Terms of Reference & Frequently Asked Questions
Please Note: This opportunity is currently closed. Applications will be accepted from July 3 to 8, 2025. .
The important work of Future Energy Systems (FES) researchers will continue beyond the end date of the FES research program in 2026. To support researchers seeking to continue their FES funded work, pursue new partnerships, and secure new grants, the Legacy Builders Program (LBP) provides awards that support the compensation of highly qualified personnel (HQP) at the University of Alberta who will enrich the FES legacy by expanding or extending research conducted with program funding.
Eligibility to apply
Past and present FES funded Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators (applicants, hereafter researchers) who are currently employed at the University of Alberta and in good standing with FES reporting and administrative requirements are eligible to apply. See in good standing status details below.
Each researcher may apply for compensation for only one HQP through the LBP program. See details of specific funding and intake timelines below.
Funding timelines
Funding will be available from September 2, 2025 to August 31, 2026. Each HQP will be eligible to receive funding for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months (the entirety of this period). Intake will be ongoing from 3 July to 8 July 2025.
Eligible monthly expenses and rates
Funding from this award will be available for compensation of HQP only. Equipment, supplies, travel, dissemination, and all other costs must be covered by other funds.
Compensation, that already includes applicable benefits, will be offered for the following roles and maximum monthly rates.
- Undergraduate student: $1,875
- Master’s graduate student: $2,700
- Doctoral graduate student: $2,800
- Postdoctoral fellow: $5,000
- Research associate (PhD degree required): $6,750
Any costs generated for or by the HQP in excess of these approved LBP awards, including any eligible annual increments if applicable, must be covered by the HQP supervisor(s). Top-ups or additional funds of any nature are not available through the LBP and will not be considered.
Eligibility to be hired with LBP funding
All Canadians and temporary or permanent residents deemed eligible to work on campus by the University of Alberta may be compensated with LBP funding. No prior FES affiliation of the HQP is required. Current FES HQP being compensated with FES funding are not eligible beneficiaries until their current appointments are complete.
A researcher may not end a current FES HQP’s appointment earlier than originally planned to apply for FES LBP funding. This would be considered grounds for immediate rejection of the application and exclusion of the researcher for future consideration in the LBP program.
Application process and in good standing status
Researchers will fill out this online application form (link). In their application, researchers will be asked to explain the aspects of their FES funded research findings that the LBP funded HQP would seek to expand or extend in pursuit of strategic opportunities that will benefit research, the province and/or country. The work may be applied or fundamental. A description of the HQP’s anticipated assignments and period of employment covered by the award must be provided in the application. See the application form for details.
The following points will be used to assess whether the researcher is in good standing with FES reporting and administrative requirements. All of the applying researcher’s activities in FES up to the time of application will be considered. A total score of 30 points or higher score will be required for their applications to be adjudicated.
- Quantity and/or quality of discipline specific research outputs including, but not limited to, refereed journal publications, conference presentations, patents, trade journal publications, pilot work with industry (up to 10 points)
- Leveraged funding, collaborations, and knowledge users (10 points)
- Success meeting project milestones (10 points)
- Contributions to community, government and/or industry (10 points)
- Participation in FES communications and training initiatives (5 points)
- Timeliness and compliance with FES administrative and reporting requirements (5 points)
Note: Bonus points will be awarded based on timely completion of FY 2024/25 annual and final reporting requirements as applicable.
FES may require additional information from the researcher and/or the HQP to make a decision on an application.
Once a decision is reached, FES will contact the researcher to proceed with providing the award through a FES speed code. See details on the award of successful applications below.
How successful applications are awarded
To accommodate eligibility for all FES researchers, the process will vary depending on the researcher’s role and their FES funded project status.
Current FES funded PIs: Successful LBP awards will be added to the accounts of current FES projects, and end dates will be extended if necessary, using a FES budget variance form.
Past FES funded PIs: Once an LBP application is successful, the researcher’s closed FES account will be reopened with the new LBP funds for the duration of the HQP LBP appointment.
Current and past FES Co-Is: A new account will be set up for FES Co-Investigators who did not have a FES account under their name.
When setting up of new research accounts is needed, delays may be introduced depending on the volume of requests Research Administrative Services (RAS) is handling. Therefore, successful applicants must have an alternate, temporary speedcode to compensate the HQP from while their account is created and activated. In these cases, Salary and Benefit Adjustments can be done to transfer eligible (per conditions in the award notice) compensation expenses to the FES LBP account once available.
Progress reporting and additional obligations and opportunities
HQP will be required to engage in annual reporting, different from that of the researcher’s project(s) on which they are working, summarizing their activities and accomplishments at the end of each year of their employment or the entire duration of their employment if less than 12 months. FES may discontinue the funding for an HQP’s subsequent year if the annual review is not satisfactory.
HQP beneficiaries from the LBP may be required to participate in research seminars and professional development activities relevant to their level of seniority, including training in the areas of communication, grant writing, and equity, diversity, and inclusion. Volunteer opportunities with FES and other partner units will be offered.
Submit an application
Use this online form (link) to submit an application. Fill out one form per HQP.
Contact information
If you have questions or face difficulties with the online form, contact FES at fes@ualberta.ca.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can a researcher apply for more than one HQP under the LBP?
Answer: No, each researcher may only apply for compensation for one HQP under the LBP. This restriction applies regardless of the size or scope of the researcher’s current program or past contributions. - If an application for an HQP is rejected, can the researcher submit another application for a different HQP?
Answer: Yes, a researcher may submit a new application for a different HQP if the original application is rejected, provided the new application still meets all program criteria. - Can a researcher end a current HQP's appointment early to apply for LBP funding for a different HQP?
Answer: No, researchers are prohibited from terminating a current FES HQP’s appointment prematurely to apply for LBP funding for another HQP. Doing so would result in immediate rejection of the application. - Is there a deadline to submit an application for the LBP?
Answer: Round 2 applications will be accepted from July 3 to 8, 2025. No extensions will be provided beyond July 8. - Are incoming graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and research associates eligible to be considered as HQP under the LBP?
Answer: Yes, incoming graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and research associates are eligible to be named as HQP in LBP applications, provided they meet all other program criteria, including Canadian citizenship, permanent residency, or temporary residency with work authorization at the University of Alberta. - Does the HQP stipend cover both living costs and tuition?
Answer: The LBP compensation is intended as salary and benefits for the HQP, without additional stipulations from FES regarding its use. The HQP can allocate the funds as they want to. - Can an HQP be eligible for LBP funding if they have a study permit but have not yet arrived in Canada?
Answer: Eligibility requires the HQP to have Canadian or permanent residency status or be a temporary resident authorized to work on campus by the University of Alberta. While an HQP with a study permit may technically qualify, their arrival in Canada and obtaining a Social Insurance Number (SIN) is required to begin work and receive LBP compensation. The reviewing committee will determine the prioritization of applications for HQPs who have not yet arrived in Canada. - If I recently received a FES grant and have not yet submitted any progress reports, am I still eligible for the LBP under the “good standing” condition?
Answer: No, eligibility for the LBP requires researchers to be in “good standing” with FES reporting and administrative requirements. If your project has only recently started and no reports have been submitted yet, you would not yet qualify under this condition. - Can someone with an MSc degree be hired as a research associate under the LBP?
Answer: No, a PhD degree is required to be considered for a research associate position under the LBP, as specified in the Terms of Reference. - Can a student currently receiving partial funding from a FES grant also concurrently receive partial funding through the LBP?
Answer: No, current FES HQP receiving compensation from FES funding are ineligible for LBP funding until their existing FES-funded appointments are complete. This applies even if they are only partially funded by the current FES grant. - Can an HQP who requires a work visa to enter Canada be eligible for LBP funding?
Answer: No, to be eligible for LBP funding, HQPs must already be Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or temporary residents with work authorization at the University of Alberta at the time of the application. LBP funding cannot be used as a basis for securing a work visa. - Are visiting PhD students funded by external scholarships eligible for the LBP?
Answer: Yes, visiting scholars may be eligible for the LBP if their supervisors have current or past funding from FES. Eligibility will also depend on the immigration status and work conditions specified in the student’s work permit. Visiting scholars must hold a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN) and meet University of Alberta requirements to work on campus. - What is the minimum and maximum duration for which an HQP can receive funding through the LBP?
Answer: An HQP funded through the Legacy Builders Program can receive funding for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months. - Are there any specific reporting requirements for HQP funded by the LBP?
Answer: Yes, HQP funded through the LBP are required to engage in annual reporting, summarizing their activities and accomplishments at the end of each year of employment or for the duration of their employment if less than 12 months. If the annual review is unsatisfactory, FES may discontinue funding for the HQP’s subsequent year. - What happens if an applicant is not in good standing with FES reporting and administrative requirements?
Answer: If an applicant is not in good standing, their application will not be adjudicated. A total score of 30 points or higher based on the assessment criteria outlined in the terms of reference is required for applications to be considered. - What criteria are used to evaluate the progress and contributions of HQP funded through the LBP?
Answer: HQP beneficiaries will be assessed based on their contributions to discipline specific research outputs, leveraged funding and collaborations, success in meeting project milestones, contributions to community or industry, participation in FES communications organized training, and compliance with administrative and reporting requirements.