Publications, Activities, and Awards
- A discounted stochastic multiplayer game approach for vehicle-to-grid voltage regulation
- A ROOT approach for stochastic energy management in electric bus transit center with PV and ESS
- A stochastic game approach for PEV charging station operation in smart grid
- A survey on electric buses - energy storage, power management, and charging scheduling
- A three-layer stochastic energy management approach for electric bus transit centers with PV and energy storage systems
- An MHO Approach for Electric Bus Charging Scheme Optimization Based on Energy Consumption Estimation
- Cooperative neural fitted learning for distributed energy management in microgrids via wireless networks
- False Data Injection Attacks on Smart Grid Voltage Regulation with Stochastic Communication Model
- Stochastic Energy Management of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid
- Stochastic game between cloud broker and cloudlet for mobile cloud computing
- Vehicle-to-grid frequency regulation signal optimization based on inhomogeneous hidden Markov model