Teacher Resources

Classroom Lessons

Explore these classroom lessons. Each one comes with background information to explore the topic, often in the format of a powerpoint with speaking notes and resources, and an activity to explore the topic.



Suggested Grades

Type of Session


Exploring Seeds

Explore seed germination and the factors that influence it. Links to care of the environment. Session includes hands-on experiment that incorporates math skills, experimental design.

Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3 (Matter), Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Earth Systems), Grade 1, 2, 3, 6 (Living Systems), Grade 2 (Energy), Grade 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (Scientific Methods), Kindergarten, Grade 1 (Computer Science)

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Presentation and experiment

Download powerpoint here

Download extra materials, including data sheets

Watch video here

Become An Earth Doctor: Land Reclamation

Explore land reclamation, the different components of it, and what humans can do to help heal the Earth. 

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4 (Living Systems, Earth Systems)

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Presentation and drawing activity

Download powerpoint here

Download optional colouring page

Become An Earth Doctor: Land Reclamation

Explore land reclamation, the different components of it, and what humans can do to help heal the Earth. Become An Earth Doctor game allows students to take on the role of land reclamation practitioner.

Grade 5 (Earth Systems), Grade 6 (Earth Systems, Living Systems), Grade 7 (Interactions & Ecosystems, Plants for Food & Fibre), Grade 8 (Freshwater & Saltwater Systems), Grade 9 (Biodiversity, Environmental Chemistry)

See document below for high school connections

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Presentation and game

Download powerpoint here

Download instructions, cards, and scoresheets

Exploring Electricity: Where It’s From and Why

Explore sources of electricity, their differences, our energy future, and why it matters.

Grade 5 & Grade 6 (Energy, Earth Systems)

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Presentation and sorting activity

Download powerpoint here

Download electricity cards

Exploring Urban Heat Islands

Urban areas are hotter than surrounding rural areas. Explore why and what you can do about it.

Grade 3 (Living Systems), Grade 3, 4, 5, 6 (Earth Systems), Grade 5, 6 (Energy), Grade 6 (Matter)

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Presentation and drawing activity

Download powerpoint here

Watch video here

The Energy Adventures of Tommy and Remi: Geothermal Energy

Explore geothermal energy, how it works, and incorporates computer science. Session is a computer game that includes background knowledge, questions to test learning, and game.

Grade 3 (Computer Science), Grade 4, 6 (Earth Systems), Grade 5, 6 (Energy), Grade 7 (Heat & Temperature), Grade 8 (Mix & Flow of Matter)

See document below for high school connections

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Computer game

Access to video game

Many of these sessions can be provided through in person or virtual sessions with experts from Future Energy Systems. If you are interested, reach out to fescom@ualberta.ca. Availability is based on capacity and location.

Classroom Activities

Try out these different activities. Each one has background information, suggested curriculum connections, material lists, instructions, and more.



Suggested Grades


Balloon Powered Car

How does a car move? There are a few different kinds of fuel - gas, diesel, hydrogen, electricity, mechanical. Use a balloon to power a car made of simple materials.

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Watch video here

Journey of a Seed

Explore seed germination and the factors that influence it, including experiment. Links to care of the environment, math skills, experimental design. 

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Download extra materials, including data sheets

Watch video here

The Hot and Cold of it: Thermal Energy

Explore thermal energy with experiments to discover thermal energy and the role of density and heat transfer. Can be linked to its potential role in electricity generation.

Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Watch video here

Adventures with Electricity

Explore electricity with simple experiments looking at static electricity. 

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Watch video here

Electrical Circuits

Explore electrical circuits. Learn how circuits work, the importance of insulators and conductors, and build your own circuit.

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Watch video here

Build Your Own Terrarium (Grades K-4)

Learn about ecosystems, then build your own miniature ecosystem!

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Build Your Own Terrarium (Grades 5+)

Learn about climate change and disturbances caused by oil and gas exploration in Canada's peatland. Then, build your own miniature ecosystem!

Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 12

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Watch video here

Can Plants Grow Without Soil?

Learn how hydroponics (growing plants in water) can help the Earth. Then, use ice cubes to learn about the greenhouse effect. Finally, build your own hydroponics system!

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Watch video here

How Fast Can You Go?

Learn what efficiency means and why it's important when we create machines. Then, test the efficiency of different methods to propel a toy car - will a balloon, rubber band, or ramp make your car travel the farthest?

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

How Fluids are Stored Underground

Learn how fluids, like oil, are stored underground, with this hands-on experiment!

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Watch video here

Cooking with the Sun

Learn about solar power by creating your own solar oven!

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Watch video here

Wind, Electricity, and Pinwheels

What is wind energy? Can wind energy help the Earth? What are some challenges with wind energy? Answer these questions and more, then make your very own miniature windmill!

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Watch video here

Become a Sustainability Expert

What can you do to live more sustainably? Follow along with this video quiz and find out!

Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7

Expanded Curriculum Connections

Download activity here

Watch video here

Download paper  quiz

Link to online quiz 

Video Resources

Explore the video resources produced by Future Energy Systems.

Here are suggestions for curriculum connections and grade recommendations for our video resources.

All Curriculum Connections

Below are playlists for each division and suggested videos for organizing ideas and grades in the science curriculum. These are just suggestions. Many videos may fit under multiple sections and other videos may not be highlighted here. 

Kindergarten to Grade 3 Playlist          Kindergarten to Grade 3 Curriculum Connections

Grade 4 to 6 Playlist          Grade 4-6 Curriculum Connections

Jr High School Playlist       Jr High School Curriculum Connections

High School Playlist                                                                          

Additional resources available on YouTube 

If you have recommendations for where content does and does not fit, please email fescom@ualberta.ca. These are living documents that will frequently be updated.

The Energy Adventures of Tommy and Remi

Future Energy Systems is proud to present The Energy Adventures of Tommy and Remi, an educational children's book series exploring the world of energy and climate change in search of ways to make a difference.

In their debut adventure, The Mystery of the Glowing Light, Tommy and Remi charge into the shocking world of electricity and the electrical grid. With the help of their science consultant Reginald and new friend Nik, they learn how electricity is generated and transmitted all the way into their homes. They also learn how they can reduce how much electricity they use!

In their second adventure, The Case of the Shiny Roof, Tommy and Remi explore the power of the sun. With the help of their science consultant Reginald and new friend Sol, they learn how the energy from the sun can be used in so many ways, from making electricity, to cooking dinner, to growing plants!

Books are available for free for school libraries and public libraries. Request the order form for your copies by emailing fescom@ualberta.ca. Email fescom@ualberta.ca with any questions regarding eligibility. Personal copies can be purchased here

Check out virtual storytimes, worksheets, and activities (i.e., colouring pages, word searches, mazes, etc) here

Career Support

From exciting tales from the field, funny mishaps in grad school, breakthroughs in the lab, to what our researchers love about what they do, get to know the researchers in Future Energy Systems in the It’s Nice To Meet You series