Project Files
Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System - Application to Canada.
Alan Wharmby Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Award for Research Excellence
A decarbonization assessment of Canada’s electricity generation sector.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessing the cost competitiveness of electrolytic hydrogen production from small modular nuclear power plants.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Life cycle analysis of bitumen transportation to refineries by rail and pipeline
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
. Techno-economic assessment of wet and dry torrefaction of biomass feedstock
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
A GIS-based optimization model for multi-feedstock biomass supply chain for multi-product generation through integrated biorefineries.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
A Techno-Economic and Life-cycle Assessment of the Production of Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass
Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation
A comparative analysis of hydrogen production from the thermochemical conversion of algal biomass
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
A comparative assessment of fast pyrolysis, hydrothermal liquefaction, and intermediate pyrolysis to produce value-added products from municipal solid waste
Master Thesis
A comparative techno-economic analysis of algal thermochemical conversion technologies for diluent production
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
A decarbonization assessment of Canada's electricity generation sector.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
A novel technology-explicit framework for predicting the efficiency of industrial device retrofits in stock turnover models for the pulp and paper sector
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
A review and analysis of the models used to assess the market penetration of energy technologies with a focus on quantity-based models
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
A review of the process model and parametric study for the hydrothermal gasification of algal biomass
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
A review of the value-added chemicals and materials from bio-based lignin feedstocks.
Book Chapter
A survey of how practitioners implement sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in life cycle assessments
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
A techno-economic assessment of renewable diesel and gasoline production from aspen hardwood
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
A techno-economic comparison of centralized and distributed mobile pyrolysis systems for the production of bio-oil from hardwood
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in Canada by 2050 what does it mean?
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in Canada by 2050 – what does it mean?
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Ammonia production from black liquor gasification and co-gasification with pulp and waste sludges: A techno-economic assessment
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
An Integrated GIS-based framework for optimal siting of biorefineries
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
An assessment of opportunities for cogenerating electricity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the oil sands
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
An assessment of the Penetration of Low Carbon Technologies in the Energy Demand and Supply Sectors
Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation
Application of artificial intelligence to estimate life cycle GHG emissions in the production of transportation fuels from bitumen
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Artificial neural network model for predicting pressure drop in pipeline hydro transportation of agricultural residues.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessing decarbonization of the electricity supply sector through comprehensive integrated scenario analysis.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessing the impacts and costs of using low carbon energy technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the oil sands
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessing the potential impact and cost of using low carbon energy technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the oil sands
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessing the potential to generate heat and electricity from the wastes produced in Alberta industrial heartlands
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessing the potential to generate heat and electricity in an integrated waste-to-value added facility in Alberta
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessing the value of electrolytic hydrogen in power sectors for reversible gas-to-power conversion and emissions reduction
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessing the value of electrolytic hydrogen in power sectors for reversible gas-to-power conversion and emissions reduction.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation Potential and Abatement Costs of Alternative Technology Options for Oil Sands
Master Thesis
Assessment of Integrated Multi-Product Biorefineries
Master Thesis
Assessment of bio-jet fuel production from alcohols
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessment of bio-jet fuel production from alcohols
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessment of co-processing hydrodeoxygenated fast pyrolysis oil and vacuum gas oil in a fluid catalytic cracking unit
Master Thesis
Assessment of decarbonizing the road transportation sector using low carbon fuels
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessment of energy demand-based greenhouse gas mitigation options for Canada’s oil sands
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Assessment of energy efficiency improvement opportunities and the long-term potential for greenhouse gas mitigation in industrial sector
Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation
Assessment of energy storage technologies: a literature review; formerly Techno-economic and life cycle assessments of electrical energy storage technologies: a literature review
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Assessment of environmental and economic footprints of energy storage systems.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessment of greenhouse gas abatement scenarios for the pulp and paper sector
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessment of greenhouse gas reduction options for Canada’s iron, gold, and potash mining sectors.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessment of greenhouse gas reduction options for the iron, gold, and potash mining sectors
Master Thesis
Assessment of life cycle GHG emissions for sustainable municipal solid waste management
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessment of long-term energy efficiency improvement and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation options for the cement industry
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Assessment of natural gas supply chains from Canada to Europe
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessment of options for reduction of energy and GHG emissions for pulp and paper sector.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Assessment of the effective solvent extraction incorporating electromagnetic heating technology through techno-economic modeling
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Assessment of the greenhouse gas emission footprint of a biorefinery over its life cycle
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Assessment of the impacts of process-level energy efficiency improvement on greenhouse gas mitigation potential in the petroleum refining sector
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Assessment of the solvent-electromagnetic heating-based bitumen extraction technology through techno-economic modelling
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Biomass and waste feedstock inventory for Canada
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Blending blue hydrogen with natural gas for direct consumption: Examining the effect of hydrogen concentration on transportation and well-to-combustion greenhouse gas emissions
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Blending blue hydrogen with natural gas for direct consumption: Examining the effect of hydrogen concentration on transportation and well-to-combustion greenhouse gas emissions
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Can low-carbon hydrogen from Canada be competitive in international markets?
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Chapter 12: The environmental performance of hydrogen production pathways based on renewable sources
Book Chapter
Co-processing of bio-oil and crude oil in a conventional refinery: Cost and bio-carbon content assessments for different pathways
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Comparative assessment of blue hydrogen from steam methane reforming, autothermal reforming, and natural gas decomposition technologies for natural gas-producing regions
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Comparative cost and greenhouse gas emission assessment of land-based hydrogen transportation systems.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Comparative life cycle energy and greenhouse gas footprints of dry and wet torrefaction processes of various biomass feedstocks
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Comparative techno-economic analysis of bio-coal production through dry and wet torrefaction of biomass feedstocks
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Comparative techno-economic assessment of producing pure CO2 from flue gases produced from fossil fuel plants using amine and ammonia separation
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Comparative techno-economic assessment of renewable natural gas (RNG) production pathways from various biomass feedstocks
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Conversion of Organic Waste to Value-added Products
Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation
Decarbonization of the electricity supply sector through development of energy systems model.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Developing a Framework for Improving the Accuracy of Process-based LCA for Energy Pathways
Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation
Developing a framework for natural gas transmission GHG life cycle assessments
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Developing a framework to assess the long-term adoption of renewable energy technologies in the electric power sector: the effects of carbon price and economic incentives
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Developing a framework to assess the long-term environmental consequences of the transition to cleaner electricity generation: the case of Alberta
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Developing a greenhouse gas life cycle assessment framework for natural gas transmission pipelines
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Development of Biomass Feedstock Inventory for Canada
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of Methodological Framework and its Application for Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Fuels for Transportation
Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation
Development of Optimum Locations and Scales for an Integrated Multi-feedstock Waste-to-value-added Facility through Geographical Information System Modelling
Master Thesis
Development of a bottom-up framework to determine energy efficiency contribution potential of more than 100 measures for meeting national net-zero GHG emissions.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of a framework for forecasting residential and non-residential solid waste generation, disposal and diversion using machine learning approaches.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of a framework for the assessment of the market penetration of novel in situ bitumen extraction technologies
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Development of a techno-economic model for assessment of an integrated pyrolysis and fermentation plants for production of bio-oil and ethanol.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of a techno-economic model for the assessment of chemical looping combustion to produce hydrogen
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of a techno-economic model for the assessment of cost of bitumen using steam-solvent extraction technology.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of a techno-economic model for the assessment of the enhanced solvent extraction incorporating electromagnetic heating technology
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of a techno-economically optimized framework for assessment of decentralized production of bio-oil
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Development of an economy-wide decarbonization assessment framework for an emission intensive and a net energy exporting jurisdiction.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of energy efficiency cost curves: pulp & paper and iron & steel sectors
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of long-term GHG mitigation options for the Canadian oil sands
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of optimal location of biorefinery through integration of GIS and techno-economic models
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of rigorous refining model simulation models to determine the greenhouse gas emission impact of Canadian crude oil blends in a refinery
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of techno-economic and greenhouse gas emissions models for the assessment of valuable metals recovery from the oil sands
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of techno-economic model for assessment of bio-hubs.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of techno-economic models for assessment of heavy metal production from by-products produced in bitumen value chain
Other Event
Development of techno-economic models for assessment of solvent-based bitumen extraction technology
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Development of techno-economic models for assessment of solvent-based bitumen extraction technology
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Development of techno-economic models for the assessment of utility-scale electro-chemical energy storage technologies
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Development of technology-explicit energy saving bandwidths: a case study for the pulp and paper sector
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
EU-Canada cooperation on climate change
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Energy efficiency as a critical resource to achieve carbon neutrality in pulp and paper sector
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Estimation of life cycle GHG emissions of asphaltene-based carbon fibers derived from oil sands bitumen
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Estimation of the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Bitumen-Derived Petroleum Fuels using Enhanced Solvent Extraction Incorporating Electromagnetic Heating (ESEIEH) and Toe-to-Heel Air Injection (THAI) Extraction Technologies
Master Thesis
Evaluating energy and greenhouse gas emission footprints of thermal energy storage systems for concentrated solar power applications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Evaluating long-term greenhouse gas mitigation opportunities through carbon capture, utilization, and storage in the oil sands
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Evaluation of energy and GHG emissions’ footprints of bitumen extraction using Enhanced Solvent Extraction Incorporating Electromagnetic heating technology
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Evaluation of energy and greenhouse gas emissions of bitumen-derived fuels from toe-to-heel air injection extraction technology
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Extending sensitivity analysis using regression to effectively disseminate life cycle assessment results
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Future Energy system overview
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
GHG mitigation assessment for the Canadian transportation sector
Master Thesis
Green hydrogen production in Canada for export to Europe – An assessment of technical potential.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Greenhouse gas emission abatement potential and associated costs of integrating renewable and low carbon energy technologies into the Canadian oil sands
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Greenhouse gas emission implications of blending blue hydrogen in natural gas pipelines for large-scale utilization
Other Event
Greenhouse gas emissions and cost footprints of asphaltene-based carbon fibers derived from oil sands bitumen
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian oil sands supply chains to China
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Greenhouse gas intensity and share of low-carbon technology vehicles in 2050.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
How effective is hydrogen-natural gas blending at reducing greenhouse gas emissions?
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
How to model a complex national energy system? Developing an integrated energy systems framework for long-term energy and emissions analysis
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
How will Canada’s GHG emissions change by 2050? A disaggregated analysis of past and future GHG emissions using bottom-up energy modelling and Sankey diagrams
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Hydrogen for decarbonization of aviation sector.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Identification of best energy efficiency opportunities in Alberta’s petroleum refining sector
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Integration of scale and optimal location for development of commercial scale biorefinery.
Other Event
Investigating the techno-economic and environmental performance of chemical looping technology for hydrogen production
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Investigating the techno-economic performance of chemical looping technology for hydrogen production
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Is there a value for low carbon hydrogen exports from Alberta, Canada in international markets?
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Key factors affecting greenhouse gas emissions in Canada’s industrial sector: A decomposition analysis
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
LCA of partial upgrading technologies
Master Thesis
LCA/TEA of biomass with carbon removal and storage (BiCRS)
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
LEAP Canada: Pulp and paper energy and GHG analysis
Other Event
Large scale hydrogen production from alternative sources: a comprehensive assessment
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Large-scale hydrogen production from alternative sources for hydrogen economy.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Large-scale, long-distance land-based hydrogen transportation systems: a comparative techno-economic and greenhouse gas emission assessment
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Oil Sands-Derived Transportation Fuels Produced from the Vapor Solvent-Based Extraction Process
Master Thesis
Life cycle GHG emissions assessment of vanadium recovery from spent catalysts from bitumen upgraders.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Life cycle GHG footprints of MSW-based intermediate for production of renewable liquid fuels and its comparison with conventional utilization pathways
Other Event
Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of upgrading and refining bitumen from the solvent extraction process
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions assessments of an integrated biorefinery producing bio-oil, ethanol, and hydrogen
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Lignin biorefinery products, challenges and environmental impacts: A comprehensive review
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Long-term energy efficiency improvement and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in the cement industry: A case study of Canada
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Long-term evaluation of carbon capture and low-carbon energy technologies in the oil sands
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Mapping Canadian energy flow from primary fuel to end use
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Market penetration modeling of bitumen extraction technologies into Alberta's oil sands industry
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Market penetration models for energy technologies: a new approach based on a review
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Net-zero pathways for cement sector
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Optimal siting of municipal solid waste to energy conversion facilities through a GIS-based framework
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Options for conversion of by-products of pulp and paper mills in Western Canada
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Potential for energy efficiency improvement and greenhouse gas mitigation from Canada’s iron and steel industry
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Predicting the biomass conversion performance in a fluidized bed reactor using an isoconversional model-free method
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Production of Renewable Diesel from Lignocellulosic biomass through Fast pyrolysis and Hydroprocessing Technology
Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation
Production of renewable diesel from woody biomass and agricultural residue: a techno-economic analysis comparative study
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Projections of cost of ownership; GHG intensity; and market share of vehicles in the passenger and freight transportation sectors.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Prospects of renewable natural gas in North America: A review of feedstock availability, conversion technology, economic viability and emissions reduction potential.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Quantifying uncertainty in life cycle assessments of transportation fuels
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Renewable natural gas (RNG) production through various production processes
Other Event
Renewable-Energy-Driven Future: Technologies, Applications, Sustainability and Policies
Book Chapter
Technical potential of hydrogen and GHG emission in its transportation through natural gas pipelines
Other Event
Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Assessments of Oil Sands Products and LNG Supply Chains from Canada to Asia-Pacific and Western Europe
Master Thesis
Techno-economic Assessment of renewable natural gas (RNG) production from various thermo-chemical and biological conversion processes using biomass feedstocks.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Techno-economic analysis of ammonia production from black liquor gasification and co-gasification with pulp and waste sludges
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Techno-economic analysis of carbon capture of flue gases from coal and natural gas using amine separation
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Techno-economic and life cycle assessments of the natural gas supply chain from production sites in Canada to north and southwest Europe
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Techno-economic assessment of Vanadium recovery from spent catalysts from the upgrading and refining of bitumen
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Techno-economic assessment of a biomass-MSW integrated waste-to-value-added facility
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Techno-economic assessment of an integrated biorefinery producing bio-oil, ethanol, and hydrogen
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Techno-economic assessment of low-carbon hydrogen export from Western Canada to Eastern Canada, the USA, the Asia-Pacific, and Europe
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Techno-economic assessment of solvent-based bitumen extraction technologies including in-situ electromagnetic heating
Master Thesis
Techno-economic assessment of vanadium recovery from bitumen spent catalyst
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
The Gateway: Two U of A professors break new grounds in hydrogen research
Article in popular media
The Role of Industrial Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switching as Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions in the Canadian Pulp and Paper Sector
Master Thesis
The Upgrading of Bio-Oil via Hydrodeoxygenation
Book Chapter
The development of a GIS-based framework for determining optimal locations for biorefineries in Canada.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
The development of a GIS-based framework to locate biomass and municipal solid waste collection points for an optimal waste conversion facility
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of a framework for the assessment of energy demand-based greenhouse gas mitigation options and cost curves for the mining sector
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
The development of a framework for the assessment of energy demand-based greenhouse gas mitigation options for the agriculture sector
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of a framework through the integration of a geographical information system and the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for the selection of optimal sites for the location of municipal solid waste-to-value-added facilities
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of a novel framework based on a review of market penetration models for energy technologies,
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of a process simulation model for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of a vapor solvent-based oil sands extraction and recovery process
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of a techno-economic model for assessment of vanadium recovery from bitumen upgrading spent catalyst
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of a techno-economic model for the extraction, transportation, upgrading, and shipping of Canadian oil sands products to the Asia-Pacific region
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of an integrated GIS-based MINLP model with economies of scale for electricity generation from waste-to-energy facilities in Western Canada.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
The development of an integrated model for the assessment of water and GHG footprints for the power generation sector
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of data-intensive models for the estimation of GHG intensity, cost and market shares of vehicles in the passenger and freight transportation sectors by 2050
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
The development of data-intensive techno-economic models for the comparison of 5 biomass conversion pathways for the production of renewable natural gas.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
The development of data-intensive techno-economic models for the comparison of renewable natural gas production from six different biomass feedstocks for the decarbonization of energy demand sectors
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of framework for the assessment of long-term energy efficiency options and associated greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in the chemical sector
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of life cycle greenhouse gas emission assessment footprints of novel pathways for the solvent-assisted and solvent-electromagnetic heating oil sands extraction processes
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of net energy ratio and life cycle assessment of large-scale energy storage systems
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The development of process models to evaluate the performance of N-solv, eseieh, and sagd oil sands
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
The development of techno-economic model for the assessment of biorefinery for the production of bio-oil, ethanol, and hydrogen
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
The development of techno-economic models for the assessment of low-carbon hydrogen export from Western Canada to Eastern Canada, the USA, the Asia-Pacific, and Europe
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The greenhouse gas reduction potential and cost-effectiveness of economy-wide hydrogen-natural gas blending for energy end uses
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The life cycle greenhouse gas emission benefits from alternative uses of biofuel coproducts
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
The technical and economic potential for improving energy efficiency in the Canadian pulp and paper sector.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Uncertainty in life cycle GHG emissions of biofuels due to coproduct utilization
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Using proxy models and adaptive sampling to integrate complex engineering models into life cycle assessments of energy systems
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Well-to-tank (WTT) energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the vapor solvent oil sands extraction process
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
What is the production cost of renewable diesel from woody biomass and agricultural residue based on experimentation? A comparative assessment
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Which crudes have the lowest GHG emission intensity? A discussion on perspective
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution