Biobattery - Decentralized Production of Fuel from Forest and Agricultural Waste

Although there are several pyrolysis-based bio-oil technologies, the bio-oil produced from conventional pyrolysis processing has low pH and high viscosity. Most of these technologies focus on large-scale centralized units. The focus of the proposed project is on the development of a decentralized technology at pilot scale through the biobattery concept which includes intermediate pyrolysis of wood chips and straw biomass to produce biojet fuel and char for power generation. The biobattery concept is based on thermo-catalytic reforming (TCR) technology, developed at the Fraunhofer Institute, Germany, for the production of improved quality bio-oil, char, and gases. This project will help commercialize the use of forest and agricultural residue, diversify Alberta’s economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It will also create jobs and train highly skilled personnel and develop integration strategic partnership with Germany.

A comparative techno-economic assessment of fast pyrolysis, hydrothermal liquefaction, and intermediate pyrolysis of municipal solid waste for liquid transportation fuels production

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Wasel-ur Rahman

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Assessment of renewable aviation fuel production potential for Alberta.

Amit Kumar, Maryam Akbari

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Biobattery concept: Decentralized production of fuel from forest biomass, agriculture residue and municipal solid waste

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Larry William Kostiuk, Vinoj Kurian, Wasel-ur Rahman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Temperature Compensation in Microwave Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

Petr Musilek, Nazli Kazemi

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Conversion of biomass and municipal solid waste into renewable jet fuel

Amit Kumar, Wasel-ur Rahman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Decentralized production of fuel from forest and agricultural waste

Amit Kumar

Research Report

Decentralized use of forest biomass, agricultural residue, and municipal solid waste through the biobattery concept

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Larry William Kostiuk, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Development of biomass feedstock inventory for Canadian provinces.

Amit Kumar

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intermediate Pyrolysis of Boreal Forest Residues for Production of Biofuels.

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Vinoj Kurian, Bijay Dhakal

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Intermediate pyrolysis of wheat straw and softwood pellets

Bijay Dhakal

Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation

Interview on the biobattery

Amit Kumar

Interview (Broadcast or Text)

Optimal siting of municipal solid waste-to-energy conversion facilities using a GIS-based framework.

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Techno-economic assessment of introducing intermediate pyrolysis in small community landfills across Alberta

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Wasel-ur Rahman

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

The development of an integrated GIS-based mixed-integer non-linear programming model for waste-to-energy systems in Western Canada. The 36th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management.

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution

Thermo-Catalytic Reforming of Woody Biomass

Master Thesis

Thermo-catalytic reforming of Alberta-based biomass feedstock to produce biofuels

Amit Kumar, Raj Gupta, Vinoj Kurian

Article in professional or trade journals

Thermo-catalytic reforming of Canadian agricultural residues to produce biofuels

Amit Kumar, Vinoj Kurian, Ankit Gupta, Bijay Dhakal

Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution