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Gehman, Joel


Joel Gehman is Professor of Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Management and the Alberta School of Business Chair in Free Enterprise. He studies the strategies and practices organizations pursue in response to concerns related to sustainability and values, and how concerns related to sustainability and values impact technology innovation and institutional policies and vice versa. His work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Studies, Research Policy, and many others. Ongoing research examines these issues in the context of shale gas drilling, hydraulic fracturing patents, social benefit corporations, multinational divestitures, climate change, energy risk perspectives, and organizational codes of conduct, among others. He previously spent 13 years in industry as an entrepreneur, manager and executive in the areas of management consulting, business development, technology management, and marketing strategy. He graduated from Cornell University (B.S.) and the Pennsylvania State University (Ph.D.).

Gehman, Joel

Publications, Activities, and Awards

  • AI4Buzz.ca - A Toolkit For Analyzing Online Conversations for Solutions Based Policy Development
  • Analyzing and Visualizing Twitter Conversations
  • Cost analysis of wastewater production from conventional and unconventional oil and gas wells
  • Creative sentencing improves workplace safety: Why don’t we use it more?
  • Eckert, H., Lefsrud, L.M., Zhao, L. & Gehman, J. 2022 Creative Sentencing and Workplace Safety.
  • Energy Futures: Moving Forward by Overcoming Legacies of the Past
  • Lefsrud, L.M., Gutierrez, C.G.*, Gehman, J., Barbosa, D., Stroulia, E. 2022. Energy to Contest? Emotional and multimodal contestation of energy markets. Sub-theme 42: Markets for Sustainability: Evolving Challenges, Imperfections, and Trade-offs
  • Most Cited Paper
  • Remaking Worth: A Process Study of Transformation of Institutional Logics
  • Social License to Operate: Legitimacy by Another Name?
  • SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, Enhancing Regulatory Effectiveness and Corporate Performance
  • Using BP Neural Networks to Prioritize Risk Management Approaches for China’s Unconventional Shale Gas Industry
  • What Are Institutional Logics Worth? How Values Anchor the Effects of Logics on Organizations
  • What Are Logics Worth? Creating and Transforming Values via Mutability and Transposability
  • What Are Logics Worth? Mutability and Transposability as Alternative Pathways of Transforming Institutional Logics