Land and Water

Mitigating the impacts of past, present and future energy systems...

Theme Co-Leads

Resilient Reclaimed Land and Water Systems - Recent Publications:

As the world moves towards a low-carbon energy future, legacies of current and past energy technologies remain a serious concern. Reclamation and restoration of land and water after generations of utilization will be important for our future, with many issues to address. Standards for reclamation, set across decades and based on varying levels of understanding, must be assessed, while technologies and methods for land and water reclamation are investigated, refined and developed.

Research has addressed numerous land and water issues associated with energy systems, driving industrial reclamation practices and informing regulatory changes. However, integrated research is needed on problems that cross industries and energy systems. Knowledge gaps to be addressed are: a strong scientific basis for current and future remediation and reclamation criteria; sustainability and resiliency of reclaimed landscapes; reclaimed community diversity and dynamics; treatment for release of process water to the environment; pilot scale testing of more green and low energy treatments; using by-products and waste as soil building materials; cost analysis of reclamation strategies; methods of engagement and governance for sub-regional issues; refreshment of existing regional frameworks for land and water use; engaging organizational players across new and extant frameworks; training specialists who can engage with policy makers, industry and communities.

We can best fill the gaps by building on our existing knowledge. We need to incorporate land and water reclamation knowledge into all phases of energy developments and resource extraction processes with a team of professionals; recognize the dynamic nature of reclaimed landscapes and develop appropriate spatial and temporal performance metrics and targets; understand fundamentals of active, semi-passive and engineered passive treatment processes; conduct life cycle assessments and cost analyses of treatments and approaches; assess performance of treatments at pilot scales; and develop a toolbox of best reclamation approaches for various scenarios.

The Land and Water theme research projects address a systemic approach to energy production and delivery and cross theme benefits. Our research is composed of multiple projects across 4 faculties and 7 departments. The projects fall into three research clusters 1) materials synthesis and development for utilization in land and water reclamation, 2) land and water approaches for reclamation of process water, and 3) reclamation success indicators, criteria and policy for energy systems.

Materials Synthesis And Development For Utilization In Land And Water Reclamation

Adsorption is one of the most efficient ways to remove pollutants from contaminated land and water. Low cost and high efficiency adsorbents would increase economic efficiency, which is especially beneficial to large scale land and water reclamation approaches. Materials are currently under development for adsorbing pollutants in organic or inorganic form. Most projects are using natural materials or industry by-products as raw materials, which have low or no cost. These include sludge based adsorbents, wood based cellulose nanofibrils, biochars, biopolymers from poultry feather keratin and nanohumus. Carbon xerogels of high porosity and surface area are being synthetized and modified, tailoring physical and/or chemical properties to optimize performance. This research will result in recovery of heavy metals, dissolved and colloidal organic matter from process waters; novel amendments to ameliorate soil properties and improve soil quality; and development of clean energy and mining processes with minimal environmental footprints.

Land And Water Approaches For Reclamation Of Process Water

Process water is a highly complex mixture of salts, metals, ammonia and organic compounds. The complex matrix of process water, its toxicity to organisms and recalcitrance of its constituents require treatment using conventional and advanced processes for safe release to the environment. Foremost challenges are to develop advanced water treatments to combine with natural attenuation processes and remediation methods and implement on-site with cost effectiveness and efficiency. These processes must be adaptable to meet requirements of legacy and future energy systems in a changing climate and regulatory environment. This research will result in integration of achieved knowledge into land and water management options for industry and into land and water reclamation regulatory frameworks; development of processes and policies for safe release of process water into the environment; and development of process water treatments for use of water in end pit lakes and constructed wetlands.

Reclamation Success Indicators, Criteria And Policy For Energy Systems

Reclamation, an important step in the design and transition of energy systems, aims to return disturbed land and water systems to former or other productive uses and ensure their long term resilience. Quantitative measures of reclamation success are required to achieve diverse end land uses from agriculture, recreation and urban to natural areas. Measures of reclamation success have focused on biophysical indicators such as vegetation and soil, and most measures are set by regulators to balance environmental integrity with economic development. Resilience, the ability of an ecosystem to recover following disturbance, is not commonly incorporated into indicators of success, although in an increasingly dynamic environment it may be one of the most important indicators to address. This research will result in development of science based indicators of reclamation success for land and water systems that address the needs of stakeholders and the public and contribute to criteria and policy.

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Ag/CuO/ZnO Nanorod-Immobilized Cellulose Fibers for Solar-Driven Photocatalytic Treatment of Oil Sand Process Water

Land and Water

Bio-Based Sorbents for Simultaneous Removal of Contaminants from Wastewaters Generated During Energy Production

Land and Water

Biochar-Enhanced Constructed Wetlands for Oil Sands Process Water Treatment

Land and Water

Biophysical Impacts of Energy Systems and Indicators of Reclamation Success

Land and Water

Combining Adsorption and Low-pressure Membrane Technologies for High-quality Water Production

Land and Water

Data-centric flow liquefaction assessment and biomediated tailings improvement: towards safe closure of tailings dams

Land and Water

Development and Synthesis of Novel Materials for Water Remediation

Land and Water

Development of Novel Biochar Materials for Land and Water Reclamation

Land and Water

Economic Analysis of Reclamation Technologies and Policy Options

Land and Water

Electrochemical Conversion of Waste Plastics into Hydrocarbon-based Fuels

Land and Water

Employing in vitro bioassays to assess OSPW treatment: Implications on predictive modelling of risks

Land and Water

Enhancing targeted pollinator conservation in revegetation at green energy sites

Land and Water

Extraction of valuable metals from wastewater, brine, and acid mine drainage

Land and Water

Impacts of refrigerant usage on the environmental presence of trifluoroacetic acid and other persistent chemicals

Land and Water

Integrated Water Purification System for Safety Water Reclamation and Resource Recovery

Land and Water

Integrating Social With Biophysical Success Indicators for Land and Water Reclamation

Land and Water

Investigating potential deep borehole disposal solutions in Northeastern Alberta and Southwestern Saskatchewan for used fuel from SMRs

Land and Water

Ion-exchange sorbents for lithium extraction from brines

Land and Water

Land and Water Approaches for Reclamation of Process Water

Land and Water

Life Cycle Analysis of Selected Novel Materials and Designs

Land and Water

Nanobubbles for highly effective wastewater treatment

Land and Water

Potential of Biological Materials for Coal Mine Reclamation

Land and Water

Real Time Environmental Sensors for Water Quality Monitoring

Land and Water

Remediation, Revegetation and Land Reclamation Success

Land and Water

Scale-up of Electro-Oxidation Processes

Land and Water

Scaling/Fouling Mechanism and Mitigation Strategies in Coal or Biomass Gasification Systems and Wastewater Treatment in Coal-fired or Co-fired Power Plants

Land and Water

Smart nanocomposite membranes: harnessing clean water and clean energy from Alberta’s oil sands

Land and Water

Supramolecularly Crosslinked Microgels for Heavy Metal Sensor Fabrication

Land and Water

Improving Environmental Performance News

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Researchers on Land and Water

Over seven years, Future Energy Systems plans to support more than 100 researchers and up to 1,000 Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP), including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. To learn more about our researchers, visit the Researcher Directory.
