Publications, Activities, and Awards
Bitumen Froth Cleaning and Upgrading using Hydrothermal Treatment Plus Hot Filtration
A Janus facilitated transport membrane with asymmetric surface wettability and dense/porous structure: enabling high stability and separation efficiency
A new synthesis process for the mass production of core/shell magnetic beads with tunable and uniform sizes, high magnetic susceptibility, and excellent acid resistance
Asphaltene adsorption on sodium-citrate-modified magnetite nanoparticles
Asphaltene Behaviors and Models
Bio-inspired, facile and scalable surface functionalization approach with small molecules for multitasking oil decontamination
Bitumen Froth Cleaning Using Hydrothermal Treatment Plus Hot Filtration
Bitumen Froth Cleaning Using Hydrothermal Treatment Plus Hot Filtration
Destabilization of Bitumen-coated Fine Solids in Organic Media Induced by Water-assisted Biomolecule Flocculants Extracted from Guar Beans
Effect of charge density of reverse emulsion breaker on demulsification performance for steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) emulsions under high temperature and high pressure
Effects of low-temperature hydrothermal treatment on the properties and removal of fine solids from nonaqueous extraction (NAE) bitumen
Electrodeposition of bitumen-, asphaltene-, or maltene-coated kaolinite from cyclohexane suspensions.
Evaluation of polyethylene hildebrand solubility parameter evolution with temperature.
Facile and scalable surface functionalization approach with small silane molecules for oil/water separation and demulsification of surfactant/asphaltenes-stabilized emulsions
Fine solids removal from NAE bitumen by surface functionalized magnetic particles
High Molecular Weight Guar Gum Assisted Settling of Fine Solids in Diluted Bitumen: Effect of Solvents
High-efficiency and Durable Removal of Water-in-Heavy Oil Emulsions Enabled by Delignified and Carboxylated Basswood with Zwitterionic Nanohydrogel Coatings
In-Situ Hot Filtration of Bitumen Streams to Produce Dry and Solids-Free Bitumen Product
In-Situ Hot Filtration of Hydrothermally Upgraded Bitumen Products
Innovative Process for Bitumen Froth Cleaning Using Hydrothermal Treatment Plus Hot Filtration
Interfacial Behavior and Interaction Mechanism of Pentol/Water Interface Stabilized with Asphaltenes
Kaolinite surface charges developed in cyclohexane suspension with dissolved Span 80 or bitumen: Electrodeposition and adsorption/desorption studies.
Microwave-assisted remediation of non-aqueous oil sands gangue: effects of solvent, fines, and water content.
Novel polymer nanoparticles with core-shell structure for breaking asphaltenes-stabilized W/O and O/W emulsions
Probing Molecular Interactions of Bitumen-coated Mineral Solids in Organic Solvents
Probing the Interaction Mechanism between Air Bubbles and Bitumen Surfaces in Aqueous Media Using Bubble Probe Atomic Force Microscopy
Probing the interactions between Pickering emulsion droplets stabilized with pH-responsive nanoparticles
Probing the interactions between Pickering emulsion droplets with pH-responsive nanoparticles
Probing the Surface Forces between Air Bubbles and Bitumen via Direct Force Measurements: Effects of Aqueous Chemistry
Removal of fine solids from bitumen by hetero-aggregation and magnetic separation using surface-modified magnetite nanoparticles. Part I: Proof of concept.
Removal of fine solids from bitumen by hetero-aggregation and magnetic separation using surface-modified magnetite nanoparticles. Part II: role of surface modification
Removal of Fine Solids from Bitumen by Polymer Flocculants during Non-aqueous Extraction of Oil Sands
Removal of hydrophobic bitumen-coated fine solids from bitumen using water droplets with amphiphilic chemicals during non-aqueous extraction of oil sands
Removal of hydrophobic bitumen-coated fine solids from NAE bitumen using guar gum
Removal of hydrophobic bitumen-coated fine solids from NAE bitumen using water droplets with modified interfacial chemistry and bio-inspired polymers
Solubility of selected polymers in cyclohexane: comparison between Flory-Huggins interaction parameters calculated using three different molecular dynamics simulation approaches
Stabilization Mechanism and Chemical Demulsification of Water-in-Oil and Oil-in-Water Emulsions in Petroleum Industry: A Review
Surface Interaction Mechanisms in Mineral Flotation: Fundamentals, Measurements, and Perspectives
Surface Interaction Mechanisms of Air Bubbles, Asphaltenes and Oil Drops in Aqueous Solutions with Implications for Interfacial Engineering Processes
Surface-modified magnetite nanoparticles for fine solids removal from non-aqueous extracted bitumen
Techniques for treating slop oil in oil and gas industry: A short review
The solubility of non-polar polymers in cyclohexane: molecular dynamics estimation of the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter.
The temperature dependence of the Hildebrand solubility parameter of selected hydrocarbon polymers and hydrocarbon solvents: a molecular dynamics investigation.
Tunning water ionicity in water-assisted settling of bituminous fine solids.
Understanding the Complex Interfacial Behaviors and Molecular Interaction Mechanisms of Asphaltenes at the Oil/Water/Solid Interfaces
Understanding the Interfacial Behaviors and Molecular Interaction Mechanisms of Asphaltenes Using Experimental and Theoretical Methods
Understanding the Properties of Bitumen Froth from Oil Sands Surface Mining and Treatment of Water-in-oil Emulsions
Water-mediated adhesion of oil sands on solid surfaces at low temperature