Publications, Activities, and Awards
A comparative techno-economic assessment of fast pyrolysis, hydrothermal liquefaction, and intermediate pyrolysis of municipal solid waste for liquid transportation fuels production
A review of Canadian wood conversion technologies for the production of fuels and chemicals
An Integrated GIS-based framework for optimal siting of biorefineries
Analyzing the techno-economic aspects of co-processing fast pyrolysis bio-oil with conventional vacuum gas oil for the production of liquid fuels.
Artificial neural network model for predicting pressure drop in pipeline hydro transportation of agricultural residues.
Assessment of biomass resource in China and Canada and the potential for bilateral biomass trade for co-firing
Biobattery concept: Decentralized production of fuel from forest biomass, agriculture residue and municipal solid waste
Comparison of frictional behaviour and techno-economics of agricultural residue biomass in ascending and descending pipes
Comparison of maize stover and wheat straw slurry flow in vertical pipes
Comparison of vertical hydro-transport of lignocellulosic biomass with conventional solids
Decentralized use of forest biomass, agricultural residue, and municipal solid waste through the biobattery concept
Evaluation of particle size, shape and specific energy consumption during hammer milling of wheat straw and softwood residues.
Experimental investigation of agricultural residue biomass-water slurry flows in inclined and vertical pipelines
Experimental investigation of terminal settling velocity of biomass particles in Newtonian fluid.
Experimental study on two-phase (solid-liquid) flows of ground wheat straw in inclined pipes
Frictional behaviour of wheat straw-water suspensions in vertical upward flows
Hydro-transport of lignocellulosic biomass through inclined pipelines.
Hydrothermal liquefaction of pipelined biomass for fuel production
Intermediate Pyrolysis of Boreal Forest Residues for Production of Biofuels.
Optimal siting of municipal solid waste-to-energy conversion facilities using a GIS-based framework.
Pelletization of Three Municipal Solid Waste Streams: Digestate, Source Separated Organics and Refuse Derived Fuel for Use in a Biorefinery
Prediction of the frictional behaviour for pipeline hydro transportation of agricultural residue using a neural network model
Raw biomass slurry flow in an inclined pipeline for its transport over a long distance to a biorefinery
Scale up of pipeline hydro-transportation of agricultural and forestry residues.
Scale up study on pipeline hydro-transportation of agricultural and forestry residues
Techno-economic assessment of co-processing of fast pyrolysis bio-oil with fossil fuel derived vacuum gas oil
Techno-economic assessment of introducing intermediate pyrolysis in small community landfills across Alberta
The development of a framework through the integration of a geographical information system and the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for the selection of optimal sites for the location of municipal solid waste-to-value-added facilities
The development of an integrated GIS-based mixed-integer non-linear programming model for waste-to-energy systems in Western Canada. The 36th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management.
The development of empirical correlations to understand the frictional behavior of aqueous biomass slurry flows in vertical pipes
The effect of particle size and concentration on the frictional behavior of vertical upward flows of wheat straw aqueous slurries
Thermo-catalytic reforming of Alberta-based biomass feedstock to produce biofuels
Thermo-catalytic reforming of Canadian agricultural residues to produce biofuels
Two-phase (solid-liquid) flows of agricultural residue biomass in inclined pipes.