Imaging, Characterizing and Modelling Canada’s Geothermal Resources

The purpose of this project is to identify Canadian geothermal resources, characterize the reservoirs in which the resources are found, and model the thermodynamic and hydrogeologic processes that occur during geothermal resource exploitation. The project is focussed on field studies in (1) southern British Columbia where targets include the Rocky Mountain Trench and Garibaldi Volcanic Belt (2) Yukon where targets include the Tinitina Trench at Ross River and (3) Alberta Basin where basin hosted geothermal systems are being investigated.

Faculty and academic staff involved in this project include:

Martyn Unsworth (EAS/Physics): Exploration geophysics 

Jonathan Banks (EAS): Geochemistry; cross-over with Project 2

3-D geophysical study of Southern British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson


Geothermal Canada Director

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth


Geothermal Canada Student Chapter

Cedar Hanneson


Magnetotelluric field work for geothermal study

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Misc: Research

Ross River Geothermal Well Drilling

Misc: Research

Structural Mapping Fieldwork in southeastern BC (summer 2018)


Visit to Paipa geothermal field

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth


2021 Best Student Paper

Cedar Hanneson


AGU Travel Award with distinction

Cedar Hanneson


Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship

Cedar Hanneson


Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship

Cedar Hanneson


Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship

Cedar Hanneson


Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship

Cedar Hanneson


Annual Graduate Scholarship


Annual Graduate Scholarship

Cedar Hanneson


Best Poster


Best Presentation Award: 1st Place

Cedar Hanneson


Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's


Ernest Kanasewich Memorial Graduate (EKMG) Scholarship

Cedar Hanneson


Graduate Scholarship in Geophysics


Graduate Scholarship in Geophysics


Hibbs Travel Award

Cedar Hanneson


Honourable Mention in the Jerome H. Remick III Student Poster Awards, RFG conference


Hugh Morris Fellowship


Leaders in Equality Award of Distinction




President’s Doctoral Prize of Distinction


Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship

Cedar Hanneson


Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship

Cedar Hanneson


Science Graduate Scholarship


Summit Award


Teresa Brychcy Graduate Award in Physics


Walter H. Johns Fellowship


3D Electrical Resistivity of the Crust and Upper Mantle of the Southern Canadian Cordillera from Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data: Linking Geothermal Potential to Regional Scale Crustal Structure

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

A 3-D Magnetotelluric Study of the Slave Craton Lithosphere, NW Canada

Master Thesis

A Regional Resistivity Model of the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera from 3-D Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

A facies- and sequence stratigraphy-based reservoir model for a carbonate reef complex: South Swan Hills oil pool, Alberta

Nicholas B. Harris

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

A world tour of geothermal resources: Lessons learned as a Hugh C. Morris Fellow

Other Event

An Attempt to Resurrect Legacy Geophysical Data from the 1970s Energy Crisis: Inverting Direct Current Resistivity Data over the Lakelse Hotsprings

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

An introduction to geothermal exploration using electromagnetic methods, with application to Western Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Application of magnetotelluric Data to Geothermal Exploration in a Sedimentary Basin Environment: Examples from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Applications of magnetotellurics in geothermal exploration

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Applications of magnetotellurics in geothermal exploration

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Around the world in 120 days: One student's journey around the globe for geoscience

Article in popular media

Bouguer Gravity Studies of Volcanic Centres in the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, British Columbia, Canada: Characterizing Geothermal Resources

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Broadband Magnetotelluric Exploration at Mount Meager

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Canada Geothermal Student Days 2022

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Characterization of the Geothermal Resource at Clarke Lake Field Northeast British Columbia

Master Thesis

Combining magnetotelluric and well-log data to improve estimates of geothermal resources in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Constraining Magnetotelluric Inversion using Well-Log Data in the Peace River Area

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Constraining Magnetotelluric models using well-log data: A search for hot rocks

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Critical problems in the development of basin-hosted geothermal resources – considerations from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Nicholas B. Harris

Conference Proceedings

Critical problems in the development of basin-hosted geothermal resources – considerations from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Nicholas B. Harris

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Drilling into magma at the Krafla geothermal field: an assessment of the magnetotelluric data sensitivity

Other Event

Electrical Resistivity at Mount Meager, BC: Imaging a hydrothermal and magmatic system beneath a geothermal prospect

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Fault-hosted geothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia

Master Thesis

Geological structure, thermal spring distribution, and geothermal energy potential in the southern Canadian Cordillera

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geophysical Imaging of the Magma Body Beneath Mount Meager, Southwestern Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Energy and Volcanic Hazards at Mount Meager, British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Energy in Canada – Moving Forward in 2021

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Energy in Canada – Times Are “a Changing”

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Energy in Canada.

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Geothermal Exploration at Mount Meager, Southwestern BC: A Regional Resistivity Model from 3-D Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Exploration at Mount Meager, Southwestern BC: A resistivity model from 3-D inversion of magnetotelluric data

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Guest Lecture

Cedar Hanneson

Other Event

Geothermal Potential of Foreland Basins: A case study from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Conference Proceedings

Geothermal Power for Alberta's remote and northern communities

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geothermal Theme Website

Shyra Craig


Geothermal energy blog


Geothermal energy development in Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Geothermal exploration in British Columbia

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

How geothermal and oil & gas complement each other

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Other Event

Hugh C. Morris Fellowship travels

Visiting Researcher (outgoing)

Imaging the magmatic system beneath the Krafla geothermal field, Iceland: A new 3-D electrical resistivity model from inversion of magnetotelluric data

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Improved geothermal exploration with magnetotellurics

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Integrated Electrical and Electromagnetic Exploration at the M’Deek Geothermal Field

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Integrated electrical and electromagnetic exploration at the M’Deek Geothermal Field

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Interview about geothermal energy in Hawaii

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Linking Regional-Scale Crustal Structures to Small-Scale Geothermal Systems with Magnetotelluric Exploration: An Example from the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Looking Under the Rockies with Radio Waves

Cedar Hanneson

Other Event

Magnetotelluric Exploration at Mount Meager, Southwestern BC: An integrated study of the hydrothermal and magmatic system beneath the geothermal prospect

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Magnetotelluric Exploration at Mount Meager, Southwestern Canada: Imaging the Magma Body Beneath a Holocene Volcanic Center

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Magnetotelluric Exploration in the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Regional-Scale Crustal Structures Associated with Geothermal Systems

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Magnetotelluric Investigations in Southern British Columbia: Looking for Heat in the Mountains

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Magnetotelluric Investigations of Geothermal Systems Centred in Southern British Columbia (Parts of NTS 082, 083, 092, 093)

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Magnetotelluric Investigations of the Tintina Fault Zone for Geothermal Exploration at Watson Lake, Yukon

Master Thesis

Magnetotelluric exploration in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Regional-scale crust structures associated with geothermal systems

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Magnetotelluric exploration of a geothermal prospect in the southern Rocky Mountain Trench, British Columbia, Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Magnetotelluric imaging of the magmatic and geothermal systems beneath Mount Meager, southwestern Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Magnetotelluric studies of the Cascadia subduction zone and Garibaldi volcanic belt in southwest British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Magnetotelluric studies of the Cascadia subduction zone and Garibaldi volcanic belt in southwest British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Modern dextral strain controls active hydrothermal systems in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Newspaper interview

Nicholas B. Harris

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Post-Eocene kinematics of faults that host potential geothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Post-Eocene kinematics of faults that host thermal springs and potential geothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Preliminary development of a pseudo-3D MT inversion using deep learning and its application to the Mount Meager geothermal area, British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Processing and Combining Electromagnetic Datasets at the M’Deek Geothermal Field

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Regional-scale resistivity structure of the middle and lower crust and uppermost mantle beneath the southeastern Canadian Cordillera and insights into its causes

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Resistivity Models of Southwestern Canada: New insights into lithospheric structure, magma bodies, and geothermal systems

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Resistivity structure of the middle and lower crust and uppermost mantle beneath the southeast Canadian Cordillera

Cedar Hanneson

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Ross River Well Core Logging

Misc: Research Collaboration

Sensitivity of magnetotelluric data to rhyolite magma encountered by the IDDP-1 well at the Krafla geothermal field, Iceland

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Structural and neotectonic controls on hydrothermal upwellings in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference Proceedings

Structural and neotectonic controls on thermal spring locations in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera / southeastern British Columbia

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Structural controls on hot spring locations in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera

Other Event

Structural heterogeneity, thermal spring distribution, and geothermal energy potential along the Southern Rocky Mountain Trench

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Structural settings of convective hydrothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia (parts of NTS 082E–G, J–O,083C, D)

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Structurally-controlled geothermal systems in southeastern BC, and their context in Canada and the world.

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The Garibaldi Volcanic Belt Geothermal Energy Project – Mount Meager 2019 Field Program

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson, Hersh Gilbert

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

The structural settings of convective hydrothermal systems in southeastern British Columbia, Canada

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth, Cedar Hanneson

Conference Proceedings

Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data for a resistivity model with arbitrary anisotropy

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Using magnetotelluric data in geothermal exploration and volcanology

Martyn Jonathan Unsworth

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution