring the Countryside

Other Event

RWTH Aachen Visit

Charles Robert Koch

Other Event

S5E1 – “La Cité: A Decade in Transition”

Sheena L Wilson

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

S5E2 – Engineering Resiliency

Sheena L Wilson

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Safe deep reinforcement learning in diesel engine emission control

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Safety, Security, and Reliability of Autonomous Vehicles

Ming J. Zuo

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Saline Reservoir Monitoring at an Active CO2 Storage Site

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference Proceedings

Salt Affected Soils And Their Relationships With Plant Communities On Reclamation Well Sites

Laura Bony

Master Thesis

Salt Affected Soils: Quantifying Impacts And Indicators For Scientifically Based Remediation Criteria In Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Sarah Wilkinson, Laura Bony

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Salt Affected Soils: Quantifying Impacts And Indicators For Scientifically Based Remediation Criteria In Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Sarah Wilkinson, Laura Bony

Other Event

Salt Affected Soils: Quantifying Impacts To Develop Scientifically Based Remediation Criteria For Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Sarah Wilkinson, Laura Bony

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Salt Affected Soils: Quantifying Impacts To Develop Scientifically Based Remediation Criteria For Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Sarah Wilkinson, Laura Bony

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Salt Affected Soils: Quantifying Impacts To Develop Scientifically Based Remediation Criteria For Alberta

M Anne Naeth, Sarah Wilkinson, Laura Bony

Research Report

Salt Affected Well Sites: Quantifying Soil And Plant Community Indicators For Scientifically Based Reclamation Criteria

M Anne Naeth, Sarah Wilkinson, Laura Bony

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Salt Precipitation at an Active CO2 Injection Site

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Stephen James Talman

Conference Proceedings

Salt Precipitation at an Active CO2 Injection Site

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Stephen James Talman

Book Chapter

Salt Precipitation in Microfluidics: Implications for Carbon Storage in Saline Pore Fluids

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Salt-induced Phase-separation of Water and Cyclohexane within a Kaolinite Nanopore: A Molecular Dynamics Study

Phillip YK Choi, Monir Hosseini-Anvari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sand Control Screen Selection for Cased Dual-Annulus Gas Wells based on Scaled Laboratory Tests

Alireza Nouri, Rahman Miri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sattari F.*, Kurian, D.*, Lefsrud, L.M., & Macciotta, R. 2021. Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques to analyze incident reports

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Saturation Behaviour of Atomic Layer Deposition MnOx from Bis (Ethylcyclopentadienyl) Manganese and Water: Saturation Effect on Coverage of Porous Oxygen Reduction Electrodes

Douglas Ivey, Michael Clark, Ming Xiong, Ken Cadien

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Say What? University of Alberta prof says we all need to calm down

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Sb\textendash Si Alloys and Multilayers for Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Scalable And Facile Formation Of Microlenses On Curved Surfaces Enabling A Highly Customized Sustainable Solar-Water Nexus

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Xuehua Zhang, Qiuyun Lu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Scale up of pipeline hydro-transportation of agricultural and forestry residues.

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Omex Mohan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Scale up study on pipeline hydro-transportation of agricultural and forestry residues

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Omex Mohan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Scaling laws for nucleation rates of gas hydrate

Nobuo Maeda

Article in professional or trade journals

Scaling the performance of hydrofoils with combined pitching and heaving motion in underwater swimming

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference Proceedings

Scaling-basis chirplet transform

Ming J. Zuo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

SCC 2018 in Aachen

Charles Robert Koch

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Scenario-Based Assessment and Projection of Water Use for the Canadian Oil and Gas Sector and Several Low-carbon Technologies Available to the Oil Sands

Thomas Edward Lamont Patrick

Master Thesis

Science denial impact: People, organizations, and institutions


Science for a Sustainable Planet

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Science Odyssey - Booth/Table

Other Event

Science Rendezvous

Fei Cheng, Jingya Pang

Other Event

Scores for Energy Transition

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Screening Climate Change: Knowledge Mobilization Through Popular Media

Sheena L Wilson

Other Event

Screening for collusion in wholesale electricity markets: A literature review

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sea-ice algae are losing their homes and the ocean is at risk of starving

Lisa Stein

Article in popular media

Searching for Missing Binary Equiatomic Phases: Complex Crystal Chemistry in the Hf–In System

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Searching for new spinels using machine learning

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Balaranjan Selvaratnam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Searching for new spinels using machine learning

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Balaranjan Selvaratnam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Secondary instabilities in the wake of an elongated two-dimensional body with a blunt trailing edge

Charles Robert Koch, Sina Ghaemi, Bradley Gibeau

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Secondary spanwise structures in the wake of oscillating foils

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference Proceedings

Sedimentary Basin Geothermal Favourabiity Mapping and Power Generation Assessments.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Seed Time: Sister Plantings for Regenerative Energy Futures

Sourayan Mookerjea


Seed Time: Sister Plantings for Regenerative Futures

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

Seed Time²

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

Seeing Carbon Through Silicon

Article in professional or trade journals

Seeing the forest and the trees: Using machine learning to categorize and analyze incident reports for Alberta oil sands operators

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Seeing the Stern Layer at the Silica/Aqueous Interface Using Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy

Juli Gibbs, Ben Rehl, Mokhtar Rashwan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Seismic evidence for a mantle suture and implications for the origin of the Canadian Cordillera

Yu Jeffrey Gu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Selection of Wind Direction Segment Size in Wind Farm Layout Optimization

Siyun Ge

Master Thesis

Selective extraction of critical metals from spent lithium-ion batteries

Daniel Scott Alessi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Selective Hydrogenation and Defunctionalization of Heavy Oil Model Compounds Using Unsupported Iron Cataly

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, William McCaffrey, Benjamin Antwi Peprah, Orain Alberga Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Selective Measurement of Water Content in Multivariable Biofuel Using Microstrip Split Ring Resonators

Masoud Baghelani, Navid Hosseini

Conference Proceedings

Selective real-time non-contact multi-variable water-alcohol-sugar concentration analysis during fermentation process using microwave split-ring resonator based sensor

Masoud Baghelani, Navid Hosseini

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Selective Volume Fraction Sensing Using Resonant-Based Microwave Sensor and its Harmonics

Masoud Baghelani, Navid Hosseini

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Self-assembly of block copolymer nanopatterns on surfaces

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Self-Propelled Detachment upon Coalescence of Surface Bubbles

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Self-Refined Large Language Model as Automated Reward Function Designer for Deep Reinforcement Learning in Robotics

Zhan Shu

Conference Proceedings

Self-Transformation Strategy Toward Vanadium Dioxide Cathode For Advanced Aqueous Zinc Batteries

Xiaolei Wang, Ge Li, Wenjing Deng, Zhixiao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Semi-continuous saccharification-fermentation, a new strategy to process lignocellulosic biomass at high solid loadings

Dominic Sauvageau

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Semiconducting Sm3GaSe5O with trigonal bipyramidal GaSe5 units

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Semimetallic Ti-based Bimetallic Oxide: Promising Electrode for Hydrogen Generation

Shiva Mohajernia, Ula Suliman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sensing the Anthropocene: Aesthetic Attunement in an Age of Urgency

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sensing the Anthropocene: Daily Practice and Art/Life Intervention

Natalie Loveless

Other Event

Sensing with Optical Microresonators and Integrating Cavities

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Sensitivity of magnetotelluric data to rhyolite magma encountered by the IDDP-1 well at the Krafla geothermal field, Iceland

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Separation Of Oil Sands Process Water Organics And Inorganics And Examination Of Their Acute Toxicity Using Standard In-Vitro Bioassays

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rui Qin, Rongfu Huang, Zuo Tong How, James Stafford

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sequential droplet reactions for surface-bound gold nanocrater array

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sequential Evaporation--Induced Formation of Polymeric Surface Microdents via Ouzo Effect

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sequential fault reactivation from secondary triggering in the March 2019 Red Deer induced earthquake swarm

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang, Tianyang Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

SERB Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

SERC Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Series: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

Ming J. Zuo

Book Chapter

Sessile drop response to a single wave electrokinetic excitation

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Juan Sebastian Marin Quintero

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Session chair at North American Solid State Chemistry Conference

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Seven Level Hybrid Clamped (7L-HC) Converter in Medium Voltage Wind Energy Conversion Systems

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Conference Proceedings

Sewage Sludge Biochar As A Catalyst For Naphthenic Acid Degradation In Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW)

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sewage Sludge-Based Biochar For Organic Matter Removal In Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sewage Sludge-Based Biochar For Organic Matters Removal In Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

SFNAS-DDPG: A Biomass-Based Energy Hub Dynamic Scheduling Approach via Connecting Supervised Federated Neural Architecture Search and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient

Yasser Mohamed, Amirhossein Dolatabadi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Shape tunability of carbonized cellulose nanocrystals

David C. Bressler

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Shape-Controlled Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 over Silver Nanostructures

Jingli Luo, Subiao Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Shape-engineered CO2 electroreduction over silver nanostructures

Jingli Luo, Subiao Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Shaping microbial communities with conductive carbon fibers to enhance methane productivity and kinetics

Bipro Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Shaping the Future of Energy/ Solar Energy

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Chao Wang, Mona Amiri, Jaya Pal, Riley Endean

Other Event

Shear Velocity and Radial Anisotropy beneath Southwestern Canada: Evidence for Crustal Extension and Thick-Skinned Tectonics

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Shear Velocity and Radial Anisotropy beneath Southwestern Canada: Evidence for Crustal Extension and Thick‐Skinned Tectonics

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Jingchuan Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Shear wave splitting discloses two episodes of collision-related convergence in western North America

Yu Jeffrey Gu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sheena Wilson on Energy as the Centre of Social Life

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Sheena Wilson on Mobilizing for More Just Futures

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Ipek Oskay, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Shifting Ground: Mapping Project

Other Event

Shifting Ground—Muuttuva Maa

Other Event

Shikata ga nai

Sheena L Wilson

Book Chapter

Shining in a New Size Regime: Silicon Nanoparticle Assemblies

Kevin O'Connor

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Show Me the Money! Incentives and Nudges to Shift Electric Vehicle Charge Timing

David P Brown, Blake Shaffer, Megan Bailey

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Show Me the Money! Incentives and Nudges to Shift Electric Vehicle Charge Timing - Camp Presentation

David P Brown, Blake Shaffer, Megan Bailey

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

SIEGE: A Semantics-Guided Safety Enhancement Framework for AI-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems

Article in professional or trade journals

Silicon Nanocrystals: From Solution to Solid State

Maryam Aghajamali

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Silicon Nanoparticles from the Inside Out: Exploring the Internal Structure of Silicon Nanoparticles and Its Impact on Their Photoluminescence

Alyx Thiessen

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Silicon Nanoparticles: Are they Crystalline from the Core to the Surface?

Jonathan GC Veinot, Vladimir K Michaelis, Haoyang Yu, Alyx Thiessen, Michelle Ha

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Silicon Quantum Dot–Polymer Fabry–Pérot Resonators with Narrowed and Tunable Emissions

Jonathan GC Veinot, Al Meldrum, Haoyang Yu, Leanne Milburn

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Silicon Surface Passivation for Silicon-Colloidal Quantum Dot Heterojunction Photodetectors

Jonathan GC Veinot

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Silicon Thin Films: Buffer Elements for Better Performance

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Silicon Thin Films: Buffer Elements for Better Performance

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Silver sulfide anchored on reduced graphene oxide as a high –performance catalyst for CO2 electroreduction

Jingli Luo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Simplified Model Predictive Control of Multilevel Converters With Internal Identical Structure

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Conference Proceedings

Simplified Predictive Duty Cycle Control of Multilevel Converters with Internal Identical Structure

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Simulating local hydropower development for climate policy alternatives with GCAM-Canada

Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Simulation and Design of a Reactive Distillation System for Synthesis of Dimethyl Ether Using Bio-Methanol from a Kraft Pulp mill

Paolo Giuseppe Mussone

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Simulation-Based Approach for Lookahead Scheduling of Onshore Wind Projects Subject to Weather Risk

Simaan AbouRizk, Emad Mohamed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Simulation-based approach for risk assessment in onshore wind farm construction projects

Simaan AbouRizk, Emad Mohamed, Nima Gerami Seresht

Conference Proceedings

Simultaneous Analysis Of Hydrocarbons And Naphthenic Acids In OSPW Using APGC-TOF-MS

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Rongfu Huang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Simultaneous DC Current Balance and CMV Reduction for Parallel CSC System with Interleaved Carrier-based SPWM

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Simultaneous DC Current Balance and Common-Mode Voltage Control with Multilevel Current Source Inverters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Single Equivalent PV Inverter Model for PV Farms with Substantial Parameter Disparities Using WD agg Approach

Ali Khajehoddin, Navid Shabanikia

Conference Proceedings

Single phase power system controller and method therefor (CAN)

Ali Khajehoddin


Single phase power system controller and method therefor (USPTO)

Ali Khajehoddin


Single-Step Silica Nanofluid for Improved Carbon Dioxide Flow and Reduced Formation Damage in Porous Media for Carbon Utilization

Japan J Trivedi, Tushar Sharma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Situated Practices in Precarious Times

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Size and Surface Edicts of Silicon Nanocrystals in Graphene Aerogel Composite Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries

Jillian Mary Buriak, Jonathan GC Veinot, Maryam Aghajamali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Size distribution of primary submicron particles and larger aggregates in solvent-induced asphaltene precipitation in a model oil system

Xiaoli Tan, Xuehua Zhang, Jia Meng, Gilmar Friedrich Arends

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sizing Transmission-Scale Battery Energy Storage System with Dynamic Thermal Line Rating

Petr Musilek, Tim Weis

Conference Proceedings

Skype a Scientist Program, 3rd grade Students (Rosemary Heights School)

Steven Bergens, Mona Amiri

Other Event

Skype a Scientist Program, 4th grade Students at Brougham Elementary School, Kansas

Steven Bergens, Mona Amiri

Other Event

Skype a Scientist Program, 6th grade Students (John Knox Christian School)

Steven Bergens

Other Event

Skype a Scientist Program, 6th grade Students (John Knox Christian School)

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri

Other Event

Slippage, Splashing, and Viscous Fingering

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sloan Foundation, DER Integration

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sludge-Based Activated Biochar For Adsorption Treatment Of Real Oil Sands Process Water: Selectivity Of Naphthenic Acids, Reusability Of Spent Biochar, Leaching Potential, And Acute Toxicity Removal

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Deborah Crominski da Silva Medeiros

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sludge-Based Biochar/Chitosan Composite As An Efficient Adsorbent To Remove Metals From Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Junying Song

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Small But Mite-Y: The Role Of Soil Invertebrates To Measure Ecosystem Recovery

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Small Data Models of Machine Learning

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Simaan AbouRizk, Witold Pedrycz, Hanyu E, Ye Cui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Small-signal Modelling and Analysis of Microgrids with Synchronous and Virtual Synchronous Generators

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Smart Controls of Architecture and Composition toward High Performance Electrocatalysts for Energy Storage

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Smart Electrical Grid Interface Using Floating H-Bridges to Improve the Performance of Induction Motors

John Salmon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Smart Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids: Power Management, Energy Management, and Power Quality Control

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah, Hao Tian



Sheena L Wilson, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Other Event

Smarter Canadian Oil Production using Wireless Technologies

Rashid Mirzavand, Fabiano Domingos

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Social License to Operate: Legitimacy by Another Name?

Joel Gehman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Society of Labor Economists, Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2022-05-07

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Society of Labor Economists, Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2022-05-15

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Society of Petroleum Engineer (SPE) - Distinguished Lecturer

Hassan Dehghanpour

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Socioeconomic and Demographic Disparities in Residential Battery Storage Adoption

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Soft Normally Open Points (SNOP) for Medium Voltage Distribution Grids

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Soft-Switched Single Inductor Single Stage Multi-Port Bidirectional Power Converter for Hybrid Energy Systems

Ali Khajehoddin, Neda Mazloum, Morteza Esteki

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Soft-Switching Analysis of Beat Frequency Modulated Microinverters

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Ebrahimi

Conference Proceedings

Soft-switching Bi-directional High Step-up/down Converter for Battery Charging Applications

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Pasan Nawodaka Gunawardena Loku Hettige

Conference Proceedings

Soil Amendment With A Humic Substance And Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Enhance Coal Mine Reclamation

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Soil Invertebrate Indicators Of Land Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Soil Invertebrate Indicators Of Land Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Soil Invertebrate Indicators Of Land Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Soil Invertebrate Indicators Of Land Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Soil Invertebrate Indicators Of Land Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Soil Invertebrate Indicators Of Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Soil Invertebrate Indicators Of Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference Proceedings

Soil Invertebrate Indicators Of Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Other Event

Soil Invertebrate Populations In Soil And Litter Of Undisturbed And Reclamation Sites

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Soil Invertebrates As Indicators Of Reclamation Success

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Soil Macro And Meso Fauna As Indicators Of Reclamation Success On A Coal Mine

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Soil Quality Assessment In Land Reclamation

Abimbola Ojekanmi

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Soil, Wind And Geothermal Energy Sourcse: Perspectives On Environmental Impacts And Land Reclamation Considerations

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Amalesh Dhar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solar Disaggregation: State of the Art and Open Challenges

Omid Ardakanian, Xinlei Chen

Conference Proceedings

Solar Forecasting using Remote Solar Monitoring Stations and Artifical Neural Networks

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Solar Fuels

Steven Bergens

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solar Fuels and Climate Change

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri

Other Event

Solar Fuels, Research, and Climate Change

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Jinkun Liu, Dominic Lavergne, Elizabeth Murphy

Other Event

Solar Futures

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solar Photocatalytic Degradation Of Model Compounds NAs Mixtures: The Effect Of Inorganic Fraction Of OSPW

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Lingjun Meng, Zuo Tong How

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Solar Photocatalytic Degradation Of Naphthenic Acids Using Bismuth Tungstate

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lingjun Meng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solar Photocatalytic Treatment of Model and Real Oil Sands Process Water Naphthenic Acids by Bismuth Tungstate: Effect of Catalyst Morphology and Cations on the Degradation Kinetics and Pathways

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lingjun Meng, Soliu Ganiyu, Zuo Tong How

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Solar Photocatalytic Treatment Of Naphthenic Acids By Bismuth Tungstate (Bi2WO6)

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lingjun Meng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solar Photocatalytic Treatment of Oil Sands Process Water by Bismuth Tungstate Based Semiconductor Photocatalysts

Lingjun Meng

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Solar Promises

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

Solar-Activated Photocatalytic Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water By Using Zinc Oxide-Based Photocatalysts

Monsuru Suara

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Solar-activated tin oxide photocatalysis for efficient naphthenic acids removal and toxicity reduction in oil sands process water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Isaac Sanchez Montes, Hadi Mokarizadeh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Solar-Activated Zinc Oxide Photocatalysis

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Monsuru Suara

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solar-Activated Zinc Oxide Photocatalytic Treatment Of Real Oil Sands Process Water: Effect Of Treatment Parameters On Naphthenic Acids, Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons And Acute Toxicity Removal

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Soliu Ganiyu, Monsuru Suara, James Stafford

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Solar-Driven Advanced Oxidation For Process Water Reclamation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solar-Driven Electro-Oxidation For OSPW Treatment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solar: Six Principles for Energy and Society After Oil

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Solarities or Solarculture: Bright or Bleak Energy Futures and the E.L. Smith Solar Farm.

Sheena L Wilson

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Solarities: Seeking Energy Justice

Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman, Sheena L Wilson, Darin Barney



Imre Szeman, Darin Barney

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Solarity: Energy and Society after Oil

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Solarity: Six Theses on Energy Futures

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solid state chemistry - Influence of structure and form on properties

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solid-Phase Synthesis and Photoactivity of Ru-Polypyridyl Visible Light Chromophores Bonded Through Carbon to Semiconductor Surfaces

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri, Prabin Nepal, Riley Endean, Loorthuraja Rasu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Solubility of selected polymers in cyclohexane: comparison between Flory-Huggins interaction parameters calculated using three different molecular dynamics simulation approaches

Phillip YK Choi, Qi Liu, Gabriel Pereira da Costa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Solution Processed Earth-Abundant Semiconductor Nanostructures for Sensing, Photocatalysis and Photovoltaics

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solvent Exchange in a Hele--Shaw Cell: Universality of Surface Nanodroplet Nucleation

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Solvent Recovery from NAE Gangue

Reza Khalkhali

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solvent Vapor Annealing, Defect Analysis, and Optimization of Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers Using Machine Learning Approaches

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Article in professional or trade journals

Solving the Colouring Problem in Half- Heusler Structures: Machine-Learning Predictions and Experimental Validation

Arthur Mar, Alex Gzyl, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Solving the Colouring Problem in Half-Heusler Structures: Machine-Learning Predictions and Experimental Validation

Arthur Mar, Alex Gzyl, Lawrence Adutwum, Anton Oliynyk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Some concepts in machine learning, with applications to materials discovery

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Some parts of the city are warmer than others: U of A study tells us why

Nilusha Welegedara

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Something old, something new, something green: community leagues and neighbourhood energy transitions in Edmonton, Canada

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi, Nilusha Welegedara

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sorption And Desorption Of Naphthenic Acids On Reclamation Materials: Mechanisms And Selectivity Of Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Deborah Crominski da Silva Medeiros

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sound Table – The Sounds of the Anthropocene.

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sounds of the Anthropocene

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sourayan Mookerjea on The Commons

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Source Analysis of Induced Earthquakes in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Southern urbanism: a systematic review of concepts, debates, and future directions

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Debadutta Parida

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Spanning Boundaries Through Conferences: Engaging Diverse EDI Stakeholders to Promote Change

Conference Proceedings

Sparse Bayesian Harmonic State Estimation

Omid Ardakanian, Wei Zhou

Conference Proceedings

Sparse time series modeling of the baseline vibration from a gearbox under time-varying speed condition

Ming J. Zuo, Xihui Liang, Yuejian Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Spatial distribution of usable biomass feedstock and technical bioenergy potential

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Spatiotemporal variations in crustal seismic anisotropy surrounding induced earthquakes near Fox Creek, Alberta

Yu Jeffrey Gu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Special Topics: Commons and Climate Justice

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

Spectral negentropy based sidebands and demodulation analysis for planet bearing fault diagnosis

Ming J. Zuo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Speculative Energy Futures Annual Team Meeting

Mark Simpson, Evan G R Davies, Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Jessie Beier, Ariel Kroon, Jordan Kinder, Eva Bogdan, Ipek Oskay

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Speculative Energy Futures: Why we need to think about the social and cultural aspects of energy

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Speculative Energy Futures: Workshop #1

Mark Simpson, Evan G R Davies, Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Jessie Beier

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Speculative Energy Futures: Workshop #2

Mark Simpson, Evan G R Davies, Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Speculative Energy Futures: Workshop #3

Mark Simpson, Evan G R Davies, Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Speculative Fiction and the Future

Ariel Kroon

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Speculative Molecular Intermedia

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Speed adaptive gates: Improving fault classification accuracy of deep learning models for rotating machinery under varying speed conditions

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Meng Rao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Speeding up biphasic reactions with surface nanodroplets

Hongbo Zeng, Xuehua Zhang, Zhengxin Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Spinning up electric buses

Catherine Tays

Article in popular media

Splitting droplets through coalescence of two different three-phase contact lines

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Spores of Critique: On the Aesthetics and Poetics of Critical Practice Series

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sr-doped TiO2 nanotube arrays for CO2 photoreduction

Karthik Shankar, Damini Vrushabendrakumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Stability of colloidal solids in non-aqueous media

Tony Yeung, Juan Darius

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Stability of Colloidal Solids in Non-Aqueous Media

Tony Yeung, Juan Darius

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Stability of infiltrated cathodes using Pr2NiO4$\mathplus$delta precursor for low-temperature fuel cell applications

Sajad Vafaeenezhad, Amir Hanifi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Stabilization Mechanism and Chemical Demulsification of Water-in-Oil and Oil-in-Water Emulsions in Petroleum Industry: A Review

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Hao Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Stabilization Mechanism and Interaction Forces of Emulsions with Asphaltenes

Hongbo Zeng, Ling Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Stabilization of a Utility-Scale Grid-Connected PV System with Reduced DC-Link Capacitance

Yasser Mohamed, Mohammad Adnan Kamal Magableh

Conference Proceedings

Stabilizing Tin Anodes in Sodium-Ion Batteries by Alloying with Silicon

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Article in professional or trade journals

Starting a Startup: Challenges and Successes

Bing Cao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

State of Charge and Capacity Tracking in Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Systems

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

State-of-the-Art Iridium-Based Catalysts for Acidic Water Electrolysis: A Minireview of Wet-Chemistry Synthesis Methods: Preparation routes for active and durable iridium catalysts

Marc Secanell, Natalia Semagina, Himanshi Dhawan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Static and Dynamic Performance ofWet Foam and Polymer-Enhanced Foam in the Presence of Heavy Oil

Japan J Trivedi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

statistical based analysis of conditions influencing outages

Research Report

Stator Short-Circuit Fault Detection and Location Methods for Brushless DFIMs using Nested-loop Rotor Slot Harmonics

Ali Khajehoddin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Steady-State Analysis of Power Converters using the Enhanced State Vector Algorithm

Ali Khajehoddin, Mohammad Daryaei

Conference Proceedings

Steam Explosion and Enzymatic Digestion as Pretreatments for Co- Production of Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs) and Fermentable Sugars

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Steam Explosion and Enzymatic Digestion with Sugar Recovery as Pretreatments for Cellulose Nanocrystals Production

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Steam Explosion and Enzymatic Digestion with Sugar Recovery as Pretreatments for Cellulose Nanocrystals Production

David C. Bressler

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Steering the selectivity of CuO to near unity of CO with in species for CO2 electroreduction

Jingli Luo, Chenyu Xu, Jing Xiao, Subiao Liu, Pengfei Sui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Steering the Selectivity of CuO to Near-Unity of CO with Indium Species for CO2 Electroreduction

Jingli Luo, Chenyu Xu, Subiao Liu, Pengfei Sui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Stefan Scherer on the Role of University in Alberta's Energy Futures

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Stefanie Drozda on Cities and Climate Change

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Stephanie Ripley on Educating for Renewables

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Research-Specific Short Film

Stepped-impedance slotted microstrip-fed patch antenna for on-metal radio frequency identification applications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Stimulation of Mature Oilfields

Japan J Trivedi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Stimuli-responsive Polymer-based Portable Sensor To Quantify Naphthenic Acids In Water

Michael Serpe, Faisal Hossain

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Stimuli-Responsive Polymer-Based Portable Sensor To Quantify Naphthenic Acids In Water

Faisal Hossain

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Stirling Engines and Single-Phase Thermodynamic Machines

Master Thesis

Stochastic Assessment of Financial Viability of Biojet in North America

Muhammad Shah

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Stochastic Energy Management and Cyber-Physical Security of Battery Energy Storage Systems in Smart Distribution Systems

Peng Zhuang

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Stochastic Energy Management of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid

Yuan Liu

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Stochastic game between cloud broker and cloudlet for mobile cloud computing

Hao Liang, Yuan Liu

Conference Proceedings

Stochastic multi-timescale energy management of greenhouses with renewable energy sources

Hao Liang, Peng Zhuang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Straight-Forward Derivatizations of Tetracarbazole-Dicyanobenzene Organic Dyes for Solar Fuels Photoelectrodes and Heterogeneous Photocatalysts for Photosynthetic Organic Reactions.

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri, Jinkun Liu, Loorthuraja Rasu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Strategic interaction between wholesale and ancillary service markets

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Strategic Interaction of Wholesale Market Power and Ancillary Service Markets

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Strategies for designing machine learning models in renewable energy with insufficient data

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Simaan AbouRizk, Witold Pedrycz, Hanyu E, Ye Cui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Stress-Dependent Pore Deformation Effects on Multiphase Flow Properties of Porous Media

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Stephen James Talman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Strong Metal-Support Interactions in ZrO2-Supported IrOx Catalyst for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction

Marc Secanell, Natalia Semagina, XueHai Tan, Himanshi Dhawan, James Woodford

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Structural and neotectonic controls on hydrothermal upwellings in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Structural and neotectonic controls on thermal spring locations in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera / southeastern British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Structural controls on hot spring locations in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera

Other Event

Structural heterogeneity, thermal spring distribution, and geothermal energy potential along the Southern Rocky Mountain Trench

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Structural settings of convective hydrothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia (parts of NTS 082E–G, J–O,083C, D)

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Structurally-controlled geothermal systems in southeastern BC, and their context in Canada and the world.

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Structure and CO 2 physisorption capacity of hydrotalcite-derived oxide

Phillip YK Choi, Hao Zhang, Mohammad Khalkhali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Structure and Luminescence Properties of Rare-Earth Chalcohalides RE3Ge2Ch8X (Ch = S, Se; X = Cl, Br, I)

Arthur Mar, Dundappa Mumbaraddi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Structure and optical properties of LixAg1-xGaSe2 and LixAg1-xInSe2

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vladimir K Michaelis, Mohammad Jomaa, Ritobroto Sikdar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Structure fatigue crack length estimation and prediction using ultrasonic wave data based on ensemble linear regression and Paris’s law

Ming J. Zuo, Xingkai Yang, Meng Rao, Yuejian Chen, Dongdong Wei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Structure of the Silica/Divalent Electrolyte Interface: Molecular Insight into Charge Inversion with Increasing pH

Hongbo Zeng, Juli Gibbs, Ben Rehl, Mokhtar Rashwan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Structured porous 17-PH stainless steel layer fabrication through laser powder bed fusion

Marc Secanell, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi, Shokoufeh Sardarian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Structures of Legibility: Emerging Approaches to Energy and Infrastructure

Jordan Kinder

Other Event

Study of early time dynamics of drop spreading in different surrounding pressure

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Sumaiya Farzana, Ryan James Gordon Baily

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Study of electrochemical performance of IrOx/ATO catalysts with different Ir loading in acidic water electrolysis

Marc Secanell, Natalia Semagina, Himanshi Dhawan, James Woodford

Conference Proceedings

Studying Phase Behavior of Oil-Natural Gas Systems for Designing Gas Injection Operations: A Montney Case Study

Hassan Dehghanpour, Son Thai Tran, Sara Eghbali

Conference Proceedings

Studying Phase Behavior of Oil-Natural Gas Systems for Designing Gas Injection Operations: A Montney Case Study

Hassan Dehghanpour, Son Thai Tran, Sara Eghbali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Studying the Microstructure of Electrodes for Low-temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Electrolysis Applications

Sajad Vafaeenezhad

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Sub-synchronous Resonance Oscillations in Wind Farms – An Overview Study of Mechanisms and Damping Methods

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Tong Shi, Millawithanachchige Nayanasiri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Subnational hydropower modeling with GCAM-Canada

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Substitutional Cu doping at Ca and Nb sites in Ba3CaNb2O9 Towards Improved Photoactivity A First-principles HSE06 Study

Karthik Shankar, John Garcia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Substrate-dependent growth variability across model methanotrophic strains

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Catherine Tays

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Success Indicators, Stakeholders and Wetlands Design

Maggie Cascadden, Kylie Heales

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Suitability of the Aquistore CCS-site for a CO2-Circulation Test: Towards CO2-Plume Geothermal (CPG) Power Plant Implementations

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference Proceedings

Sulfided Homogeneous Iron Precatalyst for Partial Hydrogenation and Hydrodesulfurization of Polycyclic Aromatic Model Asphaltenes

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, William McCaffrey, Benjamin Antwi Peprah, Orain Alberga Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sulfur doped graphene quantum dots for biomedical and optoelectronics applications

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Sum frequency generation spectroscopy: A molecular probe for energy systems

Mokhtar Rashwan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sum frequency generation spectroscopy: A molecular probe for energy systems

Mokhtar Rashwan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sum frequency generation: A spectroscopic probe of aqueous/mineral oxide interfaces

Mokhtar Rashwan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sun, Water, and Chemistry

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lingjun Meng, Soliu Ganiyu, Monsuru Suara

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Sunlight-driven water-splitting using two dimensional carbon based semiconductors

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Supercritical CO2 Mass Transfer in Microfluidics

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Supplies of Fuel-Grade Canola Oil for Low-Carbon Fuel Production: A GIS-Based Economic Analysis in Alberta

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson

Other Event

Supplying a Humanities Approach to Energy Use

Imre Szeman

Article in professional or trade journals

Support vector machine based emissions modeling using particle swarm optimization for homogeneous charge compression ignition engine

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Support vector machine for a diesel engine performance and NOx emission control-oriented model

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings


Molly Thomas

Master Thesis

Surface Charge Affecting Fluid-Fluid Displacement at Pore Scale

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Surface Functionalization of Germanium Nanosheets

Jonathan GC Veinot, Haoyang Yu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Surface Functionalization of Germanium Nanosheets

Haoyang Yu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Surface Functionalization of Germanium Nanosheets

Jonathan GC Veinot, Haoyang Yu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Surface Functionalization of Photoluminescent Silicon Nanocrystals with Active Enzymes

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Surface Interaction Mechanisms in Mineral Flotation: Fundamentals, Measurements, and Perspectives

Qi Liu, Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie, Hao Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Surface Interaction Mechanisms of Air Bubbles, Asphaltenes and Oil Drops in Aqueous Solutions with Implications for Interfacial Engineering Processes

Qi Liu, Hongbo Zeng, Xuwen Peng, Hao Zhang, Tao Wang

Article in professional or trade journals

Surface Interactions between Water-in-Oil Emulsions with Asphaltenes and Electroless Nickel–Phosphorus Coating

Jingli Luo, Hongbo Zeng, Ling Zhang, Li Xiang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Surface Microlenses For Enhanced Photodegradation Of Organic Contaminants In Water

Qiuyun Lu

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Surface Microlenses For Enhanced Photodegradation Of Organic Contaminants In Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Xuehua Zhang, Qiuyun Lu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Surface Microlenses For Much More Efficient Photodegradation In Water Treatment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Xuehua Zhang, Jia Meng, Zuo Tong How, Qiuyun Lu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Surface nanodroplets: formation, dissolution, and applications

Xuehua Zhang, Gilmar Friedrich Arends

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Surface Properties of Colloidal Particles Affect Colloidal Self-Assembly in Evaporating Self-Lubricating Ternary Droplets

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Surface second harmonic generation spectra of titania coated Au NPs

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Surface-Anisotropic Janus Silicon Quantum Dots via Masking on 2D Silicon Nanosheets

Jonathan GC Veinot, Haoyang Yu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Surface-Modified Magnetite Nanoparticles for Advanced Separation and Purification

Xuyang Liu

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Surface-modified magnetite nanoparticles for fine solids removal from non-aqueous extracted bitumen

Qi Liu, Xiaoli Tan, Xuyang Liu

Article in professional or trade journals

Surfactant droplets on hydrophobic microstructures

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Survey results presentation to community

Sara Chitsaz

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sustainability Science And Corporate Cleanup In Community Fields: The Translation, Resistance, And Integration Process Model

Maggie Cascadden

Book Chapter

Sustainability Transitions: the case of Community Leagues in Edmonton, Canada

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sustainability Workshop

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sustainable Biochar/Zno Composite Photocatalyst For Naphthenic Acids Degradation Under Solar Light

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Zhexuan An, Isaac Sanchez Montes

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sustainable Leadership and Management of Complex Engineering Systems: A Team Based Structured Case Study Approach

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Sustainable Solutions from the Smallest Organisms

Lisa Stein

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Sustainable Waste-Derived Materials For The Remediation Of Naphthenic Acids From Oil Sands Process Water

Zhexuan An

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Sustaining Petrocultures: On the Politics and Aesthetics of Oil Sands Reclamation

Jordan Kinder

Book Chapter

SVM Strategy for Mitigating Low Order Harmonics in Isolated AC-DC Matrix Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Switch Open-Circuit Fault Detection and Localization for Modular Multilevel Converters Based on Signal Synthesis

Greg Kish, Yuan Li, Anjana Wijesekera

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Switchable CO2 Electroreduction Induced by the Bismuth Moiety with Tunable Local Structures on Graphene

Karthik Shankar, Jingli Luo, Steven Bergens, Bowen Zhang, Mengnan Zhu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Switchable solvents for the reversible dissolution of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, David Boon, Mark Douglas Lawley

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Switching to Solar in Edmonton: A Co-op Housing Case Study

Ariel Kroon

Article in popular media

Symmetric Negative Valve Overlap effects on energy distribution of a single cylinder HCCI engine

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

Symmetry in art and chemistry; machine learning

Arthur Mar

Other Event

Symposium for Combustion Control (SCC) 2017

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Symposium for Combustion Control (SCC) 2019

Charles Robert Koch, David Carl Gordon

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Synchronized Waveforms a Frontier of Data-Based Power System and Apparatus Monitoring, Protection and Control

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Synchrotron Radiation-Based FTIR Microspectroscopic Imaging of Traumatically Injured Mouse Brain Tissue Slices

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Synergetic Adsorption of Polymers on Montmorillonite: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Synergistic effect of water and co-solvents on the hydrothermal liquefaction of agricultural biomass to produce heavy oil

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Deepak Pudasainee, Ankit Mathanker, Snehlata Das

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Synergistic Effects Of Coal Waste Derived Humic Substances And Inorganic Fertilizer As Soil Amendments For Barley In Sandy Soil

M Anne Naeth, Yihan Zhao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Synergistic Enhancement of the Photo-electrochemical Performance of TiO2 Nanorod Arrays Through Embedded Plasmon and Surface Carbon Nitride Co-Sensitization

Karthik Shankar, Narendra Chaulagain

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Synergistic Enhancement of the Photoelectrochemical Performance of TiO $\less$sub$\greater$2$\less$/sub$\greater$ Nanorod Arrays through Embedded Plasmon and Surface Carbon Nitride Co-sensitization

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Narendra Chaulagain, Navneet Kumar, John Garcia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Syngas Production via Photoelectrochemical Reduction of CO2 with H2O

Karthik Shankar, Jingli Luo, Steven Bergens, Meng Li, Sheng (Shawn) Nian Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Synthesis and Application of a Novel Z-Scheme Photocatalyst Bi2WO6/NiO/Ag for the Treatment of Industrial Wastewater

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lingjun Meng


Synthesis And Application Of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Membranes For The Treatment Of Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Synthesis and degradation of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) under different nutrient combinations in the alphaproteobacterial methanotroph, Methylocystis sp. Rockwell

Hem Sharma

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Synthesis and Functionalization of 1D, 2D Germanium-based Nanostructures

Haoyang Yu

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Synthesis of Bifunctional Catalysts for Metal-Air Batteries Through Direct Deposition Methods

Douglas Ivey, Ming Xiong

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Synthesis of Self-Healing and Self-Replicating Nanomaterials Based on DNA and Nanoparticles

Nahida Akter

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Synthesis Of Sustainable Biochar From Forestry Waste, Production Methods, And Its Adsorption Potential Towards Nas From OSPW

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Usman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Synthesis, characterization, and visible light photocatalytic activity of solution-processed free-standing 2D Bi2O2Se nanosheets

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Saralyn Riddell, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Harshitha Rajashekhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Synthesis, Properties, and Derivatization of Poly(dihydrogermane): A Germanium-Based Polyethylene Analogue

Jonathan GC Veinot, Haoyang Yu, Alyx Thiessen, Chuyi Ni, Ziqi Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Synthesis, structure, and properties of rare-earth germanium sulfide iodides RE3Ge2S8I (RE = La, Ce, Pr)

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Anton Oliynyk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Synthetic Asphaltene Mixture Looks Like Real Asphaltene

Jeffrey Mark Stryker, Robin Hamilton, David Scott

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Alireza Nouri, Mahmood Salimi


System Wide Enablers: Energy Humanities

Mark Simpson, Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Systematic Analysis Of The Microbial Community In A Fixed-Bed Biofilm Reactor For Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) Treatment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lei Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Systematic Derivation of Simplified Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converter through Matrix Models

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian, Yuzhuo Li

Conference Proceedings

Systematic Development of a Methanotroph chassis for the production of value-added products from C1 waste of Agriculture and Forestry: Predictive modeling and genetic engineering of Methylomicrobium album BG8

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Phillip Keith Sun, Shibashis Das

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Systematic Development of a Methanotroph Chassis for transforming wastewater methane emissions to value added products: Predictive modelling and genetic engineering of Methylomicrobium album BG8

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Phillip Keith Sun, Shibashis Das

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Systematic Literature Review on Fuzzy Hybrid Methods in Photovoltaic Solar Energy: Opportunities, Challenges, and Guidance for Implementation

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Nebiyu Kedir

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Systematic Review of Electric Vehicles, Resilience, and Evacuations

Stephen David Wong, Mohammad Hossein Babaei

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Systematic Review of Electric Vehicles, Resilience, and Evacuations

Stephen David Wong, Mohammad Hossein Babaei

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Systematic Synthesis and Derivation of Multilevel Converters using Common Topological Structures with Unified Matrix Models

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Systematic Topology Derivation and PWM Design of Multilevel Converters

Yuzhuo Li

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

T-REX: Transactive Renewable Energy eXchange

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

T. Barton - Visiting Student (Outgoing)

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Tailings Fatality Research Finds Communication Breakdowns, Daily Oil Bulletin, by Deborah Jaremko

Article in popular media

Tailorable Indirect to Direct Band-Gap Double Perovskites with Bright White-Light Emission: Decoding Chemical Structure Using Solid-State NMR

Anton Oliynyk, Al Meldrum, Vladimir K Michaelis, Abhoy Karmakar, Guy Bernard

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Tailoring B-doped silicon nanocrystal surface chemistry via phosphorus pentachloride – mediated surface alkoxylation

Jonathan GC Veinot, Vladimir K Michaelis, Haoyang Yu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Tailoring Material Properties of Silicon Nanocrystals via Doping

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Tailoring Morphology Compatibility and Device Stability by Adding PBDTTPD-COOH as Third Component to Fullerene-Based Polymer Solar Cells

Bing Cao

Article in professional or trade journals

Tailoring Ordered Mesoporous Titania Films via Introducing Germanium Nanocrystals for Enhanced Electron Transfer Photoanodes for Photovoltaic Applications

Jonathan GC Veinot

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Tailoring the solid oxide fuel cell anode support composition and microstructure for low-temperature applications

Sajad Vafaeenezhad, Amir Hanifi, Mohtada Sadrzadeh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Talk + Book Release: Matt Hern (and Am Johal), "Global Warming and the Sweetness of Life"

Sheena L Wilson, Ariel Kroon

Other Event

Talk about my research

Other Event


David Alexander Patrick Garrett

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation


Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Interview (Broadcast or Text)


Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Interview (Broadcast or Text)


Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Interview (Broadcast or Text)


Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Interview (Broadcast or Text)


Sandeep Kumar Agrawal

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Teaching outreach Climate Change and Solar Fuels

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Jinkun Liu, Dominic Lavergne, Elizabeth Murphy

Other Event

Teaching Solar Fuels

Steven Bergens

Other Event

Teaching Sustainability and Climate Justice in Catastrophic Times: Journaling in the Pluriverse

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Technical assessment of frozen soil on geothermal heat pump technology in western Canada

Lexuan Zhong, Fatemeh Keramat

Conference Proceedings

Technical potential of hydrogen and GHG emission in its transportation through natural gas pipelines

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola

Other Event

Techniques for Fast Screening of 3D Heterogeneous Shale Barrier Configurations and Their Impacts on SAGD Chamber Development

Juliana Y Leung

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Techniques for Fast Screening of 3D Heterogeneous Shale Barrier Configurations and Their Impacts on SAGD Production Behavior

Master Thesis

Techniques for power system impedance measurement

Master Thesis

Techniques for treating slop oil in oil and gas industry: A short review

Qi Liu, Hongbo Zeng, Wenshuai Yang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Techno-economic analysis of ammonia production from black liquor gasification and co-gasification with pulp and waste sludges

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-economic analysis of carbon capture of flue gases from coal and natural gas using amine separation

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Assessments of Oil Sands Products and LNG Supply Chains from Canada to Asia-Pacific and Western Europe

Master Thesis

Techno-economic and life cycle assessments of the natural gas supply chain from production sites in Canada to north and southwest Europe

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Techno-economic assessment for heating cattle feed water with low-temperature geothermal energy: a case study from central Alberta, Canada

Vic Adamowicz

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Techno-economic assessment of a biomass-MSW integrated waste-to-value-added facility

Amit Kumar, Mahdi Vaezi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Techno-economic assessment of an integrated biorefinery producing bio-oil, ethanol, and hydrogen

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Techno-economic assessment of bio-coal production through wet and dry torrefaction processes of different biomass feedstocks

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-economic assessment of co-processing of fast pyrolysis bio-oil with fossil fuel derived vacuum gas oil

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-economic Assessment of Geothermal Energy Resources in the Sedimentary Basin in Northeastern British Columbia

Research Report

Techno-economic assessment of introducing intermediate pyrolysis in small community landfills across Alberta

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Wasel-ur Rahman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-economic assessment of low-carbon hydrogen export from Western Canada to Eastern Canada, the USA, the Asia-Pacific, and Europe

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Eskinder Gemechu, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Techno-economic assessment of optimised vacuum swing adsorption for post-combustion CO2 capture from steam-methane reformer flue gas

Arvind Rajendran, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Techno-economic assessment of pipeline hydro-transport vs. truck delivery of forest residue biomass to a bio-based energy facility based on experimental measurements

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-economic assessment of pipeline hydro-transport vs. truck delivery of forest residue biomass to a bio-based energy facility based on experimental measurements

Amit Kumar, Mahdi Vaezi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-economic Assessment of renewable natural gas (RNG) production from various thermo-chemical and biological conversion processes using biomass feedstocks.

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-economic assessment of solvent-based bitumen extraction technologies including in-situ electromagnetic heating

Master Thesis

Techno-economic assessment of titanium dioxide nanorod-based perovskite solar cells: from lab-scale to large-scale manufacturing

Amit Kumar, Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Eskinder Gemechu, Harshadeep Kukkikatte Ramamurthy Rao

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Techno-economic assessment of vanadium recovery from bitumen spent catalyst

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-economic assessment of Vanadium recovery from spent catalysts from the upgrading and refining of bitumen

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-economic Feasibility of Flywheel Energy Storage System in Standalone and Hybrid Applications

Muhammad Saad Arshad

Master Thesis

Technoeconomic Assessment of Optimized Adsorption Processes for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture in Hydrogen Plants

Arvind Rajendran, Gokul Sai Subraveti

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Technologized Representations of Labour and Class from the Man in the Machine to the Machine (Wo)man in Science Fiction Film and Television

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Technology transfer from national/federal labs and public research institutes: managerial and policy implications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Technology, Technology, Technology: An Integrated Assessment of Deep Decarbonization Pathways for the Canadian Oil Sands

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted, Osama Younis, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Technology, technology, technology: An integrated assessment of deep decarbonization pathways for the Canadian oil sands

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted, Osama Younis, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Technology, technology, technology: An integrated assessment of deep decarbonization pathways for the Canadian oil sands

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted, Osama Younis, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Technology-based Options for Achieving Net-zero GHG Emissions in Canada

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Luke Sperry

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Tellurium-containing rings and their polymers for enhanced photovoltaics

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Temperature Sensing in Harsh Environments

Brent Leier

Other Event

Temperature-dependent (20\textendash 55~\textdegreeC) electrocatalytic characteristics during ethanol/propionate degradation by methanogenic communities grown on conductive carbon fibers

Bipro Dhar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Terahertz photoconductivity of germanium inverse opal structures

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ternary and Quaternary Rare-Earth Transition-Metal Germanides

Arthur Mar, Dong Zhang

Master Thesis

Ternary and quaternary rare‐earth germanides: discovery of intermetallic compounds from traditional to machine‐learning approaches

Arthur Mar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ternary Germanides in Ce-M-Ge System (M=Rh, Co)

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Dong Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ternary Germanides in the Ce–M–Ge (M = Rh, Co) Systems

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Dong Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ternary phases in the Yb-Cu-Ga and Yb-Ni-Ga systems

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ternary rare-earth-metal nickel indides RE23Ni7In4 (RE = Gd, Tb, Dy) with Yb23Cu7Mg4-type structure

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Terra Nullius or Commons? Undermining Maori Rights and Title Under New Zealand’s Marine and Coastal Areas (Takutai Moana) Act

Andie Palmer

Conference Proceedings

Tetragonal Zirconia as Next Generation Support for Dry Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

Jingli Luo, Amir Hanifi, Taghi Amiri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The application of a switchable solvent to the extraction of polyhydroxybutyrate from methanotrophic bacteria.

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Mark Douglas Lawley

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Application of Switchable Solvents to the Extraction of Bioproducts from Methanotrophic Bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Mark Douglas Lawley

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Application of Switchable Solvents to the Extraction of Bioproducts from Methanotrophic Bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Mark Douglas Lawley

Other Event

The Application of Switchable Solvents to the Extraction of Bioproducts from Methanotrophic Bacteria

Mark Douglas Lawley

Other Event

The Application Of TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibers In Contaminated Water Treatment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Yaman Boluk, Mingyu Li

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The big picture: Modelling the global energy system and everything else

Evan G R Davies

Other Event

The Birth of Nationalist Planning and the Shape of Sri Lankan Postcolonial Spatial Identity

Pradeep Sangapala

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Bitumen Commodity Frontier and Climate/Environmental Justice

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Canadian Extractive State Apparatus in the Pandemic Present

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Carbon Footprint of High Latitude Neighbourhoods

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

The centre cannot hold

Arthur Mar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Climate Risks We Choose to See

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas, Brooks DeCillia, Nikita Sleptcov

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Climate Risks We Choose to See

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas, Brooks DeCillia, Nikita Sleptcov

Other Event

The Colonizers’ Model of Modelling

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Colonizers’ Model of Modelling Art Installation

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

The combined effect of methane and methanol on growth and PHB production in the alphaproteobacterial methanotroph Methylocystis sp. Rockwell.

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Hem Sharma, Marina Lazic

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The commons: Infrastructures for troubling times — S3E3

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


The Contemporary Crisis of Science

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Corrosion Behavior of Electroless Ni-P Coatings in Concentrated KOH Electrolyte

Douglas Ivey, Drew Aasen, Anqiang He, Hang Hu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Deep Solarities: Charles Richmond — S3E2

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier


The Deep Solarities: Cody SharpHead — S3E4

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier


The Deep Solarities: David Dodge — S3E5

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier


The Deep Solarities: Rocky Feroe — S3E3

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier


The Deep Solarities: Sheena Wilson — S3E1

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier


The Development of a Bottom-up Transportation Model for Assessment of Policies on Energy and Emissions

Master Thesis

The development of a cost model for two supply chain networks of the decentralized pyrolysis system to produce bio-oil

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of a framework for the assessment of energy demand-based greenhouse gas mitigation options and cost curves for the mining sector

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of a framework for the assessment of energy demand-based greenhouse gas mitigation options for the agriculture sector

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of a framework through the integration of a geographical information system and the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for the selection of optimal sites for the location of municipal solid waste-to-value-added facilities

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Md Shahinoor Islam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of a framework to assess long-term water supply and demand projections for integrated assessment of environment impacts for the energy sector

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Thomas Edward Lamont Patrick

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of a GIS-based framework for determining optimal locations for biorefineries in Canada.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of a GIS-based framework to assess the technical hydrogen production potential from wind and solar energy

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of a GIS-based framework to locate biomass and municipal solid waste collection points for an optimal waste conversion facility

Amit Kumar, Mahdi Vaezi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of a novel framework based on a review of market penetration models for energy technologies,

Amit Kumar, Saeidreza Radpour

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of a process simulation model for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of a vapor solvent-based oil sands extraction and recovery process

Amit Kumar, Mohammad Ikthair Hossain Soiket

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of a techno-economic model for assessment of vanadium recovery from bitumen upgrading spent catalyst

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of a techno-economic model for the assessment of the cost of flywheel energy storage systems for utility-scale stationary applications

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of a techno-economic model for the extraction, transportation, upgrading, and shipping of Canadian oil sands products to the Asia-Pacific region

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Development of a Technology-Explicit Bottom-Up Integrated Multi-Regional Energy Model of Canada

Matthew Davis

Master Thesis

The development of advanced biofuels: potential impacts on land use and ecosystems

Feng Qiu

Other Event

The development of an integrated GIS-based MINLP model with economies of scale for electricity generation from waste-to-energy facilities in Western Canada.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of an integrated GIS-based mixed-integer non-linear programming model for waste-to-energy systems in Western Canada. The 36th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management.

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of an integrated model for the assessment of water and GHG footprints for the power generation sector

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of data-intensive models for the estimation of GHG intensity, cost and market shares of vehicles in the passenger and freight transportation sectors by 2050

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of data-intensive techno-economic models for the comparison of 5 biomass conversion pathways for the production of renewable natural gas.

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of data-intensive techno-economic models for the comparison of renewable natural gas production from six different biomass feedstocks for the decarbonization of energy demand sectors

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of empirical correlations to understand the frictional behavior of aqueous biomass slurry flows in vertical pipes

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Development of Empirical Correlations to Understand the Frictional Behavior of Aqueous Biomass Slurry Flows in Vertical Pipes

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of framework for the assessment of long-term energy efficiency options and associated greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in the chemical sector

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of life cycle greenhouse gas emission assessment footprints of novel pathways for the solvent-assisted and solvent-electromagnetic heating oil sands extraction processes

Amit Kumar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of modeling oil sands production in an integrated assessment model: Energy consumption and CO2 emission

Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of modeling oil sands production in an integrated assessment model: Energy consumption and CO2 emission

Evan G R Davies, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of net energy ratio and life cycle assessment of large-scale energy storage systems

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of process models to evaluate the performance of N-solv, eseieh, and sagd oil sands

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of techno-economic assessment models for hydrogen production via photocatalytic water splitting

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Jayranjan Maurya

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of techno-economic model for the assessment of biorefinery for the production of bio-oil, ethanol, and hydrogen

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of techno-economic models for assessment of cost of energy storage for vehicle-to-grid applications in a cold climate

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of techno-economic models for the assessment of low-carbon hydrogen export from Western Canada to Eastern Canada, the USA, the Asia-Pacific, and Europe

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Eskinder Gemechu, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The development of techno-economic models for the assessment of utility-scale electro-chemical battery storage systems

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Dirt On Soil Invertebrates And Reclamation

Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Other Event

The double life of Methanoperedens

Lisa Stein

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The ecology of regulatory change: The Security and Exchange Commission’s modernization of oil and gas reserves reporting

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The effect of clay type and solid wettability on bitumen extraction from Canadian oil sands

Hongbo Zeng, Han Wang

Article in professional or trade journals

The Effect of Convective Currents on the Drying of Reconstituted Alberta Oil Sands Gangue

Annie Kuang

Master Thesis

The Effect of Default Rates on Retail Competition and Pricing Decisions of Competitive Retailers: The Case of Alberta

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The effect of default rates on retail competition and pricing decisions of competitive retailers: The case of Alberta

Andrew L. Eckert, David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The effect of depth-ratio on the wake of long-rectangular cylinders

Arman Hemmati, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The effect of dynamic wetting pressure on contact angle measurements

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Abrar Ahmed

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The effect of electrolyte structure, ion conductivity, and decomposition due to mechanochemical processing

Arthur Mar, Lingzi Sang, Fuwei Wen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The effect of multiple square bar roughness in reducing drag in pipeflow at high Reynolds numbers

Arman Hemmati, Shubham Goswami

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Effect Of Oil Sands Process Water (OSPW) Inorganic Matrix On The Photodegradation Of Naphthenic Acids

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rui Qin, Selamawit Messele

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Effect Of Oil Sands Process Water Inorganic Matrix On The Photodegradation Of Naphthenic Acids

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rui Qin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Effect Of Oil Sands Process Water Inorganic Matrix On The Photodegradation Of Organic Contaminants

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Rui Qin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Effect of Operating Parameters of an Amperometric NOx-O2 Sensor on the Sensor Response

Charles Robert Koch

Conference Proceedings

The effect of particle size and concentration on the frictional behavior of vertical upward flows of wheat straw aqueous slurries

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The effect of pitching frequency on the hydrodynamics of oscillating foils

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Effect of Pore-Former Morphology on the Electrochemical Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells under Combined Fuel Cell and Electrolysis Modes

Amir Hanifi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The effect of single dielectric barrier discharge actuators in controlling flow over an Ahmed body

Arman Hemmati, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The effect of Strouhal number and Reynolds number on the wake of pitching panels in underwater swimming

Arman Hemmati

Conference Proceedings

The Effect of Surfactant and Brine Type on Zeta Potential and Oil Recovery During Low Salinity Water Flooding in Carbonate Rocks

Japan J Trivedi, Benedicta Nwani

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The effect of time-varying operating condition on the crack induced impulses and its application to gearbox tooth crack diagnosis

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Effects of Asphaltene Precipitation on Bitumen Recovery during Non-Thermal Cyclic Solvent Injection in Cold Lake Oil Sands-An Experimental Study

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mohammad Yousefi, Lin Yuan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The effects of kerogen maturity on pore structure and wettability of organic-rich calcareous shales

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The End of This World: Climate Justice in So-Called Canada

Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

The Ends of Oil: From Emergence to Emergency

Mark Simpson

Other Event

The environmental performances of alternative materials for hydrogen production via photocatalytic water splitting

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Jayranjan Maurya

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The evolution of large-scale structures in the wake of oscillating teardrop foils

Arman Hemmati

Conference Proceedings

The evolution of secondary structures in the presence of interacting wakes: tandem side-by-side foils

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Evolutions of Multilevel Converter Topology: A Roadmap of Topological Invention

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The future of Alberta's electricity market with a growing penetration of renewable generation capacity

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Future Of Biochar/hydrochar In Water And Wastewater Treatment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Misc: Webinar

The Future of the Planet Relies on Chemists

Jillian Mary Buriak

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Garibaldi Volcanic Belt Geothermal Energy Project – Mount Meager 2019 Field Program

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson, Hersh Gilbert

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

The Gateway: Two U of A professors break new grounds in hydrogen research

Article in popular media

The GCAM-Canada Project

Evan G R Davies, Nick Macaluso, Diego Chiappori, Evan Arbuckle, Matthew Binsted, Osama Younis, Muhammad-Shahid Siddiqui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The greenhouse gas emissions’ footprint and net energy ratio of utility-scale electro-chemical energy storage systems

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The greenhouse gas reduction potential and cost-effectiveness of economy-wide hydrogen-natural gas blending for energy end uses

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Ayodeji Oluwalonimi Okunlola, Temitayo Pelumi Giwa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The History and Theory of Sustainable Design

Other Event

The hunt for viruses that infect methane consuming bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Miranda Darlene Stahn, Liam Rieder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The iDoc Feminist Communication Process: Democratizing Energy Transition Discourse

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea, MaryElizabeth Luka

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Impact of Battery Storage on Power Flow and Economy in an Automated Transactive Energy Market

Petr Musilek

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Impact of Load-Following Forward Contracts

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Impact Of Oil Sands Process Water Matrix On The Ozonation Of Naphthenic Acids: From A Model Compound To A Natural Mixture

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Rui Qin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Impact of Wholesale Price Caps on Forward Contracting

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The implications of separation distance and phase angle on wake dynamics of parallel pitching foils

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor, Muhammad Saif Ullah Khalid

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The implications of two outlet boundary conditions on blood flow simulations in normal aorta of pediatric subjects

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The importance of charge carrier dynamics for oxide photocatalysts and photoelectrocatalysts

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Influence of High Temperature Pyrolysis Melt and Lignin on Cellulose Pyrolysis Chemistry: A First-principles based Investigation

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

The Influence of Rock Composition and pH on Reservoir Wettability for Low-Salinity Water-CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications in Brazilian Reservoirs

Japan J Trivedi, Gabriel Pereira da Costa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The influence of self-cycling fermentation long-and short-cycle schemes on Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Yusheng Tan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Infrastructure of Intimacy — S3E5

Sheena L Wilson, Jessie Beier, Danika Jorgensen Skakum


The Ins and Outs of OMVs; Examining the Contents and Causes of Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) in Methanotrophic Bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Mariah Kristen Hermary

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Ins and Outs of OMVs; Examining the Contents and Causes of Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) in Methanotrophic Bacteria

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Mariah Kristen Hermary

Other Event

The Intertwined Relationship between Power and Patriarchy: Examples from Resource Extractive Industries

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The investigation of Hydrogen Storage in Salt Caverns

Lin Yuan

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

The life cycle energy and environmental footprints of high-performance monocrystalline titanium dioxide nanorod-base perovskite solar cells

Amit Kumar, Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Eskinder Gemechu, Harshadeep Kukkikatte Ramamurthy Rao

Other Event

The life cycle greenhouse gas emission benefits from alternative uses of biofuel coproducts

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Lives and Afterlives of Extractive Landscapes

Jordan Kinder

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Local Effects of the Texas Shale Boom on Schools, Students, and Teachers

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Local Effects of the Texas Shale Boom on Schools, Students, and Teachers

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Local Effects of the Texas Shale Boom on Schools, Students, and Teachers

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Lost Garden

Other Event

The Lost Garden

Other Event

The Market at the End of History: Literary Structuralism and Canadian Infrastructural Aesthetics

Adam Carlson

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

The Market at the End of History: The Structuralism of Canadian Infrastructure

Adam Carlson

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

The Metadata Maze: Reaching Across to Just Responses and Solutions

Article in popular media

The Mite-y Heroes Of Environmental Innovation

Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Modular Multilevel DC Converter with Inherent Minimization of Arm Current Stresses

Greg Kish, Yuan Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The origin of sulfuryl-containing components in SEI from sulfate additive for stable cycling of ultrathin lithium metal anodes

Zhehui Jin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The paradox of female support for coal power: Insights on knowledge, values and trust from a survey of Canadians

John R Parkins

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Pedagogy of Form: 20th Century Art and Ecological Ethics

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Perils of Promising a Costless Energy Transition

Andrew Leach

Article in popular media

The Pools of Ngāwha: Power, History and the Recognition of Māori Interests.

Andie Palmer

Conference Proceedings

The Potential of Art and Design for Renewable Economies in the Arctic

Book Chapter

The potential of fiber-depleted starch concentrate produced through air currents assisted particle separation of barley flour in bio-ethanol production

David C. Bressler

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Potential of Low Grade Canola Feedstock for Biojet Refineries in Alberta: A GIS-Based Analysis

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson

Other Event

The Potential of Low Grade Canola Feedstock for Biojet Refineries in Alberta: A GIS-Based Analysis

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson

Other Event

The Potential of Low Grade Canola Feedstock for Biojet Refineries in Alberta: A GIS-Based Analysis

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The potential of xylanases to reduce the viscosity of micro/nanofibrillated bleached Kraft pulp

Juliana Y Leung

Research Report

The price of plant-based air travel: A review of biojet financial analyses

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Problematic of Images of the Canadian Arctic Landscape Depicting Everyday Extremes

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The propulsive performance of side-by-side foils at a range of Re and St

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Conference Proceedings

The recovery of turbulent pipeflow dynamics depend on the targeted wall geometries at high Reynolds number

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma, Mehran Masoumifar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Resilience of Biofuel Supply: Feedstock Availability, Financial Viability, and Market Competition

Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Response of Modified Turbulent Pipe-Flow Targeting Distinct Fourier Modes at a Range of Reynolds Numbers.

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma, Mehran Masoumifar

Conference Proceedings

The Role of Industrial Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switching as Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions in the Canadian Pulp and Paper Sector

Master Thesis

The Role of Ions on the Surface-Bound Water Structure at the Silica/Water Interface: Identifying the Spectral Signature of Stability

Juli Gibbs, Ben Rehl

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The scaling of propulsive performance of tandem pitching foils in side-by-side configuration

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Scope of Just Powers: iDoc, Speculative Energy Futures and More: In Conversation with Sheena WIlson

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

The secondary instability in the oblique wake of a large-depth-ratio prism

Arman Hemmati, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The semi-continuous saccharification-fermentation, a new strategy to process lignocellulosic biomass at high solid holdings.

Dominic Sauvageau

Conference Proceedings

The solubility of non-polar polymers in cyclohexane: molecular dynamics estimation of the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter.

Phillip YK Choi, Qi Liu, Gabriel Pereira da Costa

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The spatialization of nationalism and justice from below. Social Spatialisation and Spatial Justice

Pradeep Sangapala

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Stabilization of a pseudo-Monocoordinate Silver (I) Cation

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Stabilization of Low-Valent Inorganic Cations using a Bulky N-Heterocyclic Carbene

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The structural settings of convective hydrothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia, Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

The technical and economic potential for improving energy efficiency in the Canadian pulp and paper sector.

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The techno-economic assessment of alternative materials for hydrogen production via photocatalytic water splitting.

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Jayranjan Maurya

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The techno-economic assessment of alternative materials for hydrogen production via photocatalytic water splitting.

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu, Jayranjan Maurya

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The temperature dependence of the Hildebrand solubility parameter of selected hydrocarbon polymers and hydrocarbon solvents: a molecular dynamics investigation.

Phillip YK Choi, Qi Liu, Gabriel Pereira da Costa

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Thermal Stability and Corrosivity of Bio-oil with Methanol Addition

Haoxiang Wang, Jing Liu

Conference Proceedings

The Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy - the Central Role of Materials and Nanoscience

Jillian Mary Buriak

Other Event

The Treatment Of Oil Sands Tailings Water And Their Possible Release To The Environment

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

The Uneven Urban Geography of Energy Transitions: Lessons from Edmonton

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi

Other Event

The Upgrading of Bio-Oil via Hydrodeoxygenation

Amit Kumar

Book Chapter

The Value of Electricity Reliability: Evidence from Battery Adoption

David P Brown, Lucija A Muehlenbachs

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Value of Electricity Reliability: Evidence from Battery Adoption

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Value of Electricity Reliability: Evidence from Battery Adoption

David P Brown, Lucija A Muehlenbachs

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Value of Electricity Reliability: Evidence from Battery Adoption

David P Brown, Lucija A Muehlenbachs

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Value of Electricity Reliability: Evidence from Battery Adoption

David P Brown, Lucija A Muehlenbachs

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Value of Electricity Reliability: Evidence from Battery Adoption

David P Brown, Lucija A Muehlenbachs

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

The wake symmetry behind tandem side-by-side foils

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The wake topology of a wall-mounted long cylinder at low Reynolds numbers.

Arman Hemmati, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The wake transitions to unsteadiness at moderate yaw angles for long-rectangular cylinders

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The Worldwide Transition To Renewable Energy Production And Innovation: How Financial Markets And Policies Matter

Other Event

The Worldwide Transition To Renewable Energy Production And Innovation: How Financial Markets And Policies Matter

Youngbin Joo

Conference Proceedings

The Worldwide Transition To Renewable Energy Production And Innovation: How Financial Markets And Policies Matter

Youngbin Joo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Theory of molecular media capable of supporting sympoietic regeneration

Sourayan Mookerjea

Misc: Theory

There’s more than enough solar power to meet our energy needs: the problem is storing it

Steven Bergens, Mona Amiri

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Thermal Aspects of Geomechanics in Geological CO2 Sequestration - Aquistore Project

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Thermal Impacts for Geological Storage of CO2

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Donald Lawton

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Thermal Reservoir Geomechanical Coupled Simulations at Aquistore

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Thermal Treatment of Bitumen Froth at a Temperature of 250 °C and the Role of Clay Minerals in this Process

Arno De Klerk, Annapurna Sri Sowmya Turuga

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Thermally induced alkyl-silane dehydrocoupling on the surface of germanium nanocrystals

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Thermally Induced Dehydrogenative Coupling of Organosilanes and H-Terminated Silicon Quantum Dots onto Germanane Surfaces

Jonathan GC Veinot, Haoyang Yu, Alyx Thiessen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Thermally Responsive Photoluminescent Hybrids from Silicon Quatum Dots and Elastin-Like Polypeptides

Jonathan GC Veinot

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Thermally stable and coke resistant CoMo alloy-based catalysts as fuel electrodes for solid oxide electrochemical cells

Jingli Luo, Meng Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Thermo-catalytic reforming of Alberta-based biomass feedstock to produce biofuels

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Vinoj Kurian

Article in professional or trade journals

Thermo-catalytic reforming of Canadian agricultural residues to produce biofuels

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Ankit Gupta, Bijay Dhakal

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Thermo-Catalytic Reforming of Woody Biomass

Master Thesis

Thermodynamic and Economic Analysis of a Novel Concept for Methane Pyrolysis in Molten Salt Combined with Heliostat Solar Field

Amir Hanifi, Mahdi Shahbakhti

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Thermoelectric properties of inverse perovskites A3TtO (A = Mg, Ca; Tt = Si, Ge): Computational and experimental investigations

Arthur Mar, Jan Poehls

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Thermo‐Mechanical Creep Behavior of Clearwater Caprock

Master Thesis

Thickness Dependence of the Diffusivity and Solubility of Cyclohexane in Nanoscale Bitumen Films

Phillip YK Choi, Vadim Kislitsin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Thioantimonate Electrolytes for All-solid-state Sodium Batteries – the Evolving Structure, Interface, and Electrochemical Performance

Lingzi Sang

Other Event

This Can't Wait: Billboards For Energy Transition

Sheena L Wilson

Other Event

Thought for Fuel: Planning Canada's Biofuel Roadmap

Feng Qiu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Thoughts on an Unfinished Composition

Book Chapter

Three Environmental Imaginaries and Implications for Acceptable Energy Technologies in Alberta, Canada

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Three Essays in Energy Economics

Yiang Guo

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Three new models for evaluation of standard involute spur gear mesh stiffness

Ming J. Zuo, Xihui Liang, Han Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Three Rh-rich ternary germanides in the Ce-Rh-Ge system

Arthur Mar, Anton Oliynyk, Dong Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Three-dimensional instability in the wake of oscillating foils with combined heaving and pitching

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data for a resistivity model with arbitrary anisotropy

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Three-dimensional unsteady wake dynamics of hydrofoils with combined pitching and heaving motions

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference Proceedings

Three-Minute Theses Workshop

Catherine Tays

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Time Series Forecasting using Sequence Models with Attention

Master Thesis

Time series modeling of vibration signals from a gearbox under varying speed and load condition

Ming J. Zuo, Xihui Liang, Yuejian Chen

Conference Proceedings

Time-resolved Terahertz Spectroscopy of Inverse Opal Ge Films

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Time-Resolved Terahertz Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials

Charles Jensen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Tin Alloy Sheets as Negative Electrodes for Non-Aqueous Li and Na-ion Batteries

Jillian Mary Buriak, Bing Cao


Tin Alloy Sheets as Negative Electrodes for Non-Aquesous Li- and Na-ion Batteries

Jillian Mary Buriak, Bing Cao


TiO 2-HfN Radial Nano-Heterojunction: A Hot Carrier Photoanode for Sunlight-Driven Water-Splitting

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Saralyn Riddell, Ken Cadien

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

TiO2 Nanotube - Noble Metal Nanoparticle Heterojunction Photocatalysts for CO2 Reduction

Karthik Shankar, Natalia Semagina, Jing Shen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

TiO2 nanotube and nanorod arrays: Playgrounds to study unusual heterojunctions, hot electron phenomena and nanophotonic effects

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Tooth crack severity assessment in the early stage of crack propagation using gearbox dynamic model

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Xingkai Yang

Conference Proceedings

Top-Down Approaches Towards Single Crystal Perovskite Solar Cells

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Topologies and Operations of Hybrid-type DC-DC Converters Interfacing Dc-Current Bus and Dc-Voltage Bus

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Yuzhuo Li, Li Ding, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Topology-Based Prediction of Pathway Dysregulation Induced by Intense Terahertz Pulses in Human Skin Tissue Models

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Towards A Scalable DAG-based Distributed Ledger for Smart Communities

Petr Musilek, Hamzeh Khazaei, Sara Ghaemi, Caixiang (Stephen) Fan

Conference Proceedings

Towards Building AI-CPS with NVIDIA Isaac Sim: An Industrial Benchmark and Case Study for Robotics Manipulation

Zhan Shu

Conference Proceedings

Towards Efficient Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems

Talha Ibn Aziz

Master Thesis

Towards Future Interconnected Electricity System

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Towards Triplet-Based Photovoltaics: Iodinated Tellurophenes and Their Conjugated Polymers

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Toxic Media Ecologies 3: Critical Responses to the Cultural Politics of Planetary Crisis

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Toxic Media Ecologies, Virtuous Vulnerabilities and Molecular Intermedia

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

TPC Co-Chair of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems

Omid Ardakanian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Tracing a black hole: Probing cosmic darkness in Anthropocenic times

Jessie Beier

Book Chapter

Tracing the Genealogies of Supportive Research Networks: Māori Anthropological Pathways

Andie Palmer

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Track Chair, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) 2023

Ali Khajehoddin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Trafficking in Petronormativities: At the Intersections of Petrofeminism, Petrocolonialism, and Petrocapitalism

Sheena L Wilson

Book Chapter

Transcriptomic Analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Undergoing Self-Cycling Fermentation

Dominic Sauvageau, Yusheng Tan

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Transcriptomic analysis of synchrony and productivity in self-cycling fermentation of engineered yeast producing shikimic acid

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Yusheng Tan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Transcriptomic and metabolomic responses to carbon and nitrogen sources in Methylomicrobium album BG8

Dominic Sauvageau, Lisa Stein, Marina Lazic

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Transform-domain noise synthesis and NMO-Stack deconvolution approach to ground roll attenuat

Mauricio Sacchi, Felix Oghenekohwo

Article in professional or trade journals

Transformerless Series-Connected Current Source Converter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Transient, multi-phase analysis of polymer electrolyte fuel cells: Insights from computational modeling at multiple scales and experiments

Marc Secanell, Wei Fei

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Transient, multi-scale, multi-phase analysis of polymer electrolyte fuel cells and electrolyzers

Marc Secanell, Manas Mandal, Michael Moore

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Transition in Energy, Culture and Society

Mark Simpson

Misc: Talk

Transition in the wake symmetry of tandem side-by-side oscillating foils.

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Conference Proceedings

Transition metal carbide catalysts for Upgrading lignocellulosic biomass-derived oxygenates: A review of the experimental and computational investigations into structure-property relationships

Samir Hemant Mushrif, Sagar Bathla

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Transition Metal Oxides Anchored Onto Co-Doped Carbon Nanotubes As Bifunctional Electrocatalysts

Douglas Ivey, Alexandra McDougall

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Transition Metal Oxides Anchored onto Heteroatom Doped Carbon Nanotubes as Efficient Bifunctional Catalysts for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries

Alexandra McDougall

Master Thesis

Transition to cleaner grid for fossil fuel dominant jurisdictions: Development of a consequential lifecycle assessment approach.

Amit Kumar, Eskinder Gemechu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Transitions of microbial communities in high-solids anaerobic digestion with percolate recirculation

Joey Ting

Master Thesis

Transitions: On Energy, Pipelines, Art and Justice

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 via Fecal-Oral and Aerosols–Borne Routes: Environmental Dynamics and Implications for Wastewater Management in Underprivileged Societies

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Muhammad Arslan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Transtion-metal doping SiNPs

Riley Hooper

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Traplines and Resisting the Impacts of Oil and Forestry Industries on Bigstone Cree Nation: In Conversation with Elder Albert Yellowknee

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water By Electro-Oxidation On Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA)

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water By Electrochemical Oxidation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman, Soliu Ganiyu, Yue Ju

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water By Electrochemical Oxidation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Abdallatif Abdalrhman, Soliu Ganiyu, Yue Ju, Qi Feng, Ziang Chang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water By The Ferric Citrate Under Visible Light Irradiation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Chelsea Benally, Lingjun Meng, Lingling Yang, Zuo Tong How, Zhijun Luo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Treatment of oil sands process water using biofiltration and oxidation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water Using Petroleum Coke: Field Pilot

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Chelsea Benally, Zhexuan An

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Treatment Of Oil Sands Tailings Water And Their Possible Release

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Treaty Rights, Traplines and Resisting Oil and Gas on Bigstone Cree Nation: In Conversation with Cindy Noskiye

Sheena L Wilson, Sourayan Mookerjea

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Tri- and Tetra-Metallic Oxides Anchored to Heteroatom Doped Carbon Nanotubes as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Alexandra McDougall

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Triggering Transition

Imre Szeman

Other Event

Triplet excitons: improving exciton diffusion length for enhanced organic photovoltaics

Karthik Shankar, Manisha Gupta

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

True colours shining through: Determining site distributions in coloured Li-containing quaternary Heusler compounds

Arthur Mar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vladimir K Michaelis, Mohammad Jomaa, Madhu Sudan Chaudhary

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Tsinghua University and UAlberta Student Workshop

Steven Bergens, Chao Wang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Tunable Absorption and Emission in Mixed Halide Bismuth Oxyhalides for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Al Meldrum, Vladimir K Michaelis, Guy Bernard, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Harshitha Rajashekhar, Narendra Chaulagain, Md Masud Rana, Navneet Kumar, John Garcia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Tunable Syngas Production via Photoelectrochemical Reduction of CO2 Using Cu2O-SnO2 Z-Scheme Photocatalyst

Karthik Shankar, Jingli Luo, Steven Bergens, Meng Li, Sheng (Shawn) Nian Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Tuning Composition of Multicomponent Surface Nanodroplets in a Continuous Flow-In System

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Tuning local carbon active sites saturability of graphitic carbon nitride to boost CO2 electroreduction towards CH4

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Jing Xiao

Article in professional or trade journals

Tunning water ionicity in water-assisted settling of bituminous fine solids.

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Camila Santander

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Turning a Liability into an Asset: Re-purposing Inactive Petroleum Wells for Geothermal Energy Production

Master Thesis

Turning green house gases into green products - 3MT competition

Catherine Tays

Other Event

Turning Greenhouse Gases into Green Products

Catherine Tays

Other Event

Tutorial Co-Chair, and Track Chair for IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) 2020

Ali Khajehoddin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Two Poems

Ariel Kroon

Article in popular media

Two presentations and Lab tour

Steven Bergens, Octavio Martinez Perez, Mona Amiri

Other Event

Two presentations and lab tours for international students

Steven Bergens, Mona Amiri, Emily Majaesic

Other Event

Two-phase (solid-liquid) flows of agricultural residue biomass in inclined pipes.

Amit Kumar, Kashif Javed, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Two-Phase Equilibrium and Minimum Miscibility Pressure of CO2-DME-Oil Mixtures

Ying Zhou

Master Thesis

Two-Stage Optimization-Based Model Predictive Control of 5L-ANPC Converter-Fed PMSM Drives

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Li Ding

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

TWOSE Research Zone Science Communications Training Program

Cerrise Weiblen

Other Event

U Of A Research Initiative Looks At Full Range Of Energy System Innovations

M Anne Naeth

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

U of A researchers at forefront of the province's hydrogen future

Jason Scott Olfert

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

UARE Summer Student from India

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

UCalgary Scholar Public Lecture: Genomic Media/Sustainable DNA

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ukraine, Energy, and Environmental Futures

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ultra-Strong Hydrogel Fibers

Ian Gates


Ultrabright Fluorescent and Lasing Microspheres from a Conjugated Polymer

Jonathan GC Veinot, Al Meldrum, Maryam Aghajamali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics of CdS Nanowires Wrapped In C3N5 Nanosheets

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Charles Jensen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ultrafast photoconductivity and terahertz vibrational dynamics in double helix SnIP nanowires

Charles Jensen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ultrafast, long-life, high-loading, and wide-temperature zinc ion supercapacitors

Xiaolei Wang, Zhixiao Xu, Rujiao Ma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ultrahigh Density of Gas Molecules Confined in Surface Nanobubbles in Ambient Water

Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ultrasensitive Picomolar Detection of Aqueous Acids in Microscale Fluorescent Droplets

Xuehua Zhang, Al Meldrum, Hui Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ultrathin Zincophilic Interphase Regulated Electric Double Layer Enabling Highly Stable Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries

Hongbo Zeng, Hao Zhang, Xiaolei Wang, Zhiping Deng, Ge Li, Yimei Chen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Uncertainty in life cycle GHG emissions of biofuels due to coproduct utilization

Amit Kumar, Hao Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Uncertainty Quantification Through the Assimilation of CO2 Plume Size from 4D Seismic Survey

Bo Zhang, Walid Ben Saleh

Conference Proceedings

Unconventional well shut-in and reopening: Multiphase gas-oil interactions and their consequences on well performance

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin, Amin Alinejad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Understanding Acidity of Molten Salt Hydrate Media for Cellulose Hydrolysis by Combining Kinetic Studies, Electrolyte Solution Modeling, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, and 13C NMR Experiments

Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Understanding Adsorption of Violanthrone-79 as a Model Asphaltene Compound on Quartz Surface Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Understanding how racial resentment fuels opposition to energy transition

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas, Brooks DeCillia

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Understanding How Society Will Change as We Move to Renewable Energy Sources

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea

Article in popular media

Understanding risk communication in practice: Insights from municipalities in Alberta, Canada

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi, Debadutta Parida

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Understanding the Anatomy of a Silicon Nanocrystal

Vladimir K Michaelis, Alyx Thiessen, Michelle Ha, Riley Hooper

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Understanding the Anatomy of a Silicon Nanocrystal

Vladimir K Michaelis, Alyx Thiessen, Michelle Ha, Riley Hooper

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Understanding the Complex Interfacial Behaviors and Molecular Interaction Mechanisms of Asphaltenes at the Oil/Water/Solid Interfaces

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie, Xiaoyu Sun

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Understanding the Decomposition Mechanism of Halide Electrolyte in All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries

Qichao Wu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Understanding the effect of solvent environment on the interaction of hydronium ion with biomass derived species: A Molecular Dynamics and Metadynamics investigation

Samir Hemant Mushrif

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Understanding the Geography of Low-Carbon Transitions in Canadian Municipalities: insights from the Prairies

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Understanding the Geography of Urban Energy Transitions in Canada: insights from the Prairies

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Understanding the Impact and Chemistry of Treatment of Naphthenic Acids through By-products Investigation

M Anne Naeth, Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Zuo Tong How

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Understanding the Interactions and Stability of Emulsions in the presence of Asphaltenes

Hongbo Zeng, Ling Zhang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Understanding the Interfacial Behaviors and Molecular Interaction Mechanisms of Asphaltenes Using Experimental and Theoretical Methods

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Lei Xie, Xiaoyu Sun, Jing Liu

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Understanding the light-induced oxygen vacancy in the photochemical conversion

Jingli Luo, Chenyu Xu

Article in professional or trade journals

Understanding the physical phenomena limiting the inkjet printed PEM water electrolyzer performance

Manas Mandal

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Understanding the Properties of Bitumen Froth from Oil Sands Surface Mining and Treatment of Water-in-oil Emulsions

Qi Liu, Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaohui Mao, Camila Santander, Wenshuai Yang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Understanding the Role of Interfacial Layers in Organic Photovoltaics

Bing Cao

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Underwater Oil Drop Storage, Guided Transport and Oil/Water Separation using Surfaces with Wettability Contrast Prepared through a Vapor-based Etching Method

Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare, Ravi Kant Upadhyay

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Unified Control of the Parallel LCC -VSCs Interlinking Converters in a Hybrid AC/DC Network

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Farzam Nejabatkhah, Rouzbeh Reza Ahrabi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Unified Fast-Dynamic Direct-Current Control Scheme for Intermediary Inductive AC -Link Isolated DC-DC Converters

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Andrew Zhou, Yuzhuo Li, Zhongyi Quan, Nie Hou

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Unified Machine learning based design of adsorption separation processes

Kasturi Nagesh Pai

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Universal wetting transition of an evaporating water droplet on hydrophobic micro- and nano-structures

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

University of Alberta 3 minute thesis (3MT) competition

Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Other Event

University of Alberta’s Business School Energy and the Environment Conference

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Unleasing Canada’s Biomass Energy Potential

Amit Kumar, David C. Bressler, Marty K Luckert

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Unlocking nanotubular bismuth oxyiodide toward carbon-neutral electrosynthesis

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Chenyu Xu, Mengnan Zhu, Subiao Liu, Pengfei Sui, Yicheng Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Unpacking Energy Transition (FluxKit Beta Tests)

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Justine Kohleal Hartlieb-Power

Other Event

Unraveling Partial Coalescence between Droplet and Oil-Water Interface in Water-in-oil Emulsions Under a Direct-current Electric Field via Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun

Article in professional or trade journals

Unraveling the Hydrophobic Interaction Mechanisms of Hydrocarbon and Fluorinated Surfaces

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Wenhui Li, Wenshuai Yang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Unravelled Keratin-deried Biopolymers As Novel Bioadsorbants For The Simultaneous Removal Of Multiple Trace Metals From Industrial Wastewater

Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Unravelling Structure Sensitivity in CO2 Electroreduction to Near-Unity CO on Silver Nanocubes

Jingli Luo, Jing Xiao, Subiao Liu

Article in professional or trade journals

Unravelling the Interaction of Water-in-Oil Emulsion Droplets via Molecular Simulations and Surface Force Measurements

Tian Tang, Hongbo Zeng, Xiaoyu Sun, Hao Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Unsteadiness in the wake of a long wall-mounted cylinder at high angles of incident

Arman Hemmati, Arash Zargar

Conference Proceedings

Unsupervised PSD Clustering to Assess Reservoir Quality Along the Horizontal Wells: An Efficient Inflow Control Devices Design

Juliana Y Leung, Rashid Mirzavand, Hossein Izadi

Conference Proceedings

Unusual Surface Ligand Doping-Induced p-Type Quantum Dot Solids and Their Application in Solar Cells

Karthik Shankar, Hongbo Zeng, Ujwal Thakur

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Unveiling phase-selective α-and β-Bi2O3-derived electrocatalysts for CO2 electroreduction

Jingli Luo, Minrui Gao, Subiao Liu, Pengfei Sui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Unveiling the Pivotal Parameters for Advancing High Energy Density in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries: A Comprehensive Review

Ge Li, Yue Fei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Upcycling of spent LiCoO $\less$sub$\greater$2$\less$/sub$\greater$ cathodes via nickel- and manganese-doping

Xiaolei Wang, Wenjing Deng, Zhixiao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Upcycling spent alkaline batteries into rechargeable zinc metal batteries

Xiaolei Wang, Zhixiao Xu

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Updates on development of real-time optimization frameworks and machine learning algorithms

Japan J Trivedi, Juliana Y Leung, Ian Gates

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Updates on Non-Isothermal Coupled Simulations at Aquistore

Richard John Chalaturnyk, Alireza Rangriz Shokri

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Upscaling production of droplets and magnetic particles with additive manufacturing

P Amy Tsai, Tsai Hsing Ho

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Upstream Oil & Gas Industry: Past, Present and Future

Japan J Trivedi, Yenny Carolina Arambula Becerra

Other Event

Urban Just Transitions Symposium

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

USchool Hands-on demonstration

Lisa Stein

Other Event

Uschool Hands-on demonstration

Lisa Stein

Other Event

USchool Tenth Anniversary Presentation

Fabiano Domingos

Other Event

USchool: Materials and Informatics

Arthur Mar, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Hussien Osman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

USchool: Materials and Informatics

Arthur Mar, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Alex Gzyl, Anton Oliynyk

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Use Of Carbon Xerogel For Adsorption Of Organic Materials In Oil Sands Process Water

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Selamawit Messele, Chelsea Benally

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Use of Electrical Heating to Remove Condensate Banking in the Near-Wellbore Region of Shale Condensate Reservoirs

Siyuan (Ryan) Wang

Other Event

Use of Electrical Resistance Heating and Electrical Heater Heating to Remove Condensate Blockage in the Near-wellbore Region

Siyuan Wang

Master Thesis

Use of Nano Particles for Stable Pickering Emulsion in Heavy Oil Recovery

Master Thesis

Use of Periodic Pulses and Non-Native Substrates to Form Nanoporous Metal Oxide Films By Anodization

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Use Of Soil Invertebrates For Monitoring Land Reclamation: Small But Mite-y

M Anne Naeth, Stephanie Chute-Ibsen

Other Event

Use of thermogravimetric analyzer and high temperature furnace as an alternative to the coke reactivity index test and study on effect of binders in metallurgical coke making

Amanthan Santhanakrishnan

Master Thesis

Using 1D and 2D Nanomaterials in Halide Perovskite Solar Cells to Enhance Light Harvesting and Charge Collection

Ujwal Thakur

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Using Anionic N-Heterocyclic Olefins to Access New Cyclic Bonding Motifs in the Main Group

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques to analyze incident reports.

Conference Proceedings

Using BP Neural Networks to Prioritize Risk Management Approaches for China’s Unconventional Shale Gas Industry

Joel Gehman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Using Floating Wetlands To Treat Large-Scale Waste Water Sources

Muhammad Arslan

Other Event

Using in vitro bioassays to predict the impact of OSPW on receiving aquatic environments

Maricor Jane Arlos

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Using Machine Learning and Keyword Analysis to Analyze Incident Reports and Reduce Risk in Oil Sands Operations

Master Thesis

Using magnetotelluric data in geothermal exploration and volcanology

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Using Microwave Irradiation for In-situ Infiltration of Electrodes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Taghi Amiri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Using Process Safety Management tools to identify and assess tailings hazards

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Using proxy models and adaptive sampling to integrate complex engineering models into life cycle assessments of energy systems

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Using Variable Speed Diesel Generators to Increase Renewable Energy Penetration in the Yukon

Brian Fleck, Tim Weis

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Utility-scale Energy Storage System for Managing EV Load in Connected Distribution Circuits

Petr Musilek

Conference Proceedings

Utilization Of Keratin Derived Biopolymers For Removal Of Trace Metals, Organic Contaminants And Consolidation Of Oil Sands Tailings

Tariq Siddique, Aman Ullah, Muhammad Arshad

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Utilizing geothermal energy from enhanced geothermal systems as a heat source for oil sands separation: A numerical evaluation

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Utopian and Regenerative Praxes, Degrowth, Crises and the Revenants of Racial Capitalism

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

UV-Initiated Si–S, Si–Se and Si–Te Bond Formation on Si(111): Coverage, Mechanism, and Electronics

Article in professional or trade journals

UVA LED-Assisted Breakdown Of Persulfate Oxidants For The Treatment Of Real Oil Sands Process Water: Removal Of Naphthenic Acids And Evaluation Of Residual Toxicity

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Isaac Sanchez Montes, James Stafford, Hadi Mokarizadeh

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Vacuum Packaged Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Powering Smart Grid Monitoring Devices

Ali Khajehoddin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Vacuum packaged powerline magnetic field energy harvester (CAN)

Ali Khajehoddin


Validation and Testing of a Numerical Model for the Design and Up-Scaling of Low Temperature Difference Stirling Engines

Master Thesis

Validation Of Etalon-Based Water Sensing Technology In A Northern Alberta Community

Michael Serpe, Nicholas Balasuriya, Md Reazul Islam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

van der Waals Epitaxy of Soft Twisted Bilayers: Lattice Relaxation and Mass Density Waves

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries: A Review of Use Cases for Microgrids and Comparison with Other Technologies

Petr Musilek

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Vapor Deposition of Semiconducting P Allotropes into TiO2 Nanotube Arrays for Photo-Electrocatalytic Water Splitting

Karthik Shankar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Vapor growth of binary and ternary phosphorus-based semiconductors into TiO2 nanotube arrays and application in visible light driven water splitting

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Variability of Biofuel Feedstock from Agricultural Residues in Alberta

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Jay Anthony Anderson, Grant K Hauer, Yu Feng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Variations in Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions across Neighbourhoods: A Case of Edmonton in Canada

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi, Nilusha Welegedara, Shaival Gajjar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Variations in Greenhouse Gas Emissions across Neighborhoods in Edmonton

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara, Shaival Gajjar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Variations in Greenhouse Gas Emissions across Neighborhoods in Edmonton

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara, Shaival Gajjar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Variations in Gross and Net Greenhouse Gas Emissions across Neighborhoods in Edmonton

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara, Shaival Gajjar

Other Event

Vector Shifted Model Predictive Power Control of Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Rectifiers

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Changpeng Jiang, Zhongyi Quan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Vehicle-to-grid frequency regulation signal optimization based on inhomogeneous hidden Markov model

Hao Liang, Yuan Liu

Conference Proceedings

Vertical Integration and Capacity Investment in the Electricity Sector

David P Brown

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Vibration Signal Analysis for Planetary Gearbox Fault Diagnosis

Libin Liu

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Vibration-based fault detection and severity assessment for fixed-axis gearboxes

Yuejian Chen

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Virtual Reduced-Order Plant-Based Speed Sensorless Control for AC Motor Drives With Output LC Filter

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Conference Proceedings

Virtual Resistor Based Harmonic Sharing of DC Active Power Filter in Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Conference Proceedings

Virtual Resistor Based Second-Order Ripple Sharing Control for Distributed Bidirectional DC-DC Converters in Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid

Ryan (Yunwei) Li, Hao Tian

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Virtual rotating speed meter: Extracting machinery rotating speed from vibration signals based on deep learning and transfer learning

Ming J. Zuo, Meng Rao, Dongdong Wei

Conference Proceedings

Virtual SVPWM Based Flexible Power Control for Dual-DC-Port DC-AC Converters in PV-Battery Hybrid Systems

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Virtual Transformer Control for DC-DC Interlinking Converters in DC Microgrids

Ryan (Yunwei) Li

Conference Proceedings

Visbreaking of Bitumen Froth: Influence of Minerals, Water, and Solvent on the Physicochemical Changes in the Bitumen Phase

Arno De Klerk, Joao Felipe Pereira Bassane

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Viscosity Mixing Rules for Bitumen at 1-10 wt % Solvent Dilution When Only Viscosity and Density Are Known

Arno De Klerk, Natalia Montoya Sanchez

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Viscosity-Mediated Growth and Coalescence of Surface Nanodroplets

Xuehua Zhang, Jia Meng

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Viscous Fingering Instability of Complex Fluids in a Tapered Geometry

P Amy Tsai

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Visible Light Driven CO2 Photoreduction Using TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Embedded with Low Bandgap Carbon Nitride Nanoparticles

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam, Damini Vrushabendrakumar, Narendra Chaulagain, Navneet Kumar

Conference Proceedings

Visible Light Driven Photocatalysts Based on New Graphenic Semiconductors and Their Heterojunctions

Karthik Shankar, Kazi Alam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Visible Light Responsive, Earth-Abundant Heterojunction Photocatalysts

Karthik Shankar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Visit to Tsinghua

Zhehui Jin, Wanying Pang

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Visit to Tsinghua (Oct. 2018)

Zhehui Jin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Visit to US-DOE NREL

Shibashis Das

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Visiting Artist Lecture

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Visiting Artist Lecture

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Visiting PhD Student

Junying Song

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Visiting PhD Student

Hande Demir

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Visiting PhD Student

Yue Ju

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Visiting PhD student

Harshitha Rajashekhar

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Visiting Scholar

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Visiting student

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Visiting Student

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Visiting Student

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Visiting student (Incoming)

Petr Musilek

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Visiting student (outgoing)

Wanying Pang

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Visiting Student (Outgoing)

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Visiting Student - Joan Torrents

Tim Weis

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Visiting student - Sebastian Chacon Moran

Tim Weis

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Visiting Student - Zhang

Visiting Researcher (incoming)

Visting student - Hannah Romberg

Tim Weis

Visiting Researcher (incoming)


David S. Nobes, Prashant Rakhmaji Waghmare

Conference Proceedings

Visualizing Interactions Between Liquid Propane and Heavy Oil

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Visualizing Oil Recovery Mechanisms During Natural Gas Huff-n-Puff Experiments on Ultra-tight Core Plugs

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin, Son Thai Tran, Sara Eghbali

Conference Proceedings

Volatile Trajectories

Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman, Darin Barney


Volatility Transmission Effects Between Canadian Wheat and US Energy and Agricultural Commodities

Marty K Luckert, Feng Qiu, Grant K Hauer, Curtis John McKnight

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Volume Fraction Sensing of Multivariable Systems using Multi-Resonances of Planar Microwave Resonators

Navid Hosseini

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Volumetric measurement of turbulence and flow topology in an asymmetric diffuser

Sina Ghaemi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

VPAG Presents: OPT 2021 Artist Talk Series, Virtual Artist Talk.

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

VRF Battery Characterization Using Microwave Planar Complementary Split Ring Resonators

Petr Musilek

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Vulnerability portrayals across climate risk discourses in Bhubaneswar: an evolutionary perspective

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Debadutta Parida

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wake dynamics and surface pressure variations on two-dimensional normal flat plates

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wake structures and propulsive performance in heaving panels with a small aspect ratio

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wake symmetry and its effect on wake swimming synchronization

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Conference Proceedings

Walmart in the Global South: Workplace Culture, Labor Politics, and Supply Chains

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Warm hydrogen direct adsorptive separation and purification with highly CO /H2S-tolerant rare earth alloys

Hao Zhang, Xinyi Wang, Mohammad Khalkhali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Waste Fats and Oil, a Source for Producing Renewable Jet Fuels

David C. Bressler, Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari, Bernardo Araujo Souto

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Waste Fats and Oil, a Source for Producing Renewable Jet Fuels

David C. Bressler, Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari, Bernardo Araujo Souto

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Waste to Fuel?

Other Event

Water is Life: A Visit with GardenShip & State

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water quality monitoring with in vitro bioassays to compare untreated oil sands process-affected water with unimpacted rivers

Maricor Jane Arlos

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Water Transport Characterization of Anion and Proton Exchange Membranes

Marc Secanell, Jiafei Liu, Wei Fei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Water transport in anion and proton exchange membranes

Marc Secanell, Jiafei Liu, Wei Fei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Water Treatment And Reclamation Approaches In The Canadian Oil Sands

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water Treatment and Reclamation Approaches In The Canadian Oil Sands: Active and Passive Treatment Options

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water Treatment And Reclamation Strategies For Oil Sands Process Water Using Passive Approaches

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water Treatment And Reclamation Strategies For The Canadian Oil Sands Process Water - A Step Towards Sustainable Ecosystems

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water Treatment Approaches In The Canadian Oil Sands

Mohamed Gamal El-Din

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water-Assisted Transfer Patterning of Nanomaterials

Jonathan GC Veinot, Maryam Aghajamali

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Water-mediated adhesion of oil sands on solid surfaces at low temperature

Qi Liu, Xuehua Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Water-mediated adhesion of oil sands on solid surfaces at low temperature and possible solutions to mitigate adhesion

Master Thesis

Water-Soluble pH-Switchable Cobalt Complexes for Aqueous Symmetric Redox Flow Batteries

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water-soluble pH-switchable cobalt complexes for aqueous symmetric redox flow batteries

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Article in professional or trade journals

Water-Soluble pH-Switchable Cobalt Complexes for Aqueous Symmetric Redox Flow Batteries

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water-Soluble pH-Switchable Cobalt Complexes for Aqueous Symmetric Redox Flow Batteries

Jillian Mary Buriak, Brian Olsen

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water-splitting photoelectrodes consisting of heterojunctions of carbon nitride with a p-type low bandgap double perovskite oxide

Karthik Shankar, Ujwal Thakur, Kazi Alam

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Water-use implications of low carbon pathways in the oil and gas sector

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Thomas Edward Lamont Patrick

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water-use implications of low carbon pathways in the oil and gas sector

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Thomas Edward Lamont Patrick

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Water-use implications of low-carbon pathways in the oil and gas sector

Amit Kumar, Matthew Davis, Thomas Edward Lamont Patrick

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Waveguide Resonances in Capillaries for Microlasing and Sensing

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

We Were In It: Experiments with Flash Fiction and Energy

Lisa Moore

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

We Were In It: Very Short Stories About Energy

Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea

Other Event

Weighted domain adaptation networks for machinery fault diagnosis

Ming J. Zuo, Dongdong Wei

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Weighted Dynamic Aggregation Modeling of DC Microgrid Converters with Droop Control

Ali Khajehoddin, Navid Shabanikia

Conference Proceedings

Weighted Dynamic Aggregation Modeling of Grid-Following Inverters to Analyze Renewable DG Integrated Microgrids

Ali Khajehoddin, Navid Shabanikia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Weighted Dynamic Aggregation Modeling of Induction Machine-Based Windfarms

Ali Khajehoddin, Navid Shabanikia

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Well-to-tank (WTT) energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the vapor solvent oil sands extraction process

Amit Kumar, Mohammad Ikthair Hossain Soiket

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Westport 2018

Charles Robert Koch

Other Event

Wettability effect on oil recovery using rock-structured microfluidics

P Amy Tsai, Junyi Yang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wettability Of Calcareous Shales From The East Duvernay Basin: The Role Of Natural Fractures, Thermal Maturity, And Organic-Pore Connectivity

Hassan Dehghanpour, Mahmood Reza Yassin

Conference Proceedings

Wetting and Evaporation Dynamics of Water Droplets on Superhydrophobic surfaces

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Wetting and Evaporation of Surfactantladen droplets on Superhydrophobic surfaces

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Wetting and Impact of Complex Droplets

P Amy Tsai

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

What Are Institutional Logics Worth? How Values Anchor the Effects of Logics on Organizations

Joel Gehman, Bandita Deka Kalita

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

What Are Logics Worth? Creating and Transforming Values via Mutability and Transposability

Joel Gehman, Bandita Deka Kalita

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

What Are Logics Worth? Mutability and Transposability as Alternative Pathways of Transforming Institutional Logics

Joel Gehman, Bandita Deka Kalita

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

What can climate justice organizers learn from the "energy humanities?"

Sheena L Wilson


What Can the Humanities Contribute to the Global Energy Transition?

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

What does neighbourhood climate action look like? A scoping literature review

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi, Shirley Octaviani Lie

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

What ethanol prices would induce growers to switch from agriculture to poplar in Alberta?: A multiple options approach

Marty K Luckert, Grant K Hauer

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

What is a Petroculture? Conjectures on Energy and Global Culture

Imre Szeman

Other Event

What is Biomass Energy?

David C. Bressler

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

What Is Canada Waiting For to Start Its Transition?

Imre Szeman

Article in professional or trade journals

What is the production cost of renewable diesel from woody biomass and agricultural residue based on experimentation? A comparative assessment

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

What is your energy story? Narrating energy subjectivity through lived experiences

Derek Gladwin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

What Shapes Canadians’ Attitudes about Energy Transition?

Lori J Thorlakson, Melanee Thomas, Brooks DeCillia

Other Event

What We Can Learn from Alberta’s Changing Oil & Gas Industry’s Organizing Principles

Bandita Deka Kalita

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

What’s In A Name? Impact Of Community Power, Identity, And Logics On Cross-Sector Agreement Quality

Maggie Cascadden, Kylie Heales

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

When Cyber-Physical Systems Meet AI: A Benchmark, an Evaluation, and a Way Forward

Conference Proceedings

When Is A Good Time To Treat? The Economics Behind Treatment Of Oil Sands Process Water

Jerico Fiestas Flores

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

When the Grid Goes Dark: Can Electric Cars Save the Day in a Disaster?

Stephen David Wong, Mohammad Hossein Babaei

Other Event

Where the Bull Dozes

Other Event

Which crudes have the lowest GHG emission intensity? A discussion on perspective

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Why are feminist perspectives, analyses, and actions vital to degrowth?

Sourayan Mookerjea

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Why do anguilliform swimmers perform undulation with wavelengths shorter than their bodylengths?

Arman Hemmati, Muhammad Saif Ullah Khalid

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Why energy literacy, why now?

Derek Gladwin

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Why is Energy Transition a Feminist Issue?

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Why Research-Creation? Artistic Method and the Anthropocene

Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Wide-Band Label-Free Selective Microwave Resonator-Based Sensors for Multi-Component Liquid Analysis

Masoud Baghelani

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wide-gamut lasing from a single organic chromophore.

Al Meldrum, Hui Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wildfires in the Tłı̨chǫ Region and Their Effects on Land Cover

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Nilusha Welegedara, Ishrar Sameen

Other Event

Wind Emissions Displacement in Alberta, Canada

Sergi Arús García

Master Thesis

Wind Energy Emissions Displacement in Coal Transition

Andrew Leach, Tim Weis, Sergi Arús García, Faith Nobert

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wind farm predictive maintenance considering component level repairs and economic dependency

Zhigang Tian, Han Zhang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wind power emissions displacement in Alberta's electricity market

Andrew Leach, Tim Weis, Sergi Arús García, Faith Nobert

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wind power forecasting using attention-based gated recurrent unit network

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wind power system reliability and maintenance optimization considering turbine and wind uncertainty

Zhigang Tian, Han Wang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wind power system reliability modeling considering turbine and wind uncertainty

Zhigang Tian, Han Wang, Han Zhang

Conference Proceedings

Wind turbine power output estimation with probabilistic power curves

Ming J. Zuo, Zhigang Tian, Siyun Ge

Conference Proceedings

Windsor Park School Science Blitz

Fatemeh Bakhtiari Ziabari

Other Event

WinSETT - Creating a Centre for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wireless Capacitive Liquid-Level Detection Sensor Based on Zero-Power RFID-Sensing Architecture

Rashid Mirzavand, Ashwin K. Iyer, Shaheen Ahmad, Ramin Khosravi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wireless Communication and Power Delivery to Sensors in Heavy Oil Production

Rashid Mirzavand, Fabiano Domingos

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Wireless Data and Power Transmission To SAGD Liners

Rashid Mirzavand, Fabiano Domingos

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Wireless Power Transfer Interactive Demonstration

Other Event

Wireless Power Transmission over SAGD Lines

Fabiano Domingos

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Wireless sensing systems based on passive UHF RFID technology for physical parameters measurement

Shaheen Ahmad

Master Thesis

Wireless Sensor Technology For Heavy Oil Applications

Masoud Baghelani

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

WISEST Outreach Lead

Miranda Darlene Stahn

Other Event

WISEST Panelist STEM Careers

Miranda Darlene Stahn

Other Event

WISEST Panelist/Networking Mentor

Miranda Darlene Stahn

Other Event

WISEST Programming Committee Member

Miranda Darlene Stahn

Misc: Committee

Work, Health, and Mortality: The Case of WLEMMAs in the Shale Boom and Bust

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Work, Health, and Mortality: The Case of WLEMMAs in the Shale Boom and Bust

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Work, Health, and Mortality: The Case of WLEMMAs in the Shale Boom and Bust

Joseph Thomas Marchand

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Work-Packaged Level Risk Identification of On-shore Wind Farm Project: Applying Fuzzy CBR in Construction Risk Identification

Aminah Robinson Fayek, Nima Gerami Seresht, Sahand Somi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article


Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution


Mark Simpson, Imre Szeman

Other Event

Workshop at the 2020 IEEE Electric Power and Energy Conference (EPEC'20)

Hao Liang

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Workshop on Carbon Pricing and Renewables (Keynote), Waseda University Japan

David P Brown

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

World-ecology and Hydrapolitics: Interlocking Oppressions in the Age of Exhaustion

Sourayan Mookerjea

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Written on the Earth

Other Event

X-ray diffraction short course

Arthur Mar

Other Event

YEG Climate Emergency: In the News…but also Behind the Scenes

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

Yes! Energy Transition in my Backyard

Sandeep Kumar Agrawal, Neelakshi Joshi

Other Event

You can learn a lot of things from the flowers...

Book Chapter

Your Energy Technology in the Real World: Methods for assessing the economic and system-wide impacts of energy transition

Marty K Luckert

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Yttrium Manganite Based Oxide Perovskite Semiconductor Photocatalysts: Computational & Experimental Studies and Future Work

Kazi Alam

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Z-scheme Plasmonic Ag Decorated Bi2WO6/NiO Hybrids For Enhanced Photocatalytic Treatment Of Naphthenic Acids In Real Oil Sands Process Water Under Simulated Solar Irradiation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Pamela Chelme-Ayala, Chelsea Benally, Lingjun Meng, Zuo Tong How

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Z-Scheme Plasmonic Ag Decorated NiO/Bi2WO6 Hybrids for Enhanced Photocatalytic Treatment of Naphthenic Acids in Real Oil Sands Process Water under Simulated Solar Irradiation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Lingjun Meng

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Zero Net Carbon (Less Water and Energy) thermal process for in-situ oil sand recovery with GHG capture and utilization

Japan J Trivedi, Raj Gupta

Other Event

Zinc and Nickel Based Oxides Anchored Onto Nitrogen-Doped Nanotubes As Bifunctional Catalysts for Zinc-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Alexandra McDougall

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Zinc-Air Batteries with Efficient and Stable MnCo2O4/Carbon Fiber Bifunctional Electrocatalyst and Poly(acrylic Acid) (PAA) Based Gel Electrolyte

Douglas Ivey, Jiayao Cui

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Zinc-Air Batteries: The Search for Better Rust

Matthew Labbe

Other Event

Zinc-Air Battery Advances: Efficiency, Stability, and Low Temperature Operation

Douglas Ivey, Hyun-Joong Chung, Ken Cadien, Matthew Labbe, Jiayao Cui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Zinc-philic Electrolyte Additives for Zinc-Ion Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Xiaolei Wang, Jiayao Cui

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Zn-Based Oxides Anchored to Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes as Efficient Bifunctional Catalysts for Zn-Air Batteries

Douglas Ivey, Drew Aasen

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

ZnO-coated Micro Glass Bubbles (MGBs) For Photodegradation

Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Xuehua Zhang, Lingling Yang, Yanan Li, Isaac Sanchez Montes

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

ZVI-Loaded Biochar Composite For Effective Peroxymonosulfate Activation: Application In The Removal Of Naphthenic Acids From Real Oil Sands Process Water

Adriana Vasquez Aldana

Master Thesis

Zwitterionic Surfactant for EOR in Tight Carbonate Reservoir: Physico-Chemical Interaction and Microfluidic Study

Zifan Zhang

Master Thesis

 Electrocatalytic Up-Cycling of Asphaltenes 

Jeffrey Mark Stryker

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

« Les étudiants prennent les devants »

Sheena L Wilson, Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

« Une exposition pour explorer les futurs énergétiques »

Mark Simpson, Evan G R Davies, Sheena L Wilson, Natalie Loveless, Sourayan Mookerjea, Jessie Beier

Article in popular media

“A Black Poet at the 1893 Worlds Fair: Dreams of Equality Through Infrastructure"

Misc: Blog Post

“A Media Genealogy of the War Room.”

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“A Snap of the Universe”: Digital Storytelling, as in Conversation with Caitlin Fisher

Article in professional or trade journals


Imre Szeman

Book Chapter


Book Chapter

“Canada’s Foreign Policy Needs to Address Climate Change”

Imre Szeman

Article in popular media

“Carbon Vitalism: Life and the Body in Climate Denial.”

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“Carbon’s Four Fixes: A Relational Typology for Communicating about Carbon and Thinking Elementally"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Climate Denialism and Culture: From Structures of Finance to Structures of Feeling"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Coal Power and the Sundarbans: Subaltern Resistance and Convergent Crises

Sourayan Mookerjea

Book Chapter

“Conjectures on World Energy Literature"

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

“Corporeal Matters: J.P. Clark’s _The Wives’ Revolt_ and the Embodied Politics of the Anthropocene.”

Book Chapter

“EH/DH: The Energy Humanities and the Digital Turn,” with Anne Pasek and Lisa Parks. Digital Humanities Network, University of Toronto (online), March 30, 2021

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Energy Aesthetics: New Directions in Studying the Cultural Life of Oil"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Energy for the War Room: Extractive Populism and its (Social) Media Imaginary"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Energy Humanities and the Petroleumscape"

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

“Energy Humanities”

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Energy, Culture, and Covid”

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Everyday Oil: Energy Infrastructures and Places that Have Yet to Become Strange.”

Misc: online journal

“Focus on Environmental Humanities Publishing"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“From Atoms to Bits to Electrons, and Back Again: Towards an Energy Analytic of Digital Media"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Geo-Engineering or Social Engineering?”

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Greening Canada? Energy and Climate Policy in the 2020 Throne Speech”

Imre Szeman


“Helios 2: Anne Pasek on Changing Methods in a Changing Climate"

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

“Heterogeneous Philosophies of Change in the Academic Flying Less Movement.”

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“How to Plan Successful E-conferences During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

Article in popular media

“I Love Machines”: VISCOSITY by Theatre Yes

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

“Imagining Other Networks"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“In absence of … a cool future”

Jordan Kinder

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

“In the Heat of this Ongoing Past”: Three Lessons on Energy, Climate, and Materialism

Jordan Kinder

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“Infrastructure and the Form of Politics”

Darin Barney

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“Keep Moving: Convoy, Car Films, and Petropopulism in the 1970s"

Book Chapter

“Let’s Change Something Before Climate Changes Everything”

Danika Jorgensen Skakum

Article in popular media

“Low-Carbon Research: Equity and Energy Transitions for the Academy"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Making and Meeting Online: A White Paper on E-Conferences, Workshops, and other Experiments in Low-Carbon Research Exchange.”

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

“Mystifying Oil Today”

Jordan Kinder

Misc: online journal

“Networked Affect and Climate Data.”

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“New Keywords for Our Struggle: Climate/Capital"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Nine Principles for a Critical Theory of Energy”

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“Oil, Culture, and Modernity"

Book Chapter

“Oil, Culture, and Modernity"

Book Chapter

“On Energy Transition and Renewable Futures"

Imre Szeman, Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“On Solar Futures”

Imre Szeman

Misc: online journal

“Part 1: Energy, Culture, and Covid”

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Part 2: Energy and Art: Visuality and Countervisuality.

Imre Szeman

Other Event

“Petrocultures: Reflections on 10 years of Research and Advocacy for a World in Crisis"

Imre Szeman, Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Plastic in the Time of Impasse”

Mark Simpson

Book Chapter

“Power Shift: Energy Transition and Energy Futurity”

Mark Simpson, Natalie Loveless

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Seeding a Green New Theatre in Canada”

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“Spiral-Scaling Climate Action: Lessons From and For the Academic Flying Less Movement"

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“Staging #landback: Consent and Community-Based Decision-Making in Inheritance"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Stakes and Barriers to a Low-Carbon Academy.”

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Structures of Legibility"

Jordan Kinder

Research Report

“Structures of Legibility”

Jordan Kinder

Conference Proceedings

“Sugar Dreams; or, How to Learn to Live with (and without) Extraction”

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

“Sustainability: Deep Energy Literacy.”

Sheena L Wilson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“Sustainable Tools and Performance Activism for a Just Transition"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“The Future of the Sun: On Energy Transition and Renewable Futures"

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“The World Wide Web of Carbon: Towards a Relational Footprinting of ICT's Climate Impacts"

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“Towards a Critical Theory of Energy”

Imre Szeman

Book Chapter

“Turning the dials”: controlling synthesis, structure, composition, and surface chemistry to tailor silicon nanoparticle properties

Jonathan GC Veinot, Alyx Thiessen, Kevin O'Connor, Ziqi Li, Riley Hooper

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“Unintended Consequences of Time-of-Use Rates: EV Charging and Distribution Network Constraints” - POWER Conference

David P Brown, Blake Shaffer, Megan Bailey

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“What are SDGs? A Brief Introduction to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals"

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Extractivism?”

Imre Szeman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“What is a Petroculture?”

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“What is a Petroculture?”

Imre Szeman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“What Should We Do about Climate Skeptics?”

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“What’s Method to the Environmental Humanities? Strategies and Tactics for Low-Carbon Inquiry and Exchange"

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

“‘Keep Moving’: Convoy, Car Films, and Petro-Populism in the 1970s.”

Edited Volume

 Software system for analysis of outages based on different weather conditions and geographical locations; graphical representation of probabilities of outages using heat maps

Research Report