Project Files
Jacob H Masliyah Graduate Award in Oil Sands Engineering
Jacob H Masliyah Graduate Award in Oil Sands Engineering
Mary Louise Graduate Student Award
A Molecular Dynamics Approach towards the Interfacial Properties of Sulfide- and Clay-Minerals
Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation
A Molecular Dynamics Study on the Wettability of Kaolinite Surfaces in Contact with a Water-Cyclohexane Mixture
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
A Molecular Dynamics Study on the Wettability of Kaolinite Surfaces in Contact with a Water-Cyclohexane Mixture
Other Event
Affinity of Inorganic and Organic Ions to the Aqueous-Cyclohexane Interface in and out of a Confined Environment
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Biodegradation of cyclohexane qnd cylopentane in FFT under methanogenic conditions
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Biodegradation of cyclohexane under different redox conditions.
Other Event
Co-metabolic Degradation of Cyclohexane under Aerobic and Methanogenic Conditions
Other Event
Cometabolic degradation of cyclohexane in the presence of ammonium
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Comparison between the kinetics of cyclohexane absorption and desorption for heterogeneous bitumen nanofilms
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Effect of Confinement on the Adsorption Behavior of Inorganic and Organic Ions at Aqueous-Cyclohexane Interfaces: A Molecular Dynamics Study,
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Effect of the Substrate Hydrophilicity on the Absorption Kinetics of Cyclohexane in Bitumen Nanofilms
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Evaluation of polyethylene hildebrand solubility parameter evolution with temperature.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Gravimetric Study of Cyclohexane Transport in Nanoscale Bitumen Films
Doctoral Thesis/Dissertation
Interface of Ion-Containing Aqueous and Organic Phases within and out of Confinement
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Limitations on the Residual Solvent Recovery Imposed By the Gangue Characteristics
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Mass Uptake Dynamics and Diffusivity of Cyclohexane Vapor in Nano-Scale Bitumen Films Coated on Substrates with Different Degrees of Hydrophobicity
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Microwave Heating of Non-Aqueous Oil Sands Extraction Gangue: Study of Optimal Cyclohexane-Water Mass Ratio and Solvent Recovery Rate
Master Thesis
Microwave Heating of Water and Cyclohexane – A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
Master Thesis
Microwave-assisted remediation of non-aqueous oil sands gangue: effects of solvent, fines, and water content.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
New Computational Chemistry Methods, Database and Challenges: an Overview
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
On the impact of drought-induced abiotic stress on the composition of Douglas-fir lignin for valorization
Master Thesis
Perspectives: what the future holds for us
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
Recovery of Cyclohexane from Oil Sands Gangue Using Microwave: Influence of Fine Particles
Master Thesis
Role of Composition of Cyclohexane-Extracted Gangue on its Drying at Ambient Conditions
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Role of Composition of Cycolhexane-Extracted Gangue on its Drying at Ambient Conditions
Master Thesis
Salt-induced Phase-separation of Water and Cyclohexane within a Kaolinite Nanopore: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Solubility of selected polymers in cyclohexane: comparison between Flory-Huggins interaction parameters calculated using three different molecular dynamics simulation approaches
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Solvent Recovery from NAE Gangue
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
The Effect of Convective Currents on the Drying of Reconstituted Alberta Oil Sands Gangue
Master Thesis
The solubility of non-polar polymers in cyclohexane: molecular dynamics estimation of the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter.
Conference/Symposium/Workshop Contribution
The temperature dependence of the Hildebrand solubility parameter of selected hydrocarbon polymers and hydrocarbon solvents: a molecular dynamics investigation.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Thickness Dependence of the Diffusivity and Solubility of Cyclohexane in Nanoscale Bitumen Films
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article