Micro-scale energy harvesting technology in remote communities of Alberta

This research initiative aims at revolutionizing our approach to energy harvesting, extraction and consumption. Energy security and climate change are the essence of politics, economy and engineering of tomorrow. Recent developments in the global stage, showcased by international consensus in G7 and UN Climate Summits, are clear indicators that engineering of new and efficient technologies are important for our future prosperity. The conventional world energy supply lacks the sustainability for a stable Canadian economy and society in the future solely based on fossil fuels. This highlights the need for more innovative and efficient energy extraction technologies related to hydro, wind and solar. This research initiative uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as a tool to study and develop innovative hydropower and wind power technologies that are best suited for Canada. Currently, the Computational Fluid Engineering Laboratory is working towards the development of micro-scale energy extractors using bio-inspired design and modified small turbines with efficiencies over 90%. Moreover, introducing more accurate wind assessment tools and building wake models forms the basis of our wind power research interests in active collaboration with industry partners. Using a combination of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS), Large Eddy Simulations (LES), and Non-linear Eddy Viscosity URANS Models, our research group investigates aerodynamics and hydrodynamics of innovative energy harvesting technologies.

Asymmetry in wake of oscillating foils with combined pitching and heaving motion

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference Proceedings

Can we use the swimming habits of fish for energy harvesting in rivers?

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Characteristics of vortex interactions of tandem wakes in side-by-side configuration

Ahmet Gungor

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

Characterization of bifurcated dipole vortex streets in the wake of an oscillating foil

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Characterization of the wake of large depth-ratio cylinders at low Reynolds numbers

Arash Zargar

Master Thesis

Climate Change, Technology and Policy

Arman Hemmati

Other Event

Coherent structures in the wake of a large depth-ratio wall-mounted rectangular cylinder at high incidence angles

Arman Hemmati, Arash Zargar

Conference Proceedings

Coherent structures in the wake of a long wall-mounted rectangular prism at large incident angles

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Effects of trailing edge shape on vortex formation by pitching panels of small aspect ratio

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Enhanced performance of two-staged vertical axis wind turbines based on bioinspiration from fish school

Arman Hemmati, Muhammad Saif Ullah Khalid

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Evolution of vortex structures in the wake of oscillating foils with multi-degree motion

Suyash Verma

Report, brief, and other forms of grey literature

How are the wake dynamics altered by abrupt changes to the oscillation phase angle?

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Implications of reduced frequency on wake structure of tandem in-line foils

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Implicationsof the trailing edge on swimming performance of Heaving panels

Arman Hemmati

Conference Proceedings

Larger wavelengths suit the hydrodynamics of carangiform swimmers

Arman Hemmati, Muhammad Saif Ullah Khalid

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Microscale Underwater Energy Harvesting

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Mid-cycle phase variations lead to higher stability in swimming fish with side-by-side configuration

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

On the performance scaling of oscillating foils with combined heaving and pitching motions

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance of Overset Mesh in Modeling Generic Wakes for Underwater Swimming

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference Proceedings

Performance of Overset Mesh in Modelling Generic Wakes of sharp-edge bodies

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Performance of Turbulence Models in Simulating Wind Loads on Photovoltaics Modules

Brian Fleck, Carlos Lange, Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Reynolds number effects on the wake structures of pitching panels of small aspect ratio

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Scaling the performance of hydrofoils with combined pitching and heaving motion in underwater swimming

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference Proceedings

Secondary spanwise structures in the wake of oscillating foils

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference Proceedings

The effect of Strouhal number and Reynolds number on the wake of pitching panels in underwater swimming

Arman Hemmati

Conference Proceedings

The effect of pitching frequency on the hydrodynamics of oscillating foils

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The effect of single dielectric barrier discharge actuators in controlling flow over an Ahmed body

Arman Hemmati, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The evolution of large-scale structures in the wake of oscillating teardrop foils

Arman Hemmati

Conference Proceedings

The evolution of secondary structures in the presence of interacting wakes: tandem side-by-side foils

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The implications of separation distance and phase angle on wake dynamics of parallel pitching foils

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor, Muhammad Saif Ullah Khalid

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The implications of two outlet boundary conditions on blood flow simulations in normal aorta of pediatric subjects

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The propulsive performance of side-by-side foils at a range of Re and St

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Conference Proceedings

The scaling of propulsive performance of tandem pitching foils in side-by-side configuration

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The secondary instability in the oblique wake of a large-depth-ratio prism

Arman Hemmati, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The wake symmetry behind tandem side-by-side foils

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The wake topology of a wall-mounted long cylinder at low Reynolds numbers.

Arman Hemmati, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

The wake transitions to unsteadiness at moderate yaw angles for long-rectangular cylinders

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor, Arash Zargar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Three-dimensional instability in the wake of oscillating foils with combined heaving and pitching

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Three-dimensional unsteady wake dynamics of hydrofoils with combined pitching and heaving motions

Arman Hemmati, Suyash Verma

Conference Proceedings

Transition in the wake symmetry of tandem side-by-side oscillating foils.

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Conference Proceedings

Wake dynamics and surface pressure variations on two-dimensional normal flat plates

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wake structures and propulsive performance in heaving panels with a small aspect ratio

Arman Hemmati

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Wake symmetry and its effect on wake swimming synchronization

Arman Hemmati, Ahmet Gungor

Conference Proceedings

Why do anguilliform swimmers perform undulation with wavelengths shorter than their bodylengths?

Arman Hemmati, Muhammad Saif Ullah Khalid

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article